Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917


12/10/20- Board of Control Confirms Decision to Start Winter Sports Practice December 14

2020-2021 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 10, 2020

The Board of Control conducted a special meeting on Thursday morning, upholding its earlier decision by a 12-5 vote to begin practice for winter sports on Dec. 14th and regular-season competition on Jan. 4th. Prior to confirming the start of the winter sports season, the Board voted 12-5 to push back the dates for the boys’ and girls’ Sweet 16® to March 29-April 8 after narrowly defeating other alternative dates, with the event schedule and format to be finalized at a later date in consultation with Rupp Arena.

“These are extremely complex issues. Our Board has spent an extraordinary amount of time examining every aspect surrounding the resumption of sports, particularly those that are indoors and have extreme concerns from public health officials,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “At the same time, there is significant data being shared about the need for students to be engaged with one another […]


11/19/20 – Board of Control Pushes Back Start of Winter Sports Season to January 4

2020-2021 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 19, 2020

The Board of Control conducted its third regularly-scheduled meeting of the 2020-21 academic year on Wednesday and elected to postpone the start of the winter sports season to January 4th by unanimous vote. In congruence with the Governor’s order issued later the same day, official practice for all indoor interscholastic winter sports shall cease on Friday, November 20 at 5 p.m. and is planned to resume on Monday, December 14. This cessation will apply to all indoor interscholastic sports at all school levels, including but not limited to basketball, bowling, competitive cheer, dance, indoor track and field, swimming, and wrestling.

Details regarding any allowances for indoor interscholastic sports, which will be restricted prior to December 14, will be distributed to the membership prior to the Governor’s ordered shutdown of school-related in-person activity on Friday, November 20. The season calendar for each winter sport, as well as current virus data […]


09/16/20- Board of Control Approves Dates for Winter Sports to Begin Practice

2020-2021 News Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 16, 2020

The KHSAA Board of Control held its second regularly-scheduled meeting of the 2020-21 academic year Wednesday morning, approving practice and competition dates for the winter sports and sport-activities of basketball, bowling, competitive cheer, dance, swimming & diving, and wrestling.

Bowling is permitted to practice on November 2. Competitive cheer and dance can begin official practice for its seasons this Monday, September 21 with a gradual segmented approach to activity over the next few weeks. Further details will be distributed to the member schools that allow for the resumption. Both competitive cheer and dance have already seen regional championships moved into the new year per the board’s July meeting. In cheer, these segments will further clarify “stunting” which has been restricted during the pandemic and resumption to play.

Additionally, the Board approved clarifications on sideline cheer in that stunting (defined per NFHS rules as “One or more bases support one […]


07/27/20 – Student-Athlete Participation Rises for the 3rd Straight Year to New Record Totals

2020-2021 News Releases


Student-athlete participation increased for the third-straight year in Kentucky High School Athletic Association sports and sport-activities to reach record levels in 2019-20. A total of 107,166 rostered participants competed across the KHSAA’s 13 sports and six sport-activities according to information submitted by the membership, surpassing last year’s then-record total of 106,931. Football was one of 12 offerings to show an increase from the previous year, breaking a trend of declining participation for the last three years by adding 202 new student-athletes [freshmen, JV, varsity] during the 2019-20 season to remain the state’s most popular sport with 13,277 rostered participants.

“The continued rise in student-athlete participation the last three years emphasizes the importance of school-based athletics in the fabric of the educational experience for these young adults,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “The importance of these coach-to-student and student-to-student relationships is only amplified in these uncertain times, as we strive […]


04/29/20- Revised Covid-19 Policies and Guidance Issued, May 1 to May 31

2019-2020 News Releases




  • Facilities on school-owned property including competition and practice facilities, weight rooms and similar, as well as those facilities managed or in any way owned by the school or school system (all schools grades  6-12) shall remain closed for use related to sports or sport-activities in any manner through at least May 31;
  • These steps may sunset earlier if allowed by the Governor’s orders related to the phase-in steps of resuming activity, which will likely […]


  • 03/13/20- (revised 04/02/20 and 4/17/20)- Athletic Dead Period Instituted for Athletic Programs in All Sports and Sport-Activities Due to Covid-19

    2019-2020 News Releases

    This information is in effect, as stated below, through April 30, 2020. Prior to that time, revised guidance and policy will be issued to be effective May 1 as we all collectively work to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus on our campuses and among our athletes and coaches. Updated 4/2/20 and 4/17/20 based on inquiries from member schools and revised orders from the Governor and CDC Guidance.

    This impacts all KHSAA constituents and includes guidance from the Governor, Public Health Officials, the Kentucky Department of Education, and additional guidance from federal authorities. This original directive will continue to be updated regularly. This will be the sole site for information regarding interscholastic athletics in Kentucky involving rostered athletes or those that have participated in practices this year and coaches from KHSAA member schools, as well as the use of interscholastic facilities.

    Effective Friday, March 13, all sports and sport-activities, regardless of season, are declared to […]


    03/16/20- Update on KHSAA Office Opening/Closing and Staff Availability

    2019-2020 News Releases

    In partnership with our State Department of Education, the Governor’s office, our member schools, the NFHS and similar to many other state associations, KHSAA staff has been directed to work remotely from home until at least April 10 (revised 4/2/20). Administrators will available via email. Our hope is to return to the office for regular hours later in April, however, this is a very fluid situation and could change at any time. Updates will be posted online.

    As of now and through at least May 1, all activity by rostered participants, coaches and those who have participated in at least one practice session for a middle or high school remain shut down as do all athletic facilities in control of our membership. As we all work together, everyone is hopeful to contain the spread of this virus. Staff will communicate any changes to future events through social media and the KHSAA website.

    Closer to May […]


    2020 Boys Singles Scores

    Bowling Results-2019-2020


    2020 Girls Singles Scores

    Bowling Results-2019-2020


    2020 Singles Step Ladder

    Bowling Results-2019-2020


    2020 Boys Team Bracket

    Bowling Results-2019-2020


    2020 Girls Team Bracket

    Bowling Results-2019-2020


    2020 Unified Bracket

    Bowling Results-2019-2020


    2020 Adapted Scores

    Bowling Results-2019-2020


    2020 Adapted Step Bracket

    Bowling Results-2019-2020


    02/04/20 – State Bowling Championships Begin Thursday at Executive Strike & Spare

    2019-2020 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 4, 2020

    The ninth-annual KHSAA State Bowling Championships begin Thursday at Executive Strike & Spare in Louisville with the Unified, Adapted and Singles competitions. The Unified Championship, which is in its fourth year as a KHSAA offering, and the second Adapted Championship open the day’s festivities at 8:30 a.m., followed by the Boys’ and Girls’ Singles Championship at 11:30 a.m. Advanced tickets to the event can be purchased at

    The Unified Championship will consist of one qualifying game for seeding followed by baker’s doubles matches throughout a 16-team bracket. The Adapted Championship will feature one qualifying game for seeding prior to head-to-head competition. For the Boys’ and Girls’ Singles Championship, each competitor will bowl three games before the field is trimmed to the top eight individuals. The top eight will then roll two additional games, with the top four boys’ and top four girls’ performers advancing to the step […]


    01/30/20 – State Bowling Roster by School & Lane Assignments Posted

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The roster by school for the 2020 KHSAA State Bowling Championships is now available for review on the KHSAA website. The roster by school listing includes unified & adapted participants and can be found through the links below.

