Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

AAA-Non-Sports Blogs

8/08/17 Soccer Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Soccer is available beginning August 8. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches, varsity, junior varsity and freshman, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


August 8 to September 4 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 5 to September 24 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
September 25 to October 1 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


August 8 to September 5 (Coaches) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and […]


08/08/17 – Volleyball Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Officials Division Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Volleyball is available beginning August 8. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches, varsity, junior varsity and freshman, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


August 8 to September 11 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 12 to October 1 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
October 2 to October 8 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


August 8 to September 12 (Coaches) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and […]


08/08/17-Football Rules Clinic Available Online for Officials and Coaches

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Football is now available following a minimal delay for system maintenance. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches, varsity, junior varsity and freshman, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


August 8 to September 28 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 29 to October 18 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
October 19 to October 25 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


August 8 to September 29 (Coaches) – the Football Clinic […]


08/08/17 – NFHS Announces Football Publication Corrections and Interpretations

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Each licensed official and each head coach have received the NFHS Rules and Case Books by now. Several of you have also purchased the Rules By Topic and other publications from Referee Enterprises.

You will find the minimal amount of corrections to those publications for 2017 that have been distributed by the NFHS at /football/2017/2017 nfhs football rules interpretations -clarifications – final.pdf.

Continued luck this season.


08/03/17 – Pannell Swim Shop Returns as Title Sponsor of State Swim Meet

2017-2018 News Releases


The State Swimming and Diving Championships will have a title sponsor once again, as Pannell Swim Shop and the KHSAA have reached an agreement on a three-year deal beginning with the upcoming 2018 championships. Pannell Swim Shop, which previously served as title sponsor of the State Swim Meet from 2009-13, has 30 years of experience serving the swimming community as a premier one-stop shop for all swimming and swim-related needs.

“Pannell Swim Shop is synonymous with high school swimming in the Commonwealth and we are absolutely delighted to have them continuing as a partner in support of our state meet,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “Tom [Viney] has a longtime involvement in the swimming and triathlon community, and his familiarity with both our schools and this event are the ideal combination. Nothing could be more appropriate than for Pannell Swim Shop to rise to the occasion […]


08/01/17-Football Officiating Crew Communication Devices Guidelines and Restrictions

Football Blog Updates


With continued changes in technology, communication devices worn by officials are becoming more and more common place. While most understand that these devices can benefit the communication between members of an officiating crew, officials must be prepared to deal with the responsibility for using such device.


  • For KHSAA varsity football contests, a Wireless Communication Device is defined as a two-way radio with an attached earpiece and push to talk microphone.
  • Other types of communication devices are prohibited and may not be carried by an official during competition.


  • Crew communication devices MAY be used during all games if used in accordance with these guidelines.
  • Officials should be ever mindful that the vast majority of radio systems are NOT secure from the public.
  • Careful attention must be paid to what is said when speaking use the headsets and the […]


07/29/17 – KHSAA Recognizes Top Officials During Officiate Kentucky Day

2017-2018 News Releases


With nearly 700 officials in attendance for the first-ever Officiate Kentucky Day, the KHSAA honored its top officials of the 2016-17 season during the day’s festivities at the Marriott Louisville Downtown. The top officials for each sport or sport-activity the Association licenses officials were honored as part of the annual officials recognition program during a luncheon on Saturday.

This year’s nominees and winners (in bold) for the 2016-17 season are:

Baseball — Randy Ross (Morehead), Bryan Hockman (Russellville), Kyle Maggard (Hazard),
Basketball — Molly Caldwell (Lexington), Kristie Combs (Hazard), Tim Trent (Pikeville), Barry Vincent (Bowling Green)
Competitive Cheer — Ruth Sorace (Elizabethtown), Judy Lowry (Lexington)
Field Hockey — Mary Brainard (Lexington), Craig Kalbfleisch (Louisville)
Football — Brian Taylor (Russell), Joe Ammerman (Cynthiana), Tyrone Fields (Whitesburg)
Soccer — Keith Green (Wingo), Eric Morwessel (Ft. Wright)
Softball — Chuck Standiford (Hopkinsville), Mike Carby (Bowling […]


Title IX Annual Reports- 2016-2017

Title IX Annual Reports


07/26/17 – KHSAA To Host Officiate Kentucky Day This Saturday In Louisville

2017-2018 News Releases


The KHSAA will host the first-ever Officiate Kentucky Day on Saturday, July 29 at the Marriott Louisville Downtown in conjunction with the 2017 National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) Annual Summit (July 30-August 1). More than 650 attendees will convene in Louisville for this one-day gathering designed to educate officials, exchange valuable information and celebrate their involvement in the industry.

Saturday’s festivities begin with an opening session at 8:30 a.m. with topical breakout sessions scheduled throughout the day, culminating with a closing session at 4:30 p.m. featuring Fox Sports Rules Analyst Mike Pereira as the keynote speaker. A full schedule of events can be found at; with a list of speakers and presenters available at

As part of the day’s activities, the KHSAA will conduct its annual Outstanding Official of the Year Awards program for the […]


07/21/17 – KY High School Basketball Hall of Fame Opens – Celebrating the Essence of the Game

2017-2018 News Releases

In celebration of the great work by so many individuals through the Kentucky Association of Basketball Coaches and their allied partners, the KHSAA wishes them the very best of luck as the induct the remainder of their Centennial Class this weekend. In celebration, we gladly present a piece written by Hall of Fame journalist Billy Reed as KABC finishes this step in their long journey to celebrate the essence of the game that led to the KHSAA founding, high school basketball.

“Well, one of my dreams has always been, on a Sunday morning, to be coming home on a fire truck, riding through Shelbyville and holding the state championship trophy with my finger up in the air: ‘We’re number one!’”
— Arnold Thurman, 1966 Shelby County state champs

ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky. — If basketball has more to do with dreams than any other sport, and a convincing argument can be made that it […]


Officiate Kentucky Day – Speakers

Officiate Kentucky Day 2017

Keith Alexander
LHSAA Assistant Executive Director
Assistant Executive Director of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association. Director of officials responsible for cross country, indoor and outdoor track and field, powerlifting and sports medicine. Officiated 10 years of high school football including Arkansas 4A state finals in 2004, six years of NCAA Division II football, 18 years of high school basketball with several state championship appearances
Charles Breithaupt
University Interscholastic League, Executive Director
Executive Director of the University Interscholastic League (UIL); oversees 1500 high schools and 30,000 coaches. Previously coached high school football, basketball, baseball and cross-country; named coach of the year nine times; inducted into Texas high school basketball hall of fame in 2003 and the Texas High School Football Hall of Fame in 2014
Don Collins
Commissioner of the San Francisco Section of the CIF
California Interscholastic Federation, San Francisco Section commissioner, […]


2017-18 KHSAA Board of Control

Board of Control Working 2017-18

  • Jerry Wyman
    President, 2017-2018
    Director, 2014-2018
    Director of Academics, Activities, Athletics
    Jefferson County Schools
    Regions 6 & 7

  • Donna Bumps
    President-Elect, 2017-2018
    Director, 2016-2020
    Bowling Green
    Muhlenberg County High School
    Regions 1-8

  • Reed Adkins
    Director, 2017-2020
    Pike County Schools
    Regions 15-16

  • Bonnie Barnes
    Director, 2017-2021
    Guidance Counselor
    Henry Clay High School
    Regions 9-16

  • Debbie Beichler
    Director, 2015-2019
    Mt. Washington
    KDE Appointed Member
    Retired Educator

  • Darrell Billings
    Director, 2016-2020
    Clay City
    KDE Appointed Member
    Private Enterprise

  • Kimberly Parker-Brown
    Director, 2013-2017
    KDE Appointed Member
    Faculty, Midway College

  • Michael Clines
    Director, 2016-2020
    Diocese of Covington
    Regions 9-16

  • Mark Evans
    Director, 2014-2018
    Athletic Director
    Mercy Academy
    Regions 1-8

  • Pete Galloway
    Director, 2014-2018
    KDE Appointed Member
    Retired Educator
  • More

PRP reigns again as king of Kentucky baseball under Bill Miller


BY MIKE FIELDS (June 17, 2017)

Thirty-five years ago Bill Miller coached Pleasure Ridge Park to a runner-up finish in the state baseball tournament. The Panthers lost to unbeaten Madison Central in the finals.

