Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

AAA-Non-Sports Blogs

08/23/14 – Reminder about Interrupted Football Games

Athletic Department Blog Updates

In light of the large number of calls and texts on night 1 of high school football and in light of the vast amount of turnover in athletic administrators and coaches, a reminder about the Competition Rules is in order. Interrupted games are not new, usually it’s lightning, last night it was about every possible variation of bad weather. Just a couple of reminders, and probably the last sentence in the tournament rules is the main point to keep in mind, “All involved shall remember that this situation is caused by elements such as weather that are uncontrollable by anyone, and keep the discussions in that perspective.”

  • Per the playing rules, there is no such thing as a “no-contest”. Period. So if the contest begins, the interrupted games procedure is in place.
  • Once a contest begins, then the game counts against the allowable number of games. Only if the contest does not begin can the game be […]


08/22/14 – KHSAA Licensed Officials Vendors

Officials Division Blog Updates

Four years ago the KHSAA opened the door to multiple uniform vendors for our officials convenience in price and in location. Please help us honor the contracts these vendors have agreed to, adhered to, and pay for as they are proud to be the officials vendors for the KHSAA and the community of officials in Kentucky.

As we begin the school year we wanted to remind our officials of the listing of KHSAA licensed vendors. These vendors pay a licensing fee to the KHSAA to be allowed to use the KHSAA trademarked logo that is required for several official apparel items required by the KHSAA. The use of any other vendor is prohibited as those vendor are not licensed to print or embroider the KHSAA logo.

We also remind you that “retro fitting” or adding the logo to an existing uniform item is no longer allowed.  Our vendors know this and have been adhering to this policy. […]


08/22/14 – Heat Index Reminder, All Sports but Particularly Football Contests Played 8/22 and 8/23

Athletic Department Blog Updates

With tonight being the first permissible night for football contests, this notice and directive is important to help ensure the health and safety of the competitors. Due to the extremely low temperatures that have existed throughout most of fall practice, it is possible that many athletes are not properly acclimatized to the wearing of gear in hot weather, in spite of meeting the required number of days.

Out of an abundance of caution, and respect for the safety of the competitors, coaches and game officials, football officials are directed to take the NFHS permissible heat time-outs during each quarter of each game played on August 22 and August 23 if the ambient temperature at the playing site is 80 degrees or higher (temperature not heat index). The time-out should be implemented much like a media time-out, and it is recommended that it be taken at the first dead ball after the 7 min. mark on the […]


08/21/14 – HYPE Student Leadership Conferences Take Place Next Week

2014-2015 News Releases


The 14th Annual HYPE KHSAA Student Leadership Conference will be conducted next week in Lexington and Bowling Green. The conference is a free service provided by the Association for student-athletes to learn teamwork exercises and sportsmanship initiatives, and discuss current issues.

The first conference will be held Monday, Aug. 25 at the Lexington Convention Center, followed by the second seminar on Tuesday, Aug. 26 at the Knicely Conference Center in Bowling Green. This year’s event marks the fourth since the HYPE Student Leadership Conference was split into two meetings to better accommodate students across the Commonwealth.

“We are one of about twenty-five states that conduct a similar student conference, but one of only a handful that provide the service free of charge,” said Associate Commissioner Butch Cope. “We try to provide activities and sessions that students can take back and put […]


08/21/14 – Scoreboard/Rosters/Statistics Reminder

Athletic Department Blog Updates

With the 2014-15 school year underway, not to mention a large number of administrators and coaches holding new positions across the state, now is a good time to pass along a few reminders for the fall sports season in regards to schedules, statistics and rosters.

The KHSAA/ Scoreboard is provided as a service to schools, student-athletes, media members and the general public. The most frequent complaint we hear from the media, general public and our own membership is that the scoreboard contains inaccurate schedules and rosters, as this is often the tool the media uses to cover your programs and this information provides tremendous promotional benefit to your students and school community. It is the responsibility of each school to keep their schedules and rosters current and accurate throughout the year as has previously been detailed by the Commissioner.

At your earliest convenience, […]


08/16/14 – Reminder about Carryover Ejections from 2013-2014

Athletic Department Blog Updates

In several unfortunate situations each year, coaches or athletes with eligibility remaining are ejected near the end of the season, or near the end of the season for violations of Bylaw 15, Sportsmanships. Please note that when that happens, the penalty carries to the next year if the student-athlete remains enrolled, and to the new school if the coach changes jobs/schools. 

Please note all rules related to player/coach ejections, including the provisions for varsity and non-varsity ejections, are listed at, and a complete list from 2013-2014 is listed on the KHSAA website at You will need to review this listing to ensure that you properly require athletes and coaches to miss the required contests if in fact they were ejected. 

Also note that being ineligible for scrimmages (sitting out) does NOT satisfy any penalty, such must be served at the varsity contest level.

If you have specific questions, please contact Michael Barren ( […]


08/12/14 – North Hardin’s Webb, Bryan Station’s Broadnax Named Kentucky Track & Field Coaches of the Year By USTFCCCA

2014-2015 News Releases


The U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) today announced the state-by-state winners of its inaugural High School Coach of the Year award. One boys coach and one girls coach were chosen from each of the 50 states for their success during the 2014 season, with North Hardin’s James Webb (boys) and Bryan Station’s Kathy Broadnax (girls) receiving the honor for Kentucky.

Webb guided North Hardin to its second-straight KHSAA boys’ 3A state title in 2014, while Broadnax led Bryan Station to the girls’ 3A state title – the program’s first girls’ track and field championship since 1988.

The winners from each state, as chosen by a committee of experts from around the country, will be considered for the USTFCCCA’s first-ever National High School Coach of the Year award – announced later this month.

“We’ve established a […]


08/11/14 – Middle School Students Repeating Options and Age Requirements for Interscholastic Participation


The following is related SOLELY to interscholastic play for grades 5-8 students in grades 6 through 8 play.

