Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

AAA-Non-Sports Blogs

08/31/15 – Assistance Needed with School Broadcast Program

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Good afternoon. During 2013-14, the KHSAA partnered with the NFHS to become a member of the NFHS Network. This network, powered by PlayOn Sports, is a joint venture of nearly 40 state high school associations to aggregate content from all states and across all sports.

The KHSAA contributed all of the video content from the state championship events last year to this network. The events are behind a paywall, with a subscription-based model that helps ensure that attendance isn’t harmed by technology. While many of us like to try “new things” and love getting our events out there, the cold, hard truth is that we can’t continue expanding in new ways that provide something for free, when there should, in fact, be a charge.

Part of the NFHS Network is the School Broadcast Program. This program allows the school itself to originate broadcasts on the network, using a minimal amount of equipment. Similar to the program that […]


08/28/15 – SAT/ACT Donation Project

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Below you will find a link to information about a special offer you and any of your students may use to receive discounted access to an online (or DVD) ACT and/or SAT study guide to help students prepare for the ACT and/or SAT test. This program is offered through the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA). Professional athletes and other organizations support the donation program. The cost of a standard ACT or SAT study program is usually $250, but through this program, each is available at a deeply discounted rate, and many times, free.

The link below provides ordering information and additional information about the program. or by getting the brochure at

Below is a link to a YouTube video explaining the program in its entirety.

We are sending you this information as part of our continuing efforts to assist you in providing your students with academic assistance. We encourage you to share this […]


08/27/15 – Triennial Survey Results Highlight Dance For Potential Future KHSAA Sponsorship

2015-2016 News Releases


During Monday’s Board of Control meeting at the Owensboro Convention Center, KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett presented the results from the Association’s triennial survey of the membership, conducted earlier this summer, the results of which designated Dance as the one sport or sport-activity to receive enough interest to be considered for future adoption.

The Board directed staff to return at the November meeting with a report on the necessary steps for implementing a championship in Dance in the future, including a complete fiscal analysis of the impact to the KHSAA and all member schools and its impact on other programs, along with an update on the addition of Rifle Marksmanship, which was previously approved by the Board.

“It is so vitally important that our member schools have this regular opportunity to evaluate options for championship play and provide this input. With our emphasis on opportunities for ALL students, not simply […]


08/26/15 – Board of Control Reviews Classification and Triennial Survey Results; Approves Several Championship Sites

2015-2016 News Releases


The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its first meeting of the 2015-16 school year on Monday at the Owensboro Convention Center. Among the many agenda items discussed, the Board executed a lengthy review of its current classification and alignment system for postseason play, and the ramifications of possible expansion of classification to other team sports. This review was requested by the Board after receiving a proposal concerning the classification of baseball and the format of all rounds of the postseason baseball tournament from Lawrence County High School during the 2014-15 school year. Following the receipt of the requested changes from Lawrence County, the Board requested information for a broader review of the issues in classification in the other team sports, not simply a review of baseball.

During the discussion and review, six major points were concluded when reviewing the situations from other states when compared to the current setup of championships: […]


08/25/15 – Initial Football, Soccer Statistical Leader Reports Available

2015-2016 News Releases


The weekly statistical leader reports for football and boys’ and girls’ soccer have been updated at Statistics are compiled weekly throughout the regular season and will be posted to the KHSAA website every Tuesday.

As a reminder, member schools are solely responsible for submitting statistical information. If a school or individual is omitted, or information is not updated, that means the team in question did not update its statistics through the KHSAA’s online system prior to the deadline.

Beginning last season, as contained in Bylaw 27, the requirements to enter and maintain rosters, schedules and statistics was enforced more rigorously by the KHSAA. This enforcement subjects member schools to penalties by the Commissioner, including fines and other actions, within the constraints of Bylaw 27.

The statistical leader reports can be found through the links below:

Overall Stats Leaders

Class 1A Stats Leaders

Class […]


08/18/15 – Reminder about 2015 Annual Meeting of the Membership of KHSAA

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This is intended for all KHSAA member school Superintendents, Principals and Athletic Directors and the link can be forwarded as needed.

This reminder that the 2015 Annual Meeting of the membership of the KHSAA is to be held on Thursday, September 10 in the Bluegrass Ballroom on the third floor at the Lexington Center (High Street level,adjacent to the concourse of Rupp Arena). A final agenda will be published in the coming days, but the meeting is expected to begin at approximately 8:00 a.m. ET. and conclude not later than 1:30 p.m.

This specific meeting has continuous improvement/leadership training opportunities in the morning, a discussion period regarding proposals for rules changes, and a meeting where delegates convene to approve or disapprove the proposed KHSAA Constitution and Bylaw changes.

The Hyatt Regency, adjacent to the center, has a small block of rooms available for Wednesday night, September 9, by contacting 859-253-1234 and when transferred to the reservations office, refer […]


01/05/17 – Middle School FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) – Updated



Please refer to this blog for updates and responses to frequently asked questions to guide you throughout the year.  If you have an immediate question, please contact Associate Commissioner Butch Cope ( at the KHSAA offices.