In 1985 PRP made it back to the title game but lost to Owensboro Catholic.

In 1993 the Panthers were one win away from a state championship again before falling to Harrison County.

That may have been three strikes against PRP, but Miller never lost faith that his program would someday break through and hit it big. In fact, he remembers telling people, “Once we win one, we’ll win a bunch.”

Miller’s not only a great coach, he’s a great prophet.

PRP won three consecutive state championships starting in 1994; the Panthers took home the big trophy again in 2008 and 2013; and on Saturday they claimed yet another state title by beating Simon Kenton 6-5 […]


06/15/17 – Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Championship Game Moved to 11 AM

2016-2017 News Releases


The start time for Saturday’s championship game of the 2017 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament has been moved to 11 a.m. With the potential for heat index delays on Saturday, the schedule adjustment was discussed during a conference call this afternoon between the KHSAA and the semifinal teams, and was approved by each head coach.

Friday’s semifinal games at Whitaker Bank Ballpark will remain as scheduled, with Simon Kenton taking on Marion County at 11 a.m., followed by McCracken County vs. Pleasure Ridge Park at 1:30 p.m.

The semifinals and championship game will be webcast live at through the NFHS Network, which is a subscription based service. Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available for $9.95 a month. A monthly subscription, priced less than the cost of admission to a state championship event, entitles users to every broadcast by the KHSAA and the more than 40 participating […]


High school baseball has changed a lot in 50 years. Just ask Bobby Lynch


BY MIKE FIELDS (June 15, 2017)

Ashland’s 1967 state baseball champions were recognized during Saturday’s state finals at Whitaker Bank Ballpark to mark the 50th anniversary of their title.

Bobby Lynch, who was a standout pitcher on the Tomcat teams that won three consecutive championships (1966, ’67, ’68), was there with a few of his former teammates.

High school baseball is a whole ‘nother sport now than it was when Ashland beat Fort Knox 7-2 to win the state title at UK’s Shively Field 50 years ago this week.

The bases are still 90 feet apart; the pitching rubber is still 60 feet, 6 inches from home plate; it’s still three strikes and you’re out; but some of the rules and trappings of the high school game have changed considerably.

Well aware that we sounded like a couple of curmudgeons, Lynch and I discussed some of the differences between the game played in the ’60s and […]


Geordon Blanton’s championship senior year


BY MIKE FIELDS (June 9, 2017)

J.C. Blanton remembers last summer when his son Geordon told him he’d like to win three state championships his senior year at Johnson Central.

“I told him if he got one he’d be lucky,” J.C. said.

Geordon must be a lucky guy; it helps that he’s an exceptional athlete, too.

After leading Johnson Central to its first state football title last fall, and after winning his second individual state wrestling title this past winter, Geordon Blanton is playing for the Golden Eagles in the Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament this weekend.

Blanton hasn’t taken time yet to relax and reflect on just how special his championship senior year has been.

“I can sit back and think about everything this summer when my high school season is over,” he said. “Right now I want to make sure I live in the moment, enjoy it, and soak it all up.”

Jim Matney, who coached […]


Title IX Annual Reports- 2016-2017

Title IX Annual Reports


Fast-pitch softball has given girls college opportunities


BY MIKE FIELDS (May 30, 2017)

When Emily Gaines started playing fast-pitch softball as a 9-year-old, she was hooked: “I fell in love with it,” she said.

As an eighth-grader, Gaines cracked the starting lineup for South Laurel.

By the end of her high school career, she had written her name in the state record book as the all-time leader in hits (349), doubles (104) and consecutive games hitting streak (52), and was named Miss Softball.

Gaines earned a scholarship to Kentucky, where as a senior she was the Cats’ starting right fielder. In her last game, in UK’s first-ever appearance in the College Women’s World Series, she hit a home run.

“It was an amazing way to end my softball career,” she said.

That was in 2014.

Twenty years earlier, young women could only have dreamed of such athletic achievements.

In 1994, Kentucky was one of only four states that didn’t offer fast-pitch softball to its high […]


05/23/17 – Dance State Competition FAQs

Athletic Department Blog Updates


Frequently Asked Questions (as of August 18, 2017)

The following is a FAQ for Dance. Refer to the Competition Rules that will be published in the KHSAA Handbook and on the Association website for more information. The Competition Rules govern Dance.

Is Dance a “Sport”?

  • Within the programs of the KHSAA, Dance is categorized as a “sport-activity”.

With the KHSAA sponsoring a Dance championship, does that make Dance exactly the same as all other sports and activities within the school?

  • The management of individual teams within a school is a local decision. School administrators will decide about issues such as compensation, travel allowances and other benefits in compliance with federal, state and locally adopted policies.
  • Nothing about the KHSAA adding this sport-activity makes anything “automatic” within a school or school district.
  • Be mindful of the fact that unless supervised in the same manner as the rest of the school sport and sport-activity programs, the […]


05/20/17 – Track and Field 3A State Meet Interrupted/Terminated Due To Weather

2016-2017 News Releases

Statement of the Commissioner’s Office Regarding Class 3A Track and Field Meet Suspension and Termination

At approximately 9:05 p.m. Friday, May 20, 2017 inclement weather (primarily a lightning storm) surrounding the UK Outdoor Track & Field Complex compelled meet management to interrupt the Class 3A meet. The meet was stopped and the facility was evacuated in the interest of safety, and in compliance with KHSAA policies and procedures, due to lightning. At that time, five heats were remaining in the 4×400 relays, as one heat of the girls’ 4×400 had been conducted and the runners for the second heat were in the starting blocks. In addition, the girls’ triple jump was stopped with the top two individuals shy of their sixth jump. NFHS Rule 3-2-5 states that a meet may be suspended by the games committee, in collaboration with the referee, due to an emergency such as hazardous weather conditions or power failure. For the […]


Current Members – KHSAA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee

Administrative Advisory Committees

The Kentucky Medical Association’s Committee on Physical Education and Medical Aspects of Sports has dutifully served the role of a Sports Medicine Advisory Committee for more than thirty (30) years. This group is created and formed by the Kentucky Medical Association’s House of Delegates, and meets not less than annually.

The committee also has a subcommittee to act in the event that quick action is needed, and regularly has members of other professional organizations under the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure at its meetings.


05/10/17-Reminders about Students Practicing/Playing While Ineligible

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Recently, the Commissioner’s office has been made aware of several questions and concerns regarding various approved changes to the eligibility rules of the KHSAA. A reminder to all involved is that once a proposal receives the requisite vote of the membership, that is only the FIRST of many steps for the proposal to have the force of regulation.

During the promulgation steps this year (required steps to implement changes as state regulation), clarifications have been received regarding some of the action taken by the schools and the conflicts that the new and proposed rules might have with existing rules. THE FOLLOWING NOTICE AND RULING SUPERSEDES ANY AND ALL PRIOR INTERPRETATIONS THAT HAVE BEEN GIVEN IN PERSON OR VIA PHONE, ELECTRONIC MAIL OR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION. Please ensure that this is shared with all relevant parties.

The table below represents an attempt to summarize various decision points schools may have (or may not have) when […]


HF103-Hall of Fame Selection Ballot

Online Forms



05/12/17 – State Dance Competition

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Following is a link to the news release that was posted following yesterday’s KHSAA Board of Control meeting concerning the 2017 KHSAA State Dance Competition.

News Release

In addition, coaches should be mindful of the following:

The State Competition will be an open competition (no regional qualifying).

Once UDA finalizes the scoresheets, we will send out a notice to coaches.

Championships will be conducted in the following:
Hip Hop

Judge training will be conducted through UDA (online) at no charge. The KHSAA will be managing Dance, so individual school questions/inquiries should come to the Association office.

The State Competition will be Saturday, Dec. 16 at Frederick Douglass High School in Lexington.  Additional information on the competition is being finalized and information will be posted soon.

Please contact the […]


Put me in, coach! I’m ready to play baseball, basketball, football


BY MIKE FIELDS (May 11, 2017)

Scott County junior Landon Easley loves playing baseball, but not enough to practice and play it year-round.

“I couldn’t do it. Baseball is such a mental sport that I’d have a headache all the time if I did that,” Easley said with a laugh.

Scott County junior Sam Sutton feels the same way.

