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Officials Working


06/14/19 – State Softball Schedule Adjusted

2018-2019 News Releases


After nearly continuous consultation with a variety of media outlets and weather professionals, the KHSAA has revised the schedule for the final rounds of the State Softball Tournament.

The semifinals will be played Saturday starting at noon, with the finals scheduled for 6 p.m. Saturday evening.

“We have talked to administrators at all eight schools this week to make them aware of the forecast and predictions we were hearing for the Lexington area for Saturday night and Sunday, along with the options we were considering,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “The consensus of all the media weather professionals is that to play the finals on Sunday would very likely lead to weather delays and cancellations. The predicted inclement weather and rain, once it begins, is scheduled to be considerable for the better part of the next four days.

“In the interest of the student participants and their families and […]


GE89-Request for KHSAA Identification (Non School)

Forms-Legacy School System Forms


06/13/19 – Field Hockey Goalkeeping Course Added to NFHS Learning Center

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (June 13, 2019) — “Coaching Field Hockey: Goalkeeping,” an online education course produced in partnership with USA Field Hockey, has been added to the available courses on the NFHS Learning Center at

“Coaching Field Hockey: Goalkeeping” is a sport-specific course that demonstrates the skills, techniques and tactics of playing the goalkeeper position in field hockey. As the last line of defense, goalkeepers require unique and supportive teaching and training.

“We’re excited to offer this professional development opportunity for field hockey coaches and look forward to expanding coaches’ knowledge of the game,” said Dan Schuster, NFHS director of educational services.

“Teaching, developing, motivating and including goalkeepers in training is an important part of team development and a common challenge, especially for coaches who have never played the position,” said Craig Parnham, USA Field Hockey director of coach education and learning. “This course focuses on the basic techniques and includes simple exercises to […]


06/07/19 – KHSAA State Softball Postponed Till June 14

2018-2019 News Releases


Due to this weekend’s long-range weather forecast in Lexington, the start of the 2019 KHSAA State Softball Tournament has been postponed to Friday, June 14. The quarterfinal games will be played in a continuous format on June 14 starting at 10 a.m. The order of games for the quarterfinals will remain the same and times for the other rounds will be finalized and assigned in the coming days.

“Though this was not an easy decision to make, it was one we reached after consulting with the University of Kentucky, our softball staff, and others in an effort to provide an optimal experience for the participants in the best interest of our member schools,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “Postponing the games till next weekend will prevent our teams from having to wait out the weather on an hourly basis, while also incurring additional expenses through extended lodging and travel. […]


06/06/19 – First Logan Billings Scholarships Awarded

2018-2019 News Releases


The KHSAA is proud to announce the recipients of the first Logan Billings Memorial Scholarships. Hazard’s Bailey Blair and Rowan County’s A.J. Hacker received the scholarships by virtue of their selection as Most Outstanding Player in the Baseball Semi-State games at Morehead State this past weekend. Each individual will receive a $500 scholarship payable to their enrolled institution of higher learning.

Logan Billings, the son of KHSAA Board of Control member Darrell Billings and his wife Jennifer, died unexpectedly in July, 2018. Following his untimely death, the family approved an initiative from the Association to establish a scholarship in Logan’s name, funded by private donations earmarked for that cause.

“Darrell, Jennifer, Logan and the entire Billings’ family have given a lifetime of service to the folks in Eastern Kentucky and the rest of the state. Long before Darrell was a member of our Board of Control, he and his […]


Ferguson tabbed Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year for 2018-19

2018-2019 News Releases

(Special notice courtesy of Midway University. Photo courtesy of Midway University. Photo of KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett, the 2019 winner Maci Ferguson of Russell High School, and Dr. John P. Marsden, President of Midway University)

The third annual Midway University/KHSAA Female Student-Athlete of the Year program concluded when the award winners from the past year were invited to campus for a ceremony to announce the overall winner for 2018-19. It was announced at the ceremony that Maci Ferguson (tennis) of Russell High School was named the overall winner for 2018-19.

A 2018 graduate of Russell High School, Ferguson left a lasting impact in her time as a standout for the Red Devils. A two-time Doubles State Champion and a four-time All-State Tennis Team Selection, Ferguson helped lead the Red Devils to five consecutive Region Championships. She also […]


06/04/19 – Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Baseball and KHSAA Softball State Tournaments Set For Lexington

2018-2019 News Releases


The 2019 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Baseball and 2019 KHSAA Softball State Tournaments will be held this week in Lexington, with the state baseball tournament returning to Whitaker Bank Ballpark while the state softball tournament heads to the University of Kentucky’s John Cropp Stadium for the first time.

Tickets for each event are available for purchase online with links available on the homepage at Re-entry is not permitted at either event, however, as is customary with all KHSAA General Admission events, the stands will not be cleared following the conclusion of any single game (with the exception of the reserved seating areas behind the plate) and fans are free to stay within the stadium confines.

The Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament (June 5-8) begins Wednesday evening when Beechwood takes on Breckinridge County at 5:30 p.m., followed by Tates Creek versus Pleasure Ridge Park at 8:30 p.m. Quarterfinal action resumes Thursday […]


05/29/19 – Triple Threat, Academic All-State Honorees Finalized for 2018-19

2018-2019 News Releases


The Kentucky High School Athletic Association today announced final counts for its “Triple Threat Award” and “Academic All-State” recognition programs for the 2018-19 academic year. In its second year of existence, the Triple Threat Award was presented to a total of 1,878 student-athletes for 2018-19, while 151 KHSAA member schools recognized a total of 10,046 students as First Team Academic All-State and 5,772 students as Academic All-State Honorable Mention.

“We are very pleased with the participation level of our membership with the Triple Threat and Academic All-State programs,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “Both of those processes have been automated to help our membership and make the recognition more readily available to our great student-athletes.”

Created by the Commissioner’s office in May of 2018 as a way to continue the national emphasis and the KHSAA’s own efforts to de-emphasize sports specialization in the athletic culture, the Triple Threat Award […]


2019 Triple Threat Award Listing – Student by School

Reports-Triple Threat-2019


2019 Triple Threat Award Listing – Count by School

Reports-Triple Threat-2019


Academic All State Honoree Listing Announced

Academic All-State 2018-19

Initiated in 1985, the KHSAA annually awards to students in the state of Kentucky “Academic All-State” recognition in conjunction with a corporate partner. The awards, in the form of certificates, are presented to students who have maintained a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.25 on a four-point scale. Those students are awarded “Honorable Mention” recognition. Students maintaining a 3.75 cumulative average on a four-point scale are designated “First Team.” The awards are based on cumulative grade point averages from the time of enrollment in ninth grade, are given only to varsity participants, and only to participants who are enrolled in grades nine through twelve.

For 2018-19, 151 KHSAA member schools recognized a total of 10,046 students as First Team and 5,772 as Honorable Mention. The count of schools and awards are based solely on the participation of the member schools and the certificates are a function of the member school login site provided by the Association. For 2017-18 and for reference, the KHSAA reported a […]


2019 Triple Threat Award Listing – Count by School Year

Reports-Triple Threat-2019


2018-2019 Academic All-State Listing

Academic All-State 2018-19


Triple Threat-2018-2019 Summary

Reports-Triple Threat-Annual Summary

In an effort to continue the national emphasis and the KHSAA’s own efforts to de-emphasize sports specialization in the athletic culture, the Commissioner’s office launched the “Triple Threat Award” program in May of 2018 to recognize those students who participate in high school athletics year round.

The award, which is given to student-athletes who participate in a KHSAA sport or sport-activity on the varsity level during each season of the academic year (fall/winter/spring), was presented to a total of 1,878 student-athletes for 2018-19. A closer look at the breakdown of honorees for the 2018-19 academic year revealed that:

  • 269 of the 280 member schools have at least one honoree, up from 266 in the program’s first year;
  • Eleven schools feature at least 16 honorees;
  • Villa Madonna has the most of the member school honorees with 23, followed by Prestonsburg with 22, Belfry, Johnson Central and Metcalfe County with 18 each, Pikeville and […]


Triple Threat-2017-2018 Summary

Reports-Triple Threat-Annual Summary

In an effort to continue the national emphasis and the KHSAA’s own efforts to de-emphasize sports specialization in the athletic culture, the Commissioner’s office launched the “Triple Threat Award” program in May of 2018 to recognize those students who participate in high school athletics year round.