    Each school should review its student-athletes and let us know immediately of any necessary changes (i.e. the misspelling of names, incorrect grade, etc.) by emailing us at It is important that you send corrections to to ensure all parties are aware of the changes.

    The deadline for these changes is 12:00 p.m. ET on Friday, January 31st.

    Championship Roster By School –

    The lane assignments for the 2020 State Bowling Championships have also been posted on the KHSAA website. 

    Singles Lane Assignments 

    Team Lane Assignments 

    Unified Lane Assignments

    Adapted Lane Assignments

    Tickets for the State Bowling Championships on February 6-7 at the Executive Strike & Spare in […]


    01/29/20 – Bowling State Tournament Instructions & Oil Patterns Available

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Instructions for the 2020 KHSAA State Bowling Championships have been posted on the KHSAA website. The Championships will take place on February 6-7 at Executive Strike & Spare in Louisville. You can view the state championships instructions by clicking on the link below.

    Instructions for Participants and Fans

    Oil Patterns have also been released for the 2020 KHSAA State Bowling Championships:

    Team competitions: the oil pattern will be “Wall Street V2”.
    Singles competition: the oil pattern will be “High Street V2”.
    Unified/Adapted competitions: the oil pattern will be “Stone Street 9642”.

    A color copy of the 2020 oil patterns will be available for coaches and bowlers at the check-in desk upon arrival at the state tournament. Tickets are also available for purchase online and the time schedule for the state event has been posted.  

    Purchase Advance Tickets

    2020 KHSAA State Bowling Time Schedule

    Lane assignments for the […]


    01/10/20 – State Bowling Pit Access for Coaches

    Bowling Blog Updates

    As the Bowling postseason approaches, the KHSAA wanted to remind Athletic Directors and coaches about gaining access to the pit at the State Bowling Championships. As has been done in previous years, coaches’ certifications will be checked in order to obtain a coaching credential or complimentary access to the tournament.

    Coaches need to be Bylaw 25 certified and be sure all requirements are up to date. This requirement includes being current on the rules clinic, sports safety course and a valid date entered for the expiration of CPR certification.

    As a reminder, there will be separate passes for the boys and girls teams and if your school wishes to have a coach in the pit for both the boys and girls tournaments, Athletic Directors are reminded to list that coach on the KHSAA database under both genders.

    As a reminder, a maximum of two (2) certified coaches per school will be given access to the […]


    01/10/20 – Regional Bowling Entries for Unified & Adapted Athletes

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The KHSAA will continue to offer Unified and Adapted events to include regional and state bowling competitions. While most unified and/or adapted athletes have been participating throughout the season, it is important to review the following information prior to the start of the postseason.

    Unified partner athletes and special athletes must be listed on the Unified roster in the KHSAA database and each school needs to check the box for a Unified Team if they wish to compete in the regional and/or state competition. The bowling head coach or Athletic Director for each participating member school should enter Unified student-athletes on its postseason roster on the KHSAA database for Unified bowling.

    From that postseason roster, coaches can submit regional entries to the regional manager, via Form BW127, four (4) days prior to the regional tournament. A student-athlete must be listed on the roster in order to participate in the postseason. Form BW127 is an online […]


    01/10/20 – Regional Bowling Entries

    Bowling Blog Updates

    In preparation for the 2020 Regional Bowling tournaments, the KHSAA wanted to remind member schools of the entry process. The bowling head coach or Athletic Director for each participating member school should designate student-athletes to its postseason bowling roster on the KHSAA database under the member school system. From that postseason roster, coaches will be able to submit regional entries to the regional manager. The deadline to submit entries is four (4) days prior to the regional tournament start date. A student-athlete must be listed on the postseason roster on the KHSAA website in order to participate in the postseason.

    BW110 is an online form. The head coach or Athletic Director for each team may submit entries through this form. Entries will automatically be sent to regional managers to make final arrangements in regards to schedules, lane assignments, etc. BW110 will accept entries for girls/boys individuals as well as boys/girls teams.

    Please use the link […]


    2020 Bowling State Time Schedule

    Bowling Blog Updates


    01/06/20 – Bowling Regional Instructions & Oil Patterns Available

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Instructions for KHSAA Regional Bowling Tournaments are now posted on the KHSAA website. The oil patterns selected for the 2020 regional competitions can also be found through a link within these instructions.

    All regions will utilize the same patterns this year. For the singles competition, the oil pattern shall be “Main Street V2“. For the team competition, the oil pattern shall be “Easy Street“.

    Regional bowling will be from January 20th through February 1st with the KHSAA State Bowling Tournament to take place February 6-7 at Executive Strike & Spare in Louisville. You can view the regional tournament instructions by clicking on the following link:

    Please contact Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh ( should you have any questions.


    – KHSAA –

    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association was organized in 1917 and is the agency designated by the Kentucky Department of Education to manage high school athletics in […]


    01/06/20 – Tentative Host Sites for 2020 Regionals in Bowling

    Bowling Blog Updates

    *As of 1/6/20, the following schools are tentative sites for the 2020 Bowling Regionals.


    Region Host Manager  Email 1 South Warren Chris Decker 2 John Hardin Mike McCune 3 Jeffersontown Gary Weiter 4 Trinity (Louisville) Rob Saxton 5 Scott Casey Fisk 6 Dixie Heights Derek Bosse 7 Bourbon County  Wendy Mahanna 8 Lee County  Tony Barrett


    2020 State/Region Bowling Results/Entries

    Bowling Tournament Results History


    12/09/19 – Bowling Nominations Sought for Male and Female Midway Student Athlete-of-the-Year Awards

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The KHSAA is excited to open the nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year among Bowling participants for 2019-2020. Midway University has expanded its partnership to include both male and female nominations for 2019-2020.

    This award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one participant from each 2019-2020 team. Nominations must come from a member school, but may be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor, or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

    The winner will be announced early in the postseason and recognized at an awards banquet at Midway University in early June 2020. From the winners selected for each KHSAA championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2019-2020 Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year and announced at the banquet. All winners will also […]


    11/18/19 – Bowling Rules Clinic Now Available

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Bowling is available beginning today, November 18, 2019. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay. Below is additional information:


    • November 18 to December 17 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    • December 18 to January 6 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
    • January 7 to January 20 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.
    • After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.

    The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along with […]


    09/23/19- KHSAA and Midway University Expand Student-Athlete Awards Program

    2019-2020 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 23, 2019

    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association and Midway University are expanding their partnership in the Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year Awards program to include recognition for males beginning in the fall of 2019. The program originally began in the spring of 2016 as a way for Midway University to honor female student-athletes, and will now include male and female student-athletes for all KHSAA-sanctioned sports and sport-activities.

    “We value our partnership with the KHSAA as we expand our on-campus offerings to include male students and male sports and look forward to continuing to get our message out across the Commonwealth to even more student-athletes and potential students,” said Midway University President John P. Marsden, Ph.D.