“I’d hate it because I’d get so burned out on it,” he said. “If I had to play any sport the year round, I’d get sick of it and not way to play it anymore.”

Concentrating on one sport may be trending in high schools across the nation, but not at Scott County.

Easley and Sutton are among several Cardinal baseball players who consider specialization a dirty word.

They play football in the fall, basketball in the winter and baseball in the spring.

“I just feel like playing all three sports in high school is something […]


Heflin’s success as tennis coach a net result of caring about kids


BY MIKE FIELDS (May 8, 2017)

Just as Land Between the Lakes is wonder of nature in Western Kentucky, Larry Heflin is a force of nature when it comes to high school tennis in that part of the state.

Thanks to his competitive fire, coaching acumen and dedication to young people, Heflin built Lone Oak’s program from nothing into a powerhouse, and in the process made the Paducah area a hotbed for high school tennis.

After the KHSAA added team competition to the state tournament in 1982, Louisville and Lexington teams combined to win 19 of the first 20 titles for boys and girls. (Henderson County’s boys were the exception in 1984.)

But when Lone Oak’s girls broke through to capture the 1992 championship, it signaled the start of a dynasty. The Purple Flash girls won five consecutive state titles, and 11 in 21 years.

When Lone Oak consolidated with Heath and Reidland to form McCracken County in 2013, Heflin took the reins of the Mustangs. The winning continued. McCracken County’s […]


HF102-Hall of Fame Screening Ballot

Online Forms



05/05/17 – State Softball and Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament Draws to be Held Monday

2016-2017 News Releases


The draws for the 2017 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament and the 2017 KHSAA State Softball Tournament will take place Monday, May 8 at 11:30 a.m. The draw will be conducted at the KHSAA offices and can be viewed live online at

In its first year under new title sponsor Whitaker Bank, the State Baseball Tournament begins June 8-10 with first round and quarterfinal action at Whitaker Bank Ballpark, home of the Lexington Legends. The Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament resumes the following weekend with the semifinals and championship game, June 16th and 17th. The semifinals and finals will be played in the afternoon, followed by home games for the Legends both evenings.

The State Softball Tournament returns to Jack C. Fisher Park in Owensboro for […]


OF115-Outstanding Official Biographical Sketch

Online Forms



Remembering Brent Arnold


BY MIKE FIELDS (May 3, 2017)

Brent Arnold, who coached multiple sports at Lafayette for many years, died this weekend after a short battle with cancer. He was 72.

Arnold was an assistant girls’ basketball coach at Lafayette under Kathy Neal when the Lea Wise-led Generals were state runners-up in 1979.

Arnold took over as the Lafayette girls’ head coach in 1981 and guided them to the Sweet 16 in 1984. He had an overall record of 119-58 in seven years.

Arnold moved over to boys’ basketball and served as an assistant under Donnie Harville, and after leaving the bench kept the scorebook for the Generals.

He also coached cross-country and girls’ track at Lafayette.

Former Lafayette athletics director Karen Vanover, who retired the same year (2000) as Arnold, remembers that Arnold “tried to come off as pretty gruff, but he was really a pushover. He was a very kind, caring and giving person.”

Arnold always kidded […]


05/01/17 – 2017 Officiate Kentucky Day Reminder

Officials Division Blog Updates

Officials are reminded that Officiate Kentucky Day (OKD) will take place on Saturday, July 29th in Louisville. Space for this event is limited (and is already more than 50% sold out) and registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Particularly for those sports that require Advanced Camp attendance to be considered for the postseason (Softball, Baseball, Volleyball and Soccer currently, and Football and Basketball beginning with the 2018-2019 seasons), attendance at OKD will satisfy this requirement for a four-year period! Please note this will be the only event offered this year in any sport that will meet the Advanced Camp requirement.

Following OKD, the National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) will be having its Annual Summit at the same venue from July 30th until August 1st. Both events will provide a great opportunity to be exposed to the highest levels and advanced topics in officiating today.


Gabby Karas: 12 state titles and a champion’s spirit


BY MIKE FIELDS (May 1, 2017)

SHELBYVILLE — Flashback to May 23, 2014, and the KHSAA Track and Field Championships.

Collins’ freshman Gabby Karas, who won the 800- and 1,600-meter races with record-setting times earlier in the day, finishes the afternoon by adding the 3,200 title to her haul. 

Karas remembers what happened next: “Everybody in the whole stadium (at UK) got quiet; everyone was waiting. And then the announcer announced I’d broken the 3,200 record, too. Everybody started screaming, and I started crying. It was crazy. It was like a magical movie moment I never thought I’d be lucky enough to have.”

The high a runner gets from an endorphin rush may be exhilarating, but it can’t match the high a runner gets from a victory rush.

Karas knows the feeling, a dozen times over. She won 12 state titles — 8 in track and 4 in cross country — in her high school career. 

The last of those championships came […]


04/26/17 – Statement on Passing of Dunbar Student-Athlete

2016-2017 News Releases

KHSAA staff was shocked and saddened to learn of today’s tragic incident at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School.

“The absolute worst part of my job is getting a call like I received Wednesday night with the sudden loss of this young man. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Ifeacho family, the Paul Laurence Dunbar and Fayette County school community, and all of those who valiantly tried to save this young man following his incident. We recognize the fragile nature of life itself and wish peace on all who knew this fine young man during this difficult time.”

– Julian Tackett, KHSAA Commissioner



Danville’s Paul Morse still tops in baseball record book


BY MIKE FIELDS (April 20, 2017)

DANVILLE – It’s been 25 years since Paul Morse smacked his last home run, struck out his last batter and chalked up his last pitching victory for Danville High School.

Still, over the last quarter-century, nobody in the state has been able to match the career numbers posted by the former Admirals’ baseball star.

Morse still ranks No. 1 in the KHSAA record book for his prowess as a hitter (65 homers) and as a pitcher (55 wins, 651 strikeouts). He’s also tied for second place in RBI (253).

“I didn’t used to think much about it,” Morse said earlier this week. “But now that I’m getting older, I look at those numbers I put up and I’m kind of like, ‘Wow!’ It was all a little more than I thought it was.”

Morse was an accomplished multi-sport athlete at Danville.

He was a five-year starter in baseball.  As an eighth-grader he was the […]


04/18/17 – KHSAA State Archery Championships This Thursday At KBA

2016-2017 News Releases


The 2017 KHSAA State Archery Championships will take place Thursday at the Kentucky Basketball Academy in Lexington, with the first of six flights getting underway at 9:30 a.m. The last flight will compete at 2:30 p.m., with awards presentations to the top four teams, top five boys’ finishers and top five girls’ finishers scheduled for 3:30 p.m.

Madison Central captured the team title in 2016 after posting the top score (3,436) in the championship round. Pulaski County (3,430) was the state runner-up a year ago, followed by Anderson County and Trigg County. Anderson County’s Henry Thompson garnered individual medalist honors after shooting a 297 (with 28 10’s).

More information for the 2017 KHSAA State Archery Championships can be found through the links below:
Schedule –
Lane Assignments –
Official Program –
Results –

Following the event, official […]


04/14/17 – NFHS Part 2 Exam Online for Track & Field Officials

Officials Division Blog Updates

This email is being sent to all licensed Track & Field Officials.

The Track & Field Part 2 Test is now available online from April 14 until Friday, April 28 at 11:59 p.m. (ET). The test will automatically close exactly at that time. Login at to complete the online test.

The Part 2 Exam allows for officials to obtain a Level 2 or Level 3 rating with the KHSAA (for details see the Officials Division Section within the KHSAA Policies and Procedures published in the KHSAA Handbook – Page 6).

Any official determined to have been involved in the improper administration of the exam, including taking it for another official or having it taken by another official, will have the score disregarded for the year and be subject to other penalties in compliance with the jurisdiction of the office through the Federal Court Decree.

Also, remember registration is open […]


04/10/17 – Spring Sports Championship Media Credentials

2016-2017 News Releases

The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Spring Sports Championships is now live, and can be accessed by going to

Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, as well as unauthorized use of the media […]


Harrison County baseball’s unimaginable loss


BY MIKE FIELDS (April 4, 2017)

CYNTHIANA — A few weeks into the high school baseball season, Harrison County has not lost a game.

But the Thorobreds don’t feel like an undefeated team.