The award, which is given to student-athletes who participate in a KHSAA sport or sport-activity on the varsity level during each season of the academic year (fall/winter/spring), was presented to a total of 1,814 student-athletes for 2017-18. A closer look at the breakdown of honorees for the 2017-18 academic year revealed that:

  • 266 of the 280 member schools have at least one honoree;
  • Three schools (Holy Cross-Lou., Oneida Baptist, and Pikeville) each have 22 award recipients, followed by Villa Madonna with 21, and McCracken County and Scott with 19 each;
  • By class, 465 seniors, 511 juniors, 458 sophomores, 318 freshmen, 43 eighth graders and 19 seventh […]


2019 Triple Threat Award Listing – Count by Sport Included

Reports-Triple Threat-2019


2019 Triple Threat Award Listing – Count by Gender

Reports-Triple Threat-2019


05/29/19 – State Tennis, Track and Field Championships Begin Thursday

2018-2019 News Releases


The 2019 Top Seed Tennis Club/KHSAA State Tennis Championships and the 2019 KHSAA Track and Field State Meet will be contested this weekend in Lexington, with both events culminating on the campus of the University of Kentucky. Advance tickets to each event are available for purchase online at

The State Tennis Championships (May 30-June 1) begin Thursday morning at 8 a.m. with girls’ matches at Top Seed Tennis Club and the boys’ competition at the UK Boone/Downing Tennis Complex. All remaining tennis matches will move to the UK Boone/Downing Tennis Complex after the first day, with Friday’s competition starting at 8 a.m. Saturday’s action opens with the boys’ and girls’ singles and doubles semifinals at 9 a.m. Championship matches for boys’ and girls’ doubles are slated for 12 p.m., with the finals for boys’ and girls’ singles set for 2 p.m.

Team champions will be determined through […]


Reference Documents – Parent and Fan Expectations

Working General


05/15/19 – Several Equipment Changes Highlight High School Basketball Rules Changes

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (May 15, 2019) — Five of the seven rules changes in high school basketball concern player equipment, including new uniform provisions that will be required in the 2024-25 season.

All seven rules revisions recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Basketball Rules Committee at its April 23-25 meeting in Indianapolis were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

Effective with the 2024-25 season, the number on the jersey can no longer be the same color as the jersey itself. Currently, the number can be the same color as the jersey if it is bordered by a contrasting color. Despite the contrasting-color border, the committee said the number is still difficult to see in many cases. The other two options in Rule 3-4-3e regarding the color of the number remain in effect.

A five-year implementation date was approved to allow schools time to budget for purchasing new uniforms.

Four […]


05/14/19 – Top Seed Tennis Club To Sponsor State Tennis Championships

2018-2019 News Releases


The Kentucky High School Athletic Association has added a new corporate partner, with Top Seed Tennis Club signing on to become the title sponsor of the State Tennis Championships. Located at 777 E. Brannon Road in Nicholasville, Top Seed Tennis Club ( opened in 2018 and features 21 hard courts surfaced with DecoTurf® (12 indoor and nine outdoor).

“We are beyond thrilled and proud to place the Top Seed Tennis Club name and brand alongside the KHSAA State Tennis Championships,” said general manager Jon Sanders. “Top Seed Tennis Club is a facility built for tournaments like this and for the growth of the game of tennis and development of young players. We are looking forward to a fantastic tournament and the development of all players involved.”

“We are […]


Online Zoom Meetings

Working General

Online Meeting Recordings


05/09/19 – Kentucky Proud Park to Host Final Semi-State Games

2018-2019 News Releases


Following yesterday’s Board of Control meeting, the KHSAA has reached an agreement with the University of Kentucky to hold the final two unscheduled Semi-State Baseball games at Kentucky Proud Park on June 1st. The doubleheader will feature Region 9 vs 10 and Region 11 vs 12, with the game times to be determined.

Semi-State 1 & 2 (Regions 2 vs. 1 and 4 vs. 3) – Western Kentucky University
Semi-State 3 & 4 (Regions 6 vs. 5 and 8 vs. 7) – University of Louisville *
Semi-State 5 & 6 (Regions 10 vs. 9 and 12 vs. 11) – University of Kentucky
Semi-State 7 & 8 (Regions 14 vs. 13 and 16 vs. 15) – Morehead State University
*-in the event UofL is selected to host NCAA Baseball, the site would be the newly renovated Eastern High School.

The 2019 KHSAA/Whitaker Bank State Baseball Tournament […]


05/09/19 – Bass Fishing Championship Begins Friday at Kentucky Dam Marina

2018-2019 News Releases


The seventh-annual KHSAA State Bass Fishing Championship begins Friday morning at the Kentucky Dam Marina when 90 teams compete for the 2019 state title. The 90 boats competing at this year’s state championship marks an increase in participation for the second consecutive year, as the qualifying field was previously expanded from its original 64 boats to 80 in 2018, and is reflective of continued growth in the sport-activity of Bass Fishing.

The two-day KHSAA State Bass Fishing Championship (May 10-11), with Calvert City serving as official host city, begins each morning with the boat launch from Kentucky Dam Marina at 7 a.m. The teams will launch in three flights, with a staggered return to the dock for weigh-ins. The launch order will then be reversed for the second day of the competition.

Teams will start returning to the marina at 3 p.m. each day, with the weigh-ins scheduled to […]


05/08/19 – Board Approves BA/FP Semi-State Sites, Adopts Spectator Conduct Policy

2018-2019 News Releases


The Board of Control conducted its final meeting of the 2018-19 academic year on Tuesday and Wednesday at the KHSAA Offices, approving sites for the upcoming baseball and softball semi-state games while also addressing a number of policy revisions.

Acting on a prior directive from the Board of Control, KHSAA staff has worked throughout the year to secure neutral venues for the baseball and softball semi-state rounds – with a preference given to collegiate sites if possible. The semi-state games will take place Saturday, June 1st, with the Board approving the following sites:

Semi-State 1 & 2 (Regions 2 vs. 1 and 4 vs. 3) – Western Kentucky University
Semi-State 3 & 4 (Regions 6 vs. 5 and 8 vs. 7) – University of Louisville
Semi-State 5 (Region 10 vs. 9) – Northern Kentucky University
Semi-State 6 & 7 (Regions 12 vs. 11 and 14 […]


2019-2020 Approved KHSAA J-1/F-1 Exchange Agencies

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Case BL-7-2- What are the approved J-1 VISA programs for Foreign Exchange Students?
Students holding a J-1 VISA issued by the U.S. Department of State and placed in KHSAA member schools through a CSIET approved agency may be declared eligible by the Association. For more information, contact the CSIET website by going to An agency may be removed from the listing at any time for noncompliance with the basic rules regarding random placement of students and other Federal provisions.
At this time, this list contains the following approved J-1 Inbound Programs agencies:
American Councils
AIFS Foundation
Amicus International Student Exchange
Aspect Foundation
ASSE and World Heritage International
Ayusa International
Borderless Friends Forever
Children of All Nations
Cultural Homestay International
Educational Merit Foundation
Education […]


05/02/19 – Bass Fishing Qualifiers for State 2019

2018-2019 News Releases

The preliminary field for the 2019 KHSAA State Fishing Championships is now set. This year’s event will feature 90 boats, all of which qualified based on their performance in one of four regional competitions.

All state championship anglers must pre-register online at by May 7th. This will help confirm your participation and allow for boat captain changes if different from regional events. Only those teams who have qualified for the state championship will be able to register. The 2019 KHSAA State Bass Fishing Championship will be held May 10-11 at Kentucky Dam Marina.