Authority and Jurisdiction

What is Middle School as used in these regulations and rules?
Middle School is defined by competition conducted between grades 6 through 8 to align with assessment parameters and divisions. It is considered to be middle school competition, and compliance with this regulation is required, if any of the following situations exist:

(a) The contest, event or tournament is sponsored by a school (or combined group of schools);
(b) Competitors wear a school issued uniform;
(c) The contest, event or tournament is sponsored by an outside entity as a school entry event (advertised or promoted as a school event), whether or not an entry fee […]


08/14/15 – Association to Sponsor Intense Voluntary Training For Newer Athletic Administrators

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The KHSAA will conduct a training session for newer Athletic Directors on Wednesday, September 9, the day prior to the KHSAA Annual Meeting, from 1:00 to 4:45. The New Athletic Directors Institute will be held in Lexington at the KHSAA offices. This session will focus on the KHSAA Constitution, Bylaws and Tournament rules, with specific focus on the eligibility requirements, game contracts and other “traps” that young ADs or athletic administrators fall into due strictly to a lack of knowledge.

Staff will be available to help with data system needs, etc., but that is not the primary focus and won’t be an in-depth session or segment. This is intended to break down the Bylaws, explain fully rules and procedures, and help the new ADs during these first early weeks of the school year. We will include those key legal duties and risk management points that are needed, as well as very specific coverage of the eligibility […]


08/14/15 – 2015-2016 Athletic Administrators Meetings, Including Regs, Rosters, Title IX

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This reminder is for all member school Superintendents, Principals and Athletic Directors within the KHSAA.

For the fall of 2015, the KHSAA is again scheduling an Athletic Administrator Workshop in eight areas of the state. The content for this non-mandatory workshop will include instructional sessions on managing the coach and player data for your school, an update on the operations and projects around the KHSAA and many elements related to Title IX and those required reports and functions. These sessions will begin with check-in at 8 a.m. and continue through 12:30 p.m. Based on evaluative feedback, we will continue through the morning and end around 12:30 to allow for the host school to easily accommodate the end of the school day, and the attendees to get on the road.

A final schedule for each day will be sent to all registered attendees. This session would be invaluable for all Principals and ADs as they familiarize or re-familiarize themselves […]


08/12/15 – KHSAA Fills Assistant Commissioner Opening With Addition of Sarah Bridenbaugh

2015-2016 News Releases


KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett today announced the hiring of Sarah Bridenbaugh as the Association’s newest Assistant Commissioner. Among her many duties at the KHSAA, Bridenbaugh will oversee the sports of field hockey, cross country/track and field, and the sport-activity of bowling, while also handling various administrative duties within the Association. Bridenbaugh will officially join the Association on Monday, August 17.

“We were blessed with a deep and talented pool of applicants for this position and are thankful to everyone who expressed interest. However, during the interview process, coach Bridenbaugh impressed the hiring committee by displaying her infectious nature that has led her to great success in a short time,” said Tackett. “I am certain she will quickly mesh not only with the leadership team at the office and with our Board of Control, but with the entirety of our membership as she seeks to continue the growth and development of several […]


Past Title IX Audit Site Visits

Working General


08/11/15 – Football Rules Clinic Now Available Online

Football Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Football is available beginning today, August 11. Below is additional information:


  • August 10 to August 31 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 1 to October 19 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • October 20 to October 31 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 10 to September 7 (Coaches) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 8 to October 5 (Coaches) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
  • October […]


08/10/15 Field Hockey Rules Clinic Now Available

Field Hockey Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Field Hockey is available beginning today, August 10. Below is additional information:


  • August 10 to August 31 (Officials) – the  Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 1 to October 5 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • October 6 to October 17 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 10 to September 7 (Coaches) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 8 to October 5 (Coaches) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only […]


08/10/15 – Volleyball Rules Clinic Now Online

Officials Division Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Volleyball is available beginning today, August 10. Below is additional information:


  • August 10 to August 31 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 1 to October 5 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • October 6 to October 17 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 10 to September 7 (Coaches) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 8 to October 5 (Coaches) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
  • October […]


08/10/15 Soccer Rules Clinic Now Available

Officials Division Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Soccer is available beginning today, August 10. Below is additional information:


  • August 10 to August 31 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 1 to September 28 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • September 29 to October 10 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 10 to September 7 (Coaches) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 8 to October 5 (Coaches) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
  • October 6 to October […]


08/10/15 – Competitive Cheer Rules Clinic Now Online

Cheer Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport activity of Competitive Cheer is available beginning today, August 10. Below is additional information:


  • August 10 to September 7 (Officials) – the Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 8 to October 12 (Officials) – the Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • October 13 to October 23 (Officials) – the Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 10 to September 7 (Coaches) – the Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 8 to October 5 (Coaches) – the Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed […]


08/10/15 – Cross Country Rules Clinic Now Available

Cross Country Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Cross Country is available beginning today, August 10. Below is additional information:


  • August 10 to September 7 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 8 to October 12 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • October 13 to October 26 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 10 to September 7 (Coaches) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 8 to October 5 (Coaches) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online […]


08/07/15 – Reminder about Bylaw 9 Allowances for Girls Basketball

2015-2016 News Releases

The delegates to the KHSAA Annual Meeting in 2014 passed revisions to Bylaw 9 to codify the previous exception to the prohibition on girls’ basketball players participating in outside competition once the school year begins if they have been enrolled in grade 9 AND then subsequently played for a high school level team at any level. While the final regulatory approval is still pending, the Association will operate this fall as though the proposal is given final approval.

This exception for girls allows for players who are subject to the rule, after the first day of school for the high school, to attend only nonscholastic women’s basketball events held during weekend of September 25-27, 2015.

Administrators and Coaches should remind all participants who have previously been both enrolled in grade 9 AND who have played for a high school of this important restriction.


Case BL-9-2- What specifically is permissible, and not permissible for basketball […]


08/07/15 – Reminder about Bylaw 9 Allowances for Boys Basketball

2015-2016 News Releases

The delegates to the KHSAA Annual Meeting in 2014 passed revisions to Bylaw 9 to allow a limited exception to the prohibition on boys basketball players participating in outside competition once the school year begins if they have been enrolled in grade 9 AND then subsequently played for a high school level team at any level. While the final regulatory approval is still pending, the Association will operate this fall as though the proposal is given final approval.