Through the completion of the 2014-2015 school year, policies regarding the participation of repeating students at the levels of play below high school interscholastic athletics (below grade nine(9)) shall be determined by the school council pursuant to KRS 160.345 (2) (i).

Effective with the 2015-2016 school year, policies regarding the participation of repeating students at the levels of play below high school interscholastic athletics shall be implemented pursuant to 702 KAR 7:065 as follows:

  • Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year and thereafter, require that no student enrolled initially in grade (5) through grade (8) during the 2015-2016 school year or thereafter who is repeating a grade for any reason be eligible to compete in interscholastic competition involving students enrolled in grades six (6) through eight (8) while repeating a grade;
  • Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, […]


08/11/14 – Reminder on “Fall Ball” and Facilities

Athletic Department Blog Updates

With the start of a new school year, it’s a good time to remind schools about recent changes in KHSAA Bylaws, and we wanted to remind Administrators and Baseball/Softball Coaches about issues around offseason play (“Fall Ball”) and school facilities.

Bylaw 23, which defines the season and allowable play, was amended at the Annual Meeting in 2012 (approved by member school administrators by a vote of 194-12-1) and changes were approved through the regulatory process and published in the 2013-14 KHSAA Handbook. The primary element of this change was a restriction in the use of school facilities by enrolled student-athletes outside of the season.

This restriction is during the school year, but outside the defined limitation of season where coaches (head/assistant) may not coach players in organized competition on the campus of a member school if such competition involves at least fifty (50) percent of the normal playing squad (5 or more for baseball and […]


08/11/14 – Handbook Final Revisions in Progress

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This notice to all interested parties. The 2014-15 Handbook is in final process with the final adjustments being made to directory listings, records and published interpretations. The Handbook documents in final form should be published by Friday, August 15, 2014 and an email will be sent to all school representatives with that notice. Until that time, you might notice broken links, missing information, and the relevant sections being posted piece by piece through the week.

Thanks for your patience during this annual project!


08/08/14 – Reminders Regarding Bylaw 9 and Play Once School Starts

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Bylaw 9 has been in place for many years, and restricts players in basketball and football, who have not yet both been in grade nine and played for a high school team at some level,  from playing in outside competition once the school year begins, and until the end of the season. There has been no change to that rule proposed by the member schools of the KHSAA for a number of years.

For the past two years, due to NCAA recruiting rules, the KHSAA has allowed an interpretative fall exception weekend to Bylaw 9. This exception allowed male student-athletes who had previously played for a boys’ team to request permission to attend one event in the fall where competition is held. The interpretative exception was made to coincide with NCAA Division I rules and the allowable recruiting periods.

This year, based on changes to NCAA Division I Bylaw 13.7.2, the NCAA fall recruiting period […]


08/08/14 – Title IX Workshops Open to Middle School Administrators

Middle School Blog Updates and Information

As part of the regulation on Middle School athletics, Middle School Administrators are invited to attend the regional KHSAA High School Data and Title IX Seminars.  

While the vast majority of content for these meetings is for High School Administrators, attendance for Middle School Administrators is for informational purposes only with regard to Title IX. All other elements of the meeting are for High School Administrators.  These sessions will begin just after 8 a.m. and continue through 12:30 p.m. 

A final schedule for each day will be sent to all registered attendees and posted on the KHSAA website. 

The first of these workshops will be held on Wednesday, August 20 at Bishop Brossart High School in Alexandria. This workshop is NOT required. 

You may complete the registration form for this meeting at It is important that you register in advance so that we may be better prepared for your arrival.

If you […]


08/06/14 – Commissioner’s Response to Home School Proposal

2014-2015 News Releases


Commissioner’s Response to Home School Proposal

“Following the announcement of the bill introduced by Representative Stan Lee (R-Lexington) on Tuesday, our office has received a number of phone calls and emails from media members seeking comment. While this bill was originally reported as a measure to allow home schooled children to play athletics at the middle and high school level, the actual details are much more impactful to education-based athletics and its impact much more pervasive on our member schools. As it is currently drafted, the bill would fundamentally alter high school athletics in the state, as it would allow all nonpublic school student-athletes to attend a nonpublic school and yet compete for public schools at their discretion, if the school in which they are attending (including home school) didn’t offer a specific extracurricular activity.

This proposed act is particularly different […]


08/06/14 – Reminders and Updates – Online roster system

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Based on the number of calls that we have received concerning the start of the school year roster initialization and the eligibility and roster requirement, we wanted to send a brief clarification. Please contact IT Director Rob Catron ( at the KHSAA if you have specific questions. 

First, concerning the Initilization of your schools overall athlete list (Manage Overall Athletic Roster – direct link: The two most common questions that we have received:

  • I have students on this list master list that are not currently participating in a sport – should I remove them; otherwise, won’t it affect my Title IX counts if I don’t? ANSWER: No, it is not necessary, nor recommended that you remove students from your overall athlete list that are not currently playing sports. They may choose to play a sport later in their high school career (or even later in this school year in a different sport season). […]


08/05/14 – 2014-2015 Athletic Administrators Meetings, Including Title IX

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This reminder is for all member school Superintendents, Principals and Athletic Directors within the KHSAA.

For the fall of 2014, the KHSAA is again scheduling an Athletic Administrator Workshop in eight areas of the state. The content for this non-mandatory workshop will include instructional sessions on managing the coach and player data for your school, an update on the operations and projects around the KHSAA and many elements related to Title IX and those required reports and functions. These sessions will begin just after 8 a.m. and continue through 12:30 p.m. Based on evaluative feedback, we will continue through the morning and end around 12:30 to allow for the host school to easily accommodate the end of the school day, and the attendees to get on the road.