“Upon review of the regional championship results and following consultation with our partners at Fishing League Worldwide (FLW), I feel comfortable that we can utilize three flights of thirty boats each and not impact the competition experience or our efforts to minimize risk,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “Assistant Commissioner Mike Barren and the rest of our staff involved with […]


05/02/19 – Leachman Buick GMC Extends Title Sponsorship of State Golf Championships

2018-2019 News Releases


The Kentucky High School Athletic Association and longtime corporate partner Leachman Buick GMC have reached an agreement on a contract extension which will see the latter’s sponsorship of the state golf championships reach 21-consecutive years when the new contract expires in June of 2025.

“We at Leachman Buick GMC are extremely excited to extend our sponsorship commitment for the Boys and Girls State Golf Championships for an additional five years. The opportunity to be a part of our young student-athletes’ endeavors is something we do not take lightly and we always hope that the State Championship is a memory that positively affects each participant for life,” said David Jaggers, Leachman GMC Buick Executive Manager/Partner. “This extension will guarantee our sponsorship of this great event for 21-consecutive years and we hope that this event continues to grow and improve each and every year. We would like to thank Bowling Green […]


04/29/19- Getting Smart but Acting Foolishly: There is a Solution (Op-Ed Column)

2018-2019 News Releases

By Karissa Niehoff, Executive Director of the National Federation of State High School Associations and Julian Tackett, Commissioner of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association.

We communicate on smartphones, drive smart cars, make purchases using smart cards and even drink smart water. But, really, how smart are we?

Between college admission and internet privacy scandals, sexual misconduct investigations, stolen trade secrets and the growing concern about how we communicate and connect with each other, technology seems to be outpacing our capacity to understand the most responsible way to use it.

In other words, how are tomorrow’s leaders being groomed to make decisions that provide the perspective, balance, and strength of character that today’s advanced world needs?

The answer is by participating in high school sports like the ones offered by the high schools in Kentucky.

Most researchers agree that leaders are made, not […]


04/28/19 – Official of the Year Winners Announced

2018-2019 News Releases


The KHSAA honored the top officials for 2019 during the Association’s 26th Annual Officials Recognition Banquet today at the Association’s headquarters. The ceremony recognized the finalists for each sport or sport-activity in which the KHSAA licenses officials, as well as the Larry G. Boucher Jr. Supervisor of the Year.

Finalists in each sport were selected through a combination of service to their association and excellence in officiating. One official in each sport was named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for his/her sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state. The Association also presented the annual Larry G. Boucher Jr. Supervisor of the Year Award during the ceremony.

Outstanding Official Nominees (winners listed first)
BASEBALL – Terry Carter (Madisonville), Robert Bauer (Cave City), Carl Johnson (Metropolis, Ill.)
BASKETBALL – Jeremy Grantham (Boaz), Kristi Eller (Louisville), Nathan […]


04/25/19 – Additional Time Given to Evaluate Head, Neck Injuries in High School Wrestling

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (April 25, 2019) — In an ongoing effort to minimize the risk of injury in high school wrestling, additional time will be given to evaluate head and neck injuries when an appropriate health-care professional is present at a match.

In addition to the 1½ minutes of injury time allotted for each wrestler, an appropriate health-care professional will have a maximum of five minutes to evaluate injuries to the head and neck involving the cervical column and/or nervous systems. At that point, the wrestler would have to continue or default the match.

This revision in injury time in Rule 8-2-4 is one of 17 rules changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Wrestling Rules Committee at its April 3-5 meeting in Indianapolis. All recommendations were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

A second injury to the head and neck involving cervical column and/or central nervous system in […]


04/24/19 – KHSAA State Archery Championships Head to Bowling Green Tuesday

2018-2019 News Releases


The KHSAA State Archery Championships will be contested in a new venue in 2019, with the event moving to Ephram White Park in Bowling Green. The state championship gets underway Tuesday, April 30th with the first of six flights slated for 9:30 a.m. (CT). Advance tickets to the event are available for purchase at

The last flight of the day is set for 2:30 p.m., with awards presentations to begin immediately afterward. Team trophies will be presented to the top four boys’ and top four girls’ teams, with medallions presented to the top five individuals for each gender.

At last year’s state championship, Bullitt Central posted a team score of 2,030 to capture the boys’ team title and hold off state runner-up Madison Central (2,023). Henderson County’s Dalton Hinkle defeated Anderson County’s Henry Thompson in a tiebreaker to claim the individual state championship, after both players posted […]


Ball Adoptions for 2019-2020 and Beyond

Athletic Department Blog Updates

Reminder to school administrators about the primary points of the KHSAA and its ball adoption agreements.

In an effort to offset the services and events provided by the KHSAA and eliminate passing on a great deal of additional cost to the membership, the association has long entered into official ball adoption agreements. The provisions of these agreements are similar and official ball numbers are listed in the table below.

There is no change in the balls adopted for 2019-2020 and beyond when compared to 2018-2019.

The following provisions are in place in each of the listed sports:

  • A brand specific requirement is in place. For example, the Select Sport soccer ball is required for all use in postseason play (all levels). However, the ball does NOT have to be the Royale model. Specific models are the choice of the member school, however, the administrators should be mindful that dealer price points will likely be in place […]


04/22/19 – Six Rules Changes Approved in High School Swimming, Diving

Athletic Department Blog Updates

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (April 22, 2019) — Effective with the 2019-20 high school season, a legal finish now requires the competitor to contact either the touchpad or the finish end coinciding with the individual stroke of the race. With this change, swimmers can legally complete a race by touching the finish end (end wall), regardless of whether the touchpad is activated.

This rules revision, which affects the finish of all strokes used in swimming, was one of two swimming and four diving changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Swimming and Diving Rules Committee at its March 24-26 meeting in Indianapolis. All recommendations were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

Rule 8-1-7 now will require swimmers to contact the finish end in the manner prescribed by the individual strokes. Descriptions of the backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle finishes in Rule 8-2 state that a legal finish requires contact with […]


04/22/19 – Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Baseball and KHSAA Softball State Tournament Draws Set for Tuesday

2018-2019 News Releases


The draws for the 2019 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball and KHSAA State Softball Tournaments will take place Tuesday, April 23 at 12 p.m. The draw will be conducted at the KHSAA offices and can be viewed live online at

The Whitaker Bank/KHSAA State Baseball Tournament will be held June 5-8 at Whitaker Bank Ballpark, home of the Lexington Legends, for the ninth-straight year. The tournament begins with quarterfinal action June 5-6, followed by the semifinals on Friday, June 7 and the championship game on Saturday, June 8.

The State Softball Tournament will take place June 7-9 at the University of Kentucky’s John Cropp Stadium, as the event transitions to a single-elimination format in 2019. The tournament begins with quarterfinal action on Friday, June 7th, followed by the semifinals on Saturday, June 8th and the championship game on Sunday, June 9th.

The Draw Show will be streamed live […]


Hall of Famer Mary Custard-Austin: “If you tell me ‘no,’ I’m going after it even harder”


BY MIKE FIELDS (April 19, 2019)

Mary Custard-Austin was an incredible athlete at Harrison County High School — a 2,000-point scorer in basketball and a five-time state champion in track – who readily admits she was “blessed with natural talent” that allowed her “to go out and do things that other people struggled to do.

“I was humbled I had that gift,” she added.

But talent alone is like a Ferrari without fuel: it won’t get you where you want to go.

Custard-Austin’s accomplishments were also the result of a remarkable work ethic that her mom helped instill in her: “She kept telling me, ‘There’s always someone out there bigger and badder, so you can’t take a break.’”

When Custard-Austin is inducted into the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame on April 27 in Lexington, she’ll acknowledge that it not only took natural talent and hard work to achieve success in sports and in life, but also […]


04/18/19 – Spring Sports Championship Media Credentials

2018-2019 News Releases

The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Spring Sports Championships (Archery, Bass Fishing, Tennis, Track & Field, Baseball and Softball) is now live, and can be accessed by going to

Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. Media outlets are responsible for the actions of all individuals representing their organization, including compliance with KHSAA policies and procedures. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the […]


04/16/19 – Official of the Year Candidates Announced

2018-2019 News Releases


The KHSAA will honor the top officials for 2019 on April 28th at the Association’s 26th Annual Officials Recognition Banquet. The ceremony, conducted at the KHSAA Offices, honors the finalists for each sport in which the KHSAA licenses officials. Doors will open at 1:30 p.m. with the program scheduled to begin at 2 p.m.

