Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

AAA-Non-Sports Blogs

Delegate Assembly Voting Instructions

Annual Meeting General


Rules of Order for the Meeting

Annual Meeting General


September 2021 Annual Meeting Agenda and Timeline

Annual Meeting 2021-22



September 2021 Annual Meeting Presentations

Working General


September 2021 Annual Meeting Roster of Delegates

Annual Meeting 2021-22


September 2021 Annual Meeting Roster of Guests

Annual Meeting 2021-22


September 2021 Annual Meeting Proposals

Annual Meeting 2021-22


September 2021 Proposal Summary

Annual Meeting 2021-22


September 2021 Annual Meeting Schools with Zero Disqualifications

Annual Meeting 2021-22


September 2021 Annual Meeting Exhibitor Diagram

Annual Meeting 2021-22


September 2021 Annual Meeting Exhibitor Listing

Annual Meeting 2021-22


Timeline for Regulatory Approval of Changes

Annual Meeting General


09/01/21 – Competitive Cheer Declaration Form Now Open

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The declaration form (CC101) for the sport-activity of Competitive Cheer is now open. The deadline to complete this form is Friday, October 1. This is for KHSAA Regional and State Competitions, so please discuss what division(s) your school will be entering as there will be no adjustments to divisions once the entries are posted. Each member school Athletic Director or Head Coach shall only submit one form and must be signed into the KHSAA School subdomain to declare. You can find CC101 on the school subdomain under the dropdown menu “Forms and Reports” and under “Cheerleading Forms”.

A couple of important notes: 


  • All-Girls Small – minimum of 5, maximum of 15
  • All-Girls Medium – minimum of 16, maximum of 19
  • All-Girls Large – minimum of 20, maximum of 23
  • All-Girls Super-Large – minimum of 24, maximum of 30
  • Co-Ed – minimum of 5, maximum of 30; 1 or more males.
  • Game Day […]


09/01/21 – Stat Leader Reports for Field Hockey, Football, Soccer and Volleyball Now Available

2021-2022 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 1, 2021

The first statistical leader reports of the season for field hockey, football, boys’ and girls’ soccer and volleyball are available to view at The reports include all teams missing stats for no more than two games (one in football) and will be updated every day at approximately 3 a.m. ET.

All sports available on the KHSAA/ Scoreboard have the ability for member schools to add statistics. Volleyball rounded out the group when its stat entry interface debuted in 2019.

Statistical entry has multiple benefits, including giving member schools an avenue to highlight and promote the accomplishments of their student-athletes, which should be a goal for all involved in school-based sports.

The reports are also a valuable tool for local, statewide and national media to report on the outstanding talent found throughout the state of Kentucky.

Given its importance, statistical entry is required of all member schools. Those failing […]


NCAA NIL Resources-Taking Action

NCAA NIL (Name-Image-Likeness)


08/31/21 – 2021 Bylaw 9 Reminder

Athletic Department Blog Updates

While there will be an Annual Meeting proposal from the Board regarding Bylaw 9, the provisions remain in place for 2021-22. Please forward as necessary. It is imperative that there be good communication within each school and school system prior to the Annual Meeting as this rule and any revisions will be decided by the member schools.

As out-of-season fall basketball events continue being held, member school administrators must watch the outside activity of students who have previously been on high school basketball teams and keep those athletes informed to prevent violations.

Bylaw 9, Sec. 1(a)(1) ( states that athletes who have previously BOTH been enrolled in grade nine and then subsequently represented a KHSAA member school in a contest as defined in Bylaw 23(3)(d) may not play in an organized basketball game from the first day of classes for the student body through the first day of practice (October 15).

Bylaw 9, Sec. 1(a)(2) lists the […]


08/09/22 – Tentative Host Sites for 2022 Regionals in Cross Country

Athletic Department Blog Updates

*As of 08/09/22, the following schools are tentative sites for the 2022 Cross Country Regionals.


2021 Field Hockey Stat Leaders

Field Hockey Stats


2021 Volleyball Stat Leaders

Volleyball Stats


2021 Football – Class 1A Stat Leaders

Football Stats


2021 Football – Class 2A Stat Leaders

Football Stats


2021 Football – Class 3A Stat Leaders

Football Stats


2021 Football – Class 4A Stat Leaders

Football Stats


2021 Football – Class 5A Stat Leaders

Football Stats


2021 Football – Class 6A Stat Leaders

Football Stats


2021 Football – Statewide Stat Leaders

Football Stats


2021 Girls Soccer Stat Leaders

Soccer Stats


2021 Boys Soccer Stat Leaders

Soccer Stats


08/24/21 – HYPE Student Leadership Conference Registration Now Open

2021-2022 News Releases

After the cancellation of last year’s conference due to the pandemic, the KHSAA is planning to conduct its HYPE Student Leadership Conference in person on Sept. 24 at Central Bank Center in Lexington. 

HYPE is a one-day student leadership conference where students will enjoy educational interaction with each other to discuss issues and garner information to take back and share/implement with their teams and student body.  The event is staged and presented by the KHSAA Student-Athlete Group.

Friday, September 24

Central Bank Center (430 W. Vine St., Lexington, next to Rupp Arena) – Meeting Rooms 1-8.

There is no charge to attend.  Schools are responsible for transportation and any meals.

To register (Click Here to Register).  The registration deadline is Tuesday, Sept. 7.