This exception for boys allows for the players who are subject to the rule, after the first day of school for the high school, to attend only those camps that meet one of the following two criteria:

  • held on the campus of an NCAA or NAIA member institution during July and August, or any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) that includes days of those months (e.g.,June 28 to July 3, 2016); or
  • held on the campus of an NCAA or […]


08/07/15 – HYPE Student Conferences Registration Now Open

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Registration for the 2015 KHSAA HYPE Student Leadership Conferences is now open and available online.

To register, click here.  Registration is on a first-come first-served basis as the Lexington conference is usually at capacity.

LEXINGTON – Tuesday, September 1 – 8 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. (ET)
BOWLING GREEN – Wednesday, September 2 – 8 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. (CT)

There is no registration fee. The conference is put on as a service of the KHSAA and conference sponsors.

Transportation to and from the event will be the responsibility of the local school.

Any lodging required will be the responsibility of the local school.

For the Lexington Conference, lunch will be on your own at the Food Court inside the Lexington Center Shops (Arby’s, Subway, A&W, etc.). For the Bowling Green Conference, lunch will be required at the venue with a box lunch style on site ($10 each).

Additional conference information, click here.

– […]


08/04/15 – An Open Note of Gratitude and Thanks

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Good morning. This is being composed for all of our administrative contacts at the member schools as an open note of thanks and gratitude.

Over the last week, many of you, and I mean a great many, have taken the time out to call, text, email and send cards of condolence to our office upon learning of the death of our long-time physical plant director John Ginn. He was our own “Wal-Mart greeter” during his 31-year tenure here and knew many of you by face and name from our many meetings and tournaments.

On behalf of all of our entire staff, and Johnny’s family, I just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you. We appreciate your outpouring of concern, and your understanding yesterday when our office was closed to allow for participation in his funeral and burial service.

We are back open on our regular basis and ready to support you as you kick off another fantastic school […]


07/31/15 – Reminder to Update School Coach/Roster Information

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As we approach the start of the sports seasons, it is critical that all schools have coaching lists and information up to date, as well as competition rosters. A roster, including coaches names and a valid playing roster, must be entered prior to any contest being played, and no athlete is eligible to play in a scrimmage or contest who is not listed on the current online school roster.

All content in the roster system is accessible solely through the school login subdomain at On that page are invaluable video links to assist with “how to” of the subdomain.

New this year is a MUCH more streamlined method of editing your non-coach data. By school request, this has become more of a “fill in the blank” portal so that you can be sure and enter the required personnel. The link is located at A few important notes:

  • If a particular position is in Red, […]


07/29/15 – Funeral Services Set for Longtime Staffer John M. Ginn

2015-2016 News Releases

Funeral services have been set for long-time Physical Plant Director John Ginn who passed away on July 28. Johnny started working for the KHSAA on July 24, 1984, and at the time of his death, was the KHSAA’s longest tenured employee, starting three days prior to current Commissioner Julian Tackett. Every person who has ever served on the staff or Board of Control of the Association, along with the many workers, volunteers and constituents who came into contact with him on a daily basis, was forever positively changed by his attitude and infectious smile. The entire KHSAA family extends its deepest sympathy to his daughter Diane (J. Michael Griffitt), son John Allan, grandson Joseph and granddaughter Jessica, and the entire extended family. 

He was 82, having celebrated his birthday in May and was the widower of Billie Carol Ginn. […]


07/10/15 – Reminders as Football Allowable Helmet Period Begins

2015-2016 News Releases


With the dead period ending and most of football coaches starting into fall workouts at various times in the coming days, it is timely to remind each of you of the major changes made in football practice and competition rules. 


From the post on May 18, the forms and their usage. Complete details at FB135 monitors practice restrictions, FB136 monitors each contest (freshman, JV and varsity) to track the eight quarters per week restriction, and FB137 is a pre and postseason verification for school administrators to monitor the requirements.


Have had several questions regarding the new restriction on quarters played, which will be placed in the football competition rules in the Handbook. As a reminder, as part of the changes, there is now a limit the number of quarters played by each player […]


06/24/15 – Rosters Reset, Ready for 2015-16, Reminders about Requirements for Eligibility

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Welcome back for the 2015-2016 School Year!

Before any work begins for the 2015-16 year, a person in the school with Athletic Director level access must initialize rosters as detailed below before rosters can be updated and subsequently, rosters and statistics entered. Keep in mind that the online roster data forms the basis of your schools in-season roster, as well as both your school’s Title IX report and annual participation lists that are due in April. Many of these pieces will be repeated as individual emails over the coming days as a reminder.

Eligibility and Roster Requirement
No student is eligible to participate in a contest or scrimmage IN ANY SPORT if they are not currently listed on the school roster online. No other paper or electronic form may substitute. The roster requirement will continue to be enforced with administrative penalties including fines and other actions within the constraints of Bylaw 27.