Finalists in each sport were selected through a combination of service to their association and excellence in officiating. One official in each sport will be named “Outstanding Official of the Year” for his/her sport in appreciation of their dedication and service to schools and student-athletes across the state. The Association will also present the annual Larry G. Boucher Jr. Supervisor of the Year Award during the ceremony.

Outstanding Official Nominees
BASEBALL – Robert Bauer (Cave City), Terry Carter (Madisonville), Carl Johnson (Metropolis, Ill.)
BASKETBALL – Kristi Eller (Louisville), […]


Eric Shelton says KHSAA Hall of Fame honor was a team effort


BY MIKE FIELDS (April 2, 2019)

When Eric Shelton looks back on his high school days at Bryan Station, he doesn’t focus on football, or the touchdowns he scored, the headlines he earned, the victories he celebrated, the awards he received.

“What I remember most was just living life without a care in the world, and appreciating my friends and my fellowship with them,” he said by phone from his home in Charlotte, N.C.

When Shelton is inducted into the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame later this month, he will credit those friends for helping him earn this honor.

“I really wouldn’t be here, I don’t even know how far I would’ve made it out of high school, if it wasn’t for my teammates, my friends,” he said. “Granted, I had God-given ability to run fast, to be strong and to jump high, but we had a great team, including great players and great coaches. They […]


04/01/19 – Now Features Enhanced Stat Offerings for Baseball, Softball

2018-2019 News Releases


New for the 2019 season, box scores, cumulative team season statistics and state leaders for baseball and softball will be available at For the past two seasons, limited statistical information was available at (only state leaders were offered in 2018) through an outsourced arrangement with a third-party vendor. Internalizing the stat entry process brings the statistical coverage for baseball and softball on par with soccer, football, basketball and field hockey on the KHSAA’s website and the KHSAA/ Scoreboard.

Member schools are solely responsible for submitting statistical information. Failure to do so subjects the school to penalties from the Commissioner’s office, including fines and other actions, within the constraints of Bylaw 27. If a school or individual is omitted from the stat leaders report, or information is not current, that means the team in question did not enter its statistics prior to that morning’s […]


04/01/19 – List of Items for Annual Required Financial Aid Report

Athletic Department Blog Updates

It is once again that time of year for ALL KHSAA member schools to complete the required annual financial aid report in compliance with Bylaw 11. This report is required of ALL KHSAA member schools. In an effort to assist Principals and Athletic Directors in preparing for this report, this checklist of information is provided so that you can spend a few days gathering the required data and information prior to the request for report completion.

The link to enter the required report will open for completion on April 15. Gathering this information before the link is sent on April 15 should allow you to quickly complete the report in expedited fashion. Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh ( will be the contact for sending out the request for submissions and should be able to address any of your questions.

The following is a list of information you should have available when submitting the 2018-2019 Financial Aid Report:



Kelly Coleman still the ‘King’ of Kentucky high school basketball


BY MIKE FIELDS (March 22, 2019)

WAYLAND – They came from all over the state, finding their way from Ashland, Bowling Green, Frankfort, Lexington, Louisville, Monticello, Paintsville and Pikeville, winding their way through the mountains of eastern Kentucky on the first full day of spring, so they could be here to welcome Kelly Coleman home from the hospital and to make sure he knew he will forever reign as the king of Kentucky high school basketball.

“King” Kelly Coleman is 80 now and fighting health issues, but his blue eyes are still clear and piercing; he still has the bearing of a man who demands respect, and his accomplishments from six decades ago still amaze.

That’s why more than 40 people, including three of Coleman’s fellow Mr. Basketball winners, a Miss Basketball, an Olympian, and a collection of distinguished coaches, gathered at the Wayland Historical Community Center (and its Mountain Sports Hall of Fame) on […]


03/19/19- Reminder about 2018-2019 Title IX and Participation List Submission

Athletic Department Blog Updates

With spring sports in full swing and most schools getting ready to take some form of spring break, it is time to remind each of you that the annual reports for Title IX and the Participation List are due on April 30.

  • If you have specific questions about Title IX and the law itself, our office should be able to help get you some assistance. Asst. Commissioner Darren Bilberry ( is our primary contact for your questions related to the law and its interpretations.
  • Information Technology Director Rob Catron (, as well as almost any of our support staff, can help you with electronic issues including login and report preparation using the online system. The online system is currently available for entry.

Roster and Team Requirements

  • All teams that compete interscholastically (against other schools) at any level (freshmen, JV or varsity) in the eighteen sports and sport-activities in which the offers a championship shall be […]


  • 03/19/19- Golf Realignment and Format Status

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    September, 2018 – Board begins discussions surrounding golf realignment and tournament qualification.

    • Realignment was viewed as long overdue and the Board and staff have spent a great deal of time discussing the state golf tournament and the best way to qualify teams and individuals.
    • The membership through its Principals and Designated Representatives had expressed a desire through various meetings to have the boys and girls in golf in the same region.
    • For several years, golf had twelve regions for boys and eleven for girls.
    • In addition, the Kentucky Golf House had worked with staff and participants to emphasis pace of play at the state tournament in a variety of ways. The staff and Board of Control were aware of this concern, but primarily to the extent that the rounds of golf could be completed each day and not require stayovers to finish incomplete rounds.

    November, 2018 – Board further discusses issues surrounding golf […]


    03/18/19 – NFHS Part 2 Exam Online for Baseball and Softball Officials

    Baseball Blog Updates

    NFHS Part 2 Tests for licensed officials in the sports of Baseball and Softball are now available online. The Part 2 exams, required for postseason eligibility, will be open until Monday, April 1 at 11:59 p.m. (ET).

    The tests will automatically close at that exact time. Login at to take the test. A minimum score of 80 on the exam is required to be considered for assignment to officiate postseason play.

    First-year officials are not required to take the exam, however, if any first-year official has completed licensing requirements, the test may be taken.

    Any official determined to have been involved in the improper administration of the exam, including taking it for another official or having it taken by another official, will have the score disregarded for the year and be subject to other penalties in compliance with the jurisdiction of the office through the Federal Court Decree.

    Please keep in mind that there […]


    Surefire: Scherr-fired Ryle rolls to Girls’ Sweet Sixteen title



    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 17, 2019)

    Orange and black – not green — were the winning colors on St. Patrick’s Day as the Ryle Lady Raiders rolled to the championship of the 58th KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen before 5,607 fans in Rupp Arena.

    Ryle, whose school colors are orange and black, dominated Southwestern 63-48 in Sunday afternoon’s finals to become only the second Northern Kentucky girls’ team to win a state title. (Covington Holy Cross cut down the nets in 2015.)

    Maddie Scherr, one of the top juniors in the nation, was named the tournament’s MVP after exemplifying what it means to be an all-around player.

    The 5-foot-11 point guard totaled 52 points, 31 rebounds, 11 assists, 10 steals and 9 rebounds in helping Ryle sweep past Murray, Clark County, Owensboro Catholic and Southwestern.

    “Maddie is so unselfish,” Lady Raiders Coach Katie Haitz said. “She’s just unbelievable . . . her ball-handling, knowing the […]


    Boyd County’s loss can’t dim the shine on Savannah Wheeler’s career


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 14, 2019)

    Savannah Wheeler has what her parents call “Savannah moments.”

    Like when she was a third-grader and tagged along with older sister Taylor to a basketball camp at Transylvania. Savannah liked that she got to play in a game, but what she really, really liked was the camp’s soft-serve ice cream.

    “The next year when they went back to camp the ice-cream machine was broken. Savannah didn’t want to go back to Transy again,” her dad Dave said with a laugh.

    Or like when she was a sixth-grader and dressed out for Boyd County’s varsity, and Coach Pete Fraley looked down the bench to put her into a game one night. Savannah was nowhere to be found. “She got hungry and went to the concession stand to get a candy bar,” her dad explained.

