Serving Kentucky's Schools and Student Athletes Since 1917

AAA-Non-Sports Blogs

08/15/16 – Part 2 Football Test Reminder

Football Blog Updates

The Part 2 Test will be available online from midnight Eastern Time on August 15 through midnight Eastern Time on August 29. The test will automatically close exactly at that time. Login at to take the test. A minimum score of 80 on the exam is required to be considered for assignment to officiate postseason play.

Any official determined to have been involved in the improper administration of the exam, including taking it for another official or having it taken by another official, will have the score disregarded for the year and be subject to other penalties in compliance with the jurisdiction of the office through the Federal Court Decree.

Please also be mindful that the rules clinic remains free online through midnight Eastern Time September 19, however your assignments are subject to cancellation at any time for failure to complete the clinic. Certainly, no official should be officiating any contest at the high school […]


08/10/16 – 2016-2017 Regional Athletic Administrators Meetings, Including Regs and Current Undertakings, Online School System, Title IX

Athletic Department Blog Updates

This reminder is for all member school Superintendents, Principals and Athletic Directors within the KHSAA.

For the fall of 2016, the KHSAA is again scheduling an Athletic Administrator Workshop in eight areas of the state. The content for this non-mandatory workshop will include instructional sessions on managing the coach and player data for your school, an update on the operations and projects around the KHSAA and many elements related to Title IX and those required reports and functions. These sessions will begin with check-in at 8 a.m. and continue through 12:30 p.m. This schedule continues to allow for the host school to easily accommodate the end of the school day, and the attendees to get on the road and back to their schools.

A final schedule for each day will be sent to all registered attendees. This session would be invaluable for all Principals and ADs as they familiarize or re-familiarize themselves with the Bylaws and tournament rules, […]


08/10/16 – HYPE Student Leadership Conferences Registration Now Open

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Registration for the  2016 KHSAA HYPE Student Leadership Conferences is now open. This year’s conferences will be Tuesday, August 30 at the Lexington Convention Center and Wednesday, August 31 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel & Conference Center in Louisville.  

Breakout sessions will include Team Building with Kara Mattingly of Asbury University, Communication & Team Building with Dr. Greg Dale of Duke University and Social Identity with Omari Pearson of Passion to Purpose. The keynote speaker will be Patrick George.

The conference format/schedule has changed from recent years. Capacity at both conferences is 300 and each school may bring up to 10 student-athletes to participate. 

Registration is now open until capacity is reached (300) or Aug. 25.  Each school may bring up to 10 students. To register for either conference click here.

Lexington – Tuesday, August 30 – 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (ET)
Louisville – Wednesday, August 31 – […]


08/01/16 – 2016 Cross Country Rules Clinic Now Available Online

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Cross Country is available beginning today, August 1. Remember, the clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


  • August 8 to September 12 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 13 to October 9 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • October 10 to October 16 (Officials) – the Cross Country Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 8 […]


08/01/16 – 2016 Field Hockey Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Field Hockey is available beginning August 1. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


  • August 8 to August 29 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • August 30 to September 25 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • September 26 to October 2 (Officials) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 8 to August 29 (Coaches) – the Field Hockey Clinic will be […]


08/01/16 – 2016 Soccer Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Soccer is available beginning August 1. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


  • August 1 to August 29 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • August 30 to September 25 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • September 26 to October 2 (Officials) – the Soccer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


  • August 1 to August 29 (Coaches) – […]


08/01/16 – 2016 Golf Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Golf is available beginning August 1. The clinic is required for all head and assistant coaches. 

  • August 1 to August 15 – the Golf Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • August 16 to September 11 – the Golf Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($100) during this period.
  • September 12 to September 25  – the Golf Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($200) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.

The presentation can be viewed on most PC or Mac desktops and laptops, along with many HTML5 enabled mobile devices and tablets (to view system requirements click on the Resources tab from within the clinic once the clinic has […]


08/01/16 – 2016 Competitive Cheer Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Cheer Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport activity of competitive cheer is available beginning August 1. The clinic is required of all officials (judges) as well as all coaches, varsity, junior varsity and freshman, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


August 1 to September 19 (Officials) – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 20 to October 16 (Officials) – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
October 17 to October 23 (Officials) – the Competitive Cheer Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


August 1 to September 19 (Coaches) – the Competitive […]


08/01/16 – 2016 Volleyball Online Rules Clinic Now Available

Officials Division Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Volleyball is available beginning August 1. The clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches, varsity, junior varsity and freshman, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


August 1 to September 5 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
September 6 to October 2 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
October 3 to October 9 (Officials) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.


August 1 to September 5 (Coaches) – the Volleyball Clinic will be online only and may […]


08/01/16 – 2016 Football Rules Clinic Now Available Online

Athletic Department Blog Updates

The mandatory Online KHSAA Rules Clinic for the sport of Football is available beginning August 1. THOUGH THERE ARE MINIMAL RULE CHANGES, one is major to the way the game is coached and officiated and both groups should take the clinic as soon as possible. Remember, the clinic is required of all officials as well as all coaches, varsity, junior varsity and freshman, and whether or not the coach receives pay.

Below is additional information:


  • August 1 to September 19 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed at no charge during this period.
  • September 20 to October 16 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($30) during this period.
  • October 17 to October 23 (Officials) – the Football Clinic will be online only and may be viewed for the makeup fee ($60) per the Bylaw 27 schedule during this period. After this time, postseason […]


07/28/16 – Board of Control Finalizes Championship Dates for Football, Field Hockey

2016-2017 News Releases


The Board of Control conducted its first meeting of the 2016-17 season on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Louisville Marriott Downtown. During the course of the two-day session, the board participated in a comprehensive orientation for all Board members and an extensive review of the due process procedure under KRS Chapter 13B. Among the action taken during Wednesday’s full meeting, the Board approved a final championship schedule for the 2016 Russell Athletic/KHSAA Commonwealth Gridiron Bowl and set the dates and sites for the 2016 State Field Hockey Tournament.

The 2016 Russell Athletic/KHSAA Commonwealth Gridiron Bowl will tentatively be held Dec. 2-4 at Houchens Industries-L.T. Smith Stadium at Western Kentucky University. The format for this year’s football finals will have the Class 1A and 4A championship games on Friday, Dec. 2nd, followed by Class 3A and 6A on Saturday, Dec. 3rd, and Class 2A and 5A on Sunday, Dec. 4th. Game times […]


07/25/16 – Important Reminder to Update School Personnel Information

Athletic Department Blog Updates

As we approach the start of the sports seasons and school year, it is critical that all schools have coaching lists and information up to date, as well as administrators and non-coaches.

All content in the data system is accessible solely through the school login subdomain at On that page are invaluable video links to assist with “how to” of the subdomain.

It is critical that you update your non-coach data, such as the Principal, Athletic Director, Superintendent, Bookkeeper, Title IX Contacts and others. The link to update this information is located at or click on the link entitled “Maintain School Admin Personnel And Coaches” from the main page at and then select “Maintain School/School System Non-Coaching Personnel”. A few important notes:

  • If a particular position is in Red, it is required to be entered.
  • If there are multiple entries for the same position, the cell will be shaded […]


07/25/16 – Reminder about Heat Index Procedures – FB & FH

Athletic Department Blog Updates

While the media coverage has been great about our schools and their compliance with the mandated heat index monitoring and activity adjustment protocols, it is important that our Football and Field Hockey programs be reminded of important subtleties within the procedures.

When no additional protective equipment is being worn (i.e Football has on helmet only or Field Hockey does not have the goalie in protective gear), the threshold of 104-degree heat index is the point at which all activity must stop. But it is important as we face the hottest week of the year thus far, that all be reminded that once football adds shoulder pads or the field hockey goalie puts on gear, that threshold drops to 99 degrees. No activity can continue above a 99-degree heat index if that additional gear is being worn. The same is true for any school-based activity in baseball and softball (due to catching gear) at other times of […]


07/18/16 – Six KHSAA Student-Athletes Headed to NFHS National Student Leadership Summit

2016-2017 News Releases


Six student-athletes from across the state will represent the Association this week at the NFHS National Student Leadership Summit, July 18-20, at the Hyatt Regency in Indianapolis, Ind. The six student-athletes will form the KHSAA’s Student Advisory Committee for the upcoming school year and will assist in the planning and execution of the Hype Student Leadership Conferences in August.

The KHSAA delegates for 2016 are:
Melisa Comertpay (Muhlenberg County)
Korbin Florer (Bracken County)
Luke Huffman (DuPont Manual)
Lauren Shraut (Holy Cross (Lou.))
Keeton Thornsberry (Holy Cross (Lou.))
Danielle Wethington (Sacred Heart)

This year’s National Student Leadership Summit is the second national conference since the program was revived in 2015 (it had been discontinued in 2010). The student-athletes chosen to represent their states will split into groups and work through topical discussions on communication, relationship building, social media usage and perspective. The students will also participate in a community service project with the […]


07/12/16 – KHSAA Participation Numbers Reach Record Levels In 2015-16

2016-2017 News Releases


The Kentucky High School Athletic Association enjoyed record participation levels during the 2015-16 season, with 79,805 rostered participants across the KHSAA’s 13 sports and four sport-activities. Participation levels increased for the fourth-consecutive year, with football once again ranking as the most popular sport with 14,336 competitors (31 girls) playing for 221 schools – an increase of 370 student-athletes over the prior year.

Aided by the addition of four sport-activities (Archery, Bass Fishing, Bowling and Competitive Cheer) and the sport of field hockey, participation has increased by seven percent over the last four years with an added 5,210 kids participating in KHSAA-sponsored activities since the 2012-13 season. Football (1,021) and soccer (877) have seen the largest increase in total participants since the 2012-13 season among the KHSAA’s sport offerings.

“The KHSAA has always, for 100 years, tried to promote participation opportunities for all students. There has been a special renewed focus these last […]


07/11/16 – Important Reminders About the Start of Football Practice

Athletic Department Blog Updates

These reminders are critically important as we transition to the start of football practice for the 2016 season. This notice and all provisions supersede any and all previous communication regarding practice rules and regulations.