A final schedule for each day will be sent to all registered attendees. This session would be invaluable for all ADs as they familiarize or re-familiarize themselves with […]


08/05/14 – KHSAA Participation Numbers Released for 2013-14; Sport-Activities See Significant Increase

2014-2015 News Releases


Despite the consolidation of three schools prior to the 2013-14 academic year, participation across Kentucky rose by 2.4 percent in 2013-14, with nearly 50,000 student-athletes occupying a total of 78,687 roster spots on KHSAA-sponsored sport and sport-activity teams. Football remains the most popular sport in the state in terms of individual participation, with 13,801 competitors (13 girls) playing for 221 schools – an increase of 486 students over the prior year.

The sport-activities of Archery, Bass Fishing and Bowling all saw significant growth in 2013-14. In their second years as KHSAA-sponsored activities, Archery and Bass Fishing were added by 30 and 14 additional schools, respectively. Student participation grew by 34.9 percent in Archery, with an increase of 1,051 students bringing the total participation to 3,012 student-athletes. Bass Fishing, meanwhile, saw a 78 percent increase in individual participation, as the number of student-athletes rose from 346 in 2012-13 to 616 in 2013-14.

Bowling […]


08/04/14 – HYPE Student Conference Registration Now Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Registration for the 2014 KHSAA HYPE/Student Leadership Conferences is now open and available online. To register, click here.

LEXINGTON – Monday, August 25 – 8 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. (ET) 
BOWLING GREEN – Tuesday, Aug. 26 – 8 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. (CT)

LEXINGTON – Lexington Center (next to Rupp Arena)
BOWLING GREEN – Knicely Conference Center

There is no registration fee. The conference is put on as a service of the KHSAA and conference sponsors.

Transportation to and from the event will be the responsibility of the local school.

Any lodging required will be the responsibility of the local school.

For the Lexington Conference, lunch will be on your own at the Food Court inside the Lexington Center Shops (Arby’s, Subway, A&W, etc.). For the Bowling Green Conference, lunch will be required at the venue with a box lunch style on site ($10 each).

Conference materials […]


08/04/14 – Volleyball Rules Clinic Now Online

Officials Division Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Volleyball is now online for all coaches (head and assistant) and licensed officials. 

August 4 to September 1 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.

August 4 to September 7 (Coaches) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.

September 2 to September 28 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.

September 8 to October 5 (Coaches) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.

September 29 to October 19 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($300) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After […]


08/04/14 – Competitive Cheer Rules Clinic Now Online

Cheer Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Competitive Cheer is now online for all coaches (head and assistant) and licensed judges (officials). 

August 4 to September 1 (Officials) – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.

August 4 to September 7 (Coaches) – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.

September 2 to September 28 (Officials) – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.

September 8 to October 5 (Coaches) – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.

September 29 to October 24 (Officials) – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($300) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during […]


07/01/2014 – DQ Policy – Policy on Reinstatement of Disqualified Athletes/Coaches

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Case BL-15-6- What is the member school obligation in the case of an unreported disqualification?

  • KHSAA member school representatives are obligated to impose the minimum suspension penalty for the ejection per these published guidelines, even in those rare cases when an ejection is not reported in a timely manner, including ejections which occur during out of state contests or those during school breaks. School administrators should contact the Association office with any questions.
  • Whether or not a timely report is received, the obligation of the member school administration is to adhere to the penalty provisions.

Case BL-15-7- If a coach or other non-player is ejected from a scrimmage or contest, how long is the suspension and what may occur during the suspension?

  • (1) The suspension is considered immediate and indefinite when the ejection occurrs. 
  • (2) The suspension is in effect for any further interscholastic competition on that day. (i.e., the freshman […]


07/28/14 – Cordia High School Receives Sanctions From KHSAA; Boys’ Basketball Team Suspended From Play in 2014-15

2014-2015 News Releases


The Kentucky High School Athletic Association has handed down sanctions to Cordia High School following a nearly yearlong investigation for violations of KHSAA bylaws including Bylaw 1 (Responsibility of Eligibility), Bylaw 4 (Enrollment Requirements), Bylaw 6 (Transfer Rule-Citizens of the U.S. or U.S. Territories), Bylaw 7 (Transfer Rule-Foreign Exchange Students), Bylaw 11 (Financial Aid), Bylaw 16 (Recruitment/Undue Influence), Bylaw 23 (Limitation of Season) and Bylaw 25 (Requirements for Coaches).

Among the penalties imposed by the Commissioner are:

  • Suspension of the Cordia HS boys’ basketball team from playing scrimmages or contests during the 2014-15 regular and postseason, as well as the 2016 postseason. During its suspension, the school would be permitted to conduct regular season practices from October 15 until the first allowable day for district tournament play. Included in this penalty is […]


07/27/14 – Reminder about Changes in Scrimmage Regulations and Playing Teams from Outside the United States

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Two changes have been made for the 2014-2015 school year. One affects preseason scrimmages and what teams can be played by the KHSAA member schools, and the second change affects foreign teams coming into Kentucky to play our member schools in any sport.

Change in Scrimmage opponents

After a  lengthy review, primarily related to scrimmages, and primarily for catastrophic insurance purposes, as well as potential issues with the liability insurance of the individual schools and districts, Kentucky teams may not scrimmage against teams that do not represent member schools. This restriction is identical to the restriction for contests and is a revised interpretation for 2014-15 that was supported in Board of Control action at the May meeting. Member schools cannot compete in scrimmages against out of state non-member schools, out of country non-school teams, local clubs, alumni groups, or any other type of non-member school team. 

Because this change is effective for the 2014-15 school […]


07/27/14 – Welcome Back to all Member Schools

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Welcome back for the 2014-2015 School Year!

We hope you have a great, if not far too short, summer and are ready to get going for 2014-2015. There are a great many changes for 2014-15. In many cases, we will be sending those to you in short snippets instead of one long email, so that you can forward as necessary. As always our staff remains available to assist you in any way they can.