Lunch will be “on your own”.

Each school may select up to 18 individuals to […]


08/24/21 – Social Media Accounts and Websites Impersonating the NFHS Network

Athletic Department Blog Updates

We are aware of the issues with scam social media accounts and websites impersonating the NFHS Network to distribute false links to game broadcasts. This is hardly a new problem, but it is continuing to get worse and seems to amplify in advance of Friday night football games.

The fake sites are NOT stealing and streaming the video feeds. They are scraping the scheduled events and marketing them as if they will have them, in hopes of scamming someone into entering their payment info. The NFHS Network reports these accounts when they become aware, but new ones are constantly popping up. Member schools can help prevent fans from being scammed by following the NFHS Network accounts and sharing posts directly from them. You should also make sure you are regularly communicating with your fans so they know the correct websites to view your contests.

If any NFHS Network school partners see something like that – […]


08/23/21- Reminder about COVID-19 Return to Play Following Isolation

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Recently, there has been misinformation shared among the membership about the Return to Play policy following a positive COVID-19 test. Whether this is a result of misinterpretation or deliberate on the part of some individuals is open for debate. Most importantly, nothing has changed since early 2021 regarding this process and procedure as was adopted following the unanimous recommendation of our KMA Sports Medicine Committee. The process is based on ever-studied scientific data that is under continual review as more and more is known about the impacts of the virus, particularly, potential heart impacts such as myocarditis.

It is also critical not to mix terms. Isolation occurs following a positive test of a specific person. Quarantine is what happens when others who have not had the positive test are exposed or potentially exposed to the person with the positive test. Nothing about this reminder relates to quarantine. Details on quarantine can be found in the […]


2021-2022 Healthy At Sports, Stage 4, Perseverance, Competition Considerations

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


2021-2022 COVID Related Cancellations

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


KDE Face Covering Guidance Per 702 KAR 1:195E, 8/20/21

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


702 KAR 1:195E, Emergency Regulation, Face Coverings, Kentucky Board of Education

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


KHSAA and KMA Covid-19 Return to Play Algorithm/Matrix and Optional Form

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


08/18/21- Updates and Reminders on Schedule Change and Score Reporting

2021-2022 News Releases

First off, thank you to our member schools for your help last year in adjusting to a revised method to report scores and schedule updates to the Riherds / KHSAA Scoreboard.


Some of the methods will necessarily change in 2021-22 as Bylaw 22 on forfeiture of contests is fully enforced. However, we still want to emphasize the needed integrity of the reporting of games canceled due to COVID-19. The data from those cancelations plays a huge role in seeing how the virus is potentially affecting sports and frankly, ensuring our ability to continue play. We hope this data will be accurate as we move through the fall and vaccinations increase to help slow the spread and reduce quarantine time.

The daily email links to enter scores will continue to be sent. Note that these emails, along with emailing and calling the scoreboard hotline at 1-800-453-6882 are the only […]


K-12 School COVID Testing Program

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


KDPH Fall 2021 School Health Guidance for COVID-19

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


COVID-19 Interim Guidance: Return to Sports and Physical Activity (AAP)

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


CDC COVID-19 Prevention Guidance – K12 – 2021-22

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


NCAA Fall COVID Guidance, 2021

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


08/13/21- 2021 KHSAA Annual Meeting Reminder

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This is intended for all KHSAA member school Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors and the links can be forwarded as needed.


This reminder that the 2021 Annual Meeting of the membership of the KHSAA is to be held on Wednesday, September 21 at the Central Bank Center (FKA Lexington Center). Final agenda documents are being published as they become final in the coming weeks, but the meeting is expected to begin at approximately 8:00 a.m. ET. and conclude not later than 12:30 p.m. Details and requirements for the Annual Meeting Delegate are summarized below. To submit the name of your delegate, go to

At this point, there is not a virtual option finalized, although efforts are being made to record the meeting for viewing by those unable to attend.


The Annual Meeting has continuous improvement/leadership training opportunities throughout the morning as members work to carve […]


08/10/21- Initial Return to Play Additional Guidance Issued for Fall Sports

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Additional guidance for a return to play has been published on the KHSAA website under the COVID-19 Information tab (click Healthy at Sports Documentation-Grades 6-12 link) and can be shared with school administrators. The document has already undergone significant revision in the past few days as data points continue to move. Keep in mind that this guidance is a draft as the situation continues to remain fluid as it has the entire time. The information is subject to revision with upcoming events, including weekly updates from the Executive Branch. The document is listed at the link entitled “Healthy at Sports-Stage 4-Perseverance, Guidance for Continued Practice and Competition During the Pandemic”.

Different than for 2020-21, the guidance currently contains primarily points for local consideration in the vast majority of areas. There will continue to be a few sports specific rules modifications to attempt to add layers to everyone’s strategic decision-making as we balance the needs of […]


KY Order-Sunsetting 2020-21 Guidance

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


08/09/21- Covid-19 Continuation Documents (8/9/21)

Sports Medicine-Covid-19 Blogs

Guidance for Sports, Healthy at Sports
Stage 4-Perseverance, Competition Considerations, 2021-22

Supplemental Material – Fall 2022

COVID-19 KHSAA Blog Posts and Information COVID-19 State, KDPH and National Data and References Click for KMA Covid-19 Return to Play Algorithm/Matrix and Form


KDE Guidance on Senate Bill 1, 2021 Extraordinary Session

Covid Guidance - Stage 4 - Perseverance


08/09/21 – Officials Licensing Remains Open in All Sports

Officials Division Blog Updates

We know some may have chosen to sit out last year due to COVID-19 and others may still be waiting, licensing numbers remain low in most sports and areas of the state. Assigners are busy scheduling for the fall season so as the online rules clinics are approaching, we wanted to send out a reminder to you.