The following provisions should be noted at all times:

  • The complete list of regulations including allowable activities can be found at or at There are a few notes that all coaches and administrators should keep in mind:
  • The first five days must be Level 0 and Level 1 only during acclimation and acclimatization and are limited to one three-hour session per day.
  • Each player must have five days in helmets only before being able to add shoulder pads, and those pads cannot be added until July 22. Keep in mind this is a count for each player, not for the team, so players coming out late may be delayed in putting on shoulder pads (after July 21) or other gear (after July 31)
  • Beginning […]


All Prior Year Prospective Officials

Prior Year Prospective Officials Listings


2016-2017 KHSAA Board of Control Meeting Dates

Board of Control Working 2016-17


July 26-27, 2016 (Annual Institute and Orientation), Louisville, Marriott Downtown
September 21, 2016, Lexington, KHSAA Offices
November 16, 2016, Lexington, KHSAA Offices
January 11-12, 2017, Lexington, KHSAA Offices
March 1, 2017, Lexington, KHSAA Offices
May 9-10, 2017, Lexington, KHSAA Offices


07/01/16 – Associate Commissioner Cope Receives NFHS Citation

2015-2016 News Releases

KHSAA Associate Commissioner Butch Cope was one of eight recipients on Friday of the NFHS Citation for State Athletic and Activity Association personnel. The Citation award is designed to honor individuals who have made contributions to the NFHS, state high school associations and is one of the most highly regarded achievements in high school athletics. Each of the eight NFHS Sections selects an honoree, primarily from among the Assistant and Associate Directors of the various states and those who have served in that position in the past.

Cope received his award on Friday at the 97th annual NFHS Summer Meeting in Reno, Nevada. Cope is the fourth KHSAA recipient of the award since its inception in 1997, following Brigid DeVries (1999), Louis Stout (2002) and Larry Boucher (2009).

Cope is in his 21st year with the KHSAA. He began his tenure as the KHSAA sports information director before being promoted to director of promotions and media relations, then assistant commissioner […]


Ruling Officer Assignments – 2016-17

Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Primary Secondary 2 Age-For documented waiver due to retention per the state exception, contact the ruling officer. There is no ruling in any other circumstances as the bylaw is state law Barren Bilberry 3 Enrollment Years Cope Bilberry 4 Enrollment Required Cope Bilberry 5 Academics Bridenbaugh Cope 6 Domestic Transfer Bilberry Cope 7 Foreign Exchange Barren Bridenbaugh 8 Foreign Transfer Barren Bridenbaugh 9 BK/FB Outside Team Bridenbaugh Cope 10 Awards Cope Bridenbaugh 11 Financial Aid Bridenbaugh Cope 12 Physician Consent Bilberry Barren 13 Baseball Agreement Cope Barren 14 Other Eligibility Rules Bilberry Barren   Primary would always consult secondary for any adverse ruling and review, possibly also with counsel       Secondary would issue all rulings when Primary is 1) taking vacation leave or 2) out of town more than one day for a state event to which he/she is assigned            


KHSAA Sports Contacts, 2016-2017 and beyond

Archery Blog Updates

  Primary Event Contact Secondary Event Contact Primary Playing Rules Interpreter Secondary Playing Rules Interpreter Golf DB SB DB SB Field Hockey SB DB SB DB Volleyball BC DB BC DB Soccer MB CC CC MB Cross Country SB MB SB MB Football JT BC JT BC Competitive Cheer BC SB BC SB Bowling SB MB SB MB Swimming and Diving DB BC DB BC Wrestling MB SB MB SB Basketball JT BC JT BC Archery MB DB MB DB Bass Fishing DB SB DB SB Tennis MB BC MB BC Track and Field SB DB SB DB Softball DB MB DB MB Baseball BC SB BC SB           Lacrosse MB DB N/A N/A Rifle Marksmanship DB MB N/A N/A Trap Shooting Study MB DB N/A N/A Dance BC SB BC SB


06/27/16 – Rosters Open for Entry for 2016-2017

Athletic Department Blog Updates

While many of you as athletic administrators are taking advantage of about the only two “down” weeks of the year with dead period, still others prefer to use this time to begin work on rosters. There will be additional enhancements to the roster and school system that are currently in final development, and schools will be notified later in the summer of those options. However based on several requests, the roster entry has been opened.

The KHSAA system (which is the ONLY system for roster and schedule entry that meets KHSAA rules and requirements), is now back online after our summer roster rollover process.

Here are the recommended steps for getting started for 2016-2017:

  • Login to your KHSAA Member High School Account on the school login system
  • Go to your Maintain Member School Information (non-personnel) page located in the Primary School Database Operations section of links (direct link
  • Ensure that all of your sports offerings for 2016-2017 are correct.
  • Make […]


  • 2016-17 KHSAA Board of Control

    Board of Control Working 2016-17

    • Scott Hawkins
      President, 2016-2017
      Director, 2013-2017
      Woodford County Schools
      Regions 11-12

    • Jerry Wyman
      President-Elect, 2016-2017
      Director, 2014-2018
      Director of Academics, Activities, Athletics
      Jefferson County Schools
      Regions 6 & 7

    • John Barnes
      Director, 2013-2017
      Special Assistant
      Fayette County Schools
      Regions 9-16

    • Debbie Beichler
      Director, 2015-2019
      Mt. Washington
      KDE Appointed Member
      Retired Educator

    • Darrell Billings
      Director, 2016-2020
      Clay City
      KDE Appointed Member
      Private Enterprise

    • Carrell Boyd
      Director, 2013-2017
      Caldwell County Schools
      Regions 1-2

    • Kimberly Parker-Brown
      Director, 2013-2017
      KDE Appointed Member


    06/22/16 – Reminder about Equipment Issuance During Dead Period (USA Football)

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The KHSAA offices have received several inquiries regarding participation by students in USA Football’s National Development Games. According to their verification letter, there are six different options to attend. We had asked at least two member schools to seek clarifications regarding equipment, but none responded, so today, staff contacted USA Football directly for clarification. Following that clarification, here are the provisions that have been determined. These provisions apply ONLY to 2016, as likely additional restrictions will be added to football rules to clarify (and likely restrict) this for the future years.

    • KHSAA member schools may not issue equipment to KHSAA member school students for the July 5 to July 9 camp dates. This is during the KHSAA mandated dead period and KHSAA member school equipment cannot be used for any reason. Athletes attending the camps have an option to rent equipment owned by USA Football during these periods (approximate cost is $60 for necessary gear). The […]


    06/17/16 – Soccer Officials Advanced Camp Registration Open

    Officials Division

    Registration is now open for the 2016 KHSAA Soccer Officials Advanced Camp. This year’s camp will be held July 22-23 in Lexington. Licensed officials are required to attend this camp once every four years to be eligible to work Region/State postseason contests.

    Tentative Agenda

    Friday, July 22 – 1 p.m.-7:00 p.m. – Classroom Topics and Review at the KHSAA Office
    Saturday, July 23 – 8 a.m. until TBD – Field evaluations – To be scheduled around your assignments at the Bluegrass State Games

    Camp Fees

    $60 Advanced Registration (until July 15)
    $85 Late Registration (July 16 to July 21)

    To register for the Advanced Camp and pay (must be done individually), use the following link: Click Here To Register/Pay for Camp 

    Bluegrass State Games

    Please note you must also register to officiate games for the Bluegrass State Games. For directions on how to register for the Bluegrass State Games, click here


    Housing is available at no cost through the […]


    Can McCracken County end 1st Region title drought



    BY MIKE FIELDS (June 17, 2016)

    McCracken County will continue its quest to end a 56-year title drought for the 1st Region when the Rawlings/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament resumes tonight with the final four at Whitaker Bank Ballpark.

    The semifinal matchups have McCracken County (37-5) taking on St. Xavier (27-12) at 6 p.m., followed by Bullitt East (28-10) playing Campbell County (28-10).

    The last 1st Region team to win a state baseball title was Paducah Tilghman in 1960. Since then region has had four state runners-up: Lone Oak in 1963, Paducah Tilghman in 1970 and 1974, and Murray in 1979.

    St. X, the 7th Region champ, won its sixth state title just two years ago. The Tigers also won it all in 1942, 1945, 1949, 1951 and 1981.

    Bullitt East, out of the 6th Region, is […]


    Old scorebooks, part 10 — Future big-leaguers in ’94 final four


    Between them, Scott Downs and Brad Wilkerson played major league baseball for more than 20 years, which tells you something about the star power they brought to the high school baseball final four in 1994.

    Downs was an undefeated senior lefthanded pitcher for Pleasure Ridge Park. Wilkerson was an undefeated junior lefthanded pitcher and standout center fielder for Apollo.

    Before the semifinals, PRP Coach Bill Miller and Apollo Coach Bob Mantooth had to decide when to use their aces.

    Miller sent Downs to the mound for the Panthers in their semifinal matchup with Lexington Catholic, and he threw a three-hitter and struck out 15 as PRP beat Dom Fucci’s Knights 3-1. Downs improved to 13-0 on the season, with 175 K’s in 80 innings. (He finished his career 24-0.)

    Mantooth tried to save Wilkerson, who had an 11-0 record and 0.71 ERA, for the finals. The strategy failed. Error-plagued Apollo lost to Corbin 5-4 in the semifinals. Wilkerson, who brought […]


    Safety Course

    Working General


    06/10/16 – KHSAA To Award Inaugural Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships Saturday

    2015-2016 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 10, 2016

    The KHSAA will present the first Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships to Buckhorn’s Abigail Abner and Henry County’s Jakob Beckley on Saturday during the quarterfinals of the Rawlings/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament. Each student-athlete will receive a one-time scholarship of $2,000 payable to an institution of higher learning, which will be presented by representatives of the KHSAA and Commissioner Stout’s son, Juan.

    Winners were chosen after careful review with high school and college administrators, with selection criteria based on athletic activities, non-athletic activities, non-school activities and an essay on the role a student-athlete should play in the community.

    A four-year letterman on the Buckhorn volleyball team with a 4.0 grade point average, Abner was highly involved in her school community during her high school career. In addition to tutoring fellow students, Abner was a member of Buckhorn Against Drugs (BAD), Future Business Leaders of America […]


    Old scorebooks, part 9 — PRP’s amazing comeback 20 years ago


    Yogi Berra’s quip that “It ain’t over till it’s over” resonated 20 years ago when Pleasure Ridge Park rallied to beat Harrison County in the state baseball semifinals, and went on to win its third consecutive state championship.