Video Summary of Startup Procedure and […]


06/22/15 – AMLE To Produce Inclusion Webinar

Athletic Department Blog Updates

AMLE Webinar: Social Inclusion and Young Adolescents
August 5, 2015
4-5:00 p.m. EDT

Join AMLE (Association of Middle Level Educators), Special Olympics Project UNIFY® and middle level practitioners to learn about social inclusion and its importance for young adolescents. Andrea Cahn, Senior Director of Project UNIFY will share a national perspective and research on the impact of social inclusion on school climate and youth leadership. Bill Schreiber, principal of Granite Falls Middle School, NC, will share how his school has created an inclusive environment where all youth are agents of change. Dr. David Gonzalez, Associate Superintendent, United ISD, Laredo, Texas, will discuss how social inclusion is addressed in his district and the impact it has made in their middle level schools. Sue Gee, Executive Director, Vermont Association for Middle Level Education will discuss the work they are doing to address bullying in Vermont’s middle schools, using social inclusion as the solution.


06/22/15 – Reminders about Dead Period (Bylaw 24)

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This is being sent to all Principals, Athletic Directors, Superintendents and Coaches of Member Schools. This is being sent via an electronic application and it is possible that any direct replies will not be received by the sender.

A few reminders as the Dead Period is about to begin:

  • A reminder that the Dead Period for ALL sports starts at 12:00:01 a.m. on June 25 and goes through 11:59:59 p.m. on July 9. There is to be no use of school facilities, team uniforms, transportation, coaches, personnel or anything related to the athletic program.
  • School funds may not be expended in support of interscholastic athletics in any KHSAA sanctioned sport during this period.
  • There is to be no communication between coaches and players during this period, including email, social media, texting, phone and all other forms.
  • School representatives may not promote alternative activities during the Dead Period, including promotional specials by local gyms, etc. To do so implies some form […]


06/10/15 – Soccer Referee’s Advanced Camp for 2015

Officials Division Blog Updates

The Advanced Camp for Soccer referees will again be held in conjunction with the Bluegrass State Games. We will be taking applications for this camp beginning today. Camp is scheduled for July 24 & 25 and will cost $55 (officials will be compensated for each match officiated by the BGSG).

As in the past, participants will be housed in a dorm on the UK campus (at no cost) through the BGSG organization. For information on the camp, visit our Soccer page on the KHSAA website, where you will find the information for the KHSAA Referee camp (Soccer Referee Camp Information).

You must also […]


06/08/15 – Volleyball Officials Advanced Camp Date Set

Officials Division Blog Updates

The 2015 KHSAA Volleyball Advanced Officials Camp will be held July 31-Aug. 1 in Lexington in conjunction with the Bluegrass State Games.  This camp must be attended once every four years to be eligible for assignment to officiate in region or state tournaments. 

Camp Date/Site
July 31-Aug. 1 – Lexington, KHSAA Office & Kentucky Basketball Academy (w/ Bluegrass State Games)

Tentative Agenda
Friday – 6 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Classroom Topics and Review
Saturday – 8 a.m. until TBD – On-court evaluation – two matches (schedules will be passed out Friday night – no guarantee of scheduled evaluation time).

Camp Fees
$60 Advanced Registration (until July 13)
$85 Late Registration (until July 14 to July 22)


To register and pay (must be done individually), use the link below:
Register/Pay for Camp Click Here

Housing is up to each individual. Should you need assistance with dorm housing, you may contact Paula Licato who is with UK Dorm Housing for a discounted […]


06/08/15 – KHSAA Seeks Applicants for Assistant Commissioner (Female)

2014-2015 News Releases


The Kentucky High School Athletic Association is accepting applications for the position of Assistant Commissioner. Due to the provisions of the Federal Court Order (Alston, et. al. vs The KHSAA, et. al.) and the composition of the current staff, this position will be filled by a female.

Serve as Assistant Commissioner, employed full-time at the KHSAA offices in Lexington. Duties of the position anticipated to include but are not limited to:

  • Managing all facets of assigned sports. The successful applicant will be assigned a minimum of two sports and/or sport-activities. At present, those assigned sports will be Field Hockey (fall), Cross Country (fall), Bowling (winter) and Track and Field (spring)
  • Those duties include but are not limited to:
    • Serving as the association’s staff interpreter for playing rules, including the potential review of a film/video and play situations, rules questions, and serving as […]


06/08/15 – KHSAA Assistant Commissioner Passafiume Accepts Athletic Director Job At Assumption

2014-2015 News Releases


KHSAA Assistant Commissioner Angela Brown Passafiume, a 1989 graduate of Assumption High School who has served as Assistant Commissioner with the Association since July of 2010, will return to Assumption this fall as its Athletic Director, as announced today in this joint release by the KHSAA and Assumption. Passafiume previously served as Athletic Director at Assumption from 2003 to 2010.

“We are thrilled to welcome Angela back to Assumption High School,” stated Assumption High School President Mary Lang. “Her commitment and dedication to interscholastic athletics is unparalleled. Angela brings with her an incredible wealth of experience and expertise to this role, as well as a passion for Assumption, and we are elated to have someone of Angela’s caliber to lead our Athletic Department.”

As Athletic Director at Assumption, Passafiume will oversee a full program of 15 varsity sports and work to maintain the integrity of the program while promoting the integral part that […]


06/05/15 – Six Student-Athletes To Represent KHSAA At NFHS National Student Leadership Summit

2014-2015 News Releases


Six student-athletes from across the state have been selected by the KHSAA to represent the Association at the NFHS National Student Leadership Summit, July 20-22, at the Hyatt Regency in Indianapolis, Ind. The six student-athletes will form the KHSAA’s Student Advisory Committee for 2015-16 and will assist in the planning and execution of the Hype Student Leadership Conferences in August.

This year’s KHSAA delegates are:

Hunter Wood (Pendleton County)
Caleb Covington (Scott County)
Trenton Fryman (North Oldham)
Clayton Stovall (Muhlenberg County)
Hannah Bandura (Rowan County)
Madison Wirth (Pendleton County)

This year’s NFHS Student Leadership Conference will be the first national summit since 2010. The student-athletes chosen to represent their states will split into groups and work through topical discussions on communication, relationship building, social media usage and perspective. The students will also participate in a community service project with the Indiana Special Olympics.