    “It is exciting to expand our relationship with Midway University to coincide with its own expansion of sports offerings,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “This was already a tremendous partnership through its effort to […]


    02/06/19 – State Bowling Championships Begin Thursday at Executive Strike & Spare

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 6, 2019

    The eighth-annual KHSAA State Bowling Championships get underway Thursday at Executive Strike & Spare in Louisville with the Unified, Adapted and Singles competitions. The Unified Championship, which is in its third year as a KHSAA offering, and the inaugural Adapted Championship start at 8:30 a.m., followed by the Boys’ and Girls’ Singles Championship at 11:30 a.m. Advanced tickets to the event can be purchased at

    The Unified Championship will consist of one qualifying game for seeding followed by baker’s doubles matches throughout a 16-team bracket. The Adapted Championship will feature one qualifying game for seeding prior to the final head-to-head matchup. The singles competition will have each competitor bowl three games before the field is trimmed to the top eight individuals. The top eight will then roll two additional games, with the top four boys’ and girls’ performers advancing to the step ladder bracket, which will continue […]


    02/05/19 – State Bowling Lane Assignments Posted

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The lane assignments for the 2019 State Bowling Championships have been posted on the KHSAA website. Coaches and participants should review all materials on the KHSAA website under the State Information and Instructions tab, which includes links to the state instructions, time schedule, hotel information and much more for the 2019 KHSAA State Bowling Championships.

    Singles Lane Assignments –

    Team Lane Assignments –

    Unified Lane Assignments –

    Adapted Lane Assignments –

    Order Advanced Tickets –

    Please contact Sarah Bridenbaugh ( should you have any questions.

    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    02/02/19 – State Bowling Roster by School Posted

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The roster by school for the 2019 KHSAA State Bowling Tournament, with the exception of Region 7, is now available for review on the KHSAA website. The roster listing includes unified & adapted participants and can be found through the links below.

    Each school should review its student-athletes and let us know immediately of any necessary changes (i.e. misspelling of names, incorrect grade, etc.) by emailing us at It is important that you send corrections to to ensure all parties are aware of the changes.

    The deadline for these changes is 12:00 p.m. ET on Monday, February 4th.

    2019 KHSAA State Bowling Championships Schedule –

    Championship Roster By School –

    Coaches and participants should review all materials on the KHSAA website under the State Information and Instructions tab, which includes links to the state instructions, time schedule, oil patterns, hotel information and much more for the 2019 KHSAA […]


    2019 Bowling State Time Schedule

    Bowling Working


    01/11/19 – Bowling Regional Entries for Unified & Adapted Athletes

    Bowling Blog Updates

    In preparation for the 2019 KHSAA State Bowling Championships (February 7-8), we wanted to remind you of the opportunities available for the student-athletes of Kentucky. The KHSAA will continue to offer Unified and Adapted events to include regional and state bowling competitions. While most unified and/or adapted athletes have been participating throughout the season, it is important to review the following information prior to the start of the postseason.

    Unified partner athletes and special athletes must be listed on the Unified roster in the KHSAA database and each school needs to check the box for a Unified Team if they wish to compete in the regional and/or state competition. The bowling head coach or Athletic Director for each participating member school should enter Unified student-athletes on its postseason roster on the KHSAA database for Unified bowling. Postseason rosters for Unified bowling must be edited using the KHSAA online system roster by Monday, January 14th at […]


    01/14/19 – Regional Bowling Entries

    Bowling Blog Updates

    In preparation for the 2019 Regional Bowling tournaments, the KHSAA wanted to notify member schools of the new entry process. The bowling head coach or Athletic Director for each participating member school should designate student-athletes to its postseason bowling roster on the KHSAA database under the member school system. From that postseason roster, coaches will be able to submit regional entries to the regional manager. Deadline to submit entries is four (4) days prior to the regional tournament start date. A student-athlete must be listed on the postseason roster on the KHSAA website in order to participate in the postseason.

    New to 2019, BW110 has been converted to an online form. The head coach for each team may submit entries through this form. Entries will automatically be sent to regional managers to make final arrangements in regards to schedules, lane assignments, etc. BW110 will accept entries for girls/boys individuals as well as boys/girls teams.

    Please use […]


    2019 State/Region Bowling Results/Entries

    Bowling Tournament Results History


    12/21/18 – Bowling Regional Instructions & Oil Patterns Available

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Instructions for KHSAA Regional Bowling Tournaments are now posted on the KHSAA website. The oil patterns selected for the regional competitions can also be found through a link within these instructions.

    All regions will utilize the same patterns this year. For the singles competition, the oil pattern shall be “Bourbon Street“. For the team competition, the oil pattern shall be “Stone Street“. 

    Regional bowling will be from January 21st through February 2nd with the KHSAA State Bowling Tournament to take place February 7-8 at Executive Strike & Spare in Louisville. You can view the regional tournament instructions by clicking on the following link:

    Please contact Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh ( should you have any questions. 

    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    11/20/18 – Midway University/KHSAA Bowling Female Student-Athlete of the Year Nomination Now Open

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The KHSAA is excited to open the nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year among girls’ Bowling participants for 2018-2019.

    The award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and a form to nominate one female participant from each 2018-2019 team.

    Nominations must come from a member school but may be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

    The winner will be presented her award at a banquet at Midway University in May 2019.

    Deadline for nominations for Bowling will be Sunday, January 6, 2019.



    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    11/12/18 – Bowling Rules Clinic Now Available

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Bowling is available beginning today, November 12, 2018. Remember, the clinic is required of all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay. Below is additional information:


    • November 12 to December 17 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    • December 18 to January 6 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
    • January 7 to January 20 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.
    • After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.

    The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along with […]


    04/09/18 – Bowling Dead Period Reminders

    Bowling Blog Updates

    It is important to remind all coaches about sport-activities (bowling, competitive cheer, archery, bass fishing) during the dead period. This includes both middle and high school students per 702 KAR 7:065.

    Any participation by student-athletes during the dead period would be a violation of Bylaw 24 if the school were to be involved in any way, including coaching, transportation, funding, providing uniforms or all other specifics mentioned in Bylaw 23, 24 or 25. Though participation itself by a student-athlete may not necessarily be a violation of KHSAA rules, the dates from June 25 – July 9, preclude any Kentucky school representative from participating in an event during ANY PART of the dead period including transportation or any part of the event if the event extends into the dead period. For a complete understanding of restrictions, provisions, and interpretations related to this bylaw, see the link at

    The Dead Period was developed more than twenty years ago […]


    06/06/18- Sport Activity Specific Dead Period Reminders

    Archery Blog Updates

    As the dead period approaches, it is important to remind all coaches about sport-activities (bowling, competitive cheer, dance, archery, bass fishing) during the dead period. The sport-activity specific contacts at the KHSAA are Michael Barren ( for Archery; Darren Bilberry ( for Bass Fishing, Sarah Bridenbaugh ( for Bowling and Dance; and Butch Cope ( for Cheer.

    Any participation by student-athletes during the dead period would be a violation of Bylaw 24 if the school were to be involved in any way, including coaching, transportation, funding, providing uniforms, use of school facilities, entering or using the school name or all other specifics mentioned in Bylaws 23, 24 or 25.