    PRP was on the brink of defeat when it trailed 5-2 in the top of the seventh with two outs and nobody. Then everything went haywire for Harrison County.

    98millerPRP’s Brad Williams was hit by a pitch and Matt Jarboe walked. Troy Hilpp’s single drove in Williams to make it 5-3. Matt Fox followed with a smash to center field that was just out of the reach of Harrison County’s Paul Roberts. Fox wound up with a two-run triple that tied it 5-5.

    Harrison County showed lots of grit. Despite the devastating turn of events, the Thorobreds loaded the bases in the bottom of the seventh but couldn’t cash in, but […]


    Old scorebooks, part 8: Little ol’ Paintsville beats the big boys


    When Paintsville won the Sweet Sixteen championship in 1996, the Tigers showed that a Class A-size school could compete with the big boys in basketball and come out on top.

    Big deal.

    Paintsville had already proved that point in baseball six years earlier when it won the state title, knocking off big-city schools Pleasure Ridge Park and Tates Creek in the final four at UK’s Shively Field.

    Coach Charlie Adkins’ Tigers, who were runners-up to Lafayette in 1989, finished the job in 1990.

    They beat PRP 5-0 in the semifinals as Walt Crace blanked the Panthers on five hits.

    Paintsville came back the next day and whipped Tates Creek 10-4. The Tigers erupted for six runs in the fourth inning, with Matt Williams and Jeremy Holbrook contributing RBI hits. Billy Phelps and Tucker Howard added solo home runs later in the game.

    Mickey VanHoose (9-0) got the victory for Paintsville, with relief help from Howard.

    Tates Creek pitcher Marcus Robinson (11-1) suffered his first loss of the year. […]


    06/08/16 – Rawlings/KHSAA Baseball and Worth/KHSAA Softball State Tournaments Begin Thursday

    2015-2016 News Releases


    The 2016 Rawlings/KHSAA Baseball and Worth/KHSAA Softball State Tournaments get underway Thursday at Whitaker Bank Ballpark in Lexington and Jack C. Fisher Park in Owensboro, respectively. The Rawlings/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament (June 9-11, 17-18) begins Thursday morning when Johnson Central takes on Highlands at 11 a.m. in the first of the day’s four opening round games. First round action continues with four games on Friday, followed by four quarterfinal games on Saturday. The state baseball tournament resumes the following weekend with semifinal action on Friday, June 17th and the championship game on Saturday, June 18th.

    The Worth/KHSAA State Softball Tournament (June 9-11) opens at 5 p.m. (CT) tomorrow night in Owensboro, as the first four opening round games are played simultaneously at Jack C. Fisher Park. Thursday’s competition concludes with four more opening round games at 7 p.m., before the teams return to the park Friday morning at 9 a.m. to […]


    Old scorebooks, part 7: LexCath wins title with ace Michael dealing victories


    Lexington Catholic, led by the standout pitching of Mark Michael, beat Pleasure Ridge Park 4-2 in nine innings to win its first state baseball championship in 1999.

    Michael had a sensational senior season, going 14-0 with a 1.30 ERA and exhibiting remarkable control — he had 98 strikeouts and only 9 walks in 77 innings.

    In the title game against PRP, he surrendered two runs in the first but blanked the Panthers the rest of the way. On the day he gave up five hits, struck out five, walked two and hit one batter. 

    “I was really tired but I just kept throwing strikes,” Michael said after the victory at UK’s Cliff Hagan Stadium.

    John Hogan had the game-winning hit — a two-run double in the ninth that drove in Andy Foster and Joey Wilson. Andrew Levenson had a sacrifice fly in the third that drove in Nate Heiple. Wilson’s solo homer in the fourth tied the game 2-2.

    PRP loaded the bases with two outs in the […]


    Title IX Annual Reports- 2015-2016

    Title IX Annual Reports


    2016-2017 Official Ball Adoptions

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Reminder to school administrators about the primary points of the KHSAA and its ball adoption agreements.

    In an effort to offset the services and events provided by the KHSAA and eliminate passing on a great deal of additional cost to the membership, the association has long entered into official ball adoption agreements. The provisions of these agreements are similar and official ball numbers are listed in the table below.

    The following provisions are in place in each of the listed sports:

    • A brand specific requirement is in place. For example, the Select Sport soccer ball is required for all use in postseason play (all levels). However, the ball does NOT have to be the Royale model. Specific models are the choice of the member school, however, the administrators should be mindful that dealer price points will likely be in place to encourage the use of the specific model.
    • For all levels of postseason play, the brand specific requirement is in place.
      • **Exception […]


    Old scorebooks, part 6 — Eddie Brooks’ homer binge


    Bryan Station baseball coach Eddie Brooks was a star in his playing days at Lafayette. He was a slick-fielding sophomore infielder who batted ninth on the Generals’ 1989 state championship team.

    But Brooks wielded a dangerous bat at the bottom of the order, and he showed plenty of power at the plate in the playoffs that year. 

    He smacked three home runs — two in one inning! — in Lafayette’s 22-0 rout of Franklin County in the region semifinals. Brooks hit a 2-run homer in the fourth, then belted a solo shot and a 3-run dinger in the sixth to highlight a 15-run uprising by Lafayette. 

    Exactly one week later, Brooks hit a pair of two-run homers against Danville ace Paul Morse in the sectional semifinals at Somerset as the Generals won 11-1.

    What made Brooks’ post-season power display surprising was that he hit only one home run during the regular season.

    Brooks went on to have a standout career at UK, and after his […]


    Old scorebooks, part 5: Harrison County’s breakthrough state title


    When Harrison County and Pleasure Ridge Park met in the 1993 baseball finals, both programs were looking for their first state championship after twice being bridesmaids.

    Harrison County was runner-up in 1984 and 1987; PRP was runner-up in 1982 and 1985.

    The 1993 championship game would mark the beginning of state domination by the two schools. They would combine to win the next 6 state titles — Harrison County in 1993, 1997 and 1998; PRP in 1994, 1995 and 1996.

    (PRP added titles in 2008 and 2013. Harrison County captured another championship in 2010. All that success has helped make their coaches the winningest in state history. PRP’s Bill Miller is first with 1,092 victories; Harrison County’s Mac Whitaker is second with 1,064.) 

    Harrison County’s breakthrough win in ’93 was remarkable in that it finished its championship run with 32 consecutive shutout innings and 68 consecutive errorless innings.

    Thorobreds’ second baseman Brent Hampton explained the team’s flawless fielding after the win over PRP: “Catches on, just like […]


    05/27/16 – Volleyball Officials Advanced Camp Registration Open

    Officials Division Blog Updates

    Registration is now open for the 2016 KHSAA Volleyball Officials Advanced Camp.  This year’s camp will be held July 29-30 in Lexington.  Licensed officials are required to attend this camp once every four years to be eligible to work Region/State postseason contests.

    Tentative Agenda
    Friday – 6 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Classroom Topics and Review – KHSAA Office
    Saturday – 8 a.m. until TBD – On-court evaluation – two matches (schedules will be passed out Friday night – no guarantee of scheduled evaluation time). – Kentucky Basketball Academy

    Camp Fees
    $60 Advanced Registration (until July 15)
    $85 Late Registration (until July 16 to July 25)

    To register and pay (must be done individually), use the link below:
    Register/Pay for Camp Click Here

    Housing is up to each individual. Should you need assistance with dorm housing, you may contact Paula Licato who is with UK Dorm Housing for a discounted rate. Contact her at or by calling […]


    Old scorebooks, part 4: Franklin County’s upset for the ages



    I’ve witnessed a lot of upsets over the last 40+ years, and my memory of most of them is blurry. One upset that is still clear — and still shocking — came in baseball 23 years ago this week.

    On May 25, 1993, defending state champion and No. 1-ranked Lafayette, boasting a star-studded lineup and a 33-5 record, lost to unranked Franklin County, sporting a 14-21 record, in the first round of the 11th Region baseball tournament at EKU.

    Franklin County trailed 4-1 with two outs and nobody on in the bottom of the seventh inning, but then the world turned upside down and the Flyers rallied for a 5-4 victory.

    “Miracle is the only word to describe it,” winning pitcher Billy Taylor said after the game.

    “Yes, I guess it was a miracle,” added Franklin County Coach Ben Zimmerman.

    After Lafayette scored three runs […]


    05/26/16 – Republic Bank/KHSAA Track & Field State Meet Begins Friday

    2015-2016 News Releases


    The 2016 Republic Bank/KHSAA Track & Field State Meet gets underway Friday afternoon at the University of Kentucky’s Outdoor Track and Field Complex with the 2A Championship starting at 4:30 p.m. The event continues Saturday morning with the 1A championship at 9 a.m., followed by the 3A meet at 4:30 p.m.

    This year’s meet is the second since the KHSAA partnered with Special Olympics Kentucky to offer Unified opportunities in Track & Field. Unified participation at this year’s state meet has risen to 110 competitors, after having 35 student-athletes compete in Unified offerings at the 2015 State Meet.

    Live event-by-event results will be available on the Track page at during the meet. Following the event, a highlight package from each championship will be available at, with official championship photos available at

    2016 Republic Bank/KHSAA Track & Field State Meet
    Official Program –
    Heat Sheets/Lane Assignments –

    Old scorebooks, part 3: Pelphrey, Lorenzen, Smith played baseball, too


    They aren’t remembered as baseball players, but John Pelphrey, Jared Lorenzen and Derek Smith were talented multi-sport athletes in high school.

    In his junior year at Paintsville, Pelphrey was a star pitcher who helped the Tigers reach the 1986 state baseball final four in Elizabethtown. The 6-foot-7 righthander had an 11-1 record before losing a 3-1 decision to eventual champion Tates Creek in the semifinals. Pelphrey pitched well against the Commodores, giving up six hits and striking out three.

    Here’s Paintsville’s lineup from that game:


    Pelphrey and baseball teammates Keith Adkins and Mike Minix were standout players on Paintsville’s basketball team, which made the Sweet Sixteen three years in a row (1985, ’86, ’87). Pelphrey was named Mr. Basketball as a senior.

