Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

Cross Country

09/23/19- KHSAA and Midway University Expand Student-Athlete Awards Program

2019-2020 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 23, 2019

The Kentucky High School Athletic Association and Midway University are expanding their partnership in the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year Awards program to include recognition for males beginning in the fall of 2019. The program originally began in the spring of 2016 as a way for Midway University to honor female student-athletes, and will now include male and female student-athletes for all KHSAA-sanctioned sports and sport-activities.

“We value our partnership with the KHSAA as we expand our on-campus offerings to include male students and male sports and look forward to continuing to get our message out across the Commonwealth to even more student-athletes and potential students,” said Midway University President John P. Marsden, Ph.D.

“It is exciting to expand our relationship with Midway University to coincide with its own expansion of sports offerings,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “This was already a tremendous partnership through its effort to […]


09/09/18 – Cross Country Nominations Sought for Male and Female Midway Student Athlete-of-the-Year Awards

Cross Country Blog Updates

The KHSAA is excited to open the nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year among Cross Country participants for 2019-2020. Midway University has expanded its partnership to include both male and female nominations for 2019-2020.

This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2019-2020 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but may be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards banquet at Midway University in early June 2020. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2019-2020 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year and announced at the banquet. All winners will […]


08/29/19 – First Time “Coaching Cross Country” Course Now Available in NFHS Learning Center

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (August 29, 2019) — For the first time, cross country coaches now have a learning resource through “Coaching Cross Country,” an online education course available through the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Learning Center at

Cross country is both a team and individual sport that demands great fitness, endurance and a drive to compete.

“We are excited to offer this course for cross country coaches,” said Dan Schuster, NFHS director of educational services. “For the first time, cross country coaches now have a course in the NFHS Learning Center.”

Created in association with USA Track and Field, the course is designed to help coaches learn more to teach the skills of cross country to their students.

“Our goal is to assist coaches with courses that are specifically tailored to the needs of their students,” Schuster said. “We have had a track and field course available for a few […]


2019 KHSAA State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


08/05/19 – 2019 Cross Country Rules Clinic Now Available

Cross Country Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Cross Country is available beginning today, August 5. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


August 5 to September 21 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 22 to October 11 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
October 12 to October 25 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.

After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.

The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along with […]


07/17/19- Heat and Humidity Reminders for Member Schools Representatives

2019-2020 News Releases

With temperatures rising across the state and predictions for record temperatures in the coming days, now is a good time to remind all of our school administrators and coaches of the requirements of the Heat Index and Heat Illness prevention program. The complete program is detailed at

No game or plan for a game or practice for a game is worth short-cutting this required procedure that is now more than fifteen years old. Nothing about the program has changed with the exception of the inclusion of the ability to use the wet bulb globe to monitor conditions, but with the turnover in coaches (and administrators) perhaps a few heat index and illness reminders are helpful:

  • Heat index requirements and restrictions apply (and have always applied) to outdoor and indoor sports. In many cases during the summer, indoor practice areas (including gymnasiums) are set to be electronically controlled in terms of temperature and coaches […]


06/27/19 – Assisting Injured Athletes, Expansion of Exchange Zones Among Rules Changes in Track and Field/Cross Country

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (June 27, 2019) — The expansion of exchange zones in short relay events, which does not require tracks to be repainted/resurfaced, as well as assisting injured athletes, are among the rules changes for high school track and field and cross country.

Seven rules changes were recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Track and Field and Cross Country Rules Committee at its June 10-12 meeting in Indianapolis, and all changes were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

The first change amends notes in Rule 4 (Competitors and Competition) and Rule 8 (Cross Country) which reads, “A competitor who provides assistance to an injured or ill competitor should not be disqualified if neither the individual competitor providing the assistance nor his/her team gains an advantage as a result of providing the assistance.”

“Previous changes to the NFHS rules created the exception that allows a competitor to assist an […]


11/15/18 – Cross Country Competition Dates Set for 2019 and 2020

Cross Country Blog Updates

The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its regular meeting on November 14. As part of a comprehensive review of the fall sports, especially in light of the “rollover” of corresponding dates and the potential lateness in the fall for championship meets, the dates were set for the 2019 and 2020 Cross Country seasons.

The corresponding dates for 2019 will have the first competition date be August 19 (during NFHS week 7, August 18 – August 24) and the final regular season week in NFHS week 15 (October 13 – October 19). Cross Country regionals will take place October 25-26 at various sites. The 2019 State Cross Country Meet will be held November 2nd, once again at the Kentucky Horse Park.

Dates for 2020-21 were also adopted by the Board of Control. The complete corresponding date chart is online at



The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to […]


11/14/18 – Board of Control Adjusts 2019 Fall Seasons, Sets State Championship Sites

2018-2019 News Releases


During the course of its meeting at the KHSAA Offices on Wednesday, the Board of Control made adjustments to the 2019 fall sports seasons and finalized sites for this year’s State Baseball and Swimming & Diving Championships.

For the last several years prior to 2018, the soccer, volleyball and cross country seasons all culminated on the same weekend. With volleyball moving a week earlier in 2018 to avoid a conflict in Louisville with the Breeders’ Cup, the Association had the opportunity to reevaluate the structure of its seasons while also looking to alleviate concerns with competitions on ACT test dates.

With those factors in mind, the Board approved a recommendation to set the start of the 2019 Soccer regular season to begin in NFHS Week 6 (8/11-8/17) and end with the final regular season week in NFHS Week 13 (9/29-10/5). […]


11/02/18 – Practice Run for State Cross Country Meet Canceled

Cross Country Blog Updates

Attention Athletic Directors, Cross Country Coaches, and fans:

Due to current course conditions at the Kentucky Horse Park, the open practice run for the State Cross Country meet, scheduled for Friday, November 2 from 3:00 – 5:30 p.m., has been canceled. This will allow for the course to further drain throughout the evening to help ensure an optimal participation experience on championship Saturday. Student-athletes who wish to view the course may still visit the Horse Park, but KHSAA staff and officials will be on site completing the set-up process and request that athletes and coaches avoid walking or running on the course.

Coaches should also be advised that the Tent City area is currently flooded and will continue to be very wet on Saturday. The blacktop area within Paddock 1 will be available for placing tents, so please be prepared to secure team tents on that surface.