    Though individual participation itself by a student-athlete in a non-school or school-team based activity may not necessarily be a violation of KHSAA rules, the dates from June 25 – July 9, preclude any Kentucky school representative from participating in an event during […]


    05/14/18 – Hieneman Named Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year for 2017-18

    2017-2018 News Releases


    The second annual Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year program culminated on the campus of Midway University on Monday as Russell High School’s Sara Hieneman (softball) was named the overall winner for 2017-18. Beginning in May of 2017 with the State Bass Fishing Championship, Midway University presented a Female Student-Athlete of the Year award at each of the KHSAA’s 15 girls’ state championship events, with an overall winner selected following the final championship of the timeframe (2018 State Archery).

    The Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year award is based upon overall athletic performance (60%), academic achievement (20%) and community service (20%). Students must possess an overall grade point average of 3.0 or better to qualify, and must be academically eligible during the season in which they are nominated. School administrators, coaches and athletic directors nominate student-athletes online at, and the nominees are voted upon by a […]


    02/01/18 – State Bowling Roster by School and Lane Assignments Posted

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The roster by school and lane assignments for the 2018 KHSAA State Bowling Tournament, including unified, are now available on the KHSAA website through the links below.

    Each school should review its student-athletes and let us know immediately of any necessary changes (i.e. misspelling of names, incorrect grade, etc.) by emailing us at It is important that you send corrections to to ensure all parties are aware of the changes.

    The deadline for these changes is 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 2nd.

    2018 KHSAA State Bowling Championships Schedule –

    Championship Roster By School –

    Singles Lane Assignments –

    Team Lane Assignments –

    Unified Lane Assignments –

    Coaches and participants should review all materials on the KHSAA website under the State Information and Instructions tab, which includes links to the state instructions, time schedule, hotel information and much more for the 2018 KHSAA State Bowling Championships. 

    – KHSAA […]


    01/12/18 – Clarification on Regional Oil Patterns

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Earlier this week, the KHSAA released the oil patterns for the upcoming regional bowling tournaments. Those oil patterns can be found in the regional instructions and on the Bowling webpage under the regional pulldowns. 

    After discussion with the Bowling Advisory committee, the KHSAA wanted to address and clarify the usage of the 2018 patterns prior to the tournament. For 2018, there is no explicit or implied restriction on the use of oil patterns during the season. Regional host centers have been notified to use these oil patterns for the regional competition, but the host center can do as they wish with the pattern that has been released during the remainder of the season. 

    As always, this is a continually evolving discussion and will be evaluated after this season to see what, if any, changes need to be made for the future.

    If you have questions, please contact Sarah Bridenbaugh ( 



    The […]


    01/11/18 – Bowling Postseason Roster Deadline

    Bowling Blog Updates

    In preparation for the 2018 KHSAA State Bowling Championships (February 8-9), we wanted to remind you of the opportunities available for the student-athletes of Kentucky. The KHSAA will continue to offer Unified/Adapted events to include regional and state bowling competitions. While most unified and/or adapted athletes have been participating throughout the season, we wanted to send a few reminders to everyone before the start of the postseason.

    The bowling head coach or Athletic Director for each participating member school should submit student-athletes to its postseason roster on the KHSAA database for high school bowling. Postseason rosters for bowling must be submitted by Friday, January 12th at midnight. From that postseason roster, coaches can submit regional entries to the regional manager four (4) days prior to the regional tournament. A student-athlete must be listed on the roster in order to participate in the postseason.

    This is also a final reminder for unified or adapted athletes. […]


    2018 State/Region Bowling Results/Entries

    Bowling Tournament Results History


    03/30/17 – KHSAA Revising Office Hours Effective April 3, 2017

    2016-2017 News Releases

    Effective April 3, 2017, the KHSAA will have new office hours. The office will open each day at 7:30 a.m. and close at 4:00 p.m. ET.

    Logistical and traffic issues (both current and anticipated) in the surrounding area near the office, in particular, the opening of the new Frederick Douglass High School have created this necessity.

    We appreciate the understanding of our membership and various constituencies.


    02/07/17 – Bowling Championships Begin Thursday, Including KHSAA’s Second Unified/Adaptive Offering

    2016-2017 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 7, 2017

    The first winter championship gets underway Thursday morning with the 2017 KHSAA State Bowling Championships (Feb. 9-10) at Collins Eastland in Lexington. In addition to the singles and team events, this year’s championship will include the introduction of Unified and Adaptive Bowling, as the KHSAA continues to expand its offerings for greater inclusion. Bowling will be the second KHSAA sport or sport-activity to offer Unified/Adaptive events, joining Track and Field which began offering Unified events in 2015 and Adaptive events in 2011.

    Thursday’s action begins with the Unified competition at 8 a.m., which will consist of one qualifying game for seeding followed by baker’s doubles matches throughout a 16-team bracket. The boys’ and girls’ singles competition will get underway at 11:40 a.m. After each singles competitor bowls three games, the field will be trimmed to the top eight individuals. The top eight will then roll two additional games, with […]


    02/03/17 – Bowling State Tournament Information

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Congratulations to all participants and coaches who have qualified for the 2017 KHSAA State Bowling Championships. First and foremost, I would like to thank the eight regional hosts for all of their hard work and dedication during the regional tournaments.

    There are several items for your review on the Bowling page of the KHSAA website. The state instructions, state time schedule and other pertinent information for the bowling tournament are posted. To view these items, go to and choose the “State Information and Instructions” tab. Coaches, please be sure to read the State Team Participant and Tournament Information packet prior to the state tournament.

    Lane assignments for the unified, singles and team competitions have been posted on the Bowling page and can be viewed under the “State Information and Instructions” tab as well. Upon arrival, all coaches and participants must enter at the team entrance and receive their packets which will include all necessary materials. Score […]


    2017 State/Region Bowling Results/Entries

    Bowling Tournament Results History


    01/27/17 – Winter Sports Championship Credentials

    2016-2017 News Releases

    The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Winter Sports Championships (Bowling, Wrestling and Swimming) is now live, and can be accessed by going to

    Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

    Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

    Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, as well as unauthorized […]


    01/13/17 – Regional Instructions for Bowling

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Instructions for the KHSAA Regional Bowling Tournament and details for the postseason are now posted on the KHSAA website. Regional bowling will be from January 23rd through February 4th with the KHSAA State Bowling Tournament to take place February 9-10 at Eastland Collins Lanes in Lexington. You can view these instructions by clicking on the following link:


    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    12/12/16 – Unified Bowling FAQs (2017 Season)

    Bowling Blog Updates


    A common question from students “Can I play too?”  YES, you can!

    As the KHSAA partnership with Special Olympics of Kentucky continues to expand, along with the growth of Unified Sports, please refer to this blog for updates and responses to frequently asked questions to guide you throughout the year. If you have an immediate question, please contact Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh ( at the KHSAA offices.

    What is Unified Sport?

    • Unified Sports combines persons with and without intellectual and/or physical disabilities on the same team for sports training and competition.

    Does Unified Sport Have Board of Control Approval?