    Jared Lorenzen and Derek Smith were a multi-sport dynamic duo in their days at Highlands. They are best remembered for their accomplishments in […]


    Old scorebooks, part 2: Poynter’s hot post-season for Tates Creek in 1990


    Larry Poynter, in his first year as head baseball coach at Tates Creek, leads his alma mater  into post-season play in the 43rd District tournament Tuesday night.

    In getting his players ready for the playoffs, Poynter can tell them about how he stepped up in the 1990 post-season and was a key factor in helping the Commodores reach the state finals. (They lost to Paintsville in the championship game. That’s the last time Tates Creek made it that far.)

    Poynter, a catcher, not only did his job defensively behind the plate, he also swung a big bat. In nine playoff games that spring, Poynter hit .461 (12 of 26), with 10 RBI and 7 runs. He had an astounding on-base percentage of .676 (25 of 37).

    Here’s the scorebook for Tates Creek’s 16-3 victory over Bryan Station in the 11th Region finals. Poynter had a solo homer and a run-scoring double. Mark Etter had 5 RBI, including a 3-run homer for […]


    Old scorebooks, part 1: Lafayette ace Curtis Whitney’s pitching prowess in 1992


    I came across my old baseball scorebooks recently, some more than 30 years old, and flipping through the pages was like stepping back in time.

    Over the next few weeks I’ll share some of the most memorable individual and team post-season performances.

    For example, I found the scorebook that documented Lafayette’s post-season run to the 1992 state championship. I had forgotten just how dominant Generals’ ace Curtis Whitney was in his four playoff starts that spring: 54 strikeouts in 28 innings (four complete games).

    It was 24 years ago today — May 20, 1992 — that Whitney had 15 strikeouts in Lafayette’s 19-4 rout of Bryan Station in the 43rd District semifinals.

    The junior right-hander followed up by throwing a no-hitter with 10 K’s and 2 walks in the Generals’ 3-0 victory over Lexington Catholic in the 11th Region finals.

    In Whitney’s next outing he had 10 K’s and allowed 4 hits in a 16-8 win over Covington Catholic in the sectional semifinals.

    Whitney capped off his post-season […]


    Greenup County’s pursuit of perfection is over, but not its pursuit of state title


    BY MIKE FIELDS (May 16, 2016)

    Greenup County’s hopes of becoming Kentucky’s first undefeated state baseball champion in 34 years are dead, but the Musketeers’ hopes of winning the state title are still very much alive.

    Greenup County suffered its first loss of the season Saturday, falling to East Jessamine 2-1 in the Fayette County Invitational Tournament. Coach Greg Logan said his players were “heartbroken” and “crushed” when their 33-game winning streak – the third longest in state history – came to an end.

    “I told them that the sun will come up tomorrow and that our main goal (winning the state championship) has not changed,” Logan said. “We hit a pot hole. This is not going to train-wreck us. It’s just a minor setback. We’ll keep it on the tracks and start another winning streak.”

    The Musketeers went into the FCIT ranked No. 1 in the state and No. 11 in the nation (according to […]


    05/13/16 – Kentucky-Indiana Basketball All Star Information

    2015-2016 News Releases

    In conjunction with the Bluegrass Sports Commission, the information below relative to the Kentucky-Indiana All-Star series is listed below. Please consider attending this historic event that is being managed by our partners at the Bluegrass Sports Commission.

    The 76th annual Kentucky vs. Indiana All-Star Game will be played on Sunday June 12th at Bellarmine University. The Girls will play at 1pm and the Boys at 3:30pm.

    Tickets are $12 and can be ordered at or by calling 859-286-5152. They will be on sale for $15 at the door.

    The 2016 Boys Kentucky All-Star team is Coached by Wayne Breeden, Rodney Woods, Dom Fucci and Bart Rison:
    Trey Blevins, Wayne County
    Alex Cook, Male
    Tyrik Edwards, Christian County
    Mason Faulkner, Caverna
    Quentin Goodin, Taylor County
    Connor McKim, St. Xavier
    Tyler Sharpe, Bullitt East
    Caleb Taylor, South Laurel
    Isaiah Tisdale, Henry Clay
    Ben Weyer, Newport Central Catholic
    Carson Williams, Owen County
    Darius Williams, […]


    05/13/16 – Huddle Event Tickets Available to Member Schools

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Member schools are reminded that Huddle provides event tickets for you to use throughout the year. Huddle is the only ticket provider endorsed by the KHSAA. As you plan for 2016-17, you should likely include them in your plans and order early!

    It is likely you have already been contacted by someone on Huddle’s staff. If not, we encourage each school to contact Huddle at 678-218-0909 or order online at

    Over the past decade, Huddle Inc. has provided over 1 billion complimentary tickets to high schools across the country. If you are unfamiliar with their program, please see the following features:

    • Unlimited ticket quantities for all extracurricular events through regional and national corporate partners
    • Unique coupon on the ticket-back
    • Customized text for each individual school
    • Seven different colors
    • Perforated ticket tab with sequential numbering
    • Rolls of 500 or 1,000
    • Student/Adult ticket designation

    The KHSAA appreciates Huddle providing this service to our member schools and its continued support of the Association.


    05/12/16 – Board of Control Names Spalding Official Ball Sponsor

    2015-2016 News Releases


    The KHSAA Board of Control conducted its final meeting of the 2015-16 academic year over a two-day session at the Association’s headquarters May 10-11. Among the various items discussed, the Board reviewed the results of a request for proposals distributed in March for a new official ball partnership, as its current agreement with Rawlings will expire at the end of the 2015-16 season. Following its review, the Board approved the Commissioner’s recommendation to accept the three-year proposal from Spalding (2016-17 through 2018-19), pending final signed contracts.

    The Board completed a comprehensive review of eligibility rules and programs within the Association as required by existing state regulation, focusing on potential Constitution and Bylaw proposals to be voted on by the membership to address undue influence (recruiting) concerns and revisions to the transfer and enrollment rules. Final proposal determinations will be determined at the Board’s July meeting.

    Also […]


    KHSAA Official Ball Products – 2016-2017 (effective May 12, 2016)

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    SportBrandModelTermBaseballSpaldingTF Pro HS Baseball (41-100HS)2016-2019Basketball-BSpaldingTF1000 Classic (74-7849)2016-2019Basketball-GSpaldingTF1000 Class 28.5 (74-7839)2016-2019FootballSpaldingAlpha -72-67582016-2019SoccerSelect SportRoyale2014-2017SoftballSpaldingDudley Thunder Heat-Polycore (43-147)2016-2019VolleyballBadenPerfection VX5EC-210 (Leather or Composite)2014-2019


    05/10/16 – Bass Fishing, Republic Bank/KHSAA Tennis State Championships Begin This Week

    2015-2016 News Releases


    State champions will be crowned in Lexington and Calvert City this weekend as the 2016 KHSAA Bass Fishing and 2016 Republic Bank/KHSAA State Tennis Championships get underway. The two-day State Bass Fishing Championship (May 13-14), with Calvert City serving as official host city, begins each morning with the boat launch from Kentucky Dam Marina at 7 a.m. Teams will start returning to the marina at 3 p.m. each day, with the weigh-ins scheduled to begin at approximately 3:30 p.m. The Bass Fishing weigh-ins will be webcast live each day at, courtesy of FLW.

    During the State Bass Fishing Tournament, fans and competitors will have an opportunity to take part in the Fish Festival Expo at Kentucky Dam Marina from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day, with vendors, sponsor booths and activities for kids.

    The Republic Bank/KHSAA State Tennis Championships begin this weekend (May 14-15) with the boys’ and girls’ […]


    05/01/16 – KHSAA Celebrates Top Licensed Officials During Annual Banquet

    2015-2016 News Releases


    The KHSAA honored the top officials for 2016 during the 23rd Annual Officials Recognition Banquet today at the Association’s headquarters. The ceremony recognized the finalists for each sport or sport-activity in which the KHSAA licenses officials, as well as the Larry G. Boucher Jr. Supervisor of the Year.

    Finalists in each sport were selected through a combination of their service to their association and excellence in officiating. One official in each sport was named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for his/her sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state.

    Outstanding Official Nominees (winners in bold)
    BASEBALL – Chris Minter (Richmond), Paul Schardein (Louisville), Creal Waddell (Bowling Green)
    BASKETBALL – Harold Byrd (Mount Washington), Molly Caldwell (Lexington), Jim Cecil (Pikeville), Romonte Dishman (Louisville)
    COMPETITIVE CHEER – Gayle Trame (Taylor Mill), Dewana Warrix (Lexington)
    FIELD HOCKEY – Mary Brainard (Lexington), Yaphet Edghill (Louisville)
    FOOTBALL – […]


    Austin Kearns part of South Lexington ‘reunion’


    BY MIKE FIELDS (April 26, 2016)

    Austin Kearns was throwing batting practice in one of the cages at the South Lexington baseball complex in Shillito Park on a rainy evening last week, and nobody took a second glance at the former major league outfielder working with a group of 9- to 12-year-olds.

    Kearns was just another South Lexington alum back home again.

    Shillito Park was where Kearns’ baseball talent first took root. He helped South Lexington win the Cal Ripken World Series in 1992. He went on to star at Lafayette a few years later, earning Kentucky’s Mr. Baseball honors in 1998 and getting drafted in the first round by the Cincinnati Reds.

    Kearns spent 12 years in the majors with five teams before retiring in 2013.

    He’s been back at Shillito the past two years, helping coach the South Lexington Astros, for whom his son Aubrey, 10, is a smooth-swinging left-handed hitter.

    “When I […]


    04/25/16 – Draw Show For Baseball, Softball and Tennis Set For 12 PM Wednesday

    2015-2016 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 25, 2016

    The draws for the 2016 Republic Bank/KHSAA Tennis Team Championship, the Rawlings/KHSAA Baseball State Tournament and the Worth/KHSAA Softball State Tournament will be determined Wednesday, April 27th at 12 p.m. when the Draw Show is conducted at the Association’s headquarters and webcast at

    This year will mark the first time Tennis is included in the spring Draw Show, as recommended changes from the Kentucky Medical Association’s Sports Medicine Committee led to the Board of Control approving a format change to the state Tennis tournament. The changes separated the team championship event from the singles/doubles competition, which were traditionally played together, in order to limit the number of matches a student-athlete could compete in each day. For more information on the recommendations that led to changes in the state Tennis tournament, visit

    The Draw Show will be streamed live online at, with complete brackets available on the KHSAA […]


    04/22/2016 – Nominations Sought for Midway Female Student-Athlete of the Year – Bass Fishing

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    The KHSAA is excited to open the nomination process for the Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year among Bass Fishing participants for 2015-16.