TeamIP, the official championship apparel vendor of the […]


10/31/18 – Cross Country and Soccer State Champions Decided This Weekend

2018-2019 News Releases


Eight state championship trophies will be awarded this weekend in Lexington with the 2018 KHSAA Cross Country State Meet taking place at the Kentucky Horse Park and the culmination of the KHSAA State Soccer Tournament sponsored by the U.S. ARMY ROTC at Frederick Douglass HS. Advance tickets for each event can be purchased at

The 2018 KHSAA Cross Country Championships begin Saturday at 9:30 a.m. with the Class 1A Boys’ race, followed by the Class 1A Girls at 10:15 a.m. The Class 2A meet is scheduled to begin with the boys at 11:30 a.m., with the Class 3A meet slated to start at 1:30 p.m. A full state meet schedule is available at

The 2018 KHSAA State Soccer Tournament sponsored by the U.S. ARMY ROTC continues Wednesday evening with girls’ semifinal action at Frederick Douglass HS, as West Jessamine takes on Sacred Heart at 6 […]


10/30/18 – Cross Country State Meet Information

Cross Country Blog Updates

Congratulations to all participants and coaches who have qualified for the 2018 KHSAA State Cross Country Championships. First and foremost, we would like to thank the eight regional hosts for all of their hard work and the success of the “super regionals” this past Saturday.

There are several items for your review on the cross country page of the KHSAA website, including the state instructions, course maps and directions to the Kentucky Horse Park, and the state meet time schedule. To view these items, go to and choose “State Meet Information and Instructions”.

Practice time is once again available on Friday, which is the only day that practice is allowed. The times available are from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (ET). SafetyTec will be available for medical needs. Buses shall park in the lower lot of Alltech Arena during the practice times as course officials, many student-athletes, and KHSAA staff will be walking […]


10/28/18 – State Cross Country Qualifiers

Cross Country Blog Updates

The Regional results for Cross Country and the KHSAA State Qualifiers have been posted on the KHSAA website. It is important that coaches review the Roster by School immediately. Please contact the KHSAA at with any corrections (name spellings, grade levels, etc).

For new coaches: Once a student-athlete (or team) is entered into the region they are automatically entered into the state meet if they qualify. Even if your team did not qualify, you may have had an individual that did qualify. Please check the link provided to see if this might be the case. It is the roster by school that tells you if your student-athletes qualified for the state meet.

To see the school-by-school roster and performance listing, click on this link, then scroll down to the headings Cross Country Tournament Results and choose the 2018 KHSAA State/Region Results/Entries dropdown menu, then choose the appropriate class, then choose 2018 […]


09/26/18 – Fall Sports Championship Media Credentials

2018-2019 News Releases

The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Fall Sports Championships is now live, and can be accessed by going to

Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, as well as unauthorized use of the media […]


2018 KHSAA State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


09/06/18 – Midway University/KHSAA Cross Country Female Student-Athlete of the Year Nomination Now Open

Cross Country Blog Updates

The KHSAA is excited to open the nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year among girls’ Cross Country participants for 2018.

The award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one female participant from each 2018 team.

Nominations must come from a member school but may be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

The winner will be presented her award at a banquet at Midway University in May 2019.

Deadline for nominations for Cross Country will be Thursday, October 11, 2018.


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


08/06/18 – 2018 Cross Country Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Cross Country Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Cross Country is available beginning today, August 6. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


  • August 6 to September 21 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 22 to October 11 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
  • October 12 to October 25 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.
  • After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.

The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, […]


05/14/18 – Hieneman Named Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year for 2017-18

2017-2018 News Releases


The second annual Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year program culminated on the campus of Midway University on Monday as Russell High School’s Sara Hieneman (softball) was named the overall winner for 2017-18. Beginning in May of 2017 with the State Bass Fishing Championship, Midway University presented a Female Student-Athlete of the Year award at each of the KHSAA’s 15 girls’ state championship events, with an overall winner selected following the final championship of the timeframe (2018 State Archery).

The Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year award is based upon overall athletic performance (60%), academic achievement (20%) and community service (20%). Students must possess an overall grade point average of 3.0 or better to qualify, and must be academically eligible during the season in which they are nominated. School administrators, coaches and athletic directors nominate student-athletes online at, and the nominees are voted upon by a […]


11/02/17 – State Cross Country Meet New Feature

Cross Country Blog Updates

The KHSAA is excited to notify all its competitors, coaches and fans of an additional feature for the 2017 KHSAA State Cross Country Meet made available through our great event staff that is handling the timing system.

An additional timing mat will be placed on the course at the three-mile mark. This will allow the recording of three (3) split times for student-athletes during the race and serves to enhance the participation experience for both the students and the fans. We will now have a total of four (4) timing mats on the course- at the one-mile marker, two-mile marker and three-mile markers, and at the finish line. 

We are grateful for the fantastic team of people who come together to manage this great event and wanted to be sure all competitors were notified in advance.

Please continue to direct your questions concerning the meet to Sarah Bridenbaugh





11/02/17 – Fall Championship Weekend Wraps Up Volleyball, Soccer and Cross Country Seasons

2017-2018 News Releases


Nine team state titles will be awarded this weekend as the KHSAA’s Fall Championship weekend puts the finishing touches on the 2017 soccer, volleyball and cross country seasons. Six state championship trophies will be up for grabs Saturday during the 2017 KHSAA Cross Country State Meet at the Kentucky Horse Park. Championship action continues that evening with the finals of the girls’ and boys’ state soccer tournaments at Lafayette HS with the first game starting at 5 p.m. The 2017 KHSAA State Volleyball Tournament gets underway Friday morning with first round matches at Valley HS in Louisville and concludes with the championship match at 2 p.m. on Sunday. will produce live webcasts of the championship games of the KHSAA State Soccer Tournament, as well as the semifinals and finals of the KHSAA State Volleyball Tournament. A highlight package of the 2017 KHSAA Cross Country State Meet will […]


10/31/17 – Cross Country State Meet Information

Cross Country Blog Updates

Congratulations to all participants and coaches who have qualified for the 2017 KHSAA State Cross Country Championships. First and foremost, we would like to thank the eight regional hosts for all of their hard work and the success of the “super regionals” this past Saturday.

There are several items for your review on the cross country page of the KHSAA website, including the state instructions, course maps and directions to the Kentucky Horse Park, and the state meet time schedule. To view these items, go to and choose “State Meet Information and Instructions”.

Practice time is once again available on Friday, which is the only day that practice is allowed. The times available are from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (ET). SafetyTec will be available for medical needs. Buses shall park in the lower lot of Alltech Arena during the practice times as course officials, many student-athletes, and KHSAA staff will be walking the […]


10/29/17 – State Cross Country Qualifiers

Cross Country Blog Updates

The Regional results for Cross Country and the KHSAA State Qualifiers have been posted on the KHSAA website. It is important that coaches review the Roster by School immediately. Please contact the KHSAA at with any corrections (name spellings, grade levels, etc).

For new coaches: Once a student-athlete (or team) is entered into the region they are automatically entered into the state meet if they qualify. Even if your team did not qualify, you may have had an individual that did qualify. Please check the link provided to see if this might be the case. It is the roster by school that tells you if your student-athletes qualified for the state meet.