They feel like a team that has suffered an unimaginable loss — the loss of a teammate.

Harrison County senior Brett Persinger, who had started at shortstop for the Thorobreds since he was a seventh-grader, was killed in a car accident last November. Max Ogden, another teammate, was seriously injured.

Mac Whitaker has experienced plenty of good times and bad times in 40 years as Harrison County’s baseball coach, but nothing prepared him for the tragedy that struck his team the day before Thanksgiving last fall. 

Brett Persinger grew up in the Thorobreds’ program. When he was 10, he was shagging fly balls and winning over everybody with his engaging personality. His dad, Rodney, was an assistant coach.

“Knowing Brett’s family so well, and having known him […]


03/30/17 – KHSAA Revising Office Hours Effective April 3, 2017

2016-2017 News Releases

Effective April 3, 2017, the KHSAA will have new office hours. The office will open each day at 7:30 a.m. and close at 4:00 p.m. ET.

Logistical and traffic issues (both current and anticipated) in the surrounding area near the office, in particular, the opening of the new Frederick Douglass High School have created this necessity.

We appreciate the understanding of our membership and various constituencies.


03/30/17 – Reminders about Title IX and Participation List Submission for 16-17

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As spring sports are now fully in swing, it is time to remind each of you that the annual reports for Title IX and the Participation List are due on April 30.

  • If you have specific questions about Title IX and the law itself, any of our Assistant Commissioners should be able to help get you some assistance. Asst. Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( is our primary contact for your questions related to the law and its interpretations.
  • Information Technology Director Rob Catron (, as well as almost any of our support staff, can help you with electronic issues including login and report preparation using the online system. The online system is currently available for entry.

This year, based on feedback from the membership, there have been minimal system changes to make this task easier. Here are the highlights:

  • You will not be able to submit your reports if you have incomplete rosters. Based […]


60 years ago: UK baseball, Stoll Field, Jim Host


Flipping through microfiche files of old newspapers is endlessly entertaining. Some story or photo always catches your eye, like the sports page (above) from the Lexington Herald 60 years ago today. It was about UK baseball. I didn’t know Harry Lancaster, Adolph Rupp’s basketball assistant, coached baseball, or that the baseball team played at Stoll Field, or that John Crigler and Jim Host were baseball teammates, or that left-handers were called port-siders . . . 

Excerpted from March 29, 1957, Lexington Herald story:

Southeastern Conference defending champion Florida meets the 1956 cellar-dwelling Kentucky Wildcats on Stoll Field this afternoon at 3 o’clock in a season-opening baseball encounter expected to find the league rivals on much evener terms than a year ago when the Gators swept three contests on their home grounds by lopsided scores.

For the first of a three-game series, which finds a double-header on tap Saturday at 1 p.m., Coach Harry Lancaster of the Wildcats […]


GE55-District Tournament Manager Form-BA

Online Forms



Boys Complete Box Scores – 1994 Boys State Basketball Tournament

Boys Basketball Stat Packs


GE56-Regional Tournament Manager Form-TN

Online Forms



GE56-Regional Tournament Manager Form-TR

Online Forms



Girls Complete Box Scores – 2017 Girls State Basketball Tournament

Girls Basketball Stat Packs


Girls Complete Box Scores – 2016 Girls State Basketball Tournament

Girls Basketball Stat Packs


Boys Complete Box Scores – 2017 Boys State Basketball Tournament

Boys Basketball Stat Packs


Boys Complete Box Scores – 2016 Boys State Basketball Tournament

Boys Basketball Stat Packs


03/21/17 – Softball Part 2 Test Now Available

Officials Division Blog Updates

The NFHS Softball Part 2 Test will be available online from Monday, March 20th, until Monday, April 3rd 11:59 p.m. EST. The test will automatically close at this time. Officials can login at to take the test. A minimum score of 80 on the exam is required to be considered for assignment to officiate in the postseason.

Any official determined to have been involved in the improper administration of the exam, including taking it for another official or having it taken by another official, will have the score disregarded for the year and be subject to other penalties in compliance with the jurisdiction of the office through the Federal Court Decree.

Please keep in mind that there are no extensions or late fees to be able to take the exam outside of the window listed above. 

Please also be mindful that the Online Rules Clinic remains free through April 10th. You can login at […]


03/20/17 – Baseball Part 2 Test Now Available

Baseball Blog Updates

The Baseball NFHS Part 2 Test will be available online from March 20 until 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday, April 3. The test will automatically close at that exact time. Login at to take the test. A minimum score of 80 on the exam is required to be considered for assignment to officiate postseason play.

Any official determined to have been involved in the improper administration of the exam, including taking it for another official or having it taken by another official, will have the score disregarded for the year and be subject to other penalties in compliance with the jurisdiction of the office through the Federal Court Decree.

Please keep in mind that there are no extensions or late fees to be able to take the exam outside of the window listed above.

Please also be mindful that the rules clinic remains free online through April 10. You will […]


OF123-Officiate Kentucky Day – Registration Form

Officials Division Blog Updates



OF122-Officiate Kentucky Day – Sponsorship Application

Officials Division Blog Updates



Officiate Kentucky Day – July 29, 2017 – Schedule of Events

Officials Division Blog Updates


Bowling Green basketball begins Purple reign


BY MIKE FIELDS (March 19, 2017)

D.G. Sherrill never got to attend the Sweet 16 when he was a kid growing up in Caldwell County in far western Kentucky.

“My daddy believed when my basketball season was over, it was time for me to go to work,” he said. “So I was in a welding shop when everybody else was coming to watch basketball.”

Sherrill’s first trip to watch the state tournament was in 1992 at Freedom Hall, when he was starting his coaching career as an assistant to Terry Hayes at Dawson Springs.

He remembered his less-than-luxurious accommodations in Louisville.

“(Hayes) stayed at the Hyatt, and I was out in some motor inn. I think they gave us tickets and money, but he didn’t share of that with me,” Sherrill said with a laugh.

Sherrill was in a jovial, sentimental mood Sunday afternoon as he reminisced about his early days in coaching.

He had the best […]


Jake Ohmer’s legacy a winning one


BY MIKE FIELDS (March 18, 2017)

When the KHSAA celebrates its 125th Sweet 16 in 2042, you can bet there will be high school basketball fans reminiscing about how a kid named Jake Ohmer made a name for himself in the 100th state tournament.

They’ll talk about how he was a scoring machine, and a surprisingly strong rebounder; how he flew up and down the Rupp Arena court with controlled abandon, how he made Scott – not Scott County – the talk of the town that week, and how he almost got his underdog team to the state finals.

Jake Ohmer’s storybook post-season ended Saturday night in the cruelest of ways. He missed a shot in the closing seconds that would have given Scott a stunning upset of heavily favored Bowling Green. The Purples escaped 80-79, and their Coach D.G. Sherrill said they were lucky to do so.

That’s because Sherrill knew as well as anyone […]


03/18/17 – KHSAA To Award Second Annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships

2016-2017 News Releases


The KHSAA will present the second annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships during tonight’s semifinals of the Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® to David Chase Baker from Menifee County and Madison Lauer from Taylor County.

When former Commissioner Louis Stout passed away in 2012, his late widow Anna directed that donations on his behalf go to the Louis Stout Memorial Fund for Students. Mrs. Stout felt this was an opportunity for the KHSAA to honor student-athletes who excel in athletics, academics, school service and community service.

Winners will receive a one-time $2,000 scholarship payable to an institution of higher learning, and were chosen after careful review with high school and college administrators, with selection criteria based on athletic activities, non-athletic activities, non-school activities and an essay on the role a student-athlete should play in the community.

A multisport athlete at Menifee County, Baker competes in baseball, soccer and golf for […]


Sweet 16’s top scorers in back-to-back games


BY MIKE FIELDS (March 17, 2017)

Scott senior guard Jake Ohmer has put on a scoring show in his first two games in the 100th Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16 this week. 

Ohmer created a buzz in Rupp Arena by pouring in 41 points in Scott’s first-round victory over Harlan County, and following it up with 32 in a quarterfinal win over Perry County Central.

That gives Ohmer 73 points in back-to-back games in the state tournament.

Is that a record?

It’s not even close.

“King” Kelly Coleman of Wayland set the standard with a two-game total of 96 points in 1956. He had 28 points in a semifinal loss to Carr Creek, then came back that night with 68 against Bell County in the consolation game. 