    “That’s Savannah,” her mom Tracy added. “She just kinda does her thing; she’s just a special […]


    Robin Harmon & Irene Moore would’ve loved to play in Rupp Arena


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 13, 2019)

    Robin Harmon-Newsome was a high-scoring basketball star who led Sheldon Clark to four consecutive appearances in the KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen from 1975-78.

    Irene Moore Strong was a 5-foot-3, 108-pound dynamo who sparked Breathitt County to the state tournament as a junior and senior. After she led the Bobcats to a runner-up finish in 1978, she was named Miss Basketball.

    Harmon and Moore, who will be inducted into the Kentucky High School Basketball Hall of Fame this summer, remember those good ol’ days with appreciation and nostalgia.

    Playing in the Sweet Sixteen in EKU’s Alumni Coliseum was a big thrill.

    But what if, instead, they had gotten to play in Rupp Arena, where the girls’ state tournament will be held for the first time this week?

    “Oh, wow! That would’ve been a dream come true,” Harmon said. “I’m sure I always dreamed of it, but I never got to […]


    Hall of Famer Kandi Brown-Parker recalls her sweetest Sweet Sixteen


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 12, 2019)

    There have been a lot of sweet moments in the history of the KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen, but the sweetest of all may have been the one shared by a coach and his daughter in the glow of a championship almost 20 years ago.

    During a timeout in the closing seconds of West Carter’s 58-50 victory over Shelby County in the 2000 state finals, Lady Comets Coach John “Hop” Brown wrapped his arms around his daughter Kandi, who had just hit a clinching free throw in front of 6,500 fans in EKU’s McBrayer Arena.

    “I can still remember so vividly that embrace he and I had,” Kandi Brown-Parker said this week. “That was probably my favorite moment ever with him. That hug was just awesome.”

    Brown-Parker will be remembering that moment when she is inducted into the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame on April 27 in Lexington.

    She said she […]


    03/12/19 – KHSAA Girls’ Sweet 16® Heads to Rupp Arena for the First Time

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 12, 2019

    The KHSAA Girls’ Sweet 16® will make its debut at Rupp Arena this week (March 13-17), as the historic venue plays host to the girls’ basketball tournament for the first time. This year’s tournament will mark the first Girls’ Sweet 16® played in Lexington in the modern era, as the city held the event 11 times prior to the return of girls’ basketball as a KHSAA-sanctioned sport in 1975, with the games played at the Armory from 1922-26 and UK Alumni Gym from 1927-32.

    The 2019 Girls’ Sweet 16® gets underway Wednesday afternoon when Knott County Central takes on Scott County at 12 p.m. (ET). Fans can follow all the action through live webcasts at or listen to the games online at The games will also be carried statewide across 46 stations through the Kentucky Utilities/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen® Radio Network, with the games […]


    Billy Hicks: “This was my last game”


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 10, 2019)

    Nobody has coached basketball harder than Billy Hicks has coached basketball over the last four decades. If he wore a blood-pressure cup on the sidelines, the numbers would scare the bejeebers out of his doctor, not to mention his wife Betsy.

    He has coached almost 1,300 high school games and won 1,013 of them. His winning percentage is a stunning 79%.

    He has guided 14 teams to the Sweet Sixteen, 13 of them at Scott County over the last 25 years. He’s won more state tournament games — 33 — than any other coach. His Cardinals won 2 state championships (1998 and 2007).

    Those aren’t just numbers. They represent a life’s work — a passion — that has consumed Hicks since he began coaching back home in Harlan County more than 40 years ago.

    But Sunday afternoon in Rupp Arena, after Trinity beat Scott County 50-40 in the finals of […]


    Trinity wins state title behind humble hero David Johnson


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 10, 2019)

    David Johnson has to be one the most self-effacing, ego-averse MVPs in the history of the Sweet Sixteen.

    After the gifted 6-foot-5 senior had 22 points, 12 rebounds, 4 blocked shots and 2 assists to spark Trinity past Scott County 50-40 in the finals of the 102nd Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ State Basketball Tournament in Rupp Arena on Sunday afternoon, he steadfastly refused the mantle of hero.

    Reporters tried to elicit some acknowledgment from Johnson on his fabulous play by asking him questions about his clutch shooting and his gnarly defense, but his answers always circled back to his teammates.

    What about his buzzer-beating three-pointer from the right wing to close the first half that tied the game (22-22) and prompted Trinity’s other players to do a happy dance to the locker room?

    “I know my teammates are going to feed off of it, but none of that stuff fazes me,” […]


    Twin brothers having a Jolly good time in Rupp


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 8, 2019)

    The Jolly twins – Grant and Reid – are having a ball in the Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen this week, but then they’ve been having a ball playing ball – be it basketball, football, baseball or golf — whether as teammates or sibling rivals, all their lives.

    The Campbell County seniors have helped the Camels win two games in the state tournament for the first time in school history. They knocked off undefeated John Hardin 61-60 on Wednesday, and followed that up with a 49-42 victory over Walton-Verona on Friday.

    That puts Campbell County in the Sweet Sixteen semifinals against Trinity Saturday night in Rupp Arena.

    “We’ve been talking about this forever,” Reid said. “Last year we won our first-ever game here, and since the beginning of this season we were looking to go farther. We’ve done that.”

    Reid, a 6-foot-5, 195-pounder, has been the Camels’ star. He […]


    CovCath’s near-miracle comeback, play-by-play


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 7, 2019)

    Take your pick.

    It was almost the greatest comeback in Sweet Sixteen history, or almost the greatest collapse in Sweet Sixteen history.

    Scott County led defending champion Covington Catholic 48-26 with 5:47 left and was cruising down easy street in their first-round showdown in the 102nd Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ State Tournament Thursday afternoon.

    The top-rated Cardinals were still comfortably ahead — 60-41 — with 1:34 remaining, and 90% of the fans had exited Rupp Arena.

    Then CovCath mounted an incredible rally. The Colonels went on an 18-0 run in a 67-second span.

    Alas, the comeback fell just short, and Scott County escaped with a 64-61 victory.

    Here’s how the frantic finish unfolded after Terrin Hamilton hit two free throws to give Scott County a 60-41 lead with 1:34 remaining:

    • CovCath Jack Davin 3-pointer: 60:44 w/1:10 left
    • Scott County turnover
    • CovCath Michael Mayer layup: 60:46 w/1:10 left
    • Scott County […]


    Billy Hicks, through the eyes of his wife Betsy


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 7, 2019)

    Betsy Hicks has been watching her husband coach basketball for more than four decades, from Evarts to Harlan to Corbin to Scott County, and in that time she’s missed only a handful of his games.

    In late January, when Billy Hicks became the first high school basketball coach in Kentucky to reach 1,000 victories, Betsy figured she had witnessed 990 of them.

    A couple of weeks earlier, however, she had witnessed an even more remarkable “first” in her husband’s coaching career.

    On Jan. 12, when Scott County was rolling to an 87-57 home-court rout of Ashland Blazer, Billy Hicks left at halftime so he could get to the hospital for the birth of his first grandchild.

    “I was shocked, definitely shocked,” Betsy said. “That’s the only time in my life he’s left a ball game. I mean I’ve been on my deathbed before and he still went and coached […]


    Brewers’ basketball perfection secure in history for another year


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 6, 2019)

    Only a few minutes after John Hardin lost in the first round of the 102nd KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Wednesday night, a phone call was placed to Barney Thweatt, who lives in Benton in the far reaches of western Kentucky.

    Had Thweatt heard that Campbell County had knocked off previously undefeated John Hardin 61-60?

    Thweatt, who’ll turn 89 later this month, couldn’t stifle his laughter of joy and relief.

    “Yes, I listened to it all,” he said. “Nothing against John Hardin, but I’m glad they got beat. You know how selfish I am.”

    Thweatt played on the last undefeated boys’ state title team in Kentucky — Brewers, a small school in Marshall County that went 36-0 on its way to the 1948 Sweet Sixteen championship.

    It is a source of pride with Thweatt that no boys’ team since has been able to match Brewers’ accomplishment of perfection.