To see the school-by-school roster and performance listing, click on this link, then scroll down to the headings Cross Country Tournament Results and choose the 2017 KHSAA State/Region Results/Entries dropdown menu, then choose the appropriate class, then choose 2017 […]


10/20/17 – State Cross Country Meet Tickets on Sale Now

Cross Country Blog Updates

Fans can now order tickets online to the 2017 KHSAA State Cross Country Meet. This event will be held November 4 at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington. 

General Admission tickets are $10. Children 10 and under are admitted free of charge. 


Purchase Cross Country Tickets – Click Here

State Meet Time Schedule – Click Here

KHSAA Cross Country Homepage – Click Here



The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


2017 KHSAA State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


10/02/17 – Nominations Sought for Midway University Female Student-Athlete of the Year – Girls’ Cross Country

Cross Country Blog Updates

The KHSAA is excited to open the nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year among girls’ Cross Country participants for 2017-18.

The award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one female participant from each 2017 team. Nominations must come from a member school but may be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

The winner, if present, will be recognized during the KHSAA Cross Country State Meet (November 4) at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington. In case the winner does not qualify for the state meet, representatives from Midway University will present the award at the recipient’s high school at a mutually determined later date.

From the winners selected for each championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the […]


09/21/17- Cross Country Four-Meet Minimum Clarification

Cross Country Blog Updates

With the cross country season well underway, we have received several inquiries from Athletic Directors and Cross Country coaches about the four-meet (4-meet) minimum requirement that is required for entry into postseason competition. Below is the criteria to enter the postseason regional meet:

“To be eligible to compete in the region or state meet, a contestant shall have competed in at least four meets while eligible to represent the school in varsity competition on a team that is representing a member school during a regular season meet. These meets shall involve a minimum of two schools. The meet shall be allowed to count toward that minimum for varsity-eligible students regardless of the meet level (freshman, junior varsity, varsity). Coaches should maintain and have available copies of all results for the region manager to verify in case of a challenge to the required participation minimums by any athlete. A meet shall not count toward the four-meet minimum for […]


03/30/17 – KHSAA Revising Office Hours Effective April 3, 2017

2016-2017 News Releases

Effective April 3, 2017, the KHSAA will have new office hours. The office will open each day at 7:30 a.m. and close at 4:00 p.m. ET.

Logistical and traffic issues (both current and anticipated) in the surrounding area near the office, in particular, the opening of the new Frederick Douglass High School have created this necessity.

We appreciate the understanding of our membership and various constituencies.


11/03/16 – Nine Team State Titles Up For Grabs During Fall Championship Weekend

2016-2017 News Releases


A total of nine teams will earn the title of state champion on Saturday and Sunday as the KHSAA’s Fall Championship weekend wraps up the 2016 soccer, cross country and volleyball seasons. Six state champions will be crowned Saturday morning during the 2016 KHSAA Cross Country State Meet at the Kentucky Horse Park. Championship action continues that evening in Lexington with the finals of the girls’ and boys’ state soccer tournaments at Bryan Station HS with the first game starting at 5 p.m. The 2016 KHSAA State Volleyball Tournament begins Friday morning with first round matches at Valley HS in Louisville and concludes with the championship match at 2 p.m. on Sunday. will produce live webcasts of the championship games of the KHSAA State Soccer Tournament, as well as the quarterfinals, semifinals and finals of the KHSAA State Volleyball Tournament. A highlight package of the 2016 KHSAA Cross Country State […]


10/31/16 – Cross Country State Meet Information

Cross Country Blog Updates

Congratulations to all participants and coaches who have qualified for the 2016 KHSAA State Cross Country Championships. First and foremost, I would like to thank the eight regional hosts for all of their hard work and the success of the “super regionals” this past Saturday.

There are several items for your review on the cross country page of the KHSAA website. The state instructions have been updated, course maps and directions to the Kentucky Horse Park are available, the state meet time schedule is posted as well as lane assignments. To view these items, go to and choose “State Meet Information and Instructions”.

Practice time is once again available on Friday. This is the only day that this is allowed. The times available are from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. SafetyTec will be available for medical needs. Buses shall park in the lower lot of Alltech Arena during the practice times as course officials, many student-athletes, […]


10/30/16 – State Cross Country Qualifiers

Cross Country Blog Updates

The Regional results for Cross Country and the KHSAA State Qualifiers have been posted on the KHSAA website. It is important that coaches review the Roster by School immediately. Please contact the KHSAA at with any corrections (name spellings, grade levels, etc).

For new coaches: Once a student-athlete (team) is entered into the region they are automatically entered into the state meet if they qualify. Even if your team did not qualify, you may have had an individual that did qualify. Please check the link provided to see if this might be the case. It is the roster by school that tells you if your student-athletes qualified for the state meet.

To see the school-by-school roster and performance listing, click on this link, then scroll down to the headings Cross Country Tournament Results and choose 2016 KHSAA State/Region Results/Entries, then choose the appropriate class, then choose 2016 Roster by School (by class and gender) […]


10/24/16 – Cross Country Regionals & Advancement to State

Cross Country Blog Updates

With the Cross Country postseason upon us, a few reminders for coaches, regional hosts and fans. New to 2016, there is a slight change in the competition rules for qualifying for the KHSAA State Cross Country meet. Qualifiers will now be determined on the number of teams entered into each regional and do not require reporting to the starting line. 

This is how you qualify for the KHSAA State XC Meet:

  • 1 full team with all entrants meeting the four meet minimum that enters the regional meet. . . . 1 team advances
    2 or 3 full teams with all entrants meeting the four meet minimum that enter the regional meet. . . . 2 teams advance
    4 to 6 full teams with all entrants meeting the four meet minimum that enter the regional meet . . . . 3 teams advance
    7 to 9 full teams with all entrants meeting the four meet minimum that enter […]


10/04/16 – Regional Instructions for Cross Country

Cross Country Blog Updates

Instructions for the KHSAA Regional Cross Country Meets are now posted on the KHSAA website. You can view these instructions by clicking on the following link:

You can find additional regional meet information on the KHSAA website on the Cross Country page under “Region Meet Information and Instructions”. 