Coleman totaled 89 points in the first two rounds of the ’56 tournament. He had 50 in Wayland’s opener against Shelbyville and 39 in the Wasps’ quarterfinals against Earlington.

Coleman came into the […]


Purples’ power: talent with experience


BY MIKE FIELDS (March 17, 2017)

Bowling Green took out No. 1 Scott County 68-53 in the quarterfinals of the Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16 Friday afternoon.

“That was the best basketball team we’ve played all year, bar none,” Purples Coach D.G. Sherrill said after his team posted its 27th consecutive victory.

Bowling Green played like Rupp Arena was its home floor, which is understandable.

For talented seniors Terry Taylor and DeAngelo Wilson, this was their eighth state tournament game in the last three years, and Kyran Jones’ seventh.

Bowling Green lost to Owensboro in the 2015 finals and to eventual champion Paul Laurence Dunbar in last year’s quarterfinals.

Taylor, a fluid 6-foot-6 swingman, had 20 points, 14 rebounds, 3 blocks and 2 steals against Scott County. He now has 128 points and 65 rebounds in Rupp.

Wilson, a mercurial 5-10 guard, had 20 points, 5 steals and 3 rebounds. He now has 95 points in […]


Bobby Keith’s Sweet 16 legacy


BY MIKE FIELDS (March 17, 2017)

The 100th Sweet 16 celebration this week in Rupp Arena is missing one of the most important figures in Kentucky high school basketball history.

Legendary Clay County Coach Bobby Keith died last fall, leaving all those who knew him with heartache. He was a remarkable coach and remarkable man.

Keith is best known for guiding Clay County to the 1987 state championship, and runner-up finishes in 1985 and ’88.

But his personal Sweet 16 experience went back 60 years.

Keith was in the lineup for Clay County when the Tigers played Hazard in the first round of the 1957 Sweet 16 in Freedom Hall. That was the first KHSAA-sponsored state tournament after integration, and Hazard’s Bob Baker, Don Smith and Linville Wright became the first black players to play in the Sweet 16.

Keith didn’t score in the 50-47 loss to Hazard, but he was honored to have been part of […]


Collins basketball now has stories to tell


BY MIKE FIELDS (March 16, 2017)

Collins’ basketball program’s seven-year itch to win a game in the state tournament finally got scratched.

The Titans pulled away in overtime to beat Elliott County 65-57 in the Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16 in Rupp Arena Thursday night.

It was the first state tournament victory for Collins, which was created when Shelby County was split in two high schools in 2010. The Titans also won the 8th Region in 2015, but lost their Sweet Sixteen opener to eventual state champ Owensboro.

Collins dodged a bullet — or more accurately, it got in the way of a charging Lion — in Thursday night’s win over Elliott County.

After the Titans’ Dominique Turner hit two free throws with :08.5 left, the Lions’ Korbin Spencer went the length of the court and attacked the rim. But Charlie Cochran was there to take a charge.

Collins scored the first seven points in OT and was on […]


The ‘Worm’ turned in most dynamic dunk in Sweet 16


BY MIKE FIELDS (March 16, 2017)

Perry County Central’s Damon Tobler had an impressive dunk during the Commodores’ win over Pikeville in the Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16 on Wednesday. It was just for show, though, because the slam was erased when Tobler was whistled for a foul on the play.

Even if it had counted, however, it wouldn’t have come close to matching the most dynamic and most important state tournament dunk I can remember.

Warren Central’s Lonnell “Worm” Dewalt had the jam of all jams in the 2004 title game against defending champion Mason County.

In the closing minutes of the fourth quarter, Warren Central was clinging to a 58-54 lead when Dewalt had a rebound slam off a miss by Matt Maresca to push the margin to 60-54.

But that wasn’t the Dewalt dunk that brought down the house.

On the Dragons’ next possession, Brock Whitney missed a three-pointer and . . .

Let’s let Tim Riley, […]


Oh, my, Ohmer goes for 41 points, 17 rebounds


BY MIKE FIELDS (March 15, 2017)

Jake Ohmer was Mr. Low Key after going for 41 points, 17 rebounds, 4 steals and 2 assists in Scott’s 77-65 victory over Harlan County in the Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16 Tuesday night.

It was the highest scoring performance in the state tournament since Elizabethtown’s Antwain Barbour had 42 against Russellville in 2000.

Asked how it felt to be Jake Ohmer after his star turn in Rupp Arena, the 5-foot-9 senior guard deflected the glory.

“It feels good, but I’m more glad about how our team played together and how we came out and got the win,” he said.

Coach Steve Fromeyer was quick to point out that his Eagles aren’t “Jake Ohmer and the four misfits. We have good pieces around him.”

Ohmer has a team-first attitude, too. But he’s also used to being the media darling this post-season.

The University of the Cumberlands’ commit has 145 points in Scott’s last four […]


Pikeville proud: Hillard Howard



BY MIKE FIELDS (March 15, 2017)

Hillard Howard has been living in Florida the past seven years, but he’s back visiting his old Kentucky home this week for two good reasons.

  • Howard’s beloved Pikeville Panthers made it to the Sweet 16 for the first time in almost 20 years. Jason Booher, Howard’s son-in-law, is athletic director, vice-principal AND assistant basketball coach at Pikeville. Panthers’ first-year head coach Elisha Justice played for Booher at Shelby Valley when it won the 2010 state championship.
  • Howard will be inducted into the Dawhares/KHSAA Hall of Fame on Saturday. He guided Pikeville to three consecutive state football titles (1987-89) and two runner-up finishes (1972, ’79). He also coached Pikeville’s girls to two state basketball tournaments (1979, ’80).
  • Even though Pikeville lost to Perry County Central in their Sweet Sixteen opener Wednesday afternoon, Howard was proud of what the Panthers accomplished this season.

    “It’s amazing, really, for Elisha to come in […]


    Vogt votes for NKU over UK


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 15, 2017)

    When Kentucky plays Northern Kentucky University in the first round of the NCAA tournament Friday night, there’ll be at least one TV viewer in Lexington rooting for the Norsemen to pull off an upset for the ages.

    “I was a Kentucky fan growing up, but I’ve gotta cheer for NKU in this one,” Chris Vogt said.

    Vogt, a 6-foot-11 senior who led Graves County to the Sweet Sixteen, signed with the NKU last fall. Vogt and his teammates lost to Bowling Green in the opening game of the state tournament on Wednesday, but they’ll stay in town the rest of the week.

    That means Vogt will be looking for someplace to watch the UK-NKU game where he’s not surrounded by Big Blue fans.

    “That’ll be tough, especially in Lexington,” he said with a smile.

    Vogt, who averaged 16.8 points and 9.2 rebounds this season, had 8 points, 9 rebounds and 5 blocked shots in Graves […]


    Welcome back, Bobby Flynn



    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 15, 2017)

    It was great to see Bobby Flynn back in Rupp Arena on Wednesday for the 100th Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16.

    Flynn has been a fixture at state tournaments for more than 40 years as a volunteer, mostly working along press row.

    He was noticeably absent last year, however, due to health issues. He suffered broken ribs and broken collarbone in a fall, and after recovering from those injuries, he fell again and suffered a broken back.

    “I’m still hurting in my back, but I’m doing a lot better,” said Flynn, who will turn 90 this July.

    Bobby’s son Doug said bringing his dad to the Sweet 16 “is the best therapy in the world for him and for all of us. His whole life has revolved around basketball. This is like family for us. We hope this gets him all pumped up and really gets him going.”

    Bobby was wearing […]


    Phil Cox and his ‘Loyall’ mentor, Billy Hicks


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 14, 2017)

    Before Phil Cox became Vanderbilt’s all-time leading scorer in 1985, before he starred at Cawood High School and became Kentucky’s Mr. Basketball in 1981, he first realized what the game might hold for him as an eighth-grader at Loyall Junior High in Harlan County.

    And he credits his eighth-grade coach, Billy Hicks, for opening his eyes to the future.

    Cox and Hicks, who hadn’t seen each other in more than 25 years, traded stories about the good ol’ days Tuesday morning, before a press conference at Lexington’s Griffin Gate Marriott announcing the Kentucky High School Basketball Hall of Fame’s Centennial inductees for 2017.