    The award is based on athletic and academic achievement as well as community service and leadership. The link to the application contains additional criteria and form to nominate one female participant from each 2016 team. Nominations must come from a member school but may be submitted by an administrator, guidance counselor or coach. Nominations may only be submitted online at

    The winner, if present, will be recognized at the KHSAA State Bass Fishing Championship on May 14 in Benton, KY. In case the winner does not qualify for the state tournament, representatives from Midway University will present the award at the recipient’s high school at a mutually determined later date.

    From the winners selected for each championship, one student-athlete will be selected as the 2016-2017 Midway University/KHSAA FemaStudent-Athlete of the Year. That award […]


    04/22/16 – Reminder Bylaw 23 Limitation of Seasons

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    This is a reminder to all administrators and coaches concerning Bylaw 23, Limitation of Seasons. KHSAA staff members have received several inquiries about permitted activity,  specifically concerning fall sports and practice/tryouts for the fall. The same principle and rule would apply to any “tryout” in any sport or sport-activity that is not held during the period defined by Bylaw 23.

    The first official tryout/practice date for 2016 football is July 10.  For the other fall sports/sport-activities (Soccer, Golf, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Cross Country, Competitive Cheer), the first official practice date is July 15. Only after these dates can anything mandatory be required of team members or potential team members. 

    Until the day following the last day of school or May 31 (whichever is earliest), coaches are permitted to provide instruction and be involved with team members (provided such is approved by the principal), but continue to be restricted in “competitive” situations with other schools unless they are […]


    GE35 – Midway University/KHSAA Student-Athlete of the Year Nomination Form

    Online Forms


    04/20/16 – Great Offer From Our Friends at Subway Restaurants

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Subway Restaurants has been a proud corporate partner with the KHSAA. In fact, you will notice in most of their stores, a window sticker indicating their support of the great activities of the KHSAA and their partnership.

    This year, they are offering to directly help our membership by giving back to the local communities. Many of our schools have a camp for the specific sport, and often get t-shirts printed. Subway, through its ad agency, has a promotional special solely for KHSAA members in the counties listed on the flier at They have created a system whereby in exchange for a logoed t-shirt for your campers, each camper would also receive a Subway gift card. 

    Complete details are in the flier at Please direct all questions to Erin Boedecker at the Asher Agency at the number listed on the flier.

    Subway is a proud corporate partner of the KHSAA and the KHSAA very much values […]


    04/19/16 – 2016 KHSAA State Archery Championship Set for Thursday at KBA

    2015-2016 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 19, 2016

    The 2016 KHSAA State Archery Championship gets underway Thursday morning at the Kentucky Basketball Academy in Lexington. The competition begins at 9 a.m. with the first of six hour-long flights. The four teams with the highest overall scores across the opening flights will advance to the championship round, scheduled for 3:30 p.m., followed by an awards presentation for the top four teams and the top eight individuals.

    Last year, Trigg County’s Clay Stevens became the first student-athlete to post a perfect score of 300 at the state championship en route to capturing the 2015 individual state title. Stevens’ performance helped Trigg County claim its third-consecutive team championship. The Wildcats finished with a total score of 4,507 points during the championship round, followed by Madison Central (4,484), Anderson County (4,466) and Letcher County Central (4,463).

    A complete list of lane assignments for this year’s event can be found at

    Live results for […]


    04/18/16 – KHSAA and Midway University Partner To Create Female Student-Athlete of the Year Program

    2015-2016 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 18, 2016

    The KHSAA is proud to announce Midway University as its first corporate partner to join the Association’s newly created Girls’ Sports Initiative, which aims to showcase and promote girls’ sports in Kentucky. As part of this new venture, one of the first collaborative corporate partnerships of its kind in the country to specifically target girls’ sports, Midway University will establish a Female Student-Athlete of the Year award in each female sport and sport-activity sanctioned by the KHSAA.

    “We are blessed here in the Commonwealth with so many examples of great performances by not only some of the most athletic girls in the country, but a group that represents that wonderful combination of great students, exceptional student-athletes and active servant leaders in our communities,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “This program will allow many of our great partners, starting with Midway University, to showcase this stellar group of student-athletes and allow the […]


    04/15/16 – Clarification on Middle School Participation

    Middle School Blog Updates and Information

    Our office has had inquiries about participation in postseason competition for Track & Field by student-athletes in the 6th grade that were on the official grandfathered list as having participated in varsity competition prior to 2014-15 when changes in 702 KAR 7:065.

    Per 702 KAR 7:065, any student that has participated at the high school level prior to the 2014-2015 school year is eligible to participate in the postseason. Any current 6th grade student-athlete that was placed on the grandfathered list in prior years and appears on the school roster is eligible to compete at both the region and the state level. If you have any additional questions, please contact Sarah Bridenbaugh ( at the KHSAA office.

    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to




    04/15/16 – 2015-2016 Financial Aid Survey

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    All schools, public and nonpublic, are required annually to report detailed financial information to the KHSAA as per Bylaw 11. This report is required of all member schools. It is important to note that if tuition is charged for any reason to any student (including out of district students, etc.), a complete response is required.

    The link to the survey has been sent to the Principal of record and the Athletic Director has been notified. It is important to note that failing to complete this report this year will result in a possible penalty by the association.

    If you have questions, feel free to contact Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh or Assistant Commissioner Mike Barren at the KHSAA. The deadline to complete the survey is May 6, 2016.


    – KHSAA –

    The KHSAA staff routinely publishes blog posts to better communicate with its various constituencies and the public. For a list of those blogs, go to


    PRP’s Bill Miller feels ‘blessed’ in fight against cancer


    BY MIKE FIELDS (April 15, 2016)

    LOUISVILLE — The feel-good story of this high school baseball season is that legendary Pleasure Ridge Park Coach Bill Miller feels good.

    Upgrade that: “I feel great!” Miller said before a Panthers’ practice this week.

    That’s a remarkable statement coming from a guy who, even though he has never smoked, was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer six months ago.

    Miller, 66, knows how lucky he is to be feeling great and to be surrounded by people who care about him

    “I’ve been blessed,” he said. “God’s been good to me, and I didn’t know that before.”


    Miller’s frightening medical odyssey began in late September. The night after unloading two tractor-trailer loads of sod, he woke up with back pain. He figured he had pulled a muscle. When the discomfort persisted, he called his doctor, who directed him to the emergency room.

    A scan revealed that Miller had a kidney stone. That was the good news. The […]


    04/14/16 – Spring Sports Championship Media Credentials

    2015-2016 News Releases

    The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Spring Sports Championships is now live, and can be accessed by going to

    Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

    Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

    Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, as well as unauthorized use of the media credential, will result […]


    04/13/16 – KHSAA Announces Official Of The Year Nominees

    2015-2016 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 13, 2016

    The KHSAA will honor the top officials for 2016 on May 1st at the Association’s 23rd Annual Officials Recognition Banquet. The ceremony, conducted at the KHSAA Offices, honors the finalists for each sport or sport-activity in which the KHSAA licenses officials.

    Finalists in each sport were selected through a combination of their service to their association and excellence in officiating. One official in each sport will be named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for his/her sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state. The Association will also present the annual Larry G. Boucher Jr. Supervisor of the Year Award during the ceremony.

    Outstanding Official Nominees
    BASEBALL – Paul Schardein (Louisville), Chris Minter (Richmond), Creal Waddell (Bowling Green)
    BASKETBALL – Romonte Dishman (Louisville), Molly Caldwell (Lexington), Jim Cecil (Pikeville), Harold Byrd (Mount Washington)
    COMPETITIVE CHEER – Gayle Trame (Taylor Mill), Dewana Warrix (Lexington)
    FIELD […]


    04/12/16 – Reminders about Title IX and Participation List Submission

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    As spring sports are now fully in swing, it is time to remind each of you that the annual reports for Title IX and the Participation List are due on April 30.

    • If you have specific questions about Title IX and the law itself, any of our Assistant Commissioners should be able to help get you some assistance. Asst. Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( is our primary contact for your questions related to the law and its interpretations.
    • Information Technology Director Rob Catron (, as well as almost any of our support staff, can help you with electronic issues including login and report preparation using the online system. The online system will have entry available beginning on Wednesday, April 13 after 8 a.m.

    This year, based on feedback from the membership, there have been minimal system changes to make this task easier. Here are the highlights:

    • 2015-16 is a REQUIRED student interest survey year for all schools. The T63 form […]


    Steve Wright steps down at Southwestern


    BY MIKE FIELDS (April 11, 2016)

    Steve Wright marked his 59th birthday Monday by resigning as boys’ basketball coach at Pulaski Southwestern. 

    “I’m at a point in my life where I want to move on to other possibilities and opportunities,” said Wright, who has an overall record of 697-247 in 30 years. 

    “Each year I reevaluate if I want to continue in the same position . . . I’m 100% convinced that at this stage in my life it’s time to move to the next chapter in my career.”

    Wright said he might look at coaching on the college level, or take another high school job, or “maybe take a year off, relax and enjoy myself, or I may never coach again. I’m not sure.

    “I love coaching, but it’s not who I am. It doesn’t define every move I make every day. Sometimes during the winter it feels that way, but I’m not going to look up and be 70 […]


    Is it time to end Kentucky-Indiana All-Star series?


    BY MIKE FIELDS (April 8, 2016)

    Tradition is getting thumped by reality when it comes to the Kentucky-Indiana All-Stars basketball series, so maybe it’s time to invoke a mercy rule and pull the plug on the games.

    It’s sad to say goodbye to what was once a vital, rousing event, but it’s even sadder to watch it slowly wither away.

    My suggestion is to keep naming Mr. and Miss Basketball, keep naming boys’ and girls’ all-star teams, and continue to honor the top players at a banquet the night before the boys’ Sweet Sixteen.

    Just don’t play the games against Indiana anymore after the series wraps up this June.