The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


2016 KHSAA State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


08/01/16 – 2016 Cross Country Rules Clinic Now Available Online

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Cross Country is available beginning today, August 1. Remember, the clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


  • August 8 to September 12 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 13 to October 9 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • October 10 to October 16 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 8 […]


KHSAA Sports Contacts, 2016-2017 and beyond

Archery Blog Updates

  Primary Event Contact Secondary Event Contact Primary Playing Rules Interpreter Secondary Playing Rules Interpreter Golf DB SB DB SB Field Hockey SB DB SB DB Volleyball BC DB BC DB Soccer MB CC CC MB Cross Country SB MB SB MB Football JT BC JT BC Competitive Cheer BC SB BC SB Bowling SB MB SB MB Swimming and Diving DB BC DB BC Wrestling MB SB MB SB Basketball JT BC JT BC Archery MB DB MB DB Bass Fishing DB SB DB SB Tennis MB BC MB BC Track and Field SB DB SB DB Softball DB MB DB MB Baseball BC SB BC SB           Lacrosse MB DB N/A N/A Rifle Marksmanship DB MB N/A N/A Trap Shooting Study MB DB N/A N/A Dance BC SB BC SB


04/22/16 – Reminder Bylaw 23 Limitation of Seasons

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This is a reminder to all administrators and coaches concerning Bylaw 23, Limitation of Seasons. KHSAA staff members have received several inquiries about permitted activity,  specifically concerning fall sports and practice/tryouts for the fall. The same principle and rule would apply to any “tryout” in any sport or sport-activity that is not held during the period defined by Bylaw 23.

The first official tryout/practice date for 2016 football is July 10.  For the other fall sports/sport-activities (Soccer, Golf, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Cross Country, Competitive Cheer), the first official practice date is July 15. Only after these dates can anything mandatory be required of team members or potential team members. 

Until the day following the last day of school or May 31 (whichever is earliest), coaches are permitted to provide instruction and be involved with team members (provided such is approved by the principal), but continue to be restricted in “competitive” situations with other schools unless they are […]


11/19/15 – Board Approves Revised Schedule For State Baseball, Tennis Tournaments

2015-2016 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 19, 2015

On Wednesday, the Board of Control approved a proposal from KHSAA staff to revise the schedule for the state baseball tournament during its regularly scheduled meeting at the Association’s headquarters. In an effort to alleviate competitive issues under the current format resulting from pitching limitations and roster depth, as outlined in the extensive research conducted by Lawrence County Athletic Director Travis Feltner and validated through staff review of the current format, the new format will provide a minimum of three days of rest between the quarterfinals and the semifinals. Beginning with this year’s state tournament, the revised format will allow teams the opportunity to use their pitchers at the top of the rotation in both the early rounds (first round/quarterfinals) and the later rounds (semifinals/championship).

“Pitching limitations are in place for the health and safety of our student-athletes,” KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett said. “In keeping with the overall desire of the […]


11/05/15 – Cross Country, Soccer and Volleyball Champions Decided This Weekend

2015-2016 News Releases


Championship trophies will be awarded to nine teams this weekend as the 2015 KHSAA Soccer and Volleyball State Tournaments, and the KHSAA Cross Country State Meet are conducted in Lexington and Louisville. Saturday morning will see six state champions crowned in cross country at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, followed by the boys’ and girls’ soccer state championships that evening at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School. The 2015 KHSAA Volleyball State Tournament begins Friday morning with first round matches at Valley High School in Louisville, and concludes with the championship match on Sunday at 2 p.m. will produce live webcasts of the championship games of the KHSAA State Soccer Tournament, as well as the quarterfinals, semifinals and finals of the KHSAA State Volleyball Tournament. A highlight package of the 2015 KHSAA Cross Country State Meet will be available at following the event. A free live audio […]


11/03/15 – Cross Country State Meet Information

Cross Country Blog Updates

Congratulations to all participants and coaches who have qualified for the 2015 KHSAA State Cross Country Championships. First and foremost, I would like to thank the eight regional hosts for all of their hard work and the success of the “super regional” this past Saturday.

There are several items for your review on the cross country page of the KHSAA website. The state instructions have been updated, course maps and directions to the Kentucky Horse Park are available, and the state meet time schedule is posted. To view these items, go to  and choose “State Meet Information and Instructions”.

Practice time is once again available on Friday. This is the only day that this is allowed. The times available are from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. SafetyTec will be available for medical needs. Buses shall park in the lower lot of Alltech Arena during the practice times as course officials, many student-athletes, and KHSAA […]


11/01/15 – State Cross Country Qualifiers

Cross Country Blog Updates

The Regional results from Cross Country have been posted on the KHSAA website.  It is important that coaches review the roster by school immediately. Please contact the KHSAA at with any corrections (name spellings, grade levels, etc).

For new coaches: Once a student-athlete (team) is entered into the region they are automatically entered into the state meet if they qualify. Even if your team did not qualify, you may have had an individual that did qualify. Please check the link provided to see if this might be the case. It is the roster by school that tells you if your student-athletes qualified for the state meet.

To see the school-by-school roster and performance listing, click on this link, then scroll down to the headings Cross Country Tournament Results and choose 2015 KHSAA State/Region Results/Entries, then choose the appropriate class, then choose 2015 Roster by School (by class and gender) and 2015 Performance List. 

The deadline for […]


10/28/15 – Cross Country Postseason Reminders (Revised 10/24/16)

Cross Country Blog Updates

As a reminder for regional hosts and fans, pets are not permitted at ANY KHSAA postseason tournament, with the exception of service animals. Tournament hosts should post signage on-site and alert fans that pets will not be admitted at the event.

Regional Cross Country is set to begin at various sites on October 29th. Visit for additional information about Regional Meets. The 2016 KHSAA State Cross Country meet will be held at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky on November 5th, 2016 with the first race beginning at 9:30 a.m. (Eastern).

Tickets for the state meet can be pre-ordered at the following link:


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


10/28/15 – Cross Country Clarification on Four (4) Meet Minimum

Cross Country Blog Updates

We have been receiving a lot of questions about the four meet minimum rule. Just to clarify, to be eligible to compete in the region or state meet, a contestant shall have competed in at least four (4) meets involving a minimum of two schools on a team representing a member school during the regular season. Athletes competing in high school races (grades 9-12) and participating with a high school as a representative of that school, irrespective of the level of the meet, shall be allowed to count that meet toward the four meet minimum.

Coaches should maintain and have available copies of all results for the region manager to verify in case of a challenge to the required participation minimums of any athlete. A meet shall not count toward the four (4) meet minimum for any athlete if it involves the athlete entering and participating in more than one race that has a distance of […]


10/11/15 – Reminder – Fall Postseason Eligibility Limited To Those On Postseason Roster

Cross Country Blog Updates

This reminder to all athletic directors, principals, and coaches at KHSAA member schools. Only those students who are indicated with a checkmark in the “postseason roster” column are eligible to compete in KHSAA sanctioned postseason competition. The following are quick reminders to take the steps necessary to complete this task, and will only work if you have administrator rights (principal/AD) or coach that has roster rights granted by an administrator:
  • On the school’s login menu (, click on the link that says maintain specific team roster.
  • Select the green box for the varsity team, and you will see the current roster of the varsity displayed.
  • At the top or bottom of that listing, click on assign/unassign players.
  • At the top of the roster column (under level) will be a link to initialize your postseason roster. Clicking on this link […]


10/06/15 – Regional Instructions for Cross Country

Cross Country Blog Updates

Instructions for the KHSAA Regional Cross Country Meets are now posted on the KHSAA website. You can view these instructions by clicking on the following link: 


The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


10/01/15 – to Sponsor Above and Beyond Awards at All State Championship Events

2015-2016 News Releases, a Kentucky-based company headquartered in Smiths Grove specializing in trophies, awards, name tags and signs, will provide the “Above and Beyond” award at each KHSAA state championship event for 2015-16. is proud to be the Official Supplier of Trophies and Awards to the Kentucky High School Athletic Association.