You will note that beginning last year, licensing is now based upon each sport and the conclusion of the high school season starts another cycle, similar to the pattern in arbiter licensing. Approximately two weeks at the end of each high school postseason, licensing will open for the following year. This was done at the request of Assigners and interested officials rather than having to wait until June to begin the process and therefore capturing potential new recruits while the interest is high.

It is understood that many outside leagues, including middle schools, use licensed KHSAA officials and […]


08/09/21 – NFHS Officials Part 2 Exam Now Online for FB, FH, SO & VB

Field Hockey Blog Updates

Please note that the NFHS Part 2 exams for licensed officials in the sports of Football, Field Hockey, Soccer, and Volleyball are now available online. The Part 2 exams, required for postseason eligibility consideration, will be open until Monday, August 23 at 11:59 p.m. (ET).  

The tests will automatically close on Aug. 23 at 11:59 p.m. (ET). Login at to take the test. A minimum score of 80 on the exam is required to be considered for assignment to officiate postseason play.  The exam is also used for advancements in levels of classification.

First-year officials are not required to take the exam, however, if any first-year official has completed licensing requirements, the test may be taken.

Any official determined to have been involved in the improper administration of the exam, including taking it for another official or having it taken by another official, will have the score disregarded for the year and be […]


08/09/21 – Soccer Rules Clinic for Coaches & Officials Now Available

Officials Division Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Soccer is now available today, August 9.  The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.

For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.

For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at


August 9 to September 7 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 8 to September 26 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
September 27 to October 4 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be […]


08/09/21 – Volleyball Rules Clinic for Coaches & Officials Now Available

Officials Division Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Volleyball is now available today, August 9.  The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches (varsity, junior varsity and freshman) whether or not the coach receives pay.

For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.

For officials, login to the officials’ subdomain at


August 9 to September 19 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 20 to October 8 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
October 9 to Oct. 16 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be […]


08/09/21 – Cross Country Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Cross Country Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Cross Country is available beginning today, August 9. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


  • August 9 to September 20 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 21 to October 10 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
  • October 11 to October 18 – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.
  • After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.

The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along with […]


08/09/21 – Field Hockey Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Field Hockey Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Field Hockey is available beginning today, August 9. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


  • August 9 to September 21 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    September 22 to October 8 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
    October 9 to October 16 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 9 to September 21 – the Field […]


08/06/21 – Angolia, White Promoted to New Roles at the KHSAA

2021-2022 News Releases


KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett today announced the promotion of two members of the KHSAA staff to new positions. Communications Director Joe Angolia will move to serve as an Assistant Commissioner following the July 31 retirement of former Assistant Commissioner Michael Barren. Event Management Specialist Dan White will assume the Communications Director position formerly held by Angolia.

“Joe and Dan have been integral parts of our Association work and I am delighted to see this opportunity for personal and professional growth,” Tackett said. “Openings for full-time employment in our office are infrequent given the extremely small size of our staff compared to the tasks and responsibilities that we are assigned. We are very happy to see these two seize the opportunities as presented. They are aware of the pressures of both these positions and working here in general, and are ready and willing to take on additional challenges […]


SB128 Data

Working General


08/09/21 – Golf Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Golf Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Golf is now available beginning today, August 9. The clinic is required of all coaches (varsity, junior varsity, and freshman) and whether or not the coach receives pay.

For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, go to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link that says “View Online Rules Clinics“.

August 9 to September 6 – the Golf Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 7 to September September 19 – the Golf Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
September 20 to September 27 – the Golf Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw […]


SB128 (Supplemental School Year Program) Rostered Students by Class

SB128 Reports


SB128 (Supplemental School Year Program) Rostered Students by School

SB128 Reports


SB128 (Supplemental School Year Program) Choices by District

SB128 Reports


08/04/21- Football Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Football Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Football is available beginning today, August 4. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity, and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


  • August 4 to September 27 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    September 28 to October 24 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
    October 25 to Oct. 1 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 4 to September 27 – the Football Clinic will be online only and […]


Middle School Season Limit Chart 21-22

Middle School Blog Updates and Information


07/27/21- Update and Information Relative to NIL (Name, Image, Likeness) for Kentucky High School Students

2021-2022 News Releases

At its July 23, 2021 meeting, the KHSAA Board of Control heard an update on recent activity at the intercollegiate level regarding NCAA changes with Name, Image, and Likeness. On June 24, 2021, An Executive Order was entered by Governor Andy Beshear’s office solely and exclusively related to the intercollegiate level. This order can be viewed on our website at These changes, exclusively at the collegiate level, will provide intercollegiate student-athletes attending a postsecondary institution an opportunity to earn compensation for their NIL (Name, Image, and Likeness) in amounts that are “commensurate with the market value” for the authorized use of their NIL. It should be noted that this use isn’t unfettered and contains several limitations to remain NCAA eligible.