Before any work begins on rosters for the 2014-15 year, a person in the school with Athletic Director level access  must initialize rosters as detailed below before rosters can be updated and subsequently, rosters and statistics entered. Keep in mind that the online roster data forms the basis of your schools in-season roster, as well as both your school’s Title IX report and annual participation lists that are due in April. Many of these pieces will be repeated as individual emails […]


07/25/14 – July, 2014 Board of Control Meeting Review

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The following is a review of the items discussed at the July, 2014 KHSAA Board of Control Meeting and the status of those issues. The Board meets six times per year, and each time, the membership will be updated as far as actions by the Board. While many of them attempt to communicate with you on a regular basis, I also want the schools informed of a consistent summary. All documents related to this meeting can be found online at

BOARD MEETING – July 14, 2014

Following the completion of the required orientation for new Board members, the Board meeting began with a discussion about the Board’s operational format. Following the discussion, the Board voted to suspend the use of separate committees for Board action (with the exception of an Executive and Audit/Finance Committee) and use a work session format where assurances can be made that all regions will be represented on all of […]


07/23/14 – Bylaw 6 Transfer Form Reminder

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As part of the recently approved changes to the Bylaws that have been given final legislative approval, Bylaw 6 has been revised to reflect the past action of the Delegate Assembly and these revisions change the period of ineligibility for students who had previously played varsity athletics after being in grade nine (9). A student who has played varsity after being in grade nine (9) and then transfers to another school was previously ineligible in all levels of all sports for one calendar year from the date of enrollment. Under the newly approved changes to Bylaw 6, the student is now ineligible for one calendar year from the date of his/her last varsity participation.

In certain cases, because this information is required to be submitted on the receiving school portion of the transfer form, this will require additional research on the part of the receiving school to determine the accurate information. To date, the office […]


07/22/14 – Reminder about Changes to Bylaw 3, Limit of Four Years Enrollment

Athletic Department Blog Updates

By virtue of action taken at the 2013 KHSAA Annual meeting of its high school membership, Bylaw 3 was amended to change the starting date for the four-year period of eligibility to the student’s first entry in grade nine. Previously, the rule stated that the start of the four-year period started with the first promotion from grade eight(8). This change is effective August 1, 2014 with the other changes to the KHSAA Bylaws.

It is possible, that there are student athletes who were previously thought to be ineligible for 2014-2015 (due to exhausting their four year period after initial promotion from grade eight) that are now in fact eligible as the four year count didn’t start until entry in grade nine. For example, a current senior in 2014-2015 spent 2013-2014 as a junior, 2012-2013 as a sophomore, 2011-2012 as a freshman. This student was first promoted from grade 8 in 2009-2010, but for whatever reason, […]


07/22/14 – “Grandfathered” List Published for Students Below Grade Seven

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This reminder to all member schools. Effective with the start of the 2013-2014 school year, 702 KAR 7:065 was amended to prohibit students below seven (7) from playing high school competition (at any level). The implementation date of the prohibition is the start of the 2014-2015 school year, and those students who had previously participated are to be “grandfathered” in to the new rule. This change is also incorporated into KHSAA Bylaw 4.

On the secure KHSAA site, (bottom left, just above the Football Officials Assignments links), there are links to two important lists. The first of those lists is the list of students who participated in some level of high school play while enrolled in grade 4 during the 2012-2013 school year. The second is the list of students who participated in some level of high school play in grades 4 or 5 during the 2013-2014 school year. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE LISTS […]


07/22/14 – Rosters Reset, Ready for 2014-15, Reminders about Requirements for Eligibility

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Welcome back for the 2014-2015 School Year!

Before any work begins for the 2014-15 year, a person in the school with Athletic Director level access  must initialize rosters as detailed below before rosters can be updated and subsequently, rosters and statistics entered. Keep in mind that the online roster data forms the basis of your schools in-season roster, as well as both your school’s Title IX report and annual participation lists that are due in April. Many of these pieces will be repeated as individual emails over the coming days as a reminder.

Eligibility and Roster Requirement
No student is eligible to participate in a contest or scrimmage IN ANY SPORT if they are not currently listed on the school roster online. No other paper or electronic form may substitute. Beginning with 2014-2015, the roster requirement will be enforced with administrative penalties including fines and other actions within the constraints of Bylaw 27.

Video Summary […]


07/21/14 – Football Individual Minimum Practice Reminder

Athletic Department Blog Updates

With the change back to August 1 for the first day of practice in pads (anything other than shoulder pads, following the minimum three days of helmets only and minimum of three days of helmets and shoulder pads), several coaches have inquired about the minimum number of days before playing against another school.

The rule states: “Each player, in order to be eligible to participate against another school and to become acclimatized and acclimated, shall have taken part in a minimum of three (3) practices over three (3) days in helmets only, three (3) practices in helmet and shoulder pads over three (3) days followed by five (5) contact practices over five days.”

Each player is required to have five days of practice in full pads (anything than shoulder pads and helmets) before going against another school. The rule continues to require the phase-in of these days as listed above. 



07/17/14 – NFHS Rules News Release and Pole Vault Collar Reminder

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The NFHS released the following rules changes for the 2014-2015 season.  We wanted to share this information with you as the lifting of the jewelry restriction will go into effect immediately, including the fall 2014 Cross Country season, as it is a rule change by the NFHS.

Also, a reminder for those schools who have pole vault facilities that the ASTM approved collar for last year is now a requirement for the 2014-2015 season. 

 Prohibition of Jewelry Lifted in High School Track and Field

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                   Contact: Becky Oakes

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (July 14, 2014) — Effective with the 2015 high school track and field season, the prohibition of jewelry will be eliminated. This was one of several rules changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Track and Field Rules Committee at its June 16-18 meeting in Indianapolis. The committee’s recommendations were subsequently approved by the NFHS […]


07/15/14 – Board of Control Recommends Use of Protective Head Gear in Softball; Makes Football Alignment Adjustment

2014-2015 News Releases

Board of Control Recommends Use of Protective Head Gear in Softball; Makes Football Alignment Adjustment


The Board of Control conducted its first meeting of the 2014-15 academic year at the Bank of Kentucky Center in Northern Kentucky on Monday morning. Among the action taken during Monday’s meeting, the Board passed a proposal recommending the use of protective headgear for certain positions in fastpitch softball, finalized specific site selection for the 2014 state soccer tournament, and upheld an appeal by Hazard in regards to the 2015-18 football alignment.