    He was well […]


    A special basketball day for the Brannen family


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 6, 2019)

    Debbie and John Brannen didn’t stick around Rupp Arena for long after watching their son Grant coach Walton-Verona to a 76-54 victory over Knox Central in the opening game of the 102nd KHSAA Sweet Sixteen Wednesday afternoon.

    The Brannens had to book it back up I-75 so they could watch their son John coach Northern Kentucky University against Detroit Mercy at BB&T Arena in the Horizon League tournament Wednesday night.

    First, though, they had to stop off at home and change clothes, switching their Walton-Verona colors (blue & white) for NKU colors (black & gold).

    The proud basketball parents are on the road a lot during the winter, catching all the Walton-Verona and NKU games they can.

    Debbie estimates that comes to 60 or 70 games a season, with her and husband splitting up when there are scheduling conflicts.

    If you include the youth league games their grandkids play, […]


    The last six unbeaten teams that got beat in the Sweet Sixteen


    BY MIKE FIELDS (March 6, 2019)

    Since Brewers was crowned Boys’ Sweet Sixteen champion with a 36-0 record in 1948, six teams have entered the state tournament undefeated, but none have left holding the big trophy.

    This year another unbeaten team will give it a try. John Hardin, out of the 5th Region, is 35-0. The Bulldogs will face 10th Region champ Campbell County in the first round of the 102nd Sweet Sixteen Wednesday night in Rupp Arena.

    Here’s how the previous six undefeated teams fared in the state tournament:

    1989 – Clay County (33-0), led by Russ Farmer, lost to Marshall County 64-60 in the first round. Dax Myhand and Dan Hall sparked the Marshals past Bobby Keith’s Tigers.

    1982 – Mason County (30-0), coached by Allen Feldhaus Sr., beat Middlesboro 71-63 in the first round, then fell to Virgie and star Todd May 68-63 in the quarterfinals in front of a then-world record […]


    03/05/19 – Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® Broadcast Info, 105.5 FM To Air Games Locally

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 5, 2019

    The 2019 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® gets underway Wednesday afternoon at Rupp Arena when Knox Central takes on Walton-Verona at 12 p.m. (ET). Fans can follow all the action through live webcasts at or listen to the games online at The games will also be carried statewide across 53 stations through the Kentucky Utilities/KHSAA Sweet Sixteen® Radio Network, with the games airing locally in Lexington on iHeart Media’s Rewind 105.5 FM.

    All 15 games of the Boys’ Sweet 16® will be webcast live at for subscribers to the NFHS Network ( Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available for $9.95 a month. A monthly subscription, priced less than the cost of admission to a state championship event, entitles users to every broadcast by the KHSAA and the more than 40 participating state associations. Viewers who subscribe for the Boys’ […]


    Reggie Warford’s Hall of Fame credentials go beyond basketball


    BY MIKE FIELDS (Feb. 27, 2019)

    Remember Reggie Warford?

    He was a basketball star at Drakesboro High in the early 1970s, a skinny, leaping left-hander who became the first recruit Joe B. Hall signed after Hall succeeded Adolph Rupp as Kentucky’s head coach. Warford helped the Cats win the National Invitational Tournament in 1976, and was the first African-American basketball player to graduate from UK.

    “I guess no one wants to be forgotten,” Warford said in a phone interview from his home in Pittsburgh.

    Warford has battled major health issues for the past 20 years, culminating with a heart transplant in 2014, and a kidney transplant in 2017. He has developed a pulmonary condition that restricts his breathing. The muscles around his diaphragm have atrophied. He’s on oxygen at night. He’s 64, wheelchair-bound, and courageously facing his mortality.

    “I’m in my final stages here,” Warford said. “They’ve done everything they can do, and there’s nothing […]


    02/25/19 – KHSAA to Award Fourth Annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships at Boys’ Sweet 16®

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 25, 2019

    The KHSAA will present the fourth annual Louis Stout Memorial Scholarships during the 2019 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® to Lance Butler of Paducah Tilghman and Brynne Galloway of Garrard County.

    When former Commissioner Louis Stout passed away in 2012, his late widow Anna directed that donations on his behalf go to the Louis Stout Memorial Fund for Students. Mrs. Stout felt this was an opportunity for the KHSAA to honor student-athletes who excel in athletics, academics, school service and community service.

    Winners will receive a one-time $2,000 scholarship payable to an institution of higher learning, and were chosen after careful review, with selection criteria based on athletic activities, non-athletic activities, […]


    02/20/19 – Pannell Swim Shop/KHSAA State Swimming & Diving Championships Begin Thursday

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 20, 2018

    The 2019 Pannell Swim Shop/KHSAA State Swimming & Diving Championships (Feb. 21-23) begin Thursday with the boys’ and girls’ diving preliminaries at the Ralph Wright Natatorium on the University of Louisville campus. Boys’ diving prelims are slated for 12:30-3 p.m. followed by the girls’ diving prelims from 6:30-9 p.m.

    This year’s event features a new format, as the entirety of the boys’ swimming and diving championship will be completed on Friday, with the girls’ swimming prelims and & finals contested on Saturday. Boys’ swimming prelims begin at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, with the diving competition opening the championship finals at 5:30 p.m. and the first swimming events at 7 p.m. Saturday’s schedule of events will follow the same timeline, with the girls’ swimming prelims starting at 10:30 a.m. The girls’ championship begins with the diving finals at 5:30 p.m., followed by the girls’ swimming finals at 7 p.m.

    Tickets […]


    Rick Bolus: still scouting, still loving it, after all these years


    BY MIKE FIELDS (Feb. 20, 2019)

    Rick Bolus estimates that he’s driven more than a half-a-million miles to scout more than 10,000 high school basketball games over the last 46 years. He’s in remarkably good health considering he’s consumed several thousand concession-stand hot dogs and boxes of popcorn along the way.

    Shela Bolus, Rick’s wife, is into horses and loves trail riding. A few years ago her husband, on a rare occasion when he wasn’t sequestered in a gym somewhere, went riding with her.

    “To make a long story short,” Bolus said, “I fell off the horse and broke my thumb and five ribs.

    “That’s why I prefer basketball.”

    Bolus has always preferred hoops over horses. Basketball has always been his passion.

    He was a talented shooting guard for Male High School (Class of 1968), and his teammates included star Henry Bacon, who went on to have a solid college career at Louisville.

    At Virginia […]


    01/28/19- Preliminary Information About Calculating the RPI

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    PRELIMINARY BASICS ABOUT THE RPI (Based on the CHSAA model, final details will be released by KHSAA when the RPI is released)

    NOTE: As of September 30, 2019, this information is superseded by the final release by the KHSAA of official information and details.

    • RPI will be implemented in all sports as a publicity tool.
    • In Football, the RPI will be incorporated into the tournament rules as a means of seeding Rounds 3, 4 and 5
    • RPI stands for “Ratings Percentage Index”. In short, it is a way to measure a team’s strength relative to other teams, based largely on the strength of their schedules.
    • The RPI formula is used by both the NCAA and NAIA, along with many high school associations and among other organizations, as part of their postseason system.
    • Final details will be released with the first RPI calculations in September, 2019.

    What percentages are being used in the formula?



    02/19/19 – Board of Control Addresses Future Postseason Formats for Fall Championships

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 19, 2019

    The Board of Control reviewed postseason formats and state qualifying for several fall sports during its meeting at the KHSAA Offices on Tuesday. Changes to the state golf qualifying process and golf alignment were among the topics discussed, along with the implementation of the RPI during the Football postseason and a revision of the semi-state round for the soccer postseason.