The award is given to a participant at each KHSAA championship event and will be awarded from the pool of candidates nominated by participating school representatives. The award is based on five attributes: Citizenship, Leadership, Athletics, Sportsmanship and Scholarship.

Nominated students should exemplify these five attributes by:

  • Playing the game/competition by the rules.
  • Treating game officials, coaches and competitors with due respect as fellow human beings.
  • Taking victory and defeat without undue emotionalism.
  • Controlling of tempers at all times on and off the playing field.
  • Being positive with officials, coaches and competitors, without criticism for things that occur during the contest.
  • Cooperating with the coaches, officials and fellow players in trying to promote good sportsmanship.
  • Being […]


09/30/15 – Fall Sports Championship Media Credentials

2015-2016 News Releases

The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Fall Sports Championships is now live. Media members can visit to apply for credentials online.

Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, as well as unauthorized use of the media credential, […]


2015 KHSAA State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


09/04/15 – Reminder about Heat Index/Drones at Competition

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This notice is being sent to all member schools and specific licensed officials.

While we have been blessed with a relatively cool summer, such is likely not to be the case this weekend and early next week. Keep in mind that the Heat Index regulations are always in place, with mandatory recording of temperatures and humidities to determine if any activity needs to change. The quick reference chart is located at but schools as always are responsible for complete policy adherence, not just what is on the chart. 

For Field Hockey, Soccer, Cross Country, Golf and even Volleyball (if played in a facility without air conditioning), all play must be suspended when the Heat Index reaches 104 degress. When the heat index is above 99, mandatory water breaks every 30 minutes for at least 10 minutes in duration are required, along with all other stipulations in the heat index guidelines. 

For Football, the threshold temperature for […]


08/10/15 – Cross Country Rules Clinic Now Available

Cross Country Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Cross Country is available beginning today, August 10. Below is additional information:


  • August 10 to September 7 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 8 to October 12 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • October 13 to October 26 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 10 to September 7 (Coaches) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 8 to October 5 (Coaches) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online […]


06/08/15 – KHSAA Seeks Applicants for Assistant Commissioner (Female)

2014-2015 News Releases


The Kentucky High School Athletic Association is accepting applications for the position of Assistant Commissioner. Due to the provisions of the Federal Court Order (Alston, et. al. vs The KHSAA, et. al.) and the composition of the current staff, this position will be filled by a female.

Serve as Assistant Commissioner, employed full-time at the KHSAA offices in Lexington. Duties of the position anticipated to include but are not limited to:

  • Managing all facets of assigned sports. The successful applicant will be assigned a minimum of two sports and/or sport-activities. At present, those assigned sports will be Field Hockey (fall), Cross Country (fall), Bowling (winter) and Track and Field (spring)
  • Those duties include but are not limited to:
    • Serving as the association’s staff interpreter for playing rules, including the potential review of a film/video and play situations, rules questions, and serving as […]


06/08/15 – KHSAA Assistant Commissioner Passafiume Accepts Athletic Director Job At Assumption

2014-2015 News Releases


KHSAA Assistant Commissioner Angela Brown Passafiume, a 1989 graduate of Assumption High School who has served as Assistant Commissioner with the Association since July of 2010, will return to Assumption this fall as its Athletic Director, as announced today in this joint release by the KHSAA and Assumption. Passafiume previously served as Athletic Director at Assumption from 2003 to 2010.

“We are thrilled to welcome Angela back to Assumption High School,” stated Assumption High School President Mary Lang. “Her commitment and dedication to interscholastic athletics is unparalleled. Angela brings with her an incredible wealth of experience and expertise to this role, as well as a passion for Assumption, and we are elated to have someone of Angela’s caliber to lead our Athletic Department.”

As Athletic Director at Assumption, Passafiume will oversee a full program of 15 varsity sports and work to maintain the integrity of the program while promoting the integral part that […]


Current Cross Country Alignment

Cross Country Working


Past Cross Country Post Season Financial Reports

Cross Country Working

Cross Country Past Financial Reports


11/05/14 – Cross Country, Soccer and Volleyball Champions All Crowned This Weekend

2014-2015 News Releases


Nine state championships will be decided this weekend as the KHSAA Soccer and Volleyball State Tournaments, and the KHSAA Cross Country State Meet are conducted in Lexington and Louisville. Saturday morning will see six state champions crowned in Cross Country at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, followed by the boys’ and girls’ soccer state championships that evening at Henry Clay High School. The 2014 KHSAA Volleyball State Tournament begins Friday morning with first round matches at Valley High School in Louisville, and concludes with the championship match on Sunday at 2 p.m.

The KHSAA Soccer State Tournament resumes Wednesday and Thursday night at Henry Clay HS with the girls’ and boys’ semifinals starting at 6 p.m. Sacred Heart and Owensboro Catholic will square off in Wednesday’s first semifinal match, followed by South Oldham and Notre Dame at 8 p.m. On Thursday, South Oldham will take on Scott at […]


11/03/14 – State Cross Country Information

Cross Country Blog Updates

Congratulations to all participants and coaches who have qualified for the 2014 State Cross Country Championship.  

First, I would like to thank the eight regional host for all of their hard work and the success of the “super regional” this past Saturday.

There are several items for your review on the cross country page of the KHSAA website. The state instructions have been updated, lane assignments will be posted on Tuesday, course maps and directions to the Kentucky Horse Park are available, and the state meet time schedule is posted.  choose “State Meet Information and Instructions”

Practice time is once again available on Friday. This is the only day that this is allowed.  The times available are from 3:30 to 5:30 pm.  SafetyTec will be available for medical needs. Buses shall parking in the lower lot of the Alltech Arena during the practice times as course officials, many student […]


11/03/14 – High School Playoff Contests Asked to Honor Veterans

2014-2015 News Releases

KHSAA State High School Events Honoring Veterans At Events Closest To Veterans Day

Through the efforts of a veteran and concerned individual by the name of Robert Williams of Menlo Park, California, there is now a national movement to have every high school and college in the United States honor all veterans and active duty military at events near Veteran’s Day. This is a great way to recognize our veterans and active duty military and hopefully reinforce to all the importance of their sacrifices and the meaning of Veteran’s Day. The KHSAA is grateful to be able to participate.