    I’m not alone in my opinion. Allen Feldhaus Jr. and Chris O’Hearn, a couple of state championship coaches who’ve also led the Kentucky All-Stars in recent years, agree that the series can’t be resuscitated.

    “When some kids don’t even show up (to practice), when nobody’s coming to games, […]


    Hero shot for ‘Nova a personal thrill for LexCath alum


    BY MIKE FIELDS (April 5, 2016)

    When Kris Jenkins hit his buzzer-beating three-pointer to give Villanova the NCAA title late Monday night in Houston, it was a shot heard ’round the nation.

    And Lexington Catholic alum Cory Heitz’s reaction to Jenkins’ heroics was probably heard ’round Kendallville, Ind.

    Heitz coached Jenkins at Gonzaga College High School in Washington, D.C., so he was pulling for his former player in the championship game against North Carolina.

    Heitz said he watched the finals while visiting his 91-year-old grandmother in Kendallville, “and I absolutely screamed when that shot went in. I probably woke up the whole housing development. I cried a little bit, too. It’s emotional to see one of your guys hit one of the most iconic shots in basketball history. It was beautiful.”

    Heitz played for Danny Haney at Lexington Catholic (class of 1995) and went on to play at the Air Force Academy.

    He also was […]


    04/04/16 – Reminder about Revised OAG 15-022 Opinion and 7/8 Grade Students

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Most school entities have been notified from a variety of sources about an important ruling that came from the Attorney General (KYAG) recently regarding KHSAA Bylaw 4 as it relates to KRS 156.070 (2)(c) (the complete text of KRS 156.070 is located at

    The KHSAA had long opined, on advice from the KYAG’s and all parties that have served as KHSAA counsel, that member school Boards of Education and Site Based/School Based councils could not unilaterally restrict the playing of students in 7th and 8th grade on the grades nine through 12 teams or from playing on teams at both levels. The KYAG office had contended through two opinions (OAG-90-87 and OAG 92-98) that by extension, these entities represented the same prohibited groups as specified in the statute (The state board or any agency designated by the state board to manage interscholastic athletics). This prohibition was previously published in the contents of Bylaw 4 […]


    Dodgers’ A.J. Ellis caught news of Dunbar’s title


    454560BY MIKE FIELDS (March 28, 2016)

    GLENDALE, AZ — Even though he was in spring training in Arizona, 1,800 miles from Rupp Arena, Los Angeles Dodgers catcher (and former Paul Laurence Dunbar basketball player) A.J. Ellis followed Dunbar’s march to the Sweet Sixteen championship.

    “I had friends on Facebook who kept me up on how Dunbar was doing,” Ellis said. “I was following them closely. I had a game (the Sunday of the state finals), and when I came off the field I had a barrage of text messages from some of my high school teammates letting me know Dunbar had pulled it out.

    “I was so excited for them, for the school and all the alums. I know I was excited.”

    Ellis was a sophomore reserve on Dunbar’s 1997 Sweet Sixteen team that lost to Paintsville in the first round.

    “I was […]


    03/24/16 – Board of Control Approves Football Playoff Structure in 5A, 6A; Issuance of RFP for Official Ball

    2015-2016 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 24, 2016

    The Board of Control conducted its fifth regularly scheduled meeting of the school year at the Lexington Center on March 18th, during which time it finalized the playoff format for 5A and 6A, approved the issuance of an RFP to designate a new official ball, and elected its President-elect for 2016-17.

    After an extensive review of potential playoff formats over several meetings that was finalized in January, the Board reviewed the proposed cross-bracketing table for Class 5A and 6A for 2016 through 2018. Following the review, the Board approved the cross-bracket table for 5A and 6A, and will continue review of playoff pairing discussions in 2A, 3A and 4A for 2017 and 2018 during its May meeting, following receipt of survey results. The adopted table of cross-bracket pairings is available at

    With the Association’s current ball contract with Rawlings set to expire at the end of the school year, the […]


    Dunbar celebrates long-sought title



    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 20, 2016)

    Paul Laurence Dunbar hoisted the big trophy and cut down the nets after winning the 99th Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen championship in Rupp Arena Sunday afternoon, and its celebration echoed through history.

    Dunbar was battle-scarred as it survived a brutal post-season schedule. It beat Henry Clay in the 11th Region semifinals and Scott County in the finals to get to Rupp. Then it had to get through the gauntlet of Mercer County, Bowling Green and Newport Central Catholic to reach the championship game against Doss.

    As it turned out, the last fight was the easiest. The Bulldogs delivered an early knockout punch. It rolled to a 26-7 lead over Doss and was never seriously threatened. It claimed the state title with its school-record 33rd victory in front of 10,091 fans, a large portion of whom […]


    Lexington vs. Louisville for 7th time in finals


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 19, 2016)

    For the seventh time in state tournament history, a Lexington team will play a Louisville team in the title game.

    Paul Laurence Dunbar (32-6) will go against Doss (30-5) in the finals of the 99th Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen in Rupp Arena Sunday at 2 p.m.

    Louisville holds the upper hand in the big-city championship rivalry. It has won 4 of the previous 6 showdowns.

    • 1957: Lafayette beat Eastern 55-52 in Freedom Hall. 
    • 1963: Seneca beat Dunbar 72-66 in Freedom Hall.
    • 1975: Male beat Henry Clay 74-59 in Freedom Hall.
    • 1991: Fairdale beat Tates Creek 67-63 in Rupp Arena.
    • 1994: Fairdale beat Dunbar 59-56 in Freedom Hall.
    • 2001: Lafayette beat Male 54-49 in Rupp Arena.

    Doss has set a school record with 30 wins. If Dunbar takes Sunday’s title game, it will set a school record with 33 victories.


    Dunbar, Doss squeeze into title game


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 19, 2016)

    When Doss and Paul Laurence Dunbar got together for a pre-season scrimmage at Taylor County last fall, a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, little did they know they would end the season in Rupp Arena playing for the state championship.

    “Funny how things happen,” Doss Coach Tony Williams said.

    To get to Sunday afternoon’s title game, Doss and Dunbar had to survive tough semifinal tests Saturday night in the 99th Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen.

    Doss trailed South Laurel 60-56 with less than 3 minutes left, but the Dragons closed with a rush and won 70-63.

    The turning point down the stretch may have been when South Laurel’s 6-foot-8, 265-pound Caleb Taylor was called for his fifth foul with 1:47 left and the Cards up 60-59.

    “I was just so happy they decided to blow that whistle,” Williams said. “Once (Taylor) went out with his fifth foul, there was a sense of relief.”

    Jaylon […]


    Sweet Sixteen now a Final Four


    The final four of the 99th Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen is all set. Saturday night’s semifinal matchups in Rupp Arena look like this:

    • Newport Central Catholic (30-4) vs. Paul Laurence Dunbar (31-6), 6:30
    • Doss (29-5) vs. South Laurel (29-6), 8:15.

    NewCath is in the semifinals for the first time since 1953 when it lost to eventual champ Lafayette. Coach Ron Dawn’s Thoroughbreds have been led by 6-foot-6 senior Ben Weyer, who’s been nothing less than fabulous in wins over Trinity and Murray.

    Dunbar, state runner-up to Marion County in 1993 and to Fairdale in 1994, came into this Sweet Sixteen as the top-rated team. Junior standout Taveion Hollingsworth has been smoother than Jif peanut butter in leading Scott Chalk’s Bulldogs past Mercer County and Bowling Green.

    Doss is the final four for the first time since 1985 when it lost to Clay County. The Dragons were state runners-up to Owensboro in 1980. This year’s team, coached by Tony Williams, beat Lawrence County in […]


    NewCath’s Big Ben clocking big numbers


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 18, 2016)

    Newport Central Catholic star Ben Weyer is making more noise in Rupp Arena this week than the Monster Jam trucks did when they rolled in here for a show last month.

    In two games in the 99th Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen, the 6-foot-6 senior has put up staggering numbers — 46 points, 25 rebounds, 7 assists and 7 blocked shots — while leading NewCath to the state semifinals for the first time since 1953.

    It just so happens that Weyer’s grandfather, Jim Weyer, was the starting point guard on the ’53 Thoroughbreds team that lost to eventual champ Lafayette in the final four.

    Ben’s dad Joe also has Sweet Sixteen history. He played for Highlands in the 1986 and ’87 state tournaments. He, too, was a point guard who fed Bluebirds’ star Scott Draud. Highlands lost in the first round both years.

    “My dad messes with me a lot,” Ben said. “He’ll say, […]


    Grab bag of contenders in Sweet quarterfinals


    The 99th Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen was hyped as a wide-open shootout with any number of title contenders. Friday’s quarterfinal matchups seem to bear that out. It’s hard to pick any sure-fire winners coming out of the elite eight.

    • Murray (30-5) vs. Newport Central Catholic (29-4), noon
    • Dunbar (30-6) vs. Bowling Green (31-2), 1:30
    • Doss (28-5) vs. Taylor County (25-8), 6:30
    • South Laurel (28-6) vs. South Oldham (29-5), 8:15

    Dave Cantrall’s power ratings for the Lexington Herald-Leader had the tournament’s 16 teams in this order. Bold-faced teams still alive: 

  • Dunbar
  • South Laurel
  • NewCath
  • Trinity
  • Mercer County
  • Bowling Green
  • Christian County
  • Taylor County
  • Doss
  • South Oldham
  • Lawrence County
  • Murray
  • Owensboro Catholic
  • Mason County
  • Buckhorn
  • Elliott County
  • More

    Braden Miller has a ‘Ty’ to South Laurel champs


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 17, 2016)

    When South Laurel’s Braden Miller hit a three-pointer midway through the first quarter of the Cardinals’ game against Christian County Thursday afternoon, he glanced into the Rupp Arena stands and spotted his family celebrating.

    “It was a surreal feeling when I hit that shot,” Braden said. “To hear the noise of the crowd and to look up and see my family. My (older) brother Brennan told me after the region that if I hit a shot in Rupp, to look for him. It’s something I’ll never forget.”

    What made the moment even more special was that it was part of South Laurel’s stirring 53-50 victory over Christian County, which put the Cardinals in the state tournament’s elite eight.

    South Laurel, rated the second best team in the Sweet Sixteen, must be considered a threat to win the title, just like it did in 2005.