    The final action in revising the golf regional alignment, as well as state tournament qualifying, completes nearly a full year of review of the manner in which the postseason championships are conducted in the sport. In past years, the golf format for advancement to the state tournament was for the top two teams from each region (four or five players), along with the top four girls at-large and top three boys at-large from each region, to qualify for state. Following the Board’s decision in January to revise the state […]


    Basic Explanation and Plan, the New RPI to be used for Football

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    More Details about the Use of the RPI (Football Only)

    • The RPI will be published beginning following football week 6. Publishing prior to that date will likely lead to incomplete data.
    • Football RPI is frozen after Week 11, the end of the regular season. Hereinafter, the totals will be referred to as “Playoff RPI”
    • Future consideration includes using RPI to break three-way ties within districts, but for 2019, the conventional tiebreaker remains in place.
    • Third round playoff games, for the purpose of determining the home team, will be based on Playoff RPI in all classes.
      • Highest remaining seed in regions 1-4 will host the fourth-highest remaining in regions 1-4;
      • 2nd highest remaining seed in regions 1-4 will host the third-highest remaining seed in regions 1-4;
      • Highest remaining seed in regions 5-8 host the fourth-highest remaining in regions 5-8;
      • 2nd highest remaining seed in regions 5-8 host the third-highest remaining seed in regions 5-8.
      • […]


    02/15/19 – Board of Control Election Procedures

    Athletic Department Blog Updates


    • Balloting is ONLY done online for these positions.
    • Balloting is available beginning on February 15.
    • Only the Principal or Designated Representative may vote. The names on file as verified by the KHSAA website at the time of this ballot distribution are listed on the school directory page at
    • If the wrong individual is listed as the Designated Representative, the correction may be made by anyone with Athletic Director system rights (Principal, AD) prior to the ballot being submitted. For support in correcting these entries, contact Rob Catron or Marilyn Mitchell at the KHSAA offices, however the change will be for all items related to Bylaw 1 and for the remainder of the school year.
    • Those that have multiple system roles (coach, AD, etc.) be sure you select that you are logging in as the […]


    02/15/19 – Sweet Sixteen® Online Media Credentialing System

    2018-2019 News Releases

    The media credentialing system for the 2019 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ and KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen® State Basketball Tournaments is now available online, and can be accessed by going to Both of this year’s events will be held at Rupp Arena, with the boys playing March 6-10, followed by the girls’ tournament March 13-17.

    The deadline to apply for credentials is 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to each respective tournament – March 4 for the Boys’ Sweet 16® and March 11 for the Girls.

    The intellectual property, corporate, broadcasting and media rights to all State championship rounds of the KHSAA postseason championships belong exclusively to the KHSAA, including titling agreements and sponsorships. As such, the KHSAA is the only entity permitted to originate a live broadcast during the Sweet 16® (this includes the use of […]


    2/14/19- Reminder to Schools about Esports Rosters and Information

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    For the 2018-2019 school year, KHSAA member schools participating in the sport-activity of esports through the KHSAA/PlayVs partnership are required to enter and maintain their teams, coaches and participants in the KHSAA member school database. THIS STEP DOES NOT REPLACE THE NECESSITY OF REGISTERING COACH AND PARTICIPANT SPECIFIC INFORMATION WITH PLAYVS. If you are participating in esports through another entity (not through PlayVS), please disregard this notice and do not enter your school information.


    • As with any other sport/sport-activity, the first step the AD (or other designated administrator) will need to do is update the school’s Sport Participation Information grid to add the team(s) to the database, which will then allow entry of participants and coaches. (Direct link:
    • On this grid, you will now see both of the newly added esports seasons (Esports – Fall and Esports – […]


    02/13/19 – State Wrestling Championships Begin Friday at Alltech Arena

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 13, 2019

    The 2019 KHSAA State Wrestling Championships sponsored by the U.S. Army ROTC begin Friday morning at Alltech Arena, with gates opening for fans at 8:30 a.m. and first round matches commencing at 9:30 a.m. Tickets to the State Wrestling Championships are available for purchase online at, including a discounted online-only $30 all-session pass.

    Friday’s opening session will continue through the third round of the championship bracket (bouts 1-616). Saturday’s opening session begins with third round consolation bracket matches at 9 a.m., and continues through the sixth round consolation bracket matches (bouts 785-812).

    The medal round session is scheduled to begin with the KWCA awards at 3 p.m. followed by the consolation bracket finals for third, fifth and seventh place. Upon conclusion of the consolation bracket finals, the competitors in the finals will be introduced and the first championship match will begin. Awards will be […]


    BK154-Basketball Ticket Request Form

    Online Forms



    02/12/2019-Commissioner’s Statement on NFHS Football Rule Change Related to Replay

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    KHSAA staff is aware of the rule change and thankfully, we were part of the discussion. At this point, there are no plans to implement replay for our state football championship games, which is likely the only round in which we would consider it at this time. There is also no current plans to implement replay in other sports as well. It would take considerable research into costs, facility equipment, and needed manpower before stepping into this area. We applaud our peer states for their experimentation in this area and are equally proud that they were able during an experimental period to try the rule at minimal cost. We are also aware that for the future, that “minimal cost” will be changing to market pricing and again, have to ask the question of practicality.

    While we all desire the best possible outcomes and all officials strive to “get it right”, this is truly a case where […]


    02/11/19 – Baseball Online Rules Clinic Now Available

    Baseball Blog Updates

    The 2019 Online Rules Clinic that is required for all head and assistant coaches and licensed officials in the sport of Baseball is now available. The clinic is required for ALL coaches at each school, head or assistant, paid or unpaid.


    • For member schools, the clinics are located on the School Log-in Page. To access the clinic, log in to and — under the section entitled Rules Clinics — click on the link entitled “View Online Rules Clinics“.
    • February 11 – April 15 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches at no charge during this period.
    • April 16 – May 5 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the late fee ($100) during this period.
    • May 6 – May 19 – the Clinic may be viewed by coaches for the late fee ($200) during this period. After this time, postseason penalties per Bylaw 27 will apply.
    • […]


    02/06/19 – State Bowling Championships Begin Thursday at Executive Strike & Spare

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 6, 2019

    The eighth-annual KHSAA State Bowling Championships get underway Thursday at Executive Strike & Spare in Louisville with the Unified, Adapted and Singles competitions. The Unified Championship, which is in its third year as a KHSAA offering, and the inaugural Adapted Championship start at 8:30 a.m., followed by the Boys’ and Girls’ Singles Championship at 11:30 a.m. Advanced tickets to the event can be purchased at

    The Unified Championship will consist of one qualifying game for seeding followed by baker’s doubles matches throughout a 16-team bracket. The Adapted Championship will feature one qualifying game for seeding prior to the final head-to-head matchup. The singles competition will have each competitor bowl three games before the field is trimmed to the top eight individuals. The top eight will then roll two additional games, with the top four boys’ and girls’ performers advancing to the step ladder bracket, which will continue […]


    02/05/19 – Esports Spring Season Participation Deadline February 8

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Season Zero ended last week with Boyle County High School taking home the first KHSAA esports state title. Congratulations to Coach Laymon and the BoCo Gold team. The livestream of the state championship match is available at

    The deadline to join the esports Spring 2019 season is this Friday, February 8th. If your school is interested in participating, please be sure to create an account on by the deadline to get started. You can still complete your profile and fill out your computer specifications afterward. Players have until February 22nd to sign up and finalize teams.



    • The regular season will run from the week of February 25th – April 22nd.
    • Matches will be played at 4 p.m. EST on the following days for each league:
      • Tuesdays: League of Legends – Two consecutive […]


    18-19 TV-Video – Public Service Announcements

    Public Service Announcements


    02/01/19 – 2019-20 High School Volleyball Rules Changes Impact Uniforms, Prematch Protocol

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (February 1, 2019) — An overhaul of uniform-related rules and an adjustment to team roster submissions were among the most notable rules changes identified for the 2019-20 high school volleyball season.

    All rules changes were recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Volleyball Rules Committee at its January 6-8 meeting in Indianapolis and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

    “The sport of volleyball continues to be in a really good place,” said Lindsey Atkinson, NFHS director of sports and liaison to the Volleyball Rules Committee. “The rules committee focused its changes this year on improving the administration of the match by taking into account the feedback it received via the 2018 NFHS Volleyball Rules Questionnaire.”

    The changes in uniform rules are a part of Rule 4-2, which reorganizes the uniform rule to improve understanding and eliminate solid-colored uniform requirements.