The KHSAA continues to receive inquiries about this order and its potential impact on high school students participating in KHSAA sports. Nothing about this order or any other action or contemplated action in […]


KHSAA NIL Reference Information Presented to Board of Control 7/23/21

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Selected and Specific References to Recent Changes in NIL at NCAA Level


07/27/21- Bylaw and Policy Reminders During 2021-22 School Year

Athletic Department Blog Updates

With the start of the 2021-22 school year, several of the pandemic adjustments approved last year have been allowed to sunset. As such, the following areas and reminders are issued to the membership for clarity.

  • Bylaw 2 – Age
  • Bylaw 3 – Maximum Number of Years
    • Students who applied by the deadline for the Supplemental School Year Program as detailed in Senate Bill 128, who remain enrolled in the same school district, whose school district approved the program, and who have been appropriately designated on the online roster system by the Designated Representative of the member school shall receive specific waivers of KHSAA Bylaw 3 More

07/27/21 – Fall 2021 Esports Enrollment is Open

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Esports requires critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity from players to achieve and sustain success. The development of these types of skills benefits students for life. Thousands of schools across the country are already competing in esports. You can too. Learn more here.

Enrollment for the Fall 2021 esports season is now open on PlayVS. Please find more information about the season below including new titles and season dates. If you are interested in learning more about esports and how your school can get started, click here to schedule a consultation with the KHSAA PlayVS rep.

Fall 2021 Titles
Through the PlayVS platform, your school has access to the most popular titles available this Fall:

  • Rocket League (PC, Console)
  • League of Legends (PC)
  • FIFA (PS4)
  • Madden (PS4)
  • Splatoon 2 (Nintendo Switch)
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch)
  • SMITE (PC)

Fall 2021 Key Dates
Preseason […]


07/26/21 – Board of Control to Determine Lacrosse Sanctioning in September

2021-2022 News Releases


The Board of Control conducted its organizational meeting for the 2021-22 academic year on Friday, July 23rd in Newport, during which time it heard various operational reports and status updates from KHSAA staff. As part of its meeting, the Board discussed the feasibility of sanctioning a championship in boys’ and girls’ lacrosse for the upcoming school year.

As outlined in the Board of Control policies for Sports Sanctioning/Sponsorship (, unless otherwise approved by the Board of Control to address specific previously underrepresented populations, in order for the KHSAA to begin discussions concerning the possible sponsoring of a state championship in a new sport or sport-activity, there shall be at least fifty (50) member schools desiring to participate by showing a favorable response on the interest survey and the sport or sport-activity having currently participating schools in at least three basketball regions.

At the time of the meeting, both […]


KHSAA Officiating Uniform for Licensed Officials

Officials Working

Through an approved licensing program, various vendors can provide authenticated officiating apparel to KHSAA licensed officials. All items listed below as embroidered or sublimated are part of this change. Vendor links will be placed on the KHSAA website, and email communication will be sent to all officials.

Other than what is prescribed below, patches should not be worn on hats or other parts of the uniform worn during the contest.

Below are the various uniforms at press time for the different sports. These uniforms are only for the clothing part of the uniform and do not include much of the other equipment.

Associations allowing the use of other non-verified uniforms may be precluded from being requested to staff postseason assignments by the Association.

Officials choosing not to wear the uniforms listed in this section may be precluded from being requested to staff postseason assignments by the Association.

All KHSAA officially licensed vendors have links on […]


KHSAA Coaches Rules Clinic and Officials Rules Clinic and Testing Schedule for 2021-2022

Officials Working


Per Bylaw 25, all coaches (head and assistant) must annually view the rules interpretation conducted by the KHSAA staff. Coaches who have not met the requirement will not be permitted to coach any postseason contest per KHSAA Bylaw 25.



Regular Clinic – Free to view online as a coach at

Late Clinic – A $100 fine to view online as a coach

* First year coaches not required to pay fee

Super Late Clinic – A $200 fine to view online as a coach

* First year coaches not required to pay fee


Jan 17-Feb 1

Feb 2-Feb 21

Feb 22-Mar 7


Feb 23-Apr 17

Apr 18-May 7

May 8-May 21


Oct 4-Jan 16

Jan 17-Feb 5

Feb 6-Feb 19

Bass Fishing

Feb 23-Mar 22

Mar 23-Apr 11

Apr 12-Apr 25


Nov 8-Dec 21

Dec 22-Jan 10

Jan 11-Jan 24

Competitive […]


Standard Varsity Officiating and Licensing Fees for 2021-2022

Officials Working


07/15/2021- COVID Return to Play Protocol

2021-2022 News Releases


07/13/21 – Field Event Safety, Uniform Changes Highlight High School Track and Field/Cross Country Rules Revisions

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Two rules revisions involving the competitor’s uniform, along with procedural changes in several field events designed to reduce the risk of injury, highlight rules changes in high school track and field and cross country for the 2022 season.

These changes were among the rules revisions recommended by the National Federation of State High school Associations (NFHS) Track and Field and Cross Country Rules Committee and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

Similar to a number of other NFHS rules committees, the Track and Field and Cross Country Rules Committee altered its rules regarding head coverings worn for religious reasons.

Rule 4-3-1b(8) now states that ”head coverings worn for religious reasons are not considered hair devices; must not be made of abrasive, hard or unyielding materials; and must be secured to the body and/or uniform.” The change clarifies that there is no need for prior authorization from the state association for […]


07/13/21 – Spring Officials, Supervisor of the Year Winners Announced

2020-2021 News Releases


Each year, the Kentucky High School Athletic Association honors the top officials for the 10 sports in which it licenses officials. Finalists in each sport are selected through a combination of not only on-field/court performance but local association activity and leadership, training efforts and the mentoring of newer officials.