    Cox will be among the honorees at this summer’s ceremony in Elizabethtown. Hicks, the winningest high school coach in Kentucky history who has Scott County back in the Sweet Sixteen this week, was inducted into the Hall of Fame last year.

    Cox, now the principal at Jefferson Middle School […]


    Richie Farmer’s ‘Sweet’ memories


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 14, 2017)

    Richie Farmer clearly recalls how his record-setting Sweet Sixteen career began in Rupp Arena 33 years ago this week.

    Clay County had a big lead on Owensboro in their first-round game when Farmer, an eighth-grader, took the floor with 1:08 remaining.

    Then, with the clock ticking away, “I got the ball in the middle of the floor against their press, coming down on the break, and I hit a little 12-footer in the lane (with :05 left),” Farmer said last week.

    “It was a shot I’ll never forget. It was an unbelievable feeling, being a kid who grew up dreaming of playing in the state tournament in Rupp Arena, and getting to live that dream.”

    Farmer, however, doesn’t remember the final shot of his Sweet Sixteen career. It came in a losing effort against Ballard in the 1988 finals in Freedom Hall.

    He hit a straight-away 22-foot three-pointer with 14 seconds […]


    03/13/17 – Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® Broadcast Information; 98.5 FM to Air Games Locally

    2016-2017 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 13, 2017

    The 2017 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® gets underway Wednesday afternoon at Rupp Arena when Bowling Green squares off against Graves County at 12 p.m. (ET). Fans can follow all the action through live webcasts at or listen to the games online at All 15 games will also be broadcast through the Kentucky Utilities/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® Radio Network, with the games airing locally in Lexington on iHeart Media’s “The Bull Icons at 98.5 FM”.

    Live video webcasts of all 15 games will be available at for subscribers to the NFHS Network ( Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available for $9.95 a month. A monthly subscription, priced less than the cost of admission to a state championship event, entitles users to every broadcast by the KHSAA and the more than 40 participating state associations.

    A free audio-only feed of the […]


    Mercer County girls win Sweet Sixteen in style


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 12, 2017)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS – When Chris Souder took over as Mercer County girls’ basketball coach 18 years ago, he allowed himself to imagine the Titans winning a state title someday.

    “It’s always a dream, it’s always a goal,” he said. “But two years ago we talked about it actually being a realistic goal. If everybody would stay the course, buy into the way we wanted to play, we felt this was going to be a special bunch.”

    That feeling became a reality Sunday afternoon when Mercer County beat Franklin County 85-71 in the championship game of the St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen before 3,963 fans in BB&T Arena.

    The Titans’ 85 points were the second most in finals history. M.C. Napier set the record with an 88-56 win over Highlands in the 1994 title game.

    Mercer County (31-6) put on a dazzling display of team basketball.

    All five Titans’ starters […]


    Mercer County vs. Franklin County for girls’ state title


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 11, 2017)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS  — Mercer County will play Franklin County  in the championship game of the St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen in BB&T Arena Sunday at 2 p.m.

    Mercer County (30-6) earned a spot in the finals for the first time by beating Murray 67-60 in Saturday’s semifinals.

    Franklin County (33-5) advanced to the title game by beating Holmes 51-36 in Saturday’s nightcap. The Flyers have twice been state runners-up, both times to Butler, in 1980 and last year.

    Mercer County Coach Chris Souder said his program has come a long way in recent years. He remembers his Titans getting demolished by Elizabethtown 79-38 in the first round of the Sweet Sixteen in 2015.

    They made a better showing last year, making it to the semifinals before losing to Franklin County 55-51.

    “It’s just incredible the way this program’s evolved over […]


    Mercer County’s Seygan Robins’ long road to basketball success


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 11, 2017)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS – For high school basketball players, the road to success and scholarships isn’t a direct route.

    It’s not a dribble drive straight to the hoop for an easy score.

    The destination isn’t always the big stage of the Sweet Sixteen to compete for a big trophy, and glory for your team, school and community.

    It’s a long journey with detours and disappointments. Sacrifice and hard work are constant companions.

    But there’s lots of fun and friendships along the way, too, and it’s best if your family is along for the ride.

    That’s the way it has been for Mercer County junior standout Seygan Robins, who’s playing in the St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen this week.

    Seygan and her Titan teammates are in the state tournament for the third year in a row, and they’ll play for the state championship Sunday afternoon.

    For Seygan, who’s already earned a scholarship […]


    Murray coach and her husband on same basketball wavelength


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 10, 2017)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS – Travis Turner has been doing radio coverage of Murray High School girls’ basketball for a long time, but he had his first near-death experience Friday afternoon as he described the Tigers’ stunning 65-56 upset of defending champion and nationally ranked Butler in the quarterfinals of the St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen in BB&T Arena.

    “I thought I was going to die when I was on the air,” Turner said. “I’ve never been more emotional during a broadcast in my life.”

    That’s because he was watching his wife, Rechelle, coach Murray’s girls to one of the biggest victories in the program’s history.

    That’s right. The coach of […]


    Donna Murphy’s Sweet 16 starburst


    The St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen tips off today at NKU’s BB&T Arena. This is the 56th girls’ state tournament, the 43nd since the KHSAA started sponsoring the event again in 1975. While everybody agrees that girls’ basketball has come a long way since then, it should be noted that the ’75 Sweet Sixteen featured one of the state’s all-time greatest players.

     BY MIKE FIELDS (March 8, 2017)

    Donna Murphy, who must be included in any conversation about the best girls’ high school basketball players in Kentucky history, became a legend despite having to wait to prove herself to a statewide audience.

    Murphy’s first two years of high school predated the modern era of the Girls’ Sweet Sixteen, which kept her wondrous athletic skills from being widely appreciated. 

    In her freshman and sophomore years at Newport, Murphy and her teammates played in the Northern Kentucky Athletic Conference, which was made up of schools in the 9th Region. There was a […]


    03/07/17 – St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet 16® Broadcast Information

    2016-2017 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 7, 2017

    The 2017 St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet 16® begins Wednesday afternoon at BB&T Arena in Highland Heights when Sacred Heart takes on Butler at 12 p.m. (ET). Fans can follow all the action through live webcasts at or listen to the games online at

    All 15 games of the Girls’ Sweet 16® will be webcast live at for subscribers to the NFHS Network ( Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available for $9.95 a month. A monthly subscription, priced less than the cost of admission to a state championship event, entitles users to every broadcast by the KHSAA and the more than 40 participating state associations. Viewers who subscribe for the Girls’ Sweet 16® will also be able to watch all 15 games from the boys’ basketball tournament while their subscription is active.

    A free audio-only feed of the games will also […]


    02/28/17 – Tickets on Sale for Hall of Fame Banquet on March 18

    Hall of Fame Blog Posts

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 28, 2017

    The Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame Class of 2017 will be inducted in an afternoon ceremony at the Lexington Center on Saturday, March 18th prior to the semifinals of the 2017 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16®. The banquet starts with a social hour at 12 p.m., followed by a luncheon at 1 p.m. and the induction ceremony at 2 p.m.

    This year’s class consists of Oscar Brohm (Flaget), Michelle Clark-Heard (Atherton), Betty Jo Cook Gibson and Anna Jo Cook Pickens (London), Hillard Howard (Pikeville/Letcher County Central), Marty Moore (Highlands), Marcia Morton (Male), Chris Redman (Male), Jesse Stuart (Glasgow), Claude Sullivan (Winchester), and Charles “Jock” Sutherland (Gallatin County/Harrison County/Madisonville/Lafayette). The initial announcement on the 2017 Hall of Fame Class can be viewed at

    Tickets for the 2017 Hall of Fame banquet are available for $60 for individual tickets or $500 for a 10-person table, and can be purchased at […]


    Remembering Douglass Demons basketball


    BY MIKE FIELDS (Feb. 27, 2017)

    Sixty years ago today, Henry Bell, John Burdette, Paul Price and their Douglass High School basketball teammates walked into UK’s Memorial Coliseum and made history.

    On Feb. 27, 1957, Coach Charles Livisay’s Demons became the first black school to compete in Lexington’s 43rd District tournament, capping the first season of integration when black schools were allowed to compete as KHSAA members.

    Bell recalled being overwhelmed by the Coliseum’s expanse. “It was just so big. I was like, ‘wow!’ Our gym at Douglass was real small; the court was only 35 x 60. A shot from the corner was only a 15-footer. A regular (high school) court was 50 x 84.