    Braden Miller was only 8 when the […]


    Fairdale’s back-to-back feat has aged well


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 17, 2016)

    Today is the 25th anniversary of Fairdale’s completing its back-to-back Sweet Sixteen championships.

    Stan Hardin’s Bulldogs beat Tates Creek 67-63 in the finals of the 74th Boys’ State Tournament in Rupp Arena on March 16, 1991 to become the first team to win consecutive state titles since Male did it in 1970 and ’71.

    Fairdale’s terrific trio of Jermaine Brown, Maurice Morris and Carlos Turner combined for 40 points and 22 rebounds in the victory over Tates Creek. Nolan Barger’s Commodores were led by Darrin Horn’s 23 points and 7 rebounds, and John Mark Stuart’s 20 points.

    Is Hardin surprised that, a quarter of a century later, no boys’ team has repeated as champ?

    “What’s amazing to me is that it’s only been done once in the last 45 years,” Hardin said. 

    There have been close calls. Scott County won it all in 1998 and was runner-up in 1999. Mason County won it all […]


    Sweet memories 70 years in the making


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 17, 2016)

    Reginald Rice saw his first Sweet Sixteen 70 years ago at the Louisville Armory when he was a student at Garrett High School in Floyd County. 

    Since 1946, Rice has missed only a handful of state tournaments — usually when flooding causes havoc back home. The 87-year-old basketball fan was in his customary lower-arena, front-row seat Wednesday for the 99th renewal of the Greatest Show in Hoops. He was sitting with his son Kenny, a long-time sportscaster and, like his dad, a Sweet Sixteen junkie.

    Father and son have been pretty much regulars at the state tournament since the mid-1960s. Kenny missed a few, most of them when he was working at WTVQ in Lexington and had to follow UK in the NCAA Tournament.

    Reginald Rice said he loves the state tournament “atmosphere” and chatting up old friends and making new ones.

    He played basketball for the Garrett Black Devils in the […]


    Hollingsworth shines, Dunbar survives


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 16, 2016)

    Cool, calm and clutch.

    That’s Taveion Hollingsworth, a 6-foot-2 junior who plays basketball for Paul Laurence Dunbar with such remarkable ease and efficiency that it makes you wonder if he’s immune to pressure.

    Hollingsworth was at this best in the biggest game of his life Wednesday night. He led Dunbar to a heart-racing (although his own heart apparently never races) 58-55 victory over Mercer County in a down-to-the-wire first-round thriller in the Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen.

    Hollingsworth scored 23 of his 32 points in the second half, draining clutch shot after clutch shot to keep the Bulldogs in the chase for their first state tournament victory since 1994.

    Wasn’t Hollingsworth at least a little jittery on the Rupp Arena stage?

    “It was different because the place is bigger and there were more people (11,866) here,” he said softly. “But I tried not to pay attention to the crowd and just played my […]


    Sweet Sixteen: different kinds of bricks


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 16, 2016)

    The 99th Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen opened Wednesday, and bricks were the topic du jour in the first session as Murray blasted Buckhorn 62-35, and Newport Central Catholic whipped Trinity 48-33 in front of 9,733 fans in Rupp Arena.

    It was a good-brick kind of day for Murray, a bad-brick kind of day for Trinity.

    The Shamrocks suffered through a nightmarish shooting performance — brick after brick after brick — as they went 15 minutes without scoring a point against NewCath.

    After taking an 11-2 lead midway through the first quarter, Trinity was shut out in the second quarter, and needed 3:30 before finally scoring again in the third quarter and ending NewCath’s 20-0 run.

    During their drought, the Rocks missed 20 consecutive shots. They finished the day 12 of 46 (26%), including 4 of 21 (19%) on three-pointers.

    Coach Mike Szabo thought his team looked leg-weary at Tuesday’s practice, “and today it looked […]


    Sweet Sixteen a NewCath family tradition


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 16, 2016)

    Newport Central Catholic sophomore guard Stephen Pangallo will carry on a family tradition by playing in the Sweet Sixteen today.

    Pangallo is the grandson of NewCath Coach Ron Dawn, who played in the state tournament for the Thoroughbreds in 1973 and 1974.

    Ron coached his son Ronny, who was an all-state guard for NewCath’s 2000 Sweet Sixteen team.

    “It’s neat,” Ron Dawn said of the family’s state tournament tradition. “I didn’t think about it until a day or two (after the 9th Region championship).”

    NewCath has another three-generation Sweet Sixteen story.

    Jim Weyer played for NewCath’s 1953 state tournament team. Jim’s son Joe was on Highlands’ state tournament teams in 1986 and ’87, and Jim’s grandson Ben is a standout on this year’s NewCath team this year.


    03/14/16 – Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® Broadcast Schedule

    2015-2016 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 14, 2016

    The 2016 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® begins Wednesday afternoon at Rupp Arena when Buckhorn takes on Murray at 12 p.m. Fans can follow the action for all 15 games of the tournament by watching live video webcasts at or listening online at

    The 2016 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® marks just the fourth time in KHSAA history four schools have had both their boys’ and girls’ basketball teams advance to the state tournament in the same year – which Bowling Green, Murray, Mercer County and Owensboro Catholic achieved this year.

    Four schools sent both their boys’ and girls’ teams to the Sweet 16® in 1977 (Owensboro, Taylor County, Laurel County and Ashland Blazer) and 1989 (Marshall County, Oldham County, George Rogers Clark and Clay County); while a state record five schools sent both their boys’ and girls’ teams to the state tournament in 1988 (Marshall County, Oldham […]


    Butler flattens Flyers to claim 5th title


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 13, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — Butler cemented its place as one of the preeminent girls’ basketball programs in Kentucky history by blasting Franklin County 62-36 to win the St. Elizabeth Healthcare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen championship Sunday afternoon.

    The Bearettes claimed their fifth state title (2016, 2014, 2008, 1980, 1975) to join Laurel County as the only 5-time champ in the modern era. (Ashland won 5 titles between 1921 and 1929.)

    Butler overwhelmed Franklin County 15-0 to start the game and 14-0 to start the second half to suck all the drama out of BB&T Arena and keep the 3,444 fans fairly quiet. Butler led 42-15 midway through the third quarter.

    The Bearettes’ 26-point margin of victory was the second-largest in finals history, topped only by M.C. Napier’s 88-56 rout of Highlands in 1994.

    “We just ran into a dad-burn buzz saw today,” Franklin County Coach Joey Thacker said. “We got back on our heels and it was over. We were just […]


    Butler gets shot at record-tying 5th title


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 12, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — Butler will be chasing history when it goes up against a once-upon-a-time opponent in the girls’ state basketball finals Sunday night.

    Butler outlasted All “A” champion Murray 68-58 in the semifinals of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Saturday night in BB&T Arena.

    The victory earned the Bearettes a chance to tie Laurel County as the only 5-time state titlist in the modern era. They will play Franklin County in Sunday’s 2 o’clock title game. Butler grounded the Flyers in the 1980 finals.

    Larry Just, who coached Butler to its 2014 championship, said he hasn’t had time to think about his team’s shot at history. “That’s something if it happens, it happens. I’ve got a tired basketball team and we just have to find energy for tomorrow.”

    Murray sapped Butler with a valiant comeback. The Lady Tigers, trying to win their 30th game in a row, trailed 41-24 in the third quarter […]


    Flyers in finals for first time in 36 years.


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 12, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — It took 36 years, but Franklin County has made it back to the state championship game in girls’ basketball.

    The Flyers held on to beat Mercer County 55-51 in the semifinals of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Saturday night at BB&T Arena.

    The victory puts Franklin County (31-4) in Sunday afternoon’s title game against Butler, which beat the Flyers 36-30 in the 1980 finals.

    “What do you say?” We’re in a situation we all dream about,” Coach Joey Thacker said.

    Franklin County, which lost to Mercer County 75-66 two months ago, led the Titans 46-35 early in the fourth quarter Saturday night. But then the Flyers went ice cold and didn’t score for more than 4 minutes. Mercer County took advantage with a 13-0 run to take a 48-46 lead.

    Franklin County junior Rebecca Cooks said the scoring drought “was definitely frustrating, but we’ve been determined the whole […]


    Butler buzzer-beat beats E-town


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 11, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — Janna Lewis wasn’t supposed to take the last shot for Butler, but she did, and her buzzer-beater gave the Bearettes a dramatic 61-59 victory over Elizabethtown in the quarterfinals of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Friday night.

    Butler (29-5), a four-time state champion, will play All “A” state titlist Murray (35-1) in Saturday night’s semifinals in BB&T Arena.

    “(Coach Larry Just) called a play and it didn’t work, so I flashed to the middle,” Lewis explained. “Breia (Torrens) found me and when I turned around I was open, so I said, ‘OK, I’ll shoot it,’ and it went in.”

    For E-town, the heartbreak was familiar. In last year’s Sweet Sixteen quarterfinals, Covington Holy Cross hit a shot in the closing seconds to beat the Panthers 41-40. Holy Cross went on to win the state title.

    “It seems like deja vu,” E-town Coach Tim Mudd said.

    The Panthers […]


    Murray rolls into state final four


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 11, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — The dynamic duo of Macey Turley and Maddie Waldrop led Murray past Owensboro Catholic 60-43 in the quarterfinals of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Friday night in BB&T Arena.

    It was Murray’s third win over the Aces this season, including a victory in the championship game of the All “A” Classic.

    Murray will take a 29-game winning streak into Saturday night’s semifinals against the Butler-Elizabethtown winner.

    Turley, showing no ill effects from a sprained ankle she suffered in the Lady Tigers’ first-round win over Manual, hit 5 of 6 three-pointers on her way to 25 points. The 5-foot-7 sophomore point guard also had 3 assists, 3 rebounds and 2 steals.

    Turley credited athletic trainer Lance Harper for getting her ready to go. Coach Rechelle Turner paid tribute to Turley’s competitive nature. “When adversity strikes, she steps it up to another level. If I’d told (her) she wasn’t playing today, […]


    Mercer County makes final four


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 11, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — When the heat was on, Mercer County kept its cool and played its way into the final four of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen. The Titans withstood a pressure-packed fourth quarter to beat Holmes 59-55 in Friday afternoon’s quarterfinals at BB&T Arena.