One official in each sport is named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for his/her sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state. Winners are selected following consultation with local assigning secretaries, veteran officials’ observers, coaches throughout the state and additional staff review.

The Outstanding Officials of the Year for the 2021 spring season are Jerry Mohr for track & field, Ronnie McGuffey for softball and John Carroll for baseball. Each finalist will receive a commemorative watch and certificate courtesy of the Officials Division Trust Fund, with the Official of the Year receiving an […]


07/12/21 – Player Equipment Changes Highlight Rules Revisions in High School Softball

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Two significant player equipment changes involving the wearing of head coverings and beads were among the rules revisions approved in high school softball for the upcoming 2022 season.

These changes along with six other rules revisions were recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Softball Rules Committee at its June 14-16 meeting held in a virtual format and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

In Rule 3-2-5b, language that previously prohibited hard items to control the hair, including beads, has been removed from the rules book. The committee did not believe that the use of hard items, such as beads, presented an injury risk to other players. In contrast, the prohibition of such items has been interpreted as adversely affecting one’s cultural background.

In addition, head coverings worn for religious reasons in high school softball no longer will require prior approval from the respective state high […]


07/09/21 – Adjustment Made to Pre-Pitch Sequence in High School Baseball

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — High school baseball pitchers who do not receive signals from the catcher must now simulate taking a sign with one foot on the pitcher’s plate before proceeding with a pitch.

This addendum to Rule 6-1-1 was the lone rule change forwarded by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Baseball Rules Committee and was subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors. The baseball committee’s annual rules meeting was held June 6-8 in a virtual format.

A pitcher leaning forward to receive a sign from the catcher is fundamental to the pre-pitch phase of the game as it indicates to both the batter and the players in the field that the ball is about to be put in play and is the typical signal for any runners on base to begin taking their leadoffs.

Further, most high school baseball coaches deliver their defensive play calls – including pitch selections – […]


07/07/21 – Official of the Year Winners Announced for Winter Sports

2020-2021 News Releases


Each year, the Kentucky High School Athletic Association honors the top officials for the 10 sports in which it licenses officials. Finalists in each sport are selected through a combination of not only on-field/court performance but local association activity and leadership, training efforts and the mentoring of newer officials.

One official in each sport is named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for his/her sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state. Winners are selected following consultation with local assigning secretaries, veteran officials’ observers, coaches throughout the state and additional staff review.

The Outstanding Officials of the Year for the 2020-21 winter season are John Eschan for wrestling, Terri Tonges for swimming & diving and Hannah Reynolds for basketball. Each finalist will receive a commemorative watch and certificate courtesy of the Officials Division Trust Fund, with the Official of the Year receiving an […]


07/06/21 – Introductory Esports Course Launched by NFHS Learning Center

2021-2022 News Releases

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Boasting an ever-increasing number of participants, esports (or electronic sports) continues to rise as one of the more popular and unique activity programs for high school students. The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) and its Learning Center now address the competitive, organized gaming landscape with a first-of-its-kind course – “Introduction to Esports” – which is now available for free on

“Introduction to Esports” was developed by the NFHS Learning Center in partnership with Butler University (Indianapolis, Indiana) and PlayVS to not only more clearly define esports, but to offer several key examples of esports’ social benefits, inclusiveness, organizational structure and competition.

“The NFHS Learning Center is pleased to offer this online course for esports. These programs are oftentimes misunderstood, and the course provides education on what you need to know and do to get started,” said Dan Schuster, NFHS director of educational services. “Esports provides opportunities for […]


06/28/21 – New “Title IX” Course Added to NFHS Learning Center

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — To educate current and future coaches, administrators, parents and student-athletes on Title IX legislation and its monumental influence on high school activities, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) has announced a new “Title IX” course is now available at no cost on the online NFHS Learning Center.

“Title IX has now been around for 49 years, however, the NFHS Learning Center has developed this resource to educate the interscholastic community about the federal legislation in a visual and understandable way,” said Dan Schuster, NFHS director of educational services. “We look forward to providing this free resource across the country.”

Passed June 23, 1972, Title IX outlawed discrimination on the basis of sex within any federally funded educational program or activity and has since served as the flagship legislation for the growth of high school girls athletic programs. Over the course of 49 years, Title IX compliance has generated a […]


06/23/21 – Official of the Year Winners Announced for Fall Sports

2020-2021 News Releases


Each year, the Kentucky High School Athletic Association honors the top officials for the 10 sports in which it licenses officials. Finalists in each sport are selected through a combination of not only on-field/court performance but local association activity and leadership, training efforts and the mentoring of newer officials.

One official in each sport is named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for his/her sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state. Winners are selected following consultation with local assigning secretaries, veteran officials’ observers, coaches throughout the state and additional staff review.