Again this year, for the first round of the football playoffs at home sites November 7 and 8, each home school is asked to request all veterans and active duty military in attendance to stand and be recognized for their contributions.

For the KHSAA State Cross Country meet on Saturday morning, November 8, there will be an […]


10/27/14 – Fall Sports Postseason In Full Swing; Hopkinsville Penalized for Bylaw Violations

2014-2015 News Releases


Fall Sports Postseason In Full Swing

With the Leachman Buick•GMC•Cadillac/KHSAA Golf State Championships already in the books, the postseasons for the remaining KHSAA fall sports are in full swing. The inaugural KHSAA Field Hockey State Championship resumes tonight with semifinal action at Bellarmine University. Assumption takes on Sacred Heart at 5:30 p.m. followed by DuPont Manual against Mercy at 7 p.m. Live stats and a live webcast for each game will be available at The KHSAA Field Hockey State Championship game will be played Wednesday, Oct. 29 at 7 p.m.

The KHSAA Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer State Tournament begins tonight with girls’ semi-state games at campus sites, followed by the boy’s semi-state games tomorrow evening. The KHSAA Soccer State Tournament Quarterfinals will take place Saturday, Nov. 1 with the boys’ games at Henry Clay HS and the girls’ games at Lafayette HS in Lexington.

Volleyball Region Tournaments began […]


2014 State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


08/29/14 – Part 2 Exam Ends Sunday; Free Clinic Ends Monday

Cross Country Blog Updates

We would like to remind all Football, Soccer, Field Hockey, Cross Country and Volleyball officials that the part 2 exam, which is a requirement to officiate a postseason contest in Football, Soccer, Field Hockey and Volleyball, is ending this Sunday, August 31st at midnight est.

Also, the free period for the required online rules clinic ends for all fall sports officials in Football, Soccer, Field Hockey, Cross Country and Volleyball on Monday, September 1. Beginning September 2 there will be a $100 charge to view the clinic. If you have started and not finished the clinic, this will serve as your final reminder.



State Cross Country Meet History

Cross Country Working

Cross Country Meet Results


07/22/14 – Cross Country 2014-2015 Reminders

Cross Country Blog Updates

The following are important date reminders for Cross Country coaches, teams and officials:

July 15 – First Practice

August 4th – 1st Day Online Rules Clinic (All Coaches – head and assistant, Officials)    

     *You must login with individual email address and password to receive credit.

August 25 – 1st date for a contest (two allowable scrimmage meets before this date)

     *The season consists of 13 meets.

October 26 – November 1 – Regional Meets

November 8 – KHSAA State Championship at the Kentucky Horse Park

Alignment and other Cross Country related information can be found at the following link:

Remember, beginning in 2014-15, no student below grade 7 may participate at the high school level (Freshmen, JV or Varsity). If a student participated in 2013-14 at the high school level, he/she is grandfathered and therefore is eligible to continue participating at the high school […]


12/03/13 – KHSAA Partners With First String Media, For Enhanced Web Streaming Network

2013-2014 News Releases

KHSAA Partners With First String Media, For Enhanced Web Streaming Network


Through a new venture launched prior to the start of the 2013-14 season, the KHSAA has transitioned its online video broadcast network ( to an internal operation through a new partnership with First String Media and After outsourcing its championship webcasts in previous seasons, this year’s championship events will feature live video streaming and highlight packages produced internally through the new partnership. Live video streaming, archived broadcasts and highlight packages will remain free of charge through the Association’s website. will remain the exclusive home for live video streaming of KHSAA Championship events, with live championship coverage of 11 events, and post-event highlight packages provided for six other sports and sport-activities. Live video streaming will be available for a total of 41 games during the 2013-14 season through […]


11/22/13 – On-Demand Printing For KHSAA Championship Programs

2013-2014 News Releases

Updated commemorative copies of each completed KHSAA fall championship event are now available for on-demand printing through Full color and black-and-white versions of this year’s championship programs (Golf, Cross Country, Soccer and Volleyball) are all available for purchase.

Commemorative editions of each championship program from the 2012-13 season are also available through, along with the 2013-14 KHSAA Events Calendar and 2013-14 Handbook.

A complete list of KHSAA programs available for sale can be found at:


11/15/13 – State Cross Country Photos

Cross Country Blog Updates

Photos taken by the KHSAA professional photographer and are available for viewing and for purchase at the link below.   Thank you to all who were involved for a great day and a great event!


11/11/13 – KHSAA Wraps Up Successful Fall Championship Weekend

2013-2014 News Releases

KHSAA Wraps Up Successful Fall Championship Weekend


A total of nine team and six individual state champions were crowned on Saturday and Sunday as part of the KHSAA’s first-ever three-sport Fall Championship weekend. Big turnouts at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, the Kentucky Horse Park and Valley High School made the weekend an overwhelming success as fans showed up in droves to watch the soccer, volleyball and cross country state championships.

Saturday’s festivities began with the 2013 KHSAA Cross Country State Meet at the Kentucky Horse Park. Bishop Brossart opened the day by claiming the 1A Boys’ title, edging St. Henry District by 15 points (85 to 100). Louisville Collegiate junior Matthew Bode won the Boys’ 1A Race with a time of 16:15.46. On the 1A Girls’ side, St. Henry District won its third-straight team title with 51 total points. Danville’s […]


11/05/14 – Cross Country State Final Update

Cross Country Blog Updates

The officials and KHSAA staff will be on the course tomorrow and Friday preparing for Saturdays Championship. A final reminder today –

Walk throughs are not allowed until Friday at 3:30pm.  Remember buses are allowed in the Alltech Arena paved lot only. Teamip apparel vendor will be set up and ready to sell on Friday as well. 

On Saturday there is an event at the Alltech Arena which requires a horse crossing across the road that leads to Walt Robinson.  Therefore, we will be entering the parking area through the Alltech Arena lot.  

We have an experienced group to guide all cars and buses through the lot, but as you know the turnover between classes can cause the entering cars to become backed up. We ask schools to allow extra time to park AND to follow the direction of the parking attendants so that the parking line can flow smoothly.

We do have handicap […]


11/05/13 – Cross Country State Information

Cross Country Blog Updates

Congratulations to all participants and coaches who have qualified for the 2013 State Cross Country Championship.  

First, I would like to thank the eight regional host for all of their hard work and the success of the “super regional” this past Saturday.