About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association

2015-2016 KHSAA Board of Control Meeting Dates

Board of Control Working 2015-16


August 23/24 (Annual Institute and Orientation), Owensboro
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Friday, March 18, 2016
Tuesday/Wednesday, May 10-11, 2016


05/29/15 – KHSAA Adds Marketing Director, Fills Two Openings On Support Staff

2014-2015 News Releases


KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett announced today the addition of Leah Little as the Association’s new Marketing Director, effective June 15. Little comes to the Association from Brain Box Intelligent Marketing (formerly iHigh, Inc.), where she was the organization’s most recent liaison to the KHSAA and its external corporate partners.

Little’s past professional background includes seven years as a member of the national marketing and events team with iHigh, Inc., and one year as the membership services/club event director for The Club at Spindletop Hall. She has over 25 years of experience in event production and is the owner of Elle Events.

“We are so grateful for the many years of committed service by iHigh, Inc. to the student-athletes and programs of the KHSAA as our external marketing agent,” Tackett commented. “When we made the decision to transition our marketing duties to an internal staff member, it was a natural fit to discuss […]


05/26/2015 – Officials registration is now open

Officials Division Blog Updates

This is being sent to all previously licensed KHSAA officials:

Registration for all officials is now available by clicking the “Officials Login” button at the top of the main KHSAA website, The total registration fee for officials is unchanged from the rates for 2014-2015.

The initial registration deadline for the 2015-2016 school year (July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016) is midnight on June 30. After June 30th, a $25 late fee will be assessed until August 14th. Beginning August 15th, a $50 late fee will be accessed AND officials who miss the initial deadline to register will be prohibited from participating in the postseason in those levels of sports or sport-activities where late licensing officials are specifically prohibited from assignment. 

If you choose to mail the information form and include a check to the KHSAA there will again be an additional $10 charge.

To register, choose the Officials Login button at the top right of the […]


Commissioner’s Citation, Rick Ford, iHigh, Inc.

Commissioners Citation







Commissioner’s Citation, Wayne Martin

Commissioners Citation






05/20/15 – KHSAA Track and Field State Meet Begins Friday Afternoon

2014-2015 News Releases


The 2015 KHSAA Track & Field State Championships begin Friday afternoon at the University of Kentucky’s Outdoor Track and Field Complex with the 2A meet starting at 4:30 p.m. The event continues Saturday morning with the 1A championship at 9 a.m., followed by the 3A meet at 4:30 p.m. The NFHS Network will offer a live webcast of each championship meet to its subscribers, with subscription packages starting at $9.95 for a day pass and $14.95 for a monthly pass. For more information on the NFHS Network broadcasts visit:

Live event-by-event results for each meet will be available on the Track and Field page at A full event-by-event schedule can be found at:

To view the official championship program, visit:

Following the event, a highlight package from each championship will be available at, with official championship photos available at

 – […]


05/18/15 – Board of Control Approves Compliance Forms for Football Revisions

Athletic Department Blog Updates

With the approval of the sweeping changes in football contact rules, the Board of Control has approved three forms which are to be used by schools to monitor practice limitations, participation limitations, etc. These forms are NOT to be submitted to the KHSAA at this time, but a random ten (10) percent of the membership will be audited for compliance and penalized under Bylaw 27 if unable to verify that the rules are being followed. 

The new forms are:

FB137 – An optional form which may be used by schools and districts to ensure that coaches are aware of the new restrictions. The form allows for a preseason signature by the coaches (all coaches, head and assistant, paid or unpaid) verifying understanding of the USA Football definitions and contact restrictions. The form then also allows for a postseason signature indicated that the rules have been adhered to throughout the season. This form is located at […]


05/15/15 – Hotels for State Track and Field and Call for Volunteers

Athletic Department Blog Updates

We have made some adjustments with hotels in the area for state track and track and field championships next weekend.  If you are still needing to book rooms for your teams the Clarion now has additional rooms available as well as the Campbell House.

Contact Information: Be sure to mention that rooms are for the KHSAA State Track and Field Championship

Clarion Hotel located at 1950 Newtown Pike, Lexington 40511. When making reservations be sure to tell them that you are a school involved in the KHSAA State Track and Field Championship. Rates are $89 per night which includes a full breakfast buffet. Give their reservation line a call at 859- 825-5001.

Campbell House located 1375 S. Broadway, Lexington 40504.  When making reservations be sure to tell them that you are a school involved in the KHSAA State Track and Field Championship. Rates are $129 per night. For reservations call 859-255-4281.

Volunteers are always needed to help with various task during […]


2015-16 KHSAA Board of Control

Board of Control Working 2015-16

  • Jeff Saylor
    President, 2015-2016
    Director, 2012-2016
    Estill County Schools
    Regions 13-14

  • Scott Hawkins
    Director, 2013-2017
    Woodford County Schools
    Regions 11-12

  • John Barnes
    Director, 2013-2017
    Assistant Principal
    Bryan Station High School
    Regions 9-16

  • Bill Beasley
    Director, 2012-2016
    KDE Appointed Member
    Private Enterprise

  • Debbie Beichler
    Director, 2015-2019
    Mt. Washington
    KDE Appointed Member
    Retired Educator

  • Carrell Boyd
    Director, 2013-2017
    Caldwell County Schools
    Regions 1-2

  • Kimberly Parker-Brown
    Director, 2013-2017
    KDE Appointed Member
    Faculty, Midway College

  • Donna […]


05/13/15 – Tennis, Bass Fishing Champions Crowned This Week

2014-2015 News Releases


The 2015 KHSAA Tennis State Championships and the 2015 KHSAA Bass Fishing State Tournament will be conducted this week in Lexington and Gilbertsville, respectively. The Bass Fishing weigh-ins will be webcast live each day at, courtesy of FLW, while a highlight package of the tennis tournament will be available following the conclusion of the event.