The Outstanding Officials of the Year for the 2020 fall season are Jamie Gatewood for field hockey, Michael Samaan for soccer, Jim Nunley for volleyball and Burney Jenkins for football. Each finalist will receive a commemorative watch and certificate courtesy of the Officials Division Trust Fund, with the Official of the […]


06/22/21 – Seven Former Standout High School Athletes Headline 2021 Class of National High School Hall of Fame

2020-2021 News Releases


Former Leslie County High School standout Tim Couch will become the 10th individual from Kentucky to be inducted into the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) National High School Hall of Fame next week in Orlando, Fla. The induction ceremony will take place at 6:00 p.m. EST on July 1 at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida, and will be streamed live on the NFHS Network at:

Couch will become just the fourth athlete from Kentucky, and the first overall individual honoree since 2013, when he is inducted on July 1st. The NFHS will conduct a press conference with the hall of fame class at 12 p.m. on the day of the banquet that will also be streamed on the NFHS Network.

Kentucky in the NFHS National High School Hall of Fame
Athlete – Cliff Hagan (Owensboro) 1988; Paul Hornung (Flaget) 1989; […]


2021-22 KHSAA Board of Control Members

Board of Control Working 2021-22

  • Marlon Miller
    President, 2021-2022
    Director, 2018-2022
    Martin Luther King Elementary School
    Regions 1-8

  • Matt Wilhoite
    President-Elect, 2021-2022
    Director, 2019-2023
    Fort Wright
    District Athletic Director
    Kenton County Schools
    Regions 9-10

  • Darrell Billings
    Director, 2020-2024
    Clay City
    KDE Appointed Member
    Private Enterprise, Tanner Chrysler Products Inc., Stanton

  • Debbie Beichler
    Director, 2019-2023
    Mt. Washington
    KDE Appointed Member
    Retired Educator

  • Larry Coldiron
    Director, 2021-2024
    Raceland-Worthington Independent Schools
    Regions 15-16

  • James Demler
    Director, 2020-2024
    Athletic Director
    Villa Madonna Academy
    Regions 9-16

  • Pete Galloway
    President, 2019-2020
    Director, 2018-2022
    KDE Appointed Member


2021-22 KHSAA Board of Control Meeting Dates

Board of Control Working 2021-22


Thursday, July 22 and Friday July 23, 2021, Newport
Thursday September 22, 2021, KHSAA
Wednesday November 17, 2021, KHSAA
Thursday January 20, 2022, KHSAA
Wednesday February 16, 2022, KHSAA
Tuesday, May 10 and Wednesday May 11, 2022, KHSAA


2021-22 KHSAA Board of Control Committees Assignments

Board of Control Working 2021-22

President- Miller, Marlon  President-Elect- Smith, Kirby

Executive Committee-Evaluation/Leadership/Audit/Finance Team
Miller, Marlon (President)
Wilhoite, Matt (President-Elect)
Billings, Darrell (Former President)
Galloway, Pete (former President)
Wyman, Jerry (former President)
Coldiron, Larry
Henderson, Joe
Smith, Kirby
Thompson, Russell

Hall of Fame Selection Committee
BOARD- 2nd-year members (2024) and 4th-year members (2022)
Angolia, Joe (Permanent)
Cope, Butch (Permanent)
Tackett, Julian (Permanent)
Bridenbaugh, Sarah
Collins, Chad
MEDIA (A minimum of 5 media representatives)

Hall-of Fame Screening Committee
BOARD-1st-year members (2025) and 3rd-year members (2023)
Angolia, Joe (Permanent)
Cope, Butch (Permanent)
Tackett, Julian (Permanent)
Bilberry, Darren
White, Dan
MEDIA (A minimum of 5 media representatives)

Whistle Blower Committee (4th-year members)
Galloway, Pete
Miller, Marlon
Passafiume, Angela
Smith, Kirby
Wyman, Jerry

NFHS Summer Meeting (2nd-year members entering the third year, plus President, President-Elect, and any serving former President)
Billings, Darrell
Galloway, Pete
Miller, Marlon
Wyman, Jerry
Coldiron, Larry *
Demler, James *
Schlosser, […]


06/17/21 – State Softball Tournament Resumes Friday at UK

2020-2021 News Releases


The 2021 KHSAA State Softball Tournament (June 18-20) culminates this weekend as the final eight teams head to the University of Kentucky’s John Cropp Stadium. Tickets to the event are only available for purchase online and can be found at There will be no onsite cash or credit card sales, and fans are encouraged to purchase their tickets in advance to expedite the admission process.

The KHSAA State Softball Tournament gets underway Friday morning with the first of four quarterfinal games at 11 a.m. as Boyle County takes on Lewis County. Daviess County will square off against Pendleton County in the second game of the day at 2 p.m., followed by Lafayette versus Butler at 5 p.m., and Warren East against Green County in the final game of the day at 8 p.m. Saturday’s semifinals will be played at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., with the championship […]


06/15/21 – State Baseball Tournament Resumes Wednesday at Legends Field

2020-2021 News Releases


The KHSAA State Baseball Tournament (June 16-19) concludes this week in Lexington as the final eight teams visit Legends Field to contend for the 2021 state championship. Tickets to the event are only available for purchase online and can be found at There will be no onsite cash or credit card sales, and fans are encouraged to purchase their tickets in advance to expedite the admission process.

The state tournament resumes with quarterfinal action Wednesday evening as Collins takes on McCracken County at 5 p.m., followed by Danville vs. Lafayette at 8:30 p.m. The quarterfinals continue Thursday as Lyon County faces Whitley County at 5 p.m., and Hazard squares off against Trinity (Lou.) at 8:30 p.m. The semifinals are set for 5 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on Friday, with the championship game slated for 7 p.m. Saturday evening.