With a growing concern to player safety in fastpitch softball, the Board addressed the issue of face/head protection. NFHS Rule 1-8-4 states that defensive players are permitted to wear face/head protection in the field. The Board of Control, based on a proposal from staff, a review of available injury data from the NFHS RIO […]


2014-2015 KHSAA Board of Control

Board of Control Working 2014-15

  • Carrell Boyd
    President, 2014-2015
    Director, 2013-2017
    Caldwell County Schools
    Regions 1-2
    Email this Member

  • Jeff Saylor
    President-Elect, 2014-2015
    Director, 2012-2016
    Program Supervisor
    Bell County Schools
    Regions 13-14
    Email this Member

  • John Barnes
    Director, 2013-2017
    Assistant Principal
    Bryan Station High School
    Regions 9-16
    Email this Member

  • Bill Beasley
    Director, 2012-2016
    KDE Appointed Member
    Private Enterprise
    Email this Member

  • Kimberly Parker-Brown
    Director, 2013-2017
    KDE Appointed Member
    Faculty, Midway College
    Email this Member

  • Donna Bumps
    Director, 2013-2016
    Bowling Green
    Muhlenberg County High School
    Regions 1-8

2014-2015 KHSAA Board of Control Meeting Dates

Board of Control Working 2014-15


July 13-14, 2014 (Annual Institute and Orientation), Northern KY
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 (KHSAA)
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 (KHSAA)
Wednesday, January 28, 2015 (KHSAA)
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 (KHSAA)
Tuesday/Wednesday, May 12-13, 2015 (KHSAA)


07/10/14 – Reminder about Changes in Football Preseason Practice Rules

2014-2015 News Releases

The changes that were made by the delegates at the 2013 Annual Meeting of schools have been given final approval in the last few days, and are therefore in effect immediately for the 2014 football preseason.

The preseason has been restructured as follows:

  • During the period beginning from July 10 through July 31, member schools may participate in non-contact simulations (i.e. 7 on 7) and such participation does not count against scrimmage limitations provided that the first practice in full pads has not been conducted.
  • The school issued helmet may be used during these activities, but no other equipment included in NFHS Rule 1-5 may be issued prior to the dates detailed in subsection (a)(2) of this section. The KHSAA catastrophic insurance is not in effect for these simulations if other schools are involved;

Preseason and during season practice in football shall be as follows:

  • The first legal organized practice wearing a […]


Prior Year Prospective Soccer Officials

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


Prior Year Prospective Wrestling Officials

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


Prior Year Prospective Volleyball Officials

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


Prior Year Prospective Track and Field Officials

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


Prior Year Prospective Swimming Officials

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


Prior Year Prospective Softball (Fastpitch) Officials

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


Prior Year Prospective Field Hockey Officials

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


Prior Year Prospective Football Officials

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


Prior Year Prospective Competitive Cheer Officials

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


Prior Year Prospective Basketball Officials

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


Prior Year Prospective Baseball Umpires

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


Current Year Prospective Wrestling Officials

Current Prospective Officials Listings


Current Year Prospective Volleyball Officials

Current Prospective Officials Listings


Current Year Prospective Track and Field Officials

Current Prospective Officials Listings


Current Year Prospective Swimming Officials

Current Prospective Officials Listings


Current Year Prospective Soccer Officials

Current Prospective Officials Listings


Current Year Prospective Softball (Fastpitch) Officials

Current Prospective Officials Listings


Current Year Prospective Field Hockey Officials

Current Prospective Officials Listings


Current Year Prospective Football Officials

Current Prospective Officials Listings


Current Year Prospective Basketball Officials

Current Prospective Officials Listings


Current Year Prospective Baseball Umpires

Current Prospective Officials Listings


Prior Year Licensed Officials

Prior Year Licensed Officials Listings


Prior Year Wrestling Officials

Prior Year Licensed Officials Listings


Prior Year Volleyball Officials

Prior Year Licensed Officials Listings


Prior Year Track and Field Officials

Prior Year Licensed Officials Listings


Prior Year Swimming Officials

Prior Year Licensed Officials Listings


Prior Year Soccer Officials

Prior Year Licensed Officials Listings


Prior Year Softball (Fastpitch) Umpires

Prior Year Licensed Officials Listings


Prior Year Field Hockey Officials

Prior Year Licensed Officials Listings


Prior Year Football Officials

Prior Year Licensed Officials Listings


Prior Year Basketball Officials

Prior Year Licensed Officials Listings


Prior Year Baseball Umpires

Prior Year Licensed Officials Listings


All Current Officials

Current Licensed Officials Listings

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Current Wresting Officials

Current Licensed Officials Listings

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Current Volleyball Officials

Current Licensed Officials Listings

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Current Track and Field Officials

Current Licensed Officials Listings

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Current Swimming Officials

Current Licensed Officials Listings

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Current Soccer Officials

Current Licensed Officials Listings

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Current Softball (Fastpitch) Umpires

Current Licensed Officials Listings

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Current Field Hockey Officials

Current Licensed Officials Listings

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Current Football Officials

Current Licensed Officials Listings

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Current Basketball Officials

Current Licensed Officials Listings

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06/08/14 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall Of Fame Class Of 2015 Inductees Announced

2013-2014 News Releases



LEXINGTON – The Kentucky High School Athletic Association Hall of Fame Class of 2015 was announced today in a press conference at the KHSAA Offices. The 10 members in this year’s class will be the 28th inducted into the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame, and consists of former high school coaches, athletes, officials, administrators and contributors. The Class of 2015 will be inducted in ceremonies scheduled for Saturday, March 21, 2015, at the Lexington Convention Center. The Class of 2015 will also be recognized during the semifinals of the 2015 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16®. The induction of the 10-member Class of 2015 will bring the total number of honorees in the Hall of Fame to 433.