    • Yes, this past September, the Board of Control approved the addition of Bowling to the Unified and Adapted opportunities for student-athletes.
    • Unified Bowling allows for high school students with and without intellectual disabilities the opportunity to represent their high school on the same team. 


    10/03/16 – Bowling Rules Clinic is Now Available Online

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Bowling is available beginning today, October 3, 2016. Below is additional information:


    • October 3 to December 12 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    • December 13 to January 8 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
    • January 9 to January 22 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.

    The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along with many HTML5 enabled mobile devices and tablets (to view system requirements click on the Resources tab from within the clinic once the […]


    09/22/16 – Board of Control Approves Unified/Adapted Opportunities in Bowling; Alters State Tennis Format

    2016-2017 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 22, 2016

    During its regularly scheduled meeting at the KHSAA Offices on Wednesday, the Board of Control approved a proposal to add Unified and Adapted opportunities in the sport-activity of Bowling, beginning with the 2017 state championship. Bowling will be the second KHSAA offering to include Unified and Adapted opportunities, joining Track & Field which began including Unified events in 2015 following a joint partnership between KHSAA and Special Olympics Kentucky. The Unified Bowling events will be added to the singles competition on Feb. 9, with a final schedule to be announced at a later date. Unified sport allows for combined competition involving intellectually disabled students and non-intellectually disabled counterparts, while adapted sport allows for participation by those with physical disability.

    “One of the most gratifying things we have been able to do in the past few years is the addition of adapted and unified track and field events,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian […]


    KHSAA Sports Contacts, 2016-2017 and beyond

    Archery Blog Updates

      Primary Event Contact Secondary Event Contact Primary Playing Rules Interpreter Secondary Playing Rules Interpreter Golf DB SB DB SB Field Hockey SB DB SB DB Volleyball BC DB BC DB Soccer MB CC CC MB Cross Country SB MB SB MB Football JT BC JT BC Competitive Cheer BC SB BC SB Bowling SB MB SB MB Swimming and Diving DB BC DB BC Wrestling MB SB MB SB Basketball JT BC JT BC Archery MB DB MB DB Bass Fishing DB SB DB SB Tennis MB BC MB BC Track and Field SB DB SB DB Softball DB MB DB MB Baseball BC SB BC SB           Lacrosse MB DB N/A N/A Rifle Marksmanship DB MB N/A N/A Trap Shooting Study MB DB N/A N/A Dance BC SB BC SB


    05/12/16 – Board of Control Names Spalding Official Ball Sponsor

    2015-2016 News Releases


    The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its final meeting of the 2015-16 academic year over a two-day session at the Association’s headquarters May 10-11. Among the various items discussed, the Board reviewed the results of a request for proposals distributed in March for a new official ball partnership, as its current agreement with Rawlings will expire at the end of the 2015-16 season. Following its review, the Board approved the Commissioner’s recommendation to accept the three-year proposal from Spalding (2016-17 through 2018-19), pending final signed contracts.

    The Board completed a comprehensive review of eligibility rules and programs within the Association as required by existing state regulation, focusing on potential Constitution and Bylaw proposals to be voted on by the membership to address undue influence (recruiting) concerns and revisions to the transfer and enrollment rules. Final proposal determinations will be determined at the Board’s July meeting.

    Also […]


    02/10/16 – KHSAA State Bowling Championships Begin Thursday at Collins Eastland

    2015-2016 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 10, 2016

    The 2016 KHSAA State Bowling Championships (Feb. 11-12) get underway Thursday morning with the singles competition at Collins Eastland in Lexington. Team champions will be decided on Friday, with the boys’ team finals scheduled for 12:15 p.m., followed by the girls’ team championship at 5:15 p.m.

    Thursday’s boys’ and girls’ singles competition begins with qualifying games at 10:10 a.m. After each competitor bowls three games, the field will be trimmed to the top eight individuals. The top eight will then roll two additional games, with the top four boys’ and girls’ performers advancing to the step ladder bracket, which will continue through its completion. Awards for the singles competition are tentatively scheduled for 2:30 p.m.

    The boys’ team championship opens Friday’s action, with team introductions slated for 7:30 a.m. and qualifying games starting at 7:50 a.m. Following two qualifying games, each team will be seeded in a 16-team bracket with the state […]


    01/20/16 – Winter Sports Championship Media Credentials

    2015-2016 News Releases

    The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Winter Sports Championships is now live. Media members can visit to apply for credentials for the bowling, wrestling and swimming and diving state championships.

    Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

    Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

    Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, […]


    2016 State/Region Bowling Results/Entries

    Bowling Tournament Results History


    01/13/16 – Regional Instructions for Bowling

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Instructions for the KHSAA Regional Bowling Tournament are now posted on the KHSAA website. You can view these instructions by clicking on the following link:


    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    10/06/15 – Bowling Rules Clinic is Now Available Online

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport-activity of Bowling is available beginning today, October 6, 2015. Below is additional information:


    October 6 to December 14 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    December 15 to January 18 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
    January 19 to January 26 (Coaches) – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.

    The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along with many HTML5 enabled mobile devices and tablets (to view system requirements click on the Resources tab from within the clinic once the clinic has started).

    Once you advance to the last slide of the presentation, […]


    10/01/15 – to Sponsor Above and Beyond Awards at All State Championship Events

    2015-2016 News Releases, a Kentucky-based company headquartered in Smiths Grove specializing in trophies, awards, name tags and signs, will provide the “Above and Beyond” award at each KHSAA state championship event for 2015-16. is proud to be the Official Supplier of Trophies and Awards to the Kentucky High School Athletic Association.

    The award is given to a participant at each KHSAA championship event and will be awarded from the pool of candidates nominated by participating school representatives. The award is based on five attributes: Citizenship, Leadership, Athletics, Sportsmanship and Scholarship.

    Nominated students should exemplify these five attributes by:

    • Playing the game/competition by the rules.
    • Treating game officials, coaches and competitors with due respect as fellow human beings.
    • Taking victory and defeat without undue emotionalism.
    • Controlling of tempers at all times on and off the playing field.
    • Being positive with officials, coaches and competitors, without criticism for things that occur during the contest.
    • Cooperating with the coaches, officials and fellow players in trying to promote good sportsmanship.
    • Being […]


    08/26/15 – Board of Control Reviews Classification and Triennial Survey Results; Approves Several Championship Sites

    2015-2016 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 26, 2015

    The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its first meeting of the 2015-16 school year on Monday at the Owensboro Convention Center. Among the many agenda items discussed, the Board executed a lengthy review of its current classification and alignment system for postseason play, and the ramifications of possible expansion of classification to other team sports. This review was requested by the Board after receiving a proposal concerning the classification of baseball and the format of all rounds of the postseason baseball tournament from Lawrence County High School during the 2014-15 school year. Following the receipt of the requested changes from Lawrence County, the Board requested information for a broader review of the issues in classification in the other team sports, not simply a review of baseball.

    During the discussion and review, six major points were concluded when reviewing the situations from other states when compared to the current setup of championships: […]


    06/08/15 – KHSAA Seeks Applicants for Assistant Commissioner (Female)

    2014-2015 News Releases


    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association is accepting applications for the position of Assistant Commissioner. Due to the provisions of the Federal Court Order (Alston, et. al. vs The KHSAA, et. al.) and the composition of the current staff, this position will be filled by a female.