The Tennis championships begin Thursday morning at 8 a.m. with the boys’ competition at Shillito Park and the girls’ competition at the UK Boone/Downing Tennis Complex. The girls’ team semifinals are scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. at the University of Kentucky, followed by the boys’ team semifinals at 6:30 p.m.

The action continues Friday morning starting at 8 a.m. with all competition taking place at the University of Kentucky. The girls’ team finals are slated for 5 p.m., followed by the boys’ team championship at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday’s competition begins at 9 a.m. with the […]


05/13/15 – Board of Control Adopts New Football Compliance Forms, Competitive Cheer Regional Rotation

2014-2015 News Releases


In an effort to assist its member schools in properly regulating new safety standards in football, the Board of Control adopted new compliance forms during a meeting at the KHSAA headquarters on Wednesday. The new forms will allow member schools to monitor compliance with new player safety restrictions on participation, while certifying awareness with the new measures passing during April’s Board of Control meeting in response to recommendations from the NFHS Task Force.

In order to ensure the availability of top flight judges at all regional competitive cheer competitions and minimize cross region concerns about competitive advantage, the Board approved a rotation plan for the scheduling of region competitions. The four-year rotation will alternate the order in which regional competitions are held, while ensuring that there are not an excessive number of competitions on any one weekend, and that the services provided to the students competing in competitive cheer are kept […]


05/08/15 – KHSAA Sanctions Lawrence County, Pike County Central For Bylaw 15 Violations

2014-2015 News Releases


Following an incident in a varsity baseball game between Lawrence County and Pike County Central on May 5, which led to the termination of the game by the officiating crew in the 6th inning, the KHSAA conducted an investigation to determine any appropriate penalties.

Per the umpire’s incident report, the altercation began when a Pike County Central student-athlete charged into the Lawrence County base runner at second base. Per the officials’ report, and confirmed later through discussion with school representatives, both teams had players leave their positions during the altercation, which was a violation of the NFHS Baseball Playing Rule 3-3-1g. In addition, Pike County Central had additional players leave the dugout as well, which is a violation of the KHSAA conduct policies. It was stressed through the findings that neither team had additional players become involved in the altercation or in separate altercations.

The task of identifying each […]


04/28/15 – Baseball/Softball Draw Show Tomorrow at 2 PM; Spring Championship Media Credentials

2014-2015 News Releases


The annual Draw Show for the 2015 Rawlings/KHSAA Baseball State Tournament and the Worth/KHSAA Softball State Tournament will be conducted at the Association’s headquarters on Wednesday, April 29 at 2 p.m. The Draw Show will be streamed live online at, with complete brackets available on the KHSAA website and the KHSAA/ Scoreboard following the draw.

The 2015 Rawlings/KHSAA Baseball State Tournament will take place June 1-6 at Whitaker Bank Ballpark in Lexington, while the Worth/KHSAA Softball State Tournament will be held June 4-6 at Jack C. Fisher Park in Owensboro.

Spring Championship Media Credential Applications

Media members interested in applying for credentials to any of the KHSAA’s Spring Championship events can visit to submit an online application.

Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior […]


04/27/15 – Forcht Bank/KHSAA CLASS Award Statewide Scholarship Winners Announced

2014-2015 News Releases


Graves County’s Emily Whitnell and Rowan County’s Justin Graham were named the 2015 Forcht Bank/KHSAA CLASS Awards statewide scholarship winners in a banquet at the Association’s headquarters on Sunday. Each honoree will receive a one-time, $3,000 scholarship to the college or university of their choice, in addition to the $350 they received for being selected as one of 32 regional winners across the state.

The Forcht Bank/KHSAA CLASS Awards Recognition Program (Citizenship, Leadership, Athletics, Sportsmanship, Scholarship) honors deserving senior student-athletes across the state. This is the 19th year the KHSAA has recognized student-athletes through a scholarship program, which is open to all seniors that have participated in sports and/or sport-activities (competitive cheerleading, bowling, archery and bass fishing).

One male and one female are recognized from each school, with the local school honorees narrowed down to 32 regional winners, one male and one female from each of the 16 regions. […]


04/26/15 – KHSAA Celebrates Top Officials At Annual Banquet

2014-2015 News Releases


The KHSAA honored the top officials for 2015 at the Association’s 22nd Annual Officials Recognition Banquet on Sunday, April 26. The ceremony, conducted at the KHSAA Offices, recognized the official of the year finalists for each sport or sport-activity in which the KHSAA licenses officials.

Finalists in each sport were selected through a combination of their service to their association and excellence in officiating. One official in each sport was named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for his/her sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state.