Ron Bevars (North Hardin) – One of the winningest boys’ basketball […]


06/06/14 – Statement on Ending of Ashland Blazer-Johnson Central Softball Game

2013-2014 News Releases

During the 7th inning of game 14 of the Worth/KHSAA State Softball Tournament (a consolation bracket elimination contest) a judgement call was made by the umpiring crew which in hindsight, and upon postgame review by the KHSAA staff, was in error. The situation occurred when Johnson Central’s Rachelle Fairchild hit an apparent game-winning home run, but following a brief conference, the crew of officials declared that the hit was a ground rule double instead of the game-winning home run. 

“Following today’s game between Ashland Blazer and Johnson Central, KHSAA staff reviewed news footage of the at-bat which was ruled a ground rule double in the seventh inning. With the benefit of slow motion, high definition video, it is clear that the ball left the park on the fly, and a home run should have been ruled,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “Unfortunately, our umpires don’t have technical access to slow motion, high definition video during […]


06/05/14 – NFHS Basketball Rule Changes for 2014-2015

Basketball Blog Updates

Lane Players Can Release When Free Throw is Attempted in High School Basketball

Players in marked lane spaces will be able to move into the lane when the ball is released by the free-throw shooter beginning with the 2014-15 high school basketball season. Previously, players could not release until the ball touched the ring or backboard or until the free throw ended.

This change in Rule 9-1-4 was one of four major rules changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Basketball Rules Committee at its April 14-16 meeting in Indianapolis. All recommendations were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

The committee noted that the current rule of players in marked lane spaces not releasing until the ball touches the ring or backboard creates two obstacles for officials: 1) attempting to […]


06/05/14 – Softball Title Sponsor Reminder

2013-2014 News Releases

When referring to the softball state tournament, the tournament’s full name, the Worth/KHSAA Softball State Tournament should be used in all first references, without exception. In subsequent references, it is acceptable to refer to the tournament as the softball state tournament. KHSAA should not be used when referencing the event unless it is accompanied by Worth. Sponsorship of KHSAA state championship events is vital to the livelihood of the Association. Please help us thank our corporate sponsors by recognizing their commitment to the KHSAA with proper identification of our events in printed materials, broadcasts, etc. 

The Worth/KHSAA Softball State Tournament has an event-specific tournament logo which should be used with any accompanying articles, graphics, newscasts, etc. The KHSAA will provide a logo for authorized uses on request.

– KHSAA – 

About the Kentucky High School Athletic […]


06/03/14 – 2015 KHSAA Hall of Fame Press Conference Set For Sunday, June 8

2013-2014 News Releases

The Kentucky High School Athletic Association will hold a press conference on Sunday, June 8 at 1:30 p.m. to announce the KHSAA Hall of Fame Class of 2015. The Hall of Fame announcement will take place at the KHSAA Offices in Lexington (2280 Executive Drive), and will be streamed live online at

The 2015 Hall of Fame banquet is scheduled for Saturday, March 21 in the Bluegrass Ballroom at the Lexington Center. Following the banquet, each inductee of the 2015 class will be recognized that night in an on-court ceremony during the semifinals of the 2015 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen®.

– KHSAA – 

About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a […]


06/03/14 – Baseball Title Sponsor Reminder

2013-2014 News Releases

When referring to the baseball state tournament, the tournament’s full name, the Rawlings/KHSAA Baseball State Tournament should be used in all first references, without exception. In subsequent references, it is acceptable to refer to the tournament as the baseball state tournament. KHSAA should not be used when referencing the event unless it is accompanied by Rawlings. Sponsorship of KHSAA state championship events is vital to the livelihood of the Association. Please help us thank our corporate sponsors by recognizing their commitment to the KHSAA with proper identification of our events in printed materials, broadcasts, etc.

The Rawlings/KHSAA Baseball State Tournament has an event-specific tournament logo which should be used with any accompanying articles, graphics, newscasts, etc. The KHSAA will provide a logo for authorized uses on request.


About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School […]


05/21/14 – Officials Licensing for 2014-2015

Officials Division Blog Updates

This is being sent to all previously licensed KHSAA officials:

Registration for all officials is now available by clicking the “Officials Login” button at the top of the main KHSAA website, The total registration fee for officials is unchanged from the rates for 2013-2014.

The initial registration deadline for the 2014-2015 school year (July 1 to June 30) is midnight on June 30. After June 30th, a $25 late fee will be assessed until August 14th. Beginning August 15th, a $50 late fee will be accessed AND officials who miss the initial deadline to register will be prohibited from participating in the postseason in those levels of sports or sport-activities where late licensing officials are specifically prohibited from assignment. 

If you choose to mail the information form and include a check to the KHSAA there will again be an additional $10 charge.

To register, choose the Officials Login button at the top right […]


05/23/14 – Volleyball Officials Camp Registration Now Open

Officials Division Blog Updates

Registration for the 2014 KHSAA Volleyball Officials Camps is now open.  There will be two camps this year.  This camp must be attended once every four years to be eligible for assignment to officiate region or state tournaments beginning in 2014.

July 11-12 – Bowling Green – WKU E.A. Diddle Arena
August 1-2 – Lexington – KHSAA Office w/ Bluegrass State Games

Tentative Agenda – Both Sites/Local Time
Friday’s Schedule
6:00-6:15 p.m. – Registration
6:15-7:00 p.m. – Game/Match Management
7:05-7:50 p.m. – Professionalism in Officiating
                              (Being a good partner/communicating attributes)
7:50-8:00 p.m. – Break
8:00-8:45 p.m. – Proper Mechanics and Rule Applications
8:50-9:35 p.m. – Advanced Officiating

Saturday’s Schedule
8 a.m. until ?? – Officials on-court evaluations.  Officials will work two matches (R1/R2) and be evaluated.  There is no guarantee of when you will be […]


05/22/14 – 2014 NFHS Kickoff Coverage

Football Blog Updates

2014 Five Person Free Kick Coverage 

Five-Game Official Positions for Kickoff



A. Before kick:

1. Position: R’s goal yard line on the head linesman’s side just outside hash marks.

2. Count R players.

3. Check positions of other game officials.

4. After ready signs have been received from other game officials, declare the ball ready for play and sound whistle and verify that at least four K players must be on each side of the kicker until the ball is kicked.