    Serve as Assistant Commissioner, employed full-time at the KHSAA offices in Lexington. Duties of the position anticipated to include but are not limited to:

    • Managing all facets of assigned sports. The successful applicant will be assigned a minimum of two sports and/or sport-activities. At present, those assigned sports will be Field Hockey (fall), Cross Country (fall), Bowling (winter) and Track and Field (spring)
    • Those duties include but are not limited to:
      • Serving as the association’s staff interpreter for playing rules, including the potential review of a film/video and play situations, rules questions, and serving as […]


    06/08/15 – KHSAA Assistant Commissioner Passafiume Accepts Athletic Director Job At Assumption

    2014-2015 News Releases


    KHSAA Assistant Commissioner Angela Brown Passafiume, a 1989 graduate of Assumption High School who has served as Assistant Commissioner with the Association since July of 2010, will return to Assumption this fall as its Athletic Director, as announced today in this joint release by the KHSAA and Assumption. Passafiume previously served as Athletic Director at Assumption from 2003 to 2010.

    “We are thrilled to welcome Angela back to Assumption High School,” stated Assumption High School President Mary Lang. “Her commitment and dedication to interscholastic athletics is unparalleled. Angela brings with her an incredible wealth of experience and expertise to this role, as well as a passion for Assumption, and we are elated to have someone of Angela’s caliber to lead our Athletic Department.”

    As Athletic Director at Assumption, Passafiume will oversee a full program of 15 varsity sports and work to maintain the integrity of the program while promoting the integral part that […]


    04/03/15 – KHSAA Championship Photos, Videos and Programs Available For Purchase

    2014-2015 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 3, 2015

    Fans can relieve all of the excitement from each KHSAA Championship event by visiting to view and purchase official championship photos, commemorative programs, and complete game DVDs and highlight videos.

    State championship videos for recent events are available for purchase through the KHSAA’s online store at: Fans can also re-watch all available games for free through

    Commemorative programs, updated with 2015 championship results, are available for on-demand printing through The Book Patch, and can be accessed by clicking on the “Order Bound Printed Copies” link at: Commemorative programs are available for order in full color, or a more inexpensive black-and-white version.

    Official championship photos are available for purchase through the KHSAA’s online photo store at Direct links to the online photo galleries for each winter sport are listed below:

    Boys’ Basketball photos –

    Girls’ Basketball photos –



    02/10/15 – KHSAA State Bowling Championships This Week In Lexington

    2014-2015 News Releases


    The 2015 KHSAA State Bowling Championships visit Collins Eastland in Lexington this week (Feb. 12-13), with the singles championship slated for Thursday and the team competition set for Friday. The team championship matches will be streamed live at, with the girls’ team finals scheduled for 12:15 p.m., followed by the boys’ team championship at 5:15 p.m.

    Thursday’s boys’ and girls’ singles competition begins with qualifying games at 10:10 a.m., as the field is trimmed to the top eight individuals. The top eight will roll three additional games, with the top four boys’ and girls’ singles advancing to the step ladder bracket, which will continue through its completion. Awards for the singles competition are tentatively scheduled for 2:30 p.m.

    The girls’ team championship opens Friday’s action, with team introductions slated for 7:30 a.m. and qualifying games starting at 7:50 a.m. Following two qualifying games, each team will be seeded […]


    02/09/15 – State Bowling Information

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Congratulations to all of the teams and singles competitors who have advanced to the KHSAA State Bowling Tournament!

      Please be sure to read this entire email as this important information is to ensure that you and your team are as prepared as possible for the upcoming week. First, please read over the information in the Postseason Tournament Instructions.   Other important links are: Team Lane assignments – Singles Lane assignments – State Tournament Schedule –   Line up cards will be due Friday at the coaches meeting.  Girl’s meeting at 7:15am and boy’s meeting at 12:45pm.  Singles coaches meeting will be at 9:15 on Thursday. or the .doc version is ont he KHSAAA bowling page under forms BW111.  Scorecards will be given out at the meetings.   *New this year – due to a new business being built in front of the bowling center, Collins Eastland has secured additional parking […]


    2015 State/Region Bowling Results/Entries

    Bowling Tournament Results History


    01/13/15 – Postseason Bowling Information Updated

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Regional bowling information for Regional Managers and for participating schools have been posted on the bowling page of the KHSAA website.  Please review the following items to obtain the information you might need.  All items are on the bowling page at

    Regional Host Managers should review the Managers Manual and schools should review the Regional Managers Listing and Postseason Team Instructions.  All of these titles can be found in links under the Regional Tournament Information and Instructions button.

    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. The blogs for specific sports and sport-activities are on that sport or sport activity main page, and there are general information blogs at





    Current Bowling Alignment

    Bowling Working


    Past Bowling Post Season Financial Reports

    Bowling Working


    11/13/14 – USBC Youth Membership Information Update

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The USBC made additional changes to their Youth Membership Policy.  We wanted to make sure that coaches and bowlers have the more up to date information they need to obtain proper membership.  This is optional and not a requirement. 

    *Note – all questions should be directed to Brian at the USBC office.

    USBC Youth Membership
    High school bowlers are eligible for a USBC Youth membership during their interscholastic season. For interscholastic athletes, it is not mandatory that all members of the team be USBC members; only those who wish to hold membership must purchase the membership.
    The USBC Youth Membership costs $4 and provides the following benefits:
    ? USBC Youth Membership card
    ? USBC official average (minimum of 12 games)
    ? Eligible to bowl in USBC certified tournaments
    ? Eligible to apply for all USBC scholarships
    ? Eligible to be nominated for the Dexter/USBC High School All-American Team
    ? Eligible to purchase USBC Youth Honor […]


    10/07/14 – Bowling Rules Clinic is Now Available Online

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport activity of Bowling is now online for all coaches (head and assistant) and licensed officials.


    • October 6 to December 14 – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
    • December 15 to January 18 – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
    • January 19 to January 25 – the Bowling Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($300) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period.
    • After January 25, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply. For schools not entering the playoffs, additional administrative penalties will apply.


    • The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along with many HTML5 enabled mobile devices and tablets (to view system […]


    02/10/14 – Ebonite/KHSAA State Bowling Information

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Congratulations to all schools who had a team or individual qualify for the 2014 Ebonite/KHSAA State Bowling Tournaments.

    There will be open lanes available for practice at Collins Eastland after 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday night for $1.50 per lane.

    Teams and coaches will enter at the team check in/pass gate (far right hand entrance when facing the center from the street).  ALL COACHES and TEAMS must enter at this gate.

    On Thursday (singles day) the competitors and coaches will be checked in and enter the facility first, beginning at 9:00 a.m.  The coach will receive a packet with the wristbands for participants and coaches.  This will be a per player allotment. (Example – school A has two competitors, then team A will be allowed two coaches’ wristbands).  Coaches must be listed as a coach on the school page of the website and have all of the coaching requirements completed.