There are several items for your review on the cross country page of the KHSAA website. The state instructions have been updated, lane assignments are now posted, course maps and directions to the Kentucky Horse Park are available, and the state meet time schedule is posted.  Cross Country | Kentucky High School Athletic Association

Practice time is once again available on Friday. This is the only day that this is allowed.  The times available are from 3:30 to 5:30 pm.  SafetyTek will be available for medical needs.

Saturday the team packets will be available beginning at 7:30 am.  Please do not arrive earlier than 7:30 am.  



11/04/13 – Cross Country, Soccer and Volleyball Champions Crowned This Week

2013-2014 News Releases


Soccer Championships Resume Wednesday, Thursday Night

The 2013 KHSAA Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer Championships continue Wednesday and Thursday night at Paul Laurence Dunbar, leading up to Saturday’s championship matches. Wednesday’s Boys’ Semifinal action begins with Henderson County vs. Paul Laurence Dunbar at 6 p.m., followed by Trinity (Louisville) vs. Bowling Green at 8 p.m. The Girls’ Championship picks up Thursday night with semifinal action pitting Sacred Heart against Oldham County at 6 p.m., and the defending champion Tates Creek Lady Commodores against Notre Dame at 8 p.m.

Both championship bouts will be played on Saturday, Nov. 9, with the boys’ game at 5 p.m. and the girls’ title match at 7 p.m. Live webcasts of the Semifinals and Championship games will be available at

Brackets for the boys’ and girls’ soccer championships are available at the links below:


11/02/14 – State Cross Country Qualifiers

Cross Country Blog Updates

The Regional results from Cross Country have been posted on the KHSAA website.  It is important that coaches review the school by school rosters immediately. Please contact the KHSAA at with any corrections (name spellings, grade levels, etc).

For new coaches: Once a student athlete (team) is entered into the region they are automatically entered into the state meet if they qualify.  Even if your team did not qualify, you may have had an individual that did qualify.  Please check the link provided to see if this might be the case.  It is the school by school roster that tells you if your student athletes qualified for the state meet.

To see the school by school roster and performance listing, click on this link, then scroll down to the headings Cross Country Tournament Results and choose 2014 State/Region Results/Entries, then choose 2014 State Entries and Information, then choose 2014 […]


10/28/13 – Soccer Championships Begin Tonight; VB and XC Regionals This Week

2013-2014 News Releases


2013 KHSAA Soccer Championships Begin Monday and Tuesday

The 2013 KHSAA Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer Championships begin tonight and tomorrow with the Semi-State Round on campus sites. Teams advancing from the Semi-State Round will travel to Lexington on Saturday, Nov. 2nd for the quarterfinals, with the boys’ games taking place at Henry Clay and the girls’ matches slated for Lafayette.

The semifinals and finals will be played at Paul Laurence Dunbar, with the boys competing on Wednesday, Nov. 6 and the girls playing on Thursday, Nov. 7. Both championship bouts will be held on Saturday, Nov. 9, with the boys’ game at 5 p.m. and the girls’ title match at 7 p.m. Live webcasts of the Semifinals and Championship games will be available at 

Brackets for the boys’ and girls’ soccer championships are available at the […]


10/25/13 – Regional Cross Country Preparations and Reminders

Cross Country Blog Updates

As we approach the postseason we would like to remind coaches and regular season meet host, that all results should have been and continue to be sent to the website to be uploaded for qualifying meet verification.

If you will remember, information was sent out at the beginning of the season with instructions to “how to claim your team”, etc on the milesplit site.  The link to that blogs is  Also a quick reminder that all participants in regional competition must be 7th grade or above.

By this time you should have gotten information on your regional from the host school.  A list of contacts for your regional can be found at

A list of regional officials assignments have been posted for your information as well.  This can be found at  All other regional information can be found on the Cross Country page of the KHSAA website.

Good luck in […]


10/17/13 – Fall Sports Championship Media Credentials

2013-2014 News Releases

The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Fall Sports Championships is now live. Media members can visit to apply for credentials online.   Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials grant the bearer, and only the bearer, access to KHSAA championship events, and are non-transferable.   Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system ( Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of […]


10/16/13 – Regional Cross Country Information Now Posted

Cross Country Blog Updates

The regional Cross Country information has been updated on the website.  Please go to the Cross Country page on the KHSAA website ( to find this information for the 2013 regional competitions.  

Once on the KHSAA website, choose Sport/Activities from the blue bar, then Cross Country. Once on the Cross Country page, choose the regional information and instructions tab to view all the instructions, regional managers listing, and forms.

We have provided direct links to below for your convenience.  

Included in these links are the state meet time schedule for your planning purposes.  Also, for planning, we would like to share that the Clarion Hotel on Newtown Pike, in Lexington, will be the host hotel for the State Cross Country Championship.  Room rates are $89 a night, which includes breakfast.  Please call 859-233-0512 and ask for the KHSAA CROSS COUNTRY BLOCK.  

For instructions –

To verify […]


2013 State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


09/21/13 – Where to send XC and Track Results

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Beginning with the 2013-2014 school year, both Cross Country and Track and Field results will be tracked and accessed through the website.  The website is free for all schools and is a great way to track your student athletes’ results throughout the season.

All results are mandatory to be submitted to Jonathan Grooms via email at or in flat html format from Hytek.  If not in Hytek, an Excel Spreadsheet would be the preferred method.  Only those results submitted will be considered for eligibility for the postseason by the KHSAA.  Please get results to Jonathan in a timely manner (within a few days of your event) and in the format that he has requested above.

The website has many other free features.  Coaches can claim their team and athletes. This feature will allow coaches to easily track their athletes progress throughout the season(s).  Again, there is no charge for this portion of the […]


07/23/13 – New Track/XC Alignment Approved; Football Draft Alignments; Tackett Receives New 4-Year Contract

2013-2014 News Releases

New Track/XC Alignment Approved; Football Draft Alignments To Begin; Commissioner Receives Extremely Favorable Evaluation


The Board of Control conducted its July meeting on Monday at the Bank of Kentucky Center on the campus of Northern Kentucky University. Among the various topics addressed was the finalizing of a new alignment for Track and Field/Cross Country for the upcoming 2013-14 season.