5. If short free kick is anticipated:

a. Take position near R’s 10-yard line.

b. Be alert to assist other game officials.

B. After kick:

1. Kick down the middle:

a. Signal clock to start (S #2) when kick is touched other than first touching by K.

b. Pick up runner […]


05/21/14 – May, 2014 Board of Control Meeting Review

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The following is a review of the items discussed at the May KHSAA Board of Control Meeting and the status of those issues. The Board meets six times per year, and each time, the membership will be updated as far as actions by the Board. While many of them attempt to communicate with you on a regular basis, I also want the schools informed of a consistent summary. All documents related to this meeting can be found online at

BOARD MEETING – May 12, 2014

The Board meeting began with an appeal from St. Francis of a specific provision oof the Financial Aid Bylaw. After consideration, the motion was made that due to the existence of this program prior to the Bylaw, and the continuation since that time (limits exceeded allowable merit aid limits and thus participation was not permitted) and based on an annual review of the program by the Board, the waiver […]


05/14/14 – KHSAA Tennis State Championships Begin Tonight

2013-2014 News Releases


The 2014 KHSAA Tennis State Championships (May 14-17) begin tonight at 5 p.m. with the boys’ and girls’ team semifinals at the University of Kentucky’s Boone/Downing Tennis Complex. The team finals will take place Thursday evening at the UK Boone/Downing Tennis Complex with the boys’ team finals starting at 5:30 p.m., followed by the girls’ team title match at 6:30 p.m.

Boys’ and Girls’ Singles and Doubles bracket play begins Thursday morning at 8 a.m., with the boys’ competition at UK Boone/Downing Tennis Complex, and the girls’ matches at Shillito Park. Both the girls and boys will compete at the UK Boone/Downing Tennis Complex on Friday and Saturday, with the doubles championships slated for 1 p.m. and the singles championships scheduled for 3 p.m. Admission is charged on Friday and Saturday only, with a full-day pass available for $10.

In the […]


05/13/14 – Board of Control Approves Future Championship Sites, Football Alignment

2013-2014 News Releases


During Tuesday’s scheduled meeting at the KHSAA Office, the Board of Control awarded the girls’ basketball state tournament to the Bank of Kentucky Center and Northern Kentucky University for 2016 and 2017, while extending the stay of the Worth/KHSAA Softball State Tournament at Jack C. Fisher Park in Owensboro for four more years (2015-18). In addition, the Board approved a final draft of the football alignment for the 2015-18 seasons which can be found at this link:

“It speaks volumes to the growth and progress of female athletics in this state that we received two very strong proposals for both championships, where in the past there might not have been much interest. It bodes very well for the future of female athletics in Kentucky,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “In terms of the girls’ basketball championship, the Board was of […]


05/07/14 – Soccer Referee’s Advanced Camp

Officials Division Blog Updates

Please take time to mark your calendars for this year’s Referee’s camp! The dates and site for the 2014 KHSAA Soccer Officials Camp have been set. The Advanced Camp for Soccer referees will again be held in conjunction with the Bluegrass State Games. This camp must be attended once every four years to be eligible for assignment to officiate in region or state tournaments. Details and registration information are being finalized, however we wanted to go ahead and alert you of the dates and site.

  • Camp Dates/Site: July 25-26, 2014 – KHSAA Offices in Lexington, Bluegrass State Games sites in Lexington and Versailles.


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to  


05/07/14 – Volleyball Officials Camp Dates Set

Officials Division Blog Updates

The dates and sites for the 2014 KHSAA Volleyball Officials Camps have been set.  This camp must be attended once every four years to be eligible for assignment to officiate in region or state tournaments beginning in 2014.  There are two camps scheduled this year.  Details and registration information are being finalized, however we wanted to go ahead and alert you of the dates and sites.

Camp Dates/Sites
July 11-12 – Bowling Green, WKU E.A. Diddle Arena (w/ WKU Team Camp)
Aug. 1-2 – Lexington, KHSAA Office & Kentucky Basketball Academy (w/ Bluegrass State Games)

Tentative Agenda
Friday – 6 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Classroom Topics and Review
Saturday – 8 a.m. until TBD – On-court evaluation – two matches (schedules will be passed out Friday night – no guarantee of scheduled evaluation time).

Camp Fees
$60 Advanced Registration (until June 26 for Bowling Green/July 17 for Lexington)
$85 Late Registration (until July 8 for Bowling Green/July […]


04/30/14 – Spring Sports Championship Media Credentials

2013-2014 News Releases

The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Spring Sports Championships is now live. Media members can visit to apply for credentials online.

Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, […]


04/30/14 – April 2014 Board of Control Meeting Review

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The following is a review of the items discussed at the April KHSAA Board of Control Meeting and the status of those issues. The Board meets six times per year, and each time, the membership will be updated as far as actions by the Board. While many of them attempt to communicate with you on a regular basis, I also want the schools informed of a consistent summary. All documents related to this meeting can be found online at

BOARD MEETING – April 15, 2014

The Board meeting began with a presentation from Karl Schmitt and Greg Fante, representing the Greater Louisville Sports Commissioner. Both were emphatic about the city’s desire to work with the Association and return some of the KHSAA championships to the state’s largest city.

That presentation was followed by a presentation from the iHigh staff with a report on external corporate sales.  The Board then recessed to conduct committee meetings. 