    Any member of the team competing in the […]


    02/10/14 – 2014 Ebonite/KHSAA Bowling State Championships This Week At Collins Eastland

    2013-2014 News Releases


    The 2014 Ebonite/KHSAA Bowling State Championships will be held this week (Feb. 13-14) at Collins Eastland in Lexington. The individual state championship will be contested on Thursday, with doors opening to the public at 9:15 a.m. The field will be pared down to the final eight boys’ and girls’ contestants through qualifying rounds, with the step bracket expected to begin shortly after 12 p.m. and the awards ceremony slated for 2:30 p.m.

    Team champions will be crowned on Friday, with the boys’ team competition starting at 7:50 a.m. with qualifying rounds. The final boys’ team match is scheduled for 12:15 p.m., followed directly by the awards ceremony. The girls’ team competition will begin with qualifying rounds at 1:35 p.m. The girls’ team championship match is slated for 5:15 p.m., with the awards ceremony to follow upon completion. Doors open to the public at […]


    02/06/14 – Ebonite/KHSAA State Bowling Update and Roster Request

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Congratulations to all of those schools who have thus far qualified teams or singles competitors for the Ebonite/KHSAA State Tournament next Thursday and Friday (Feb. 13 & 14).  We have 3 regions who have been delayed from their original dates due to the weather and school closings. We are hopeful that they will be able to complete their tournaments by the end of the weekend.

    Schools who have qualified in the team competition (1st or 2nd place), please fill out and return to us the State Roster Form – Bowling | Kentucky High School Athletic Association. Choose this link, choose the Bowling Forms button, then choose bw111.  It is available for you in both .doc and .pdf (if you have adobe you should be able to type into the pdf).  Please list the team members that will compete at the State Tournament in the following order.  (first name, last name, jersey number and grade). […]


    2014 State/Region Bowling Results/Entries

    Bowling Tournament Results History


    1/15/13 – Singles Bowlers Welcome and Bowling Regional Information

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    This is important information for all schools to read as we have had an incident where a student tried to enter themselves into the postseason bowling tournament without his school’s knowledge.  With the addition of singles only entries, we have seen and continue to see more schools offer bowling.  Participation is a good thing, but with it comes responsibility and rules that need to be met.

    If a school has a student that would like to participate as a singles competitor, and the school agrees to sponsor them, then the following should be observed:

    A school must designate a coach.  That coach must meet all of the requirements in Bylaw 25 (including sports safety, online rules clinic, etc). If a school is adding a new coach now who needs the rules clinic, contact Angela Passafiume at with the coach’s name once the AD has entered them as a coach on your school’s page.

    The school must […]


    12/20/13 – Limitation of Seasons, Rosters, and Regular Season Competition Structure

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The KHSAA is excited to announce that we currently have 107 schools participating in high school bowling.  With the growth of bowling also come growing pains.  We hope that this and future communications is helpful to students, coaches and administrators involved in all aspects of the sport activity.

    We know that it is very important to schools to be consistent across all KHSAA sport activities. Upon review of the competition rules of both bowling and other KHSAA activities, and due to questions we have received here at the office, we would like to share the following interpretations.  This may be different than what you have done or been told in the past.

    First, Bylaw 23, Limitation of Seasons for sport activities is different than in the interpretation that is given to the sports.  For instance, a JV bowling team would like to participate in a tournament on February 1, 2014.  This is after the postseason begins for the […]


    12/03/13 – KHSAA Partners With First String Media, For Enhanced Web Streaming Network

    2013-2014 News Releases

    KHSAA Partners With First String Media, For Enhanced Web Streaming Network


    Through a new venture launched prior to the start of the 2013-14 season, the KHSAA has transitioned its online video broadcast network ( to an internal operation through a new partnership with First String Media and After outsourcing its championship webcasts in previous seasons, this year’s championship events will feature live video streaming and highlight packages produced internally through the new partnership. Live video streaming, archived broadcasts and highlight packages will remain free of charge through the Association’s website. will remain the exclusive home for live video streaming of KHSAA Championship events, with live championship coverage of 11 events, and post-event highlight packages provided for six other sports and sport-activities. Live video streaming will be available for a total of 41 games during the 2013-14 season through […]


    10/01/13 – Bowling Clinic Available Online

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The Online Bowling Clinic is available online beginning today.  Please read through thoroughly as a few things have changed. First, you have a two hour time limit to complete the course.  The entire course is only about 50 minutes, but if you need to pause and return this must be within the two hour limit. Second, you must advance the slides by choosing next, the slides will not advance for you as they have in the past. Lastly, we have expanded the free period for viewing the clinic, so there will be no exceptions during the late period regarding late fees. Clinic Instructions: Remember you must be logged in to and log in with your name and your password in order to view the clinic and receive credit.  Once logged in choose “view online clinics”, then choose bowling. *NOTE – it will NOT work on an IOS device (apple, etc.) due to its use of […]


    09/20/13 – Bowling Changes Regarding Start Date and Singles Entry

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Changes to the 2013-2014 bowling season:

    The start to the season, for the purposes of Bylaw 23 (Limitation of Seasons), is now October 1st, which is a change from the past two years October 15th date.  This was brought to the bowling advisory committee and discussed.  We found that this would be very helpful with scheduling in many participating communities.  This is not a mandate to start earlier if the school has no need to do so, but is an option.  

    After discussion and Board of Control approval, we now have the option for schools to enter singles bowlers into postseason competition.  The Board feels that this will allow additional participation by students as schools work to build a team for future team participation.  

    Just as in swimming and golf, schools are now allowed to enter a singles bowler into the regional singles competition.  At this time there are no minimum regular season […]


    Current Alignment – Bowling

    Bowling Working

    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association shall sponsor postseason competition in bowling for boys and girls, provided that ten (10) percent of the member schools declare intentions to participate in said competition. Member schools desiring to participate in KHSAA sponsored postseason competition shall notify the Association office prior to March 1. The Commissioner shall divide the state into geographic sections with the approval of the Board of Control. Newly added or deleted programs will be handled on a case by case basis by the Commissioner’s office.
    As of August 15, 2012, the alignment is as follows —
    REGION 1 – (WESTERN KENTUCKY) – Apollo, Barren County, Bowling Green, Caverna, Daviess County, Glasgow, Graves County, Greenwood, McCracken County, Ohio County, Owensboro, Owensboro Catholic, Paducah Tilghman, South Warren, Warren Central, Warren East
    REGION 2 – (MID KENTUCKY) –Campbellsville, Central Hardin, Green County, John Hardin, Meade County, Nelson County, North Hardin, Taylor County, Thomas Nelson, […]


    05/7/13 – Track Realignment and Bowling Championship Site Selection Highlight May Board of Control Meeting

    2012-2013 News Releases


    The Board of Control conducted its final meeting of the 2012-13 academic year at the KHSAA Offices in Lexington on Tuesday. Among the items discussed, the Board of Control approved a draft for new alignment in Track and Field, selected a new site for the Ebonite/KHSAA Bowling State Championship, and approved a recommendation to elevate Assistant Commissioner Butch Cope to Associate Commissioner.