Outstanding Official Nominees (winners listed in bold)
BASEBALL – Don Carroll (Henderson), Tony Gray (Danville), Tommy Morgan (Paducah)
BASKETBALL – Clayton Brooks (Paris), Romonte Dishman (Louisville), Bobby Hall (Raceland), Glenn Spalding (Bardstown)
COMPETITIVE CHEER – Heather Cavitt (Owensboro), Mari Jones (Nicholasville)
FIELD HOCKEY – Kelly Setser (Louisville), Suzie Stammer (Lexington)
FOOTBALL – Steve Fromeyer (Ft. […]


04/22/15 – Board of Control Approves Recommended Safety Revisions and Future Championship Schedule for Football, Swimming Alignment

2014-2015 News Releases


The KHSAA Board of Control addressed the NFHS Task Force recommendations on contact restrictions in football during a meeting at the Association’s headquarters on Tuesday, while approving the future order of football championship games and a new swimming alignment beginning in 2015-16.

The Board approved the revised football contact restrictions to be implemented immediately due to health and safety concerns in response to the NFHS Task Force recommendations released in November. The detailed summary of the revisions is located at At its meeting Tuesday, the Board approved the draft restrictions that had been sent to the membership in March with one staff recommended revision permitting schools, with local school and school system approval, to utilize helmets from June 1 through June 24, provided all activity is on campus, does not involve other schools, is non-contact, and complies with the heat index restrictions.

The order of football championship games for […]


04/22/15-Final Changes Adopted for Football in Response to NFHS Task Force Recommendations

2014-2015 News Releases

At its regular meeting on April 21, the KHSAA Board of Control adopted policy changes including emergency changes to the bylaws and policies of the KHSAA related to football practice. The draft of changes was released to the membership in March for comment, for final adoption at this meeting after consideration of member school final remarks. A compliance form is being finalized and once approved by the Board of Control in May, will be distributed to the membership to assist in education coaches and ensuring compliance by all schools.

After consideration and following considerable feedback from the membership, the Board approved the staff recommendation to make one change from the draft, and allow the wearing of helmets for on campus, non-competitive, non-contact work in June. Specifically, from June 1 through June 24, the following provisions will be in place (different from the original draft): a) Schools may not issue football equipment included in NFHS Rule 1-5 other […]


04/22/15 – KHSAA Archery State Championships Begin Thursday Morning at KBA

2014-2015 News Releases


The 2015 KHSAA Archery State Championships will be held tomorrow morning at the Kentucky Basketball Academy in Lexington. The competition begins at 9 a.m. with the first of four hour-long flights. The four teams with the highest overall scores across the opening flights will advance to the championship round, scheduled for 2:30 p.m., followed by an awards presentation for the top three teams and the top eight individuals.

Live results for the event will be available at

A complete list of lane assignments can be found at

The championship program can be viewed at

Following the event, highlights of the championship will be available through


About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in […]


04/22/15-Football Equipment Timelines

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Below is an interpretative listing of the various equipment periods. Any conflict with Bylaw 23, Section 6 (Football) will yield to the Bylaw 23 section for enforcement :


(1) Acclimatization and Acclimation Starting July 10

  • July 10, First date of OFFICIAL practice in helmet only. Only Level 0 – “Air” and Level 1 – “Bags” drills can be conducted. The catastrophic insurance is in place for these drills and practice sessions. Heat index monitoring guidelines must be complied with during any activity. 
  • July 22, First date of practice in shells (shorts, helmets, shoulder pads) for each player who has had at least five days in helmets only. Only Level 0 – “Air”, Level 1 – “Bags” and Level 2 – “Control” drills can be conducted. The catastrophic insurance is in place for these drills and practice sessions. Heat index monitoring guidelines must be complied with during any activity.
  • August […]


  • 04/22/15-Final Bylaw 23 Changes Necessary Due to Emergency Adoption of NFHS Task Force Recommendations

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Below is the revised wording of Bylaw 23, Section 6 (Football), as a results of its emergency adoption due to the recommendations of the NFHS Trask Force:

    Sec. 6) Sports Specific Limitations- Football
    a) Organized practice shall be structured in football as follows:
    (1) Football drill work and practice activity shall be defined in the following five categories:
    Level 0-“Air”-Players run a drill unopposed without contact.
    Level 1-“Bags” – Drill is run against a bag or another soft-contact surface.
    Level 2-“Control” – Drill is run at assigned speed until the moment of contact; one player is pre-determined the ‘winner’ by the coach. Contact remains above the waist and players stay on their feet.
    Level 3-“Thud” – Drill is run at assigned speed through the moment of contact; no pre-determined “winner.” Contact remains above the waist, players stay on their feet and a quick whistle ends the drill.
    Level 4-“Live Action”-Drill is run in game-like conditions […]


    04/20/15 – Updated Physical History and Exam, Permission Forms Posted

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Thanks to great work by various groups, we are able to get revised physical and permission forms online a couple of weeks early this year as many of you plan for next year. All old forms that have been completed remain valid for the one year plus one month period from the date of administration as specified in the KHSAA Handbook, but any new exam should utilize the new form.

    The Physical Form (both history and physician exam) forms have been separated from the permission form. This is after considerable requests from the membership due to the burden of middle school students taking the same physical and using it in different situations, both middle school students playing intra-middle school and those middle school students playing ‘up” to the high school level in permitted sports. The forms are now divided into three different forms:

    • GE04 – is the permission form for high school level play […]


    04/16/15 – Regional Winners Announced For 2015 Forcht Bank/KHSAA CLASS Awards Recognition Program

    2014-2015 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 16, 2015

    Thirty-two regional winners have been selected as part of the 2015 Forcht Bank/KHSAA CLASS Awards Recognition Program. The 32 regional winners will each receive a $350 scholarship, an award from Forcht Bank and the KHSAA, and an invitation to the Awards Banquet on Sunday, April 26. One male and one female from the pool of regional honorees will be selected as the statewide winner at the Awards Banquet, with each individual receiving a $3,000 scholarship.