    “The Coliseum was a college court so it was 10 feet longer than that. After I ran up and down it a couple times, my tongue was hanging out,” Bell said with a laugh.

    Burdette remembered the Coliseum’s strange acoustics. “It was like it was soundproof,” he said. “Your […]


    02/22/17 – Swimming & Diving Championships Begin Thursday in Louisville

    2016-2017 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 22, 2017

    The 2017 KHSAA Swimming & Diving State Championships (Feb. 23-25) begin Thursday with the boys’ and girls’ diving preliminaries at the Ralph Wright Natatorium in Louisville. Boys’ diving prelims are set for 12:30-3 p.m. followed by the girls’ diving prelims from 6:30-9 p.m.

    Competition resumes Friday morning with the boys’ swimming prelims starting at 10 a.m., followed by the girls’ swimming prelims at 4:30 p.m. Saturday’s championship finals get started at 11 a.m. with the boys’ competition, and conclude with the girls’ championship finals, which are slated to start at 5:15 p.m.

    Tickets go on sale to the public at 10 a.m. on Friday for the morning session, and 3:30 p.m. for the afternoon session. On Saturday, ticket sales begin at 9 a.m. for the boys’ finals and 4:15 p.m. for the girls’ championship.

    A complete schedule of events, the official championship program, heat sheets and live scoring can […]


    Dynasty of dynasties: St. X swimming & diving


    BY MIKE FIELDS (Feb. 22, 2017)

    LOUISVILLE — St. Xavier’s swimming and diving program is the greatest dynasty in the history of Kentucky high school sports. Its state championship numbers are as overwhelming as a tsunami: 52 team, 146 individual and 75 relay titles.

    The Tigers will be going for their 29th team title in a row when the KHSAA Swimming and Diving Championships are held at the University of Louisville’s Ralph Wright Natatorium this weekend. If they win, they will tie the boys’ national record for consecutive state titles shared by Honolulu (Hawaii) Punahou (1958-86) and Jacksonville (Fla.) Bolles (1988-2016).

    The Carmel (Ind.) girls set the overall record with their 30th in a row last year. 

    St. X Coach Todd Larkin said the secret to the Tigers’ sustained dominance is they don’t let past successes adversely affect present pursuits.

    “Our students respect the tradition — you can’t really avoid talking about […]


    R.I.P., Mike Wainscott, multi-sport coach in Lexington


    Mike Wainscott, who coached in Fayette County public schools for 38 years, passed away Feb. 17, 2017. He was 67. Here’s what I wrote about him for the Lexington Herald-Leader upon his retirement in May, 2012.


    Mike Wainscott has been a high school coach in Lexington for so long his career has spanned seven U.S. presidents. His longevity might be better appreciated by sports fans if it was noted that Wainscott’s first season on the sidelines came five years before ESPN was launched.

    Wainscott started as a football assistant at Tates Creek in 1974. He’s been involved in at least one sport in Fayette County public schools ever since. But Wainscott, who has coached softball at Paul Laurence Dunbar the last 15 seasons, is ready to call it quits.

    “I still enjoy the heck out of it, but it’s just time,” said Wainscott, 62. “I could keep going, but something’s telling me […]


    OF117-Conflict of Interest Questionnaire

    Forms-Officials Division Forms



    16-17 Radio – Public Service Announcements

    Public Service Announcements


    02/15/17 – Sweet 16® Online Media Credentialing System

    2016-2017 News Releases

    The media credentialing system for the 2017 St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ and Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen® State Basketball Tournaments is now available online, and can be accessed by going to The St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ State Tournament will take place March 8-12 at BB&T Arena in Highland Heights, followed by the Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® March 15-19 at Rupp Arena in Lexington.

    The deadline to apply for credentials is 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to each respective tournament – March 6 for the Girls’ Sweet 16® and March 13 for the Boys.

    The intellectual property, corporate, broadcasting and media rights to all State championship rounds of the KHSAA postseason championships belong exclusively to the KHSAA, including titling agreements and sponsorships. As such, the KHSAA is the only entity permitted to originate a live broadcast during the Sweet 16® (this includes the use of social media streaming […]


    KHSAA/NFHS Network Required Media Rights Fees Minimum Fee Schedule

    Media Documents

    As of 2024-25

    Postseason managers and schools may charge in excess of these fees, but these are the amounts to be remitted through the KHSAA online payments system
    Rights fees are under review and will be published 10/3/24


    02/14/17 – State Wrestling Championships Begin Friday At Alltech Arena

    2016-2017 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 14, 2017

    The 54th KHSAA State Wrestling Championships will be held this weekend (Feb. 17-18) at Alltech Arena. Gates will open to the public at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, with the first round matches set to begin at 9:30 a.m. Friday’s action will conclude with the third round of the championship bracket (bouts 1-616).

    The second session begins Saturday morning with third round consolation bracket matches at 9 a.m., continuing through the sixth round consolation bracket matches (bouts 785-812). Session three is scheduled to begin with the KWCA awards at 3:30 p.m. followed by the consolation bracket finals for third, fifth and seventh place. Upon conclusion of the consolation bracket finals, the competitors in the finals will be introduced and the first championship match will commence. Awards will be presented following each bracket final, with the team trophies awarded after the last championship bout.

    Tickets to the 2017 KHSAA State Wrestling […]


    Saluting Dominic Black, state’s most decorated wrestler


    “It was such an amazing journey. The life lessons I learned from wrestling, I wish everybody could have those experiences. I mean, I filled up two passports traveling the world and having people cheer for me in languages I can’t even speak. That’s a great thing. But that’s sports.” — U.S. Army Major Dominic Black

    BY MIKE FIELDS (Feb. 14, 2017)

    FORT KNOX — Dominic Black clearly remembers the first wrestling match he won as a new-to-the-mat sophomore at Henry Clay High School more than 30 years ago.

    “I was probably just as nervous or scared as my opponent,” he recalled last week. “We go out, get into this tussle, I lock up a cradle and we roll around. I come out on top and pin this guy, and I’m like, ‘That felt great!’ At that point I decided I was going to stay the course and keep wrestling.”

    Keep wrestling he did, for another 20 years, and along […]


    02/09/17 – Important Reminders-Title IX Reports and Rosters

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    As the winter sports season draws to a close, and we prepare to open up the 2017 Online Title IX reports for entry, we have discovered that a substantial number of member schools have team related issues that must first be corrected. Specifically, the issue is that a member school will designate that they offer a particular team, but do not have enough players on that team to actually field the team. Please note that new for 2017, the required online Title IX reports will be locked out for entry until a school corrects such team errors.

    As a reminder, schools should only have teams loaded into their Primary KHSAA School Database that compete interscholastically against another team at that level. You must play a competitive regular schedule against other schools. Although mistakes do occur on the Varsity level, it is apparent that the vast majority of the issues in the roster system […]


    State’s top scorer has game, fame, new name


    BY MIKE FIELDS (Feb. 9, 2017)

    When you’ve just put up a monster triple-double in a ridiculously high-scoring comeback victory, you have every right to request that people call you by any name you choose.

    After Lawrence County basketball star Timmy Dalton poured in a school-record 60 points to go with 15 rebounds and 10 assists in a 106-103 victory at Greenup County Monday night, the 6-foot-3 senior asked the media if they would henceforth refer to him as Tim Dalton.

    “’Timmy’ makes me seem like I’m young; ‘Tim’ sounds older,” he said lightheartedly in a telephone interview Wednesday.

    You can also call Tim Dalton one of the most prolific scorers in Kentucky boys’ basketball in quite a while.

    Dalton has 1,039 points in 27 games this season for a 38.5 average. No boys’ player in the state has scored that much since Chris Harrison of Tollesboro averaged 39.4 points for the 1990-91 season.

    (Ervin Stepp […]


    02/07/17 – Bowling Championships Begin Thursday, Including KHSAA’s Second Unified/Adaptive Offering

    2016-2017 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 7, 2017

    The first winter championship gets underway Thursday morning with the 2017 KHSAA State Bowling Championships (Feb. 9-10) at Collins Eastland in Lexington. In addition to the singles and team events, this year’s championship will include the introduction of Unified and Adaptive Bowling, as the KHSAA continues to expand its offerings for greater inclusion. Bowling will be the second KHSAA sport or sport-activity to offer Unified/Adaptive events, joining Track and Field which began offering Unified events in 2015 and Adaptive events in 2011.