    The new proposed alignment for Track and Field, which was last aligned in 2008-09, places approximately 35% of schools in Class 1A, 40% of schools in Class 2A, and the top 25% of schools in Class 3A based on enrollment figures. The new alignment was created with the aim that larger schools have an inherently higher probability of having multiple athletes in different events and should compete more among themselves (as in football), but also recognizes that many of […]


    05/3/13 Bowling Update

    Bowling Blog Updates

    We would like to share some information with schools as we continue our work on KHSAA bowling rules and interpretations.  

    The bowling advisory committee met and had some great input and discussion.  Here are the updates from that meeting and KHSAA staff discussion:

    We are looking at alignment as more schools add bowling teams.  

    Singles only entries are being considered, if a school is unable to sponsor a team, but can sponsor individuals in the postseason.

    Moving the start of the season up to October 1st is not possible at this time without a bylaw proposal change from a school.  Nothing prohibits a school’s bowling team from practicing before the October 1 date, but there would be no catastrophic insurance in place and attendance could not be mandatory.  

    Reminders and Clarifications:

    The Ebonite/KHSAA State Championship will be on February 13th & 14th for 2014.  The regional window will be January 27th through February 8th.

    Numbers on the […]


    02/05/13 State Bowling Information for Participating Schools and Fans

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Come join us at the Ebonite/KHSAA State Bowling Championship on Feb. 7 & 8.

    State meet information can be found on the Bowling page of the KHSAA website at:

    At all times, participating teams and coaches shall enter and re-enter through the team check in gate at the entrance nearest the Strike Zone.  The main entrance will be used for paid admissions only.

    Team packets will be given only to coaches only.  

    The packets for Thursday singles event will contain the time table for the tournament, lane assignments, wristbands for the participating student athlete(s) and a wristband for the coach with one participant or two wristbands for coaches with two or more singles participants   Only these wristbands will be allowed pit access.  There will be no addition coaches wristbands given.  They will also include a KHSAA State Championship patch for your participant(s).

    Team Packets on the Friday team cahmpionships will contain the time table for […]


    02/4/13 – Ebonite/KHSAA Bowling Championships This Week; Holy Cross (Louisville) Penalized For Bylaw 10 Violation; Regionals Approaching For Wrestling, Swimming & Diving

    2012-2013 News Releases


    2013 Ebonite/KHSAA Bowling Championships This Week

    The 2013 Ebonite/KHSAA Bowling State Championships will take place this week (Feb 7-8) at Executive Strike and Spare in Louisville. The two-day event begins Thursday, Feb. 7 with the Singles Championship. Doors open to the public at 9:15 a.m., with player introductions starting at 9:45 a.m. The field will be narrowed to the top eight individuals (boys and girls) at 12:10 p.m., with an awards ceremony scheduled for 2:30 p.m.

    Friday’s Team Championship begins with team introductions at 7:30 a.m. The girls’ team qualifying games will commence at 7:50 a.m., with the final team match slated for 12:15 p.m. The boys’ team competition is scheduled to begin at 1:35 p.m., with the championship match set for 5:15 p.m.

    Admission to the event is $10 per day, or $15 for a two-day pass. For more information visit the Bowling home page at



    02/01/13 Ebonite/KHSAA State Tournament

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Ebonite/KHSAA State Championship

    The singles championships will take place this Thursday, February 7th with the gates opening at 9:15 am in Louisville at the Executive Strike and Spare.  The team championship will begin with the girl’s competition on Friday morning and the boy’s competition on Friday afternoon.  Gates will open on Friday  at 7:15 am.

    We are excited to announce that our sponsor Ebonite will be presenting Tommy “T.J.” Jones    as our honored guest at the championship this year.  T.J. will be available for autographs, photos, and questions beginning Thursday late morning and all day on Friday.

    KHSAAtv/ihigh will be broadcasting via the web both singles championships on Thursday as well as the team championships on Friday this year –

    As you know the Crowne Plaza (directly across the street from the Executive Strike and Spare bowling center) is our host hotel this year.  If you need to make reservations click on the link More

    2013 State/Region Bowling Results/Entries

    Bowling Tournament Results History


    01/16/13 Bowling Post Season Information and Instructions

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Bowling Post Season Begins January 22

    The KHSAA would like to wish all of the schools participating in bowling good luck as they prepare for the post season.  Click the link below for the post season team instructions.  These instructions include both region and the state information.  These instructions can also be found on the bowling page of the website under regional information and state information.

    You should have received or be receiving shortly additional information from your regional managers regarding specifics to your regional tournaments.  Any forms you need will be included in the team instructions.

    There are a few changes that will occur different from last year for the post season.  The first is a change in the stepladder portion of the singles tournament.  This year there will be a cut to 8 competitors and then a cut to 4 competitors for the stepladder.  This will occur at […]


    12/6/12 USBC Honors Awards Update, Uniforms Shirts, Team Designation and Ebonite/KHSAA State Championship Hotel Reservation Information

    Bowling Blog Updates

    We hope that your bowling seasons are off to a good start.  With the addition of several new teams this year, we look forward to an exciting season and post season tournament.  

    Our office was recently made aware that the USBC has made a change in the student athletes ability to receive honors awards when obtaining the necessary scores during a students high school league.  There is now an additional $5 charge and paperwork to be filed with the USBC in order to be eligible with a qualifying score.  Please read over the recently added links on the KHSAA website under general Information on the Bowling page for FAQs about this program and the forms needed to apply –

    We have received a few inquiries about uniform shirts.  We wanted to remind you that the uniform shirts no longer require a collar.  This has been updated in the Bowling Implementation Handbook.  We do require schools […]


    11/20/12 Bowling Regional Host, Alignment, and Sanctioning Updates

    Bowling Blog Updates

    Welcome to our new schools this 2012-13 bowling season!  We are excited to announce that we have had ten new teams show interest in adding bowling this season.  As we grow the sport activity of bowling, change will come with this growth.  We, at the KHSAA office, are working at being flexible and open-minded to change and we know that schools are doing the same.

    We have received several emails asking about regional information. Please read this information carefully and let us know if there are any changes that need to be made to the regional host.  This information was taken directly from the plans turned in by schools last season.

    Regional Competition dates are January 22 through February 2, 2013.

    See link to KHSAA calendar for current and future reference-

    Regional Host Schools for 2013 are as follows – 

    Region 1 – Paducah Tilghman @ (need site)

    Region 2 – Central Hardin @ Dixie-E’town Lanes

    Region 3 – […]


    11/12/12 Online Rules Clinic Period Extended

    Bowling Blog Updates

    The free period for the mandatory online bowling rules clinic is being extended until November 30.  Any coach who has taken the clinic since the deadline, and paid the $100 late fee, will be refunded.  In order for your coach to receive credit, they must first be entered by the school into the schools coaching personnel and login to the school page of the KHSAA website (  If the coach is new, they must first create a password before logging in.  Once logged in they should choose “view online rules clinics” from the menu.

    The reason for the extension is the due to the late hiring of assistant coaches, and the fact that assistants are required to view the clinic being new this year.


    General Information

    Bowling Info/Forms/Records

    General Bowling Information USBC Bowling Information Bowling In-School Program Information


    Unified and Adapted Bowling Information

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    State Information and Instructions

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