04/28/14 – Forcht Bank/KHSAA CLASS Regional Winners Announced; BA/FP Draw Show This Thursday

2013-2014 News Releases


Regional Winners Announced For 2014 Forcht Bank/KHSAA CLASS Awards Recognition Program

Thirty-two regional winners have been selected as part of the 2014 Forcht Bank/KHSAA CLASS Awards Recognition Program. The 32 regional winners will each receive a $350 scholarship, an award from Forcht Bank and the KHSAA, and an invitation to the Awards Banquet on Sunday, May 4. One male and one female from the pool of regional honorees will be selected as the statewide winner at the Awards Banquet, with each individual receiving a $3,000 scholarship.

The Forcht Bank/KHSAA CLASS Awards Recognition Program (Citizenship, Leadership, Athletics, Sportsmanship, Scholarship) honors deserving senior student-athletes across the state. This is the 18th year the KHSAA has recognized student-athletes through a scholarship program, which is open to all seniors that have participated in athletics and/or sport-activities (competitive cheerleading, bowling, archery and bass fishing). One male and […]


04/28/14 – Arbiter Reports Emailing Issue with Assigners who use Yahoo or AOL

Officials Division Blog Updates

Officials and Assigners: The KHSAA received this email from Arbiter.  We wanted to make sure that you are aware of the situation.


We are currently experience higher rates of email delivery failure for assigners using Yahoo or AOL email addresses due to recent policy changes that these two providers have implemented.  The policy they have adopted is called DMARC Rejection.  Basically, they are no longer letting non-Yahoo or non-AOL servers, send in their clients’ behalves.  Unfortunately, this includes our servers and any other website that was sending in behalf of AOL and Yahoo clients.  Yahoo began this policy on April 11thand AOL on April 22nd.  It is our belief that many others may follow suit. Here are a couple of articles on the policy changes:

 We are working on solutions.  The most likely solution is that we will need to have the sender on all emails be More

04/22/14 – KHSAA Bass Fishing Championship, Hall of Fame Banquet This Weekend

2013-2014 News Releases


2014 KHSAA Bass Fishing Championship Starts Friday

The second annual KHSAA Bass Fishing State Championship gets underway Friday morning with the boat launch at 7 a.m. (CT) from the Kentucky Dam Marina in Gilbertsville. The first flight will return to the marina at 3 p.m. to begin the weigh-in process, with the second flight returning at 3:15 p.m. The schedule of events will be the same for Saturday’s competition, with the awards presentation taking place immediately following the final day’s weigh-in.

Forty-six teams qualified for this year’s event from a pool of 185 teams at the four regional tournaments, an increase in participation of 76 percent over the sport’s inaugural 2012-13 campaign. A random draw was conducted to determine the launch order for the 2014 championship, and can be found at the following link:

A […]


Current Members – Middle School Advisory Committee

Administrative Advisory Committees

Update The Middle School Advisory Committee is being re-tooled following the departure and retirement of several members immediately prior to and during the current pandemic. This page will be updated in the the fall of 2023 with revised membership.


04/18/14 – Deadline for Free Baseball Clinic Tonight

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This is a reminder for Athletic Directors, all baseball coaches and baseball umpires that the deadline to complete the 2014 KHSAA/NFHS online Rules Clinic at no cost is midnight tonight.  If you have already completed the clinic, please disregard this reminder.

Below is the information on the clinic that we published in February to assist you in tracking and the remaining schedule.

Athletic Directors – see the information below to assist you in checking on your coaches to make sure they have met the requirement. As a reminder, all coaches (head and assistant) are required to complete the clinic.

The window for the free online clinic is Feb. 3 – April 18.

Rules Clinics

2/1 to 4/18, for 2014, the Baseball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed by coaches and officials at no charge during this period.

4/19 to 5/10 for 2014, the Baseball Clinic will be online only and may be […]


04/15/14 – Middle School Regulation-Repeating Students, Age


As part of its required charge, the Middle School Advisory Committee has recommended the change below to the Kentucky Board of Education. The change was approved through two readings of the Kentucky Board of Education, and is slated for final consideration by the General Assembly (Administrative Regulations Review Subcommittee) in June, 2014.

Below is the text of the relevant portion of the regulation. It is important to note that the regulation change has a phase-in date in 2015-2016, however the regulation is not final until approved by the Kentucky General Assembly through its committees.

(7) Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year and thereafter, require that no student enrolled initially in grade (5) through grade (8) during the 2015-2016 school year or thereafter who is repeating a grade for any reason be eligible to compete in interscholastic competition involving students enrolled in grades six (6) through eight (8) while repeating a grade;


04/15/14 – Board of Control Approves Addition of Field Hockey

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The Board of Control approved the addition of Field Hockey as a KHSAA sanctioned sport for the fall of the 2014-2015 school year. Though the sport has been played in Jefferson County for over 50 years and in Oldham County for most of the past 10 years, the sport will be relatively new to the rest of the state.

The addition of field hockey meets the needs of the schools currently participating, as well as the schools that responded to the triennial survey that are interested in adding the sport. The current structure will marry nicely to the KHSAA guidelines and rules, as the current schools have already applied most of the KHSAA bylaws. Bylaw 6 is one of the bylaws that will not apply to field hockey until the 2015-2016 school year as a year of transition is needed.

Field hockey is a female-only sport and requires the basic facilities and equipment to play: field […]


04/15/14 – Board of Control Adds Field Hockey For 2014-15; Approves Football Alignment Draft for 2015-18

2013-2014 News Releases


During Tuesday’s meeting at the KHSAA Office, the Board of Control approved a motion to add field hockey as a team sport beginning with the 2014-15 season and approved a draft of the football alignment for the 2015-18 seasons to be distributed to the membership for feedback. The addition of field hockey as a female-only team sport, brings the Association’s total number of sports offered to 13 beginning in the fall of 2014, with four additional sport-activities. The Association will work in the coming months to select a site for the 2014 field hockey championship, and put the infrastructure in place for field hockey to be an officially-sponsored KHSAA sport.

The Board approved a draft of the football alignment for the 2015-18 seasons, which was configured after member schools were given the opportunity to declare their desire to “play up” in classification. The […]


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