    Thursday’s action begins with the Unified competition at 8 a.m., which will consist of one qualifying game for seeding followed by baker’s doubles matches throughout a 16-team bracket. The boys’ and girls’ singles competition will get underway at 11:40 a.m. After each singles competitor bowls three games, the field will be trimmed to the top eight individuals. The top eight will then roll two additional games, with […]


    ‘Corn’ captured best of high school sports


    BY MIKE FIELDS (Feb. 3, 2017)

    Kentucky high school sports is losing a friend. Photographer Mark Cornelison is leaving the Herald-Leader for a job at the University of Kentucky. 

    “Corn” worked at the newspaper for more than 20 years, and he brought a sharp eye, imagination and enthusiasm to illustrating the games, players and coaches in high school sports.

    He shot countless regular-season and playoff games, and was on the sidelines for dozens of championships. He always did his best to capture the key moments, and he almost always succeeded.

    Mark and I made a lot of road trips together. The best times were to shoot the covers for our preseason basketball and football special sections. Our destinations included Boyle County (Coach Chuck Smith and linebacker Lamar Dawson); Leslie County (Tim Couch); Louisville (Brian Brohm); Mason County (Chris Lofton and Darius Miller), and Northern Kentucky (Drew Barker).

    Mark’s most memorable cover shot, however, came right here in Lexington in 2000. We met Bryan Station […]


    02/02/17 – 2017 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Sweet 16® Scholarship Applications Now Open

    2016-2017 News Releases

    For the fourth year Whitaker Bank, as part of its continuing title sponsorship of the Boys’ Sweet 16®, and the KHSAA will be presenting four one-time $1,500 scholarships. The scholarships are open to high school seniors that participate in KHSAA sanctioned sports and sport-activities.

    Deadline for the information to be received by the KHSAA is Feb. 25. There is no limit to the number of applicants from a school.

    Winners will be recognized during the 2017 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ State Basketball Tournament, March 15-19 in Lexington.

    Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Sweet 16® Scholarship Application Forms are only available online and may be completed using the link below:


    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with […]


    02/01/17 – Pairings Announced For 2017 St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ and Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen®

    2016-2017 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 1, 2017

    Regional matchups for the 2017 St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ and the 2017 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen® were revealed Wednesday afternoon when the annual Draw Show was broadcast on The CW Lexington and Hosted by Dave Baker and Gary Ball at the WKYT Studio, the Draw Show determined the matchups for the 100th boys’ Sweet 16® and the 56th girls’ Sweet 16®.

    The 2017 St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet 16® will be held March 8-12 at BB&T Arena in Highland Heights. The 2017 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® will be played the following week, March 15-19 at Rupp Arena in Lexington. Full-session ticket packages for the Girls’ Sweet 16® are available for $132 for side/lower arena seats at Tickets to the Boys’ Sweet 16® will go on sale to the general public later this month, with information available at

    2017 St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen® […]


    Don Lane, aka Donnie Lane, sharpshooter


    BY MIKE FIELDS (Feb. 1, 2017)

    For all he’s done for young people, Hall of Fame basketball coach Don Lane will receive the Jim Host Youth Sports Award at the Bluegrass Sports Commission’s annual banquet tonight at the Lexington Convention Center.

    Lane led Transylvania to 509 victories in his 26 years as coach. He retired after leading the Pioneers to a No. 1 national ranking in 2001. His son Brian succeeded him as Transy’s coach.

    Don Lane has been inducted into the Kentucky Basketball Hall of Fame, the Transylvania Athletic Hall of Fame and the Union College Athletic Hall of Fame.

    Don Lane first earned notice as Donnie Lane — a high school hotshot at Versailles.

    He had a career-high 38 points as junior in a 63-59 victory over Georgetown on Feb. 2, 1960.

    (His accomplishment was noted in the Lexington Herald a couple days later in an article written by a young sports writer named Billy Reed. Yes, the same Billy Reed who […]


    Bowling Green’s swagger of success


    BY MIKE FIELDS (Jan. 31, 2017)

    The Everly Brothers had a top-40 hit in 1967 in which they sang about how “a man in Kentucky sure is lucky to live down in Bowling Green.” 

    Fifty years later, Kevin Wallace and D.G. Sherrill admit they are lucky men as they oversee powerhouse sports programs at Bowling Green High School.

    Wallace, the Purples football coach, has had the winningest program in the state over the last six years. Bowling Green has won five Class 5A championships in that span while winning 84 of 87 games. Starting in 2011, it reeled off 48 victories in a row, and it currently owns a 27-game winning streak.

    The Purples also have had two of the last four Mr. Football winners in Nacarius Fant and Jamale Carothers.

    Sherrill, the boys’ basketball coach at Bowling Green, has guided the Purples to the Sweet Sixteen five of the past six years. They were state runners-up to Owensboro in 2015, made the final four […]


    01/30/17 – Baseball Online Rules Clinic Now Available

    Baseball Blog Updates

    The 2017 Online Rules Clinic that is required for all head and assistant coaches and licensed officials in the sport of Baseball is now available.


    • January 30 – April 10 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches at no charge during this period.
    • April 11 – May 7 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the late fee ($100) during this period.
    • May 8 – May 21 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the late fee ($200) during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


    • January 30 – April 10 – the Clinic may be viewed by officials at no charge during this period.
    • April 11 – May 7 – the Clinic may be viewed by officials for the late fee ($30) during this period.
    • May 8 – May 14 – the Clinic may […]


    01/27/17 – Winter Sports Championship Credentials

    2016-2017 News Releases

    The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Winter Sports Championships (Bowling, Wrestling and Swimming) is now live, and can be accessed by going to

    Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

    Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

    Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, as well as unauthorized […]


    Cliff Hagan played for Owensboro one week, UK the next


    Sports Illustrated’s Seth Davis wrote a column last week stating the case for high school (and prep school) basketball players getting the jump on their college careers by enrolling in college at midseason. It’s hardly a new idea, as Cliff Hagan will attest.

    BY MIKE FIELDS (Jan. 26, 2017)

    Cliff Hagan made his debut as a University of Kentucky basketball player on this date 67 years ago. On Jan. 26, 1950, Hagan had 9 points in 19 minutes of action as UK’s freshman team beat Xavier’s freshmen 59-46 in Cincinnati.

    What’s remarkable about that bit of trivia is that only five days earlier Hagan played his last high school game. On Jan. 21, 1950, he had 27 points to lead defending state champion Owensboro to a 58-39 victory over Manual in Louisville.

    Hagan graduated from Owensboro at mid-term and became one of Adolph Rupp’s most prized recruits.

    “I realized all at once it was my last high school game, […]


    HF101-Application for Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame

    Online Forms

  • Nomination Categories
  • Individuals may be nominated representing four categories. The categories of Athlete, Coach, Official and Contributor are included on the nomination form for expediency in understanding the primary area in which an individual is to be considered for one’s achievements in interscholastic athletics. The grouping is for screening purposes to assist those making the nominations in understanding the type of information required.

  • Athlete: A former high school athlete whose achievements as a high school athlete were extraordinary and merit statewide recognition. Such athlete shall have completed high school eligibility in all sports at least ten years prior to being eligible for nomination. Athletes who are being nominated are to be considered solely for their achievements in interscholastic athletics in this state.
  • Coach: A current (age 65 or over) coach whose accomplishments as a high school coach merit state recognition or former high school coach who has been inactive as a coach for a […]


  • 01/25/17 – Sweet Sixteen® Draw Show To Air February 1st on CW Lexington,

    2016-2017 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 25, 2017

    Pairings for the 2017 St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen® and the 2017 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen® will be revealed on Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 1 p.m. (ET) when the annual Sweet 16® Draw Show is televised by The CW Lexington. The Sweet 16® Draw Show will also be streamed live online at and

    The 2017 St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet 16® will be held March 8-12 at BB&T Arena on the campus of Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights, with the 2017 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® taking place March 15-19 at Rupp Arena in Lexington. This year’s Boys’ Sweet 16® will be the 100th boys’ […]


    GE33-Second Month Enrollment-Non Public Schools

    Forms-Legacy School System Forms



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