Each game will be webcast live at […]


06/11/21 – Friday’s Softball Semi-State Games Postponed Until Sunday

2020-2021 News Releases


Friday’s softball semi-state games have been postponed until Sunday, June 13 at John Cropp Stadium due to severe weather conditions.

The rescheduled games will be played on Sunday as follows:

1:30 PM – Boyle County vs. Johnson Central (in progress)
3:30 PM – North Laurel vs. Lafayette
6:00 PM – Pendleton County vs. Boone County

Saturday’s games will be played as scheduled.

The updated schedule is available at


About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in the Commonwealth. The Association is a voluntary nonprofit 501(c)3 organization made up of 284 member schools both public and non-public. The KHSAA awards 215 state championships to 51 teams and 164 individuals in 13 sports and 6 sport-activities, funds catastrophic […]


Schools and Systems Determinations, SB128 Applicability for SSYP

Working General


06/08/21 – Track and Field Championships Begin Thursday at UK

2020-2021 News Releases


The 2021 KHSAA State Track and Field Championships (June 10-12) begin Thursday morning at 10 a.m. when the 1A Meet gets underway at the University of Kentucky’s Outdoor Track and Field Complex. The 2A Championship will be held Friday, June 11, followed by the 3A Championship on Saturday, June 12, with both meets starting at 10 a.m.

Tickets to the event are only available for purchase online and can be found at There will be no onsite cash or credit card sales, and fans are encouraged to purchase their tickets in advance to expedite the admission process.

Live webcasts produced by KYtrackXC will be available at through a partnership between the KHSAA, MileSplit and the NFHS Network. Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available for $10.99 a month. A monthly subscription entitles users to every broadcast by the KHSAA and the more than 45 […]


06/07/21- Lehmkuhler, Smallwood Named Midway/KHSAA Student-Athletes of the Year

2020-2021 News Releases


The 2020-21 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year awards program culminated on the campus of Midway University on Monday, as Claire Lehmkuhler (Woodford County) and Jackson Smallwood (Grant County) were recognized as the overall Student-Athletes of the Year.

Beginning in May of 2016, Midway University started presenting a Female Student-Athlete of the Year award at each KHSAA girls’ state championship event. The awards program was expanded in 2019-20 to include male student-athletes, with Midway honoring a deserving student-athlete in each of the 19 officially recognized KHSAA sports and sport-activities.

The awards are based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership, with Midway choosing one overall male and female student-athlete of the year each academic year. School administrators, coaches and athletic directors nominate student-athletes online at, and the nominees are voted upon by a closed panel consisting of representatives from Midway University.


06/01/21- Entry Open for Member Schools to Designate SB128 Students

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Instructions on Designating Members of your roster as SSYP Students

It is necessary that you go into the member school database to perform these operations:

  • Login to the school subdomain. NOTE: Only the Principal or AD will have the rights and privileges to this data entry.
  • Select “Maintain/View/Print Rosters” 
  • Select Maintain Overall Athletic Roster
  • Select Supplemental Year Opt-in
  • Read the entire instructions at the top, and you are advised to watch the video that is linked from those instructions (
  • You will be able to edit this list through Sunday, June 20, 2021. After that point, any edits must be made using the GE95 form ( which will request that change be made by the KHSAA staff.

Policy Reminder on Data Records of Students Utilizing the SSYP

  • All schools must indicate through the online system, which if any students are utilizing the SSYP.
  • Each member school shall designate, on or […]


06/01/21 – NFHS to Hold Second Annual Virtual National Student Leadership Summit in August

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — For the second straight year, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) will host world-renowned leadership experts for the NFHS Virtual National Student Leadership Summit (NSLS). The 2021 virtual conference will be broadcast August 8-10 on the NFHS Network ( and will be the 14th national student leadership initiative sponsored by the NFHS since 2001.

Originally, the NFHS’ summer plans included both the virtual version of the summit and the return of the in-person NSLS after a one-year hiatus. However, extended sports and activities calendars in some states and lingering COVID-19 concerns significantly impacted the number of in-person registrants and led to a cancellation earlier this month. As a result, all efforts have been focused on the virtual event experience with the goal of eclipsing last year’s three-day total of 22,000 student viewers.

Though a live gathering in Indianapolis would have been ideal, hosting the summit in a virtual […]


05/28/21 – State Tennis Championships Begin Tuesday at UK and Top Seed Tennis Club

2020-2021 News Releases


The 2021 KHSAA State Tennis Championships (June 1-3) get underway Tuesday at 8 a.m. as the girls’ singles and doubles competition heads to the UK Boone/Downing Tennis Club while the boys’ tournament opens at Top Seed Tennis Club in Nicholasville. Tickets to the event are only available for purchase online and can be found at

Following the first day of competition, all remaining tennis matches will be played at Top Seed Tennis Club, with Wednesday’s competition starting at 8 a.m. Thursday’s action opens with the boys’ and girls’ singles and doubles semifinals at 9 a.m. Championship matches for boys’ and girls’ doubles are slated for 12 p.m., with the finals for boys’ and girls’ singles set for 2 p.m.