    Mercer County (31-5) will play Franklin County (30-4) in Saturday night’s semifinals. (The Titans beat Franklin County 75-66 on Jan. 14.)

    “Man, this is pretty awesome, to be sitting here going to the final four,” Titans Coach Chris Souder said.

    “This is a huge win not just for our school but for our community.”

    Holmes pushed Mercer County until the final horn, but the 12th Region champions hit enough free throws — including Seygan Robins’ 5-for-6 performance from the line in the last three minutes — to hold on.

    “It was pretty hectic. We had to keep our composure,” Robins said. “We knew if we kept hitting our […]


    Scott Hundley getting out of coaching


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 11, 2016)

    Scott Hundley is stepping down as boys’ basketball coach at Woodford County to pursue a job in school administration, or maybe something in the private sector.

    “It was a tough decision because I’ll miss the bonds and relationships you develop with the young men you coach,” said Hundley, who was at the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen on Friday to present KABC awards to coaches and players.

    “And I’ll miss the sidelines for sure.”

    Hundley, 34, said the career change will give him more time with his wife Torie and their 9-month old daughter Adlee.

    Hundley won Mr. Basketball honors in his senior year at Scott County. He played college basketball at Vanderbilt.

    Hundley, who is president of the KABC, had a 107-82 record at Woodford County and took the Yellow Jackets to the region six years in a row. They reached the region finals in 2012.



    Flyers escape Campbell’s upset bid


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 11, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — It wasn’t anything like early December when Franklin County crushed Campbell County 68-47 in the season opener.

    In a rematch in the quarterfinals of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Friday afternoon, Franklin County narrowly escaped with a 41-38 victory over the Camels in BB&T Arena.

    “I don’t care if we win 3-2, as long as we get the last stop,” Franklin County Coach Joey Thacker said.

    Campbell County had its chances down the stretch but either missed shots or made turnovers.

    Franklin County seventh-grader Brooklynn Miles missed the front end of the bonus with her team up 41-38 with :26 left.

    Campbell County couldn’t capitalize, however. Taylor Jolly missed a layup. The Flyers’ Anna Arrastia rebounded and was fouled. She went to the foul line, but she missed the front end of the bonus, too.

    The Camels couldn’t take advantage. Taylor Clos was called for a charge with :02.5 left.



    Aces deal Harlan a repeat defeat


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 10, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — Forty days after Owensboro Catholic beat Harlan by 30 points in the All “A” semifinals, the Aces won their rematch 69-49 in the first round of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen at BB&T Arena Thursday night.

    Owensboro Catholic (31-5) has another rematch in Friday night’s quarterfinals when it faces Murray (34-1), which dealt the Aces a 45-28 defeat in the All “A” title game. Murray also beat Owensboro Catholic 73-57 two weeks before the small-school tournament.

    Mikayla Berry, a 5-foot-7 senior, led the way against Harlan with 26 points and 6 rebounds.

    Annabel Moore, a 5-10 senior, had 15 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists and 3 steals.

    Harlan, making its first Sweet Sixteen appearance since 1999, was led by Jordan Brock’s 19 points and 8 assists.


    Boley leads E-town past Henderson County


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 10, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — Elizabethtown, rated the tournament favorite, looked the part in rolling by Henderson County 63-36 in the first round of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Thursday night in BB&T Arena.

    Erin Boley, a Notre Dame signee and finalist for Naismith’s national player of the year, led the Panthers. The 6-foot-2 senior had 27 points and 7 rebounds as E-town notched its 30th victory, giving it three consecutive 30-win seasons.

    E-town, the 1998 state titlist, was the Sweet Sixteen favorite the past two years but lost to Butler in the 2014 finals and to eventual champ Covington Holy Cross in the quarterfinals last year.

    The Panthers get another big-game showdown with Butler in Friday night’s quarterfinals.

    E-town Coach Tim Mudd said the difference against Henderson County was his team’s defense. But the Panthers also got a boost from their offense. They hit 9 of their first 11 shots, including 3 of […]


    Butler bounces Bowling Green


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 10, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — Four-time state champion Butler, which seems to always look comfortable on the big stage, turned in another winning performance in the first round of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Thursday afternoon.

    The Bearettes, getting a big boost from their bench, notched their 11th victory in a row by beating Bowling Green 64-52 in BB&T Arena.

    Butler, whose state titles came in 2014, 2008, 1980 and 1975, advanced to Friday night’s quarterfinals and will face the Elizabethtown-Henderson County winner.

    Jaelynn Penn led the way against Bowling Green. The 5-foot-9 junior had 20 points and 9 rebounds.

    Janna Lewis and Molly Lockhart helped Butler’s bench outscore Bowling Green’s bench 30-8. Lewis had 16 points and 6 rebounds. Lockhart had 10 points and 6 rebounds.

    “Our bench gave us a major spark, a big lift, in the first quarter,” Coach Larry Just said.

    Bowling Green was led by Keely Morrow’s 18 points and Oneisha Turner’s 16. Ta Mia Matthews had 10 […]


    Murray beats Manual for 28th win in a row


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 10, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — Murray, trying to duplicate Covington Holy Cross’s grand achievement as a small school last year, beat Manual 58-41 in the first round of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Thursday afternoon in BB&T Arena.

    It was Murray’s 28th consecutive victory, a streak that includes the All “A” Classic title. Covington Holy Cross swept the All “A” and the Sweet Sixteen last year, and Murray has its eyes on the big prize, too.

    Maddie Waldrop led the Tigers against Manual. The 6-foot-2 junior had 22 points, 14 rebounds, 3 blocked shots and 3 steals.

    Alexis Burpo and Lex Mayes had 9 points each. Brittany Lawson chipped in with 8 points.

    Murray point guard Macey Turley contributed 7 points, 6 assists and 5 rebounds before injuring her ankle in the opening seconds of the fourth quarter. Coach Rechelle Turner expects Turley to be available for Friday’s quarterfinals. “It’s a quick turnaround, but […]


    Thursday’s Sweet Sixteen matchups


    The first round of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen continues Thursday at BB&T Arena:

    • Murray (33-1) vs. Manual (21-7), noon
    • Butler (27-5) vs. Bowling Green (29-4), 1:30 p.m.
    • Elizabethtown (29-4) vs. Henderson County (18-9), 6:30 p.m.
    • Owensboro Catholic (30-5) vs. Harlan (27-4), 8 p.m.

    The Murray-Manual winner will face the Owensboro Catholic-Harlan winner in Friday night’s quarterfinals. The Butler-Bowling Green winner will play the E-town-Henderson County winner.


    Holmes ‘D’ does in the Red Devils


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 9, 2016)

    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — Holmes relied on unrelenting defense to get to the state tournament for the first time in 14 years, so it was no surprise that its defense was the difference in a 49-35 victory over Russell in the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Wednesday night in BB&T Arena.

    The Bulldogs earned their 10th win in a row and a date with Mercer County in Friday’s quarterfinals.

    Jynea Harris, a 5-foot-6 senior guard, led Holmes with 18 points. Maurissa Brown had 10 points. Tyrah Englemon contributed 9 points and 9 rebounds.

    Russell was led by Maggie Jachimczuk’s 13 points, 9 rebounds and 3 blocked shots. Madison Darnell added 10 points for the Red Devils, who shot 33%.

    Holmes had a 21-10 halftime lead on Russell, which had a difficult time against the Bulldogs’ swarming pressure.

    The Red Devils, 16th Region champs for the first time since 1994, had a […]


    Campbell County gets its first ‘Sweet’ win


    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — It was Wednesday —  hump day — and the Campbell County Camels got over the proverbial hump and won their first-ever Sweet Sixteen game.

    Campbell County beat Trimble County 48-33 in the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen at BB&T Arena Wednesday night.

    The Camels, who lost in the opening round in three previous state tournament appearances, were led by Taylor Jolly (17 points, 3 steals) and MacKenzie Schwarber (13 points, 14 rebounds, 3 steals).

    Kylie Kramer and Taylor Clos combined for 12 points, 9 rebounds and 5 assists.

    Trimble County, which upset Simon Kenton to win the 9th Region, gave the Camels a tough way to go. Campbell County Coach Beau Menefee said his team had a difficult time defending Trimble County’s Shelbe Black. The 6-foot junior led the Raiders with 12 points, 6 rebounds and 3 steals.

    Mila Consley had 8 points, 5 rebounds and 3 blocks for Trimble County. Kaylee Clifford added 5 points, 6 asssits, 3 rebounds and […]


    Cook leads Franklin County by Shelby Valley


    HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — Franklin County has four 1,000-point career scorers in its lineup, so it’s rare when the Flyers go starving for offense.

    So it didn’t matter that Princess Stewart, Franklin County’s top scorer this season, went 0-for-9 from the field and had only 2 points (on 2 free throws in the final minutes) in the first round of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Wednesday afternoon.

    Rebecca Cook stepped up to lead the Flyers with 19 points and Dasia Kilbroune added 10 in a 47-39 victory over Shelby Valley in BB&T Arena.

    It was Franklin County’s first victory in the Sweet Sixteen since 1980.

    “When you haven’t won a state tournament game in 36 years, I guess it’s supposed to be hard,” Coach Joey Thacker said. “We just never could turn them over and get points, so we had to grind it out in the halfcourt.”

    Stewart, Cook, Kilbourne and Malaka Frank are all 1,000-point […]


    Chris Souder’s ‘best year’ of his coaching life


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 9, 2016)

    Mercer County Coach Chris Souder is having a ball during March Madness, and it keeps getting better.

    Tuesday night, Souder watched Mercer County’s boys beat Casey County to win the 12th Region title. His son Conner, a senior, plays for the Titans.

    Wednesday afternoon, Souder guided Mercer County’s girls to a 68-39 victory over Leslie County in the opening game of the St. Elizabeth HealthCare/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen in BB&T Arena. It was the Titans’ 30th win — a school record — and put them in the state quarterfinals for the first time.

    “This has been the best of year of my coaching career,” Souder said. “The fact that we won the region, and that I got to watch my son also win the region and knowing he’s going to step on the Rupp Arena floor next week.

    “I played at Harrodsburg (class of 1984) and it was always a dream […]


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