    The Forcht Bank/KHSAA CLASS Awards Recognition Program (Citizenship, Leadership, Athletics, Sportsmanship, Scholarship) honors deserving senior student-athletes across the state. This is the 19th year the KHSAA has recognized student-athletes through a scholarship program, which is open to all seniors that have participated in sports and/or sport-activities (competitive cheerleading, bowling, archery and bass fishing).

    One male and one female are recognized from each school, with the local school honorees narrowed down to 32 regional winners, […]


    04/14/15 – Reminders about Title IX and Participation List Submission Due April 30

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    As spring sports are now fully in swing, it is time to remind each of you that the annual reports for Title IX and the Participation List are due on April 30.

    • If you have specific questions about Title IX and the law itself, any of our Assistant Commissioners should be able to help get you some assistance. Asst. Commissioner Darren Bilberry is our primary contact for your questions related to the law and its interpretations.
    • Information Technology Director Rob Catron, as well as almost any of our support staff, can help you with electronic issues including login and report preparation using the online system. The online system will have entry available beginning on Tuesday, April 14 after 9 a.m.

    Again this year, based on feedback from the membership and members of our Athletic Directors Advisory Committee, there have been several system changes to make this task easier. Here are the highlights:

    Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame

    Hall of Fame Working


    04/08/15 – KHSAA Announces Official Of The Year Nominees

    2014-2015 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 8, 2015

    On April 26, the KHSAA will honor the top officials for 2015 at the Association’s 22nd Annual Officials Recognition Banquet. The ceremony, conducted at the KHSAA Offices, honors the finalists for each sport or sport-activity in which the KHSAA licenses officials. The KHSAA does not license officials in golf, tennis, archery, bass fishing or bowling.

    Finalists in each sport were selected through a combination of their service to their association and excellence in officiating. One official in each sport will be named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for his/her sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state.

    Outstanding Official Nominees

    BASEBALL – Don Carroll (Henderson), Tony Gray (Danville), Tommy Morgan (Paducah)

    BASKETBALL – Clayton Brooks (Paris), Romonte Dishman (Louisville), Bobby Hall (Raceland), Glenn Spalding (Bardstown)

    COMPETITIVE CHEER – Heather Cavitt (Owensboro), Mari Jones (Nicholasville)

    FIELD […]


    2015 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® Championship Program (Color)

    2014-2015 Championship Programs

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    2015 KHSAA Swimming & Diving Championship Program & Results (Color)

    2014-2015 Championship Programs

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    2014-2015 Championship Programs

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    04/03/15 – KHSAA Championship Photos, Videos and Programs Available For Purchase

    2014-2015 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 3, 2015

    Fans can relieve all of the excitement from each KHSAA Championship event by visiting to view and purchase official championship photos, commemorative programs, and complete game DVDs and highlight videos.

    State championship videos for recent events are available for purchase through the KHSAA’s online store at: Fans can also re-watch all available games for free through

    Commemorative programs, updated with 2015 championship results, are available for on-demand printing through The Book Patch, and can be accessed by clicking on the “Order Bound Printed Copies” link at: Commemorative programs are available for order in full color, or a more inexpensive black-and-white version.

    Official championship photos are available for purchase through the KHSAA’s online photo store at Direct links to the online photo galleries for each winter sport are listed below:

    Boys’ Basketball photos –

    Girls’ Basketball photos –



    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2015 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2014 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2013 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2012 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2011 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2010 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2009 Boys State Basketball Tournament

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    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2008 Boys State Basketball Tournament

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    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2007 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2006 Boys State Basketball Tournament

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    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2005 Boys State Basketball Tournament

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    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2004 Boys State Basketball Tournament

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    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2003 Boys State Basketball Tournament

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    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2002 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2001 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 2000 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1999 Boys State Basketball Tournament

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    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1998 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1997 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1996 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1995 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1993 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1992 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1991 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1990 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1989 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1988 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1987 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1986 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Boys Complete Box Scores – 1985 Boys State Basketball Tournament

    Boys Basketball Stat Packs


    Girls Complete Box Scores – 2015 Girls State Basketball Tournament

    Girls Basketball Stat Packs


    03/25/15 – Sallee To Retire After 16 Years With KHSAA

    2014-2015 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 25, 2015

    2014 KHSAA006_Sallee-crop

    Longtime Administrative Support Specialist Phyllis Sallee is retiring from the KHSAA at the end of March after 16 years with the Association. Sallee came to the KHSAA in 1999 from the Fayette County School System’s central office, with her tenure at the KHSAA spanning three commissioners in Louis Stout, Brigid DeVries and Julian Tackett. Over the course of her many years of faithful service, Sallee reported directly to DeVries, Roland Williams, Darren Bilberry and Angela Passafiume.

    “Having the opportunity to work with all of the professional people I have worked alongside and interact with the students at the championships over the years has been my favorite part,” said Sallee. “Just seeing those kids and all the championships has been what I’ve enjoyed most, as well as seeing the accomplishments of […]


    03/24/15 – KHSAA Seeks Support Staff Members to Join Staff

    2014-2015 News Releases

    Long-time KHSAA Administrative Support Specialist Phyllis Sallee is retiring from the KHSAA after many years of faithful service. As such, the KHSAA will be looking to fill a total of two positions, Mrs. Sallee’s and another that had been vacant approximately one month. “Phyllis has been a tremendously valuable member of our staff and has served in a support capacity for several staff members during her tenure. Her work ethic is second to none, and we will certainly miss her going forward,” according to KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “We wish her the best of health and happiness and a great enjoyable retirement.”

    Persons interested in applying for either position should see the full notice at



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