Team champions will be determined through an accumulation of points throughout the tournament, with each singles player and doubles team receiving one point for each match victory. Brackets […]


05/25/21 – Baseball and Softball State Tournament Draws Set for Thursday

2020-2021 News Releases


The pairings for the 2021 KHSAA State Baseball and KHSAA State Softball Tournaments will be revealed Thursday, May 27 at 1 p.m. as the Draw Show will be conducted at the KHSAA offices and streamed online at

The 2021 KHSAA State Baseball Tournament begins Saturday, June 12 with semi-state games played at local host sites. The opening round matchups were carried over from last year after the 2020 season was canceled due to the pandemic. Four sites will host the semi-state matchups with Region 1 vs. 4 and 3 vs. 2 played at Western Kentucky University, 5 vs. 8 and 7 vs. 6 at Elizabethtown, 9 vs. 12 and 11 vs. 10 at the University of Kentucky, and 13 vs. 16 and 15 vs. 14 at Morehead State.

The eight teams advancing from the opening round will travel to Legends Field (June 16-19) for the remainder of […]


05/19/21- NCAA Additional Flexibility for High School Seniors in 20-21 Utilizing the SSYP Under SB128

2020-2021 News Releases

Information relative the additional flexibility granted on May 19, 2021, for 2020-21 seniors who return for supplemental education during 2021-22 is listed in the information at




SB128 School and District Responses

Working General



05/12/21 – Shot Clock Allowed by State Adoption for High School Basketball in 2022-23

2020-2021 News Releases

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Beginning with the 2022-23 season, a 35-second shot clock will be permitted in high school basketball games by state association adoption. A proposal for a national rule mandating a shot clock was not approved.

A shot clock was among the topics discussed by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Basketball Rules Committee at its annual meeting April 20-22 held virtually this year. All recommendations were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

Rule 2-14 states that each state association may adopt a shot clock beginning in the 2022-23 season — according to guidelines outlined in the Basketball Rules Book — to encourage standardization among states. Guidelines include displaying two timepieces that are connected to a horn that is distinctive from the game-clock horn, and using an alternative timing device, such as a stopwatch at the scorer’s table, for a shot clock malfunction. The guidelines also allow for corrections […]


High School Basketball Shot Clock

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The NFHS recently announced its basketball playing rules changes for 2021-22. We like you, did not know what changes were approved until they were announced. (CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS)

Among those changes is the approval of the shot clock, but only if adopted by the state association. As this is now a playing rule option beginning in 2022-23, we will begin the gathering of data so the Board of Control can make a final determination during the 2021-22 school year. The Board previously approved a membership survey on the shot clock issue, however, such was delayed until the NFHS rules decision was finalized. This process by the Board of Control will involve a lengthy review and may also include separate data gathering (surveys) of the coaches of the member schools and other interested individuals.

To keep the general public from making fictitious or malicious responses, we are again using our Board election system that […]


05/12/21 – KHSAA State Competitive Cheer, State Dance Championships Head to George Rogers Clark HS

2020-2021 News Releases


Multiple state champions will be determined this week in Winchester as George Rogers Clark High School hosts the 2020-21 KHSAA Competitive Cheer (May 13-14) and 2020-21 KHSAA Dance Championships (May 16). Both events will be streamed live at for subscribers to the NFHS Network, with a limited number of tickets available for purchase at

The ninth annual KHSAA State Competitive Cheer Championships begin Thursday, May 13 with the Game Day division. The first session is scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m., followed by the second session at 1 p.m.

The competition continues Friday, May 14 with the Coed and All-Girls’ Small divisions in the first session of the day at 9:30 a.m. The second session will feature the All-Girls’ Large and All-Girls’ Super divisions and is set to begin at 12:40 p.m. The final session of the day will include the All-Girls’ Medium division and […]


SB128 Decisions Reporting and Relationship to Athletics

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As the time has begun for Boards of Education to make final determinations on SB128, we have a form where you can indicate the choice of your board (or school in the case of our non-public schools). By submitting this information to our office in a one-question response (literally one click), we will then update your school profile to allow the designation of specific students under the school subdomain. You are reminded that unless designated in the roster system, a student may not participate in the privilege of athletics next year as a repeating student (as we have stated since the bill passage and signature).

To keep the general public from making fictitious or malicious responses, we are again using our Board election system that is in the school subdomain.

LISTING OF STUDENTS – Records of Students Utilizing the SSYP

  • All schools must indicate through the online system, which if any students are utilizing the SSYP.
  • Each […]


05/10/21 – Recipients Announced for Sixth Annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships

2020-2021 News Releases


Prestonsburg High School brothers Andrew Martin and Jacob Martin, and North Hardin’s Toné Melton have been selected as the recipients of the sixth annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships for the 2020-21 academic year.

When former Commissioner Louis Stout passed away in 2012, his late widow Anna directed that donations on his behalf go to the Louis Stout Memorial Fund for Students. Mrs. Stout felt this was an opportunity for the KHSAA to honor student-athletes who excel in athletics, academics, school service and community service.

Winners will receive a one-time $2,000 scholarship payable to an institution of higher learning. Brothers Jacob and Andrew Martin will share the boys’ scholarship, with $1,000 each going to their respective future institutions. The trio was chosen after careful review, with selection criteria based on athletic activities, non-athletic activities, non-school activities and an essay on the role a student-athlete should play in the community.

A […]


05/10/21- Senate Bill 128: Supplemental School Year Program Additional Guidance Related to NCAA

2020-2021 News Releases

Information specific to this topic is now included in the compiled SB128 SSYP Informational post at




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