Following months of review, a survey of the member schools, and consideration of all of the suggested amendments, the Board of Control adopted a revised alignment for Track & Field/Cross Country to take effect for postseason competition in the fall of 2013. Originally, a draft alignment was developed which would have minimized differences in enrollment between the largest and smallest schools in Class 1A and Class 3A. However, the feedback from the membership was more favorable to the current system […]


05/08/13 – Original Draft Alignment for Track and Cross Country

Cross Country Blog Updates


The new proposed alignment for Track and Field, which was last aligned in 2008-09, places approximately 35% of schools in Class 1A, 40% of schools in Class 2A, and the top 25% of schools in Class 3A based on enrollment figures. The new alignment was created with the aim that larger schools have an inherently higher probability of having multiple athletes in different events and should compete more among themselves (as in football), but also recognizes that many of the smaller schools do not field a full team and would not necessarily need to have as few schools in Class 1A. Documentation on the complete realignment is available on the Track and Field page at There was also recognition that trying to control travel was of primary concern, even if regions end […]


05/7/13 – Track Realignment and Bowling Championship Site Selection Highlight May Board of Control Meeting

2012-2013 News Releases


The Board of Control conducted its final meeting of the 2012-13 academic year at the KHSAA Offices in Lexington on Tuesday. Among the items discussed, the Board of Control approved a draft for new alignment in Track and Field, selected a new site for the Ebonite/KHSAA Bowling State Championship, and approved a recommendation to elevate Assistant Commissioner Butch Cope to Associate Commissioner.

The new proposed alignment for Track and Field, which was last aligned in 2008-09, places approximately 35% of schools in Class 1A, 40% of schools in Class 2A, and the top 25% of schools in Class 3A based on enrollment figures. The new alignment was created with the aim that larger schools have an inherently higher probability of having multiple athletes in different events and should compete more among themselves (as in football), but also recognizes that many of […]


11/12/12 State Cross Country Photos

Cross Country Blog Updates

The following link will give you access to all of the photos from the 2012 KHSAA State Cross Country Meet that are available for purchase:


11/6/12 State Cross Country Information for Teams and Fans

Cross Country Blog Updates

Cross Country Fans – It is time to make plans to support your athletes.  Advance tickets are now on sale at  Ticket prices are $10 per person and 10 and under are FREE.

Event Times:

Directions are located at  Enter at the Horse Park main gate and follow the KHSAA logo signs for parking.  There will be attendants waiting to direct cars and buses for parking.

Check in for teams, officials and media will be under the tent on the left side of the main gate while ticket sales will be straight ahead.  Coaches will need to check in to receive their team packets which include their runners race numbers.  this race number will be used for the athletes admission.

Programs will not be sold at the event.  Instead the program is Free for viewing on the KHSAA website at

 or by using a QR […]


11/05/12 – XC State Championship Preparations, Information, and Advanced Ticket Sales

Cross Country Blog Updates

As we, at the KHSAA, prepare for the State Championship Event this Saturday, we would like to share with you some information as your team prepares this week. 

First, there are several items that you should review on the cross country page of the KHSAA website.  Choose the link below and review the items under the State Meet Information tab as well as the information on the 2012 State/Region Reults/Entries tab .  Please take a look at the course map, the state meet time schedule, and the state meet instructions.  The instructions include host hotel information, parking information, and other general information that you will want to review.

Second, we remind you that the course will be open Friday afternoon from 3:30p.m. to 5:30p.m. for a walk through.  Cars and buses must parking in the paved lot.  Vehicles will not have access to the road near the course.  Jerry and his staff, from SafetyTec, will be on site […]


11/04/12 – State Cross Country Performance Listing and School Rosters Posted along with Region Results

Cross Country Blog Updates

The results from the Cross Country Regions have been posted on the KHSAA web site. It is important that coaches review the performance listing and school rosters immediately.  Please contact the KHSAA at with any corrections (name spellings, grade levels, etc).

To see the school by school roster and performance listing, click on the link below and scroll down to the headings 2012 School by School Rosters and 2012 State Entries, then choose the class and gender.

The deadline for corrections is Monday, November 5 at 11:00 a.m. 

Thank you to the Regional Managers and Officials for a successful regional weekend and congratulations to all teams headed to the State Championship Meet.


2012 State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


09/01/12 – Schools Reminded of Opportunity to Make Discount Hytek Software Purchase

Cross Country Blog Updates

KHSAA HyTek Group Purchase Opportunity
Through an agreement with Hy-Tek Limited, the KHSAA can offer its schools a chance to buy the Track and Field/ Cross Country meet and team management software at a discounted price.
HyTek is the software package used for the state cross country and track and field championships and is battle tested to handle the biggest and most complex of meets.
You should download and print both of the following links in order, print them out, and submit them to Hy-Tek in order to qualify for the discount.
For further information, go to the General Information Bar under either Cross Country or Track and Field


08/15/12 – Reminder about Rosters and Stats

2012-2013 News Releases

Now that contests have been completed and individual statistics can be entered, there are steps to be taken to open and initialize rosters. This step was clearly detailed in the August 7 blog entry available at Your AD will need to follow these steps prior to the entry of new players or editing of the current roster. All of this has to be done before stats can be entered on a game-by-game basis.

The first week of volleyball statistics will be published on Thursday, Aug. 23.
The first week of soccer statistics will be published on Thursday, Aug. 30
The first week of football statistics will be published on Thursday, Sept. 6


07/24/12 – Championship Weekend Created for Fall Sports

2012-2013 News Releases


Beginning in the fall of 2013 the first weekend of November will have a championship feel unlike any other in the Association’s 95-year history. The KHSAA Board of Control approved a measure at its July meeting to create a fall sports weekend of championships as five separate team championships will be decided on the same Saturday.
The final championship contests for volleyball, boys’ and girls’ cross country, as well as boys’ and girls’ soccer will be awarded on Nov. 9, 2013. The new series of championships will be held in week 18 of the NFHS corresponding date calendar.
The decision to create a fall weekend of champions received support for several reasons, among them the fact it cuts down on scheduling conflicts for member schools, unlike when the championships are conducted on three separate weekends. Similar events also have been […]


General and Current Regular Season Information

Cross Country Info/Forms/Records

2024-2025 Season Information General Cross Country Information Cross Country KTCCCA Information


Region Meet Information and Instructions

Cross Country Info/Forms/Records

2024-2025 Cross Country Regional Information General Regional Cross Country Information 2024-2025 Cross Country Regional Data


Kentucky Beef Council State Meet Information and Instructions

Cross Country Info/Forms/Records

2024-2025 Kentucky Beef Council Cross Country State Meet Information Cross Country Kentucky Beef Council State Meet General Information


Track and Field/Cross Country Officiating Information

Cross Country Info/Forms/Records

Track and Field/Cross Country Officiating Information


Past Cross Country Staff Blogs/News

Cross Country Info/Forms/Records

Archive of Past Cross Country Staff Blogs


Cross Country Records

Cross Country Info/Forms/Records

Cross Country Records


Cross Country Forms

Cross Country Info/Forms/Records

Cross Country Forms


Past Realignment Information – Track and Cross Country

Cross Country Info/Forms/Records

Track and Field Information 2022-2023 Realignment Information Track and Field Information 2013-2014 Realignment Information Track and Field Information 2007-2008 Realignment Information


2011 State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


2010 State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


2009 State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


2008 State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


2007 State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


2006 State/Region Results/Entries

Cross Country Tournament Results History


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