    Rule 4-2-1, which permits teammates to wear like-colored […]


    SO122-KHSAA Soccer Quarterfinal Survey

    Online Forms



    01/31/19 – Criteria for Completing Penalty Corner Among 2019 High School Field Hockey Rules Changes

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (January 31, 2019) — Rules regarding the completion of a penalty corner were among the changes for the 2019 high school field hockey season.

    All rules changes were recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Field Hockey Rules Committee at its January 7-9 meeting in Indianapolis, and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors.

    “The Field Hockey Rules Committee continues to examine current trends of the game and work on overall consistency in the rules book,” said Julie Cochran, NFHS director of sports and liaison to the NFHS Field Hockey Rules Committee. “While the sport continues to prosper, there are areas such as eye protection where the committee feels it is best to continue to research options for the betterment of the sport.”

    Regarding eye protection, the committee voted to delay the requirement for all eye protection to be permanently labeled with the ASTM 2713 standard for field […]


    01/31/19 – Dawahares/KHSAA Hall Of Fame Class Of 2019 Inductees Announced

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 31, 2019

    The Kentucky High School Athletic Association will induct its Class of 2019 into the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame presented by Roberts Insurance on Saturday, April 27, 2019, at the Hilton Downtown Lexington. This year’s 10-member class will be the 32nd inducted into the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame, and consists of former high school coaches, athletes, officials, administrators, and contributors. The Class of 2019 will also be recognized during the semifinals of the 2019 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16®. The induction of the 10-member Class of 2019 will bring the total number of honorees in the Hall of Fame to 479.

    KANDICE BROWN-PARKER (West Carter HS / Athlete) – As a senior at West Carter, Brown-Parker led the Lady Comets to the 2000 KHSAA Girls’ Sweet 16® title and was named the most valuable player of the tournament after averaging 20.3 points per game. She scored a game-high 19 points […]


    1/24/19- Dear Mom and Dad, and in some cases, School Personnel: Cool it (Op-Ed Column)

    2018-2019 News Releases

    By Karissa Niehoff, Executive Director of the National Federation of State High School Associations and Julian Tackett, Commissioner of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association.

    If you are the mother or father of a high school athlete here in Kentucky or one of the key school administrators in a member school or member school district, this message is primarily for you.

    When you attend an athletic event that involves your son or daughter, or the members of your student body, cheer to your heart’s content, enjoy the camaraderie that high school sports offer and have fun. But when it comes to verbally criticizing game officials or coaches, it’s time for everyone to cool it. “The time has come for everyone involved in the game to “pump the brakes” as it relates to conduct at games, particularly, the parents who attend,” noted NFHS Executive Director Karissa Niehoff.

    Make no mistake about it. Your passion is admired, […]


    18-19 Radio – Public Service Announcements

    Public Service Announcements


    Guy Strong’s remarkable life in sports: ‘I’ve done it all and seen it all.’


    BY MIKE FIELDS (Jan. 24, 2019)

    WINCHESTER — The tapestry of Guy Strong’s life in sports, intricately woven over seven decades, is made up of his many accomplishments as a player and coach, and all the notable people he influenced and befriended along the way.

    It’s difficult to quantify, and impossible to fully appreciate, everything Strong experienced from the time he was a star athlete at Irvine High School in the late 1940s to when he retired as basketball coach at George Rogers Clark in the early 2000s.

    But the 88-year-old former coach and educator knows he had an exhilarating ride, most of which he was lucky enough to share with Aleen, his wife of 64 1/2 years before she passed away in 2016.

    “Like I told one of my daughters, ‘When I go, I want you all to be happy because I’ve had a great life,’” Strong said in a recent interview. “I don’t want anybody […]


    01/23/19 – Collins HS to Host Esports Season Zero Championship Monday

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 23, 2019

    The Season Zero Esports State Championship will be determined Monday at Collins High School, when squads from St. Henry District and Boyle County square off to decide the first state champion in a best-of-three League of Legends match. Admission to the esports state championship is free, though interested fans should reserve their tickets online at

    Those unable to attend Monday’s championship can watch the event live online through the NFHS Network or (

    Through its partnership with PlayVs, the KHSAA offered its member schools a new participation opportunity in October to join Season Zero and compete in League of Legends. The esports program will expand for the spring season, with team competing in League of Legends, SMITE and Rocket League. For more information on the Spring Season, visit


    About the Kentucky High School Athletic Association
    The Kentucky High […]


    01/18/19 – Sweet 16® Draw Show to Air Monday, January 28th on CW Lexington,

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 18, 2019

    Pairings for the 2019 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet Sixteen® and the 2019 KHSAA Girls’ Sweet Sixteen® will be revealed on Monday, January 28th at 1 p.m. (ET) when the annual Sweet 16® Draw Show is televised by The CW Lexington. The Sweet 16® Draw Show will also be streamed live online at and, and broadcast by WYMT (Hazard), WBKO (Bowling Green), WSAZ (Huntington) and WFIE (Evansville, on its app).

    The 102nd installment of the boys’ basketball state tournament will be held March 6-10 when the 2019 Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys’ Sweet 16® heads to Rupp Arena. The 58th KHSAA Girls’ Sweet 16® will take place the following week (March 13-17) and will be a historic event for the KHSAA, with Rupp Arena playing host to the tournament for the first time.

    The 2019 Girls’ Sweet 16® will mark the first time the girls’ state tournament has been played […]


    01/16/19 – Board of Control Sets Sites for State Softball and State Archery; Reviews Football Playoff Format

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 16, 2019

    In its first meeting of the new year on Wednesday at the KHSAA Offices, the Board of Control finalized locations for two spring championships while addressing the future playoff structure for football and continuing its research for future revisions to state golf.

    Following last year’s action by the Board to transition the state softball tournament from a double-elimination format to single elimination, create an eight-team state tournament and a semi-state round, KHSAA staff sent out information to prospective cities interested in hosting the event. After reviewing information and options from both Lexington and Louisville, the Board approved a recommendation to award the 2019 and 2020 State Softball Championships to the University of Kentucky’s John Cropp Stadium.

    “The young ladies in the Commonwealth are so blessed to have great facilities interested in hosting the revised state tournament format,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “It will change many of the dynamics […]


    01/15/19 – Winter Sports Championship Credentials

    2018-2019 News Releases

    The KHSAA’s online media credentialing system for the Winter Sports Championships (Bowling, Wrestling, Swimming & Diving) is now live, and can be accessed by going to

    Credentials to each KHSAA state championship event are issued by the KHSAA to working members of the media that regularly cover high school athletics. Credentials must be requested prior to the established deadline for each sport through the online credentialing system (

    Credentials should be requested by the sports editor/director for all members of his/her organization needing to attend an event. Credentials for freelance photographers and stringers must be requested by the sports editor/director at the outlet the freelancer will be representing. No credentials will be issued outside of the online credentialing system. The KHSAA reserves the right to limit the quantity of credentials issued to media outlets when space is at a premium.

    Failure to adhere to the KHSAA policies and guidelines, as well as […]


    01/11/19 – Esports Season Zero Playoff Info, Spring Season Update

    2018-2019 News Releases

    The playoffs for Esports Season Zero are underway! Congratulations to Wolves Blue from Wolfe County High School for an undefeated regular season. They will face off against BoCo Black from Boyle County High School in the semifinals next week.

    A huge congratulations to all of the following schools for making it into the Top 8:

    Cardinals 1 from Nelson County
    SDHS from St. Henry District
    Titans from Collins
    Paarthurnax from Warren Central
    BoCo Gold from Boyle County 
    Eagle Level 7 from Johnson Central

    Schools and students alike have seen the tremendous benefits of participating in esports.

    “Collins High School esports has given a select group of students the chance to get out of their comfort zone and be a part of something with our school. It’s fun to see them interact with students they wouldn’t have without this opportunity. Win, lose, or draw this is a success!” – Powell Miller […]


    BW110 – Regional Bowling Entry Form

    Online Forms



    BW127 – Regional Unified/Adapted Bowling Entry Form

    Online Forms



    12/18/18 – Initial Basketball Stat Leader Reports Released

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 18, 2018

    The first statistical leader reports of the 2018-19 season for girls’ and boys’ basketball have been posted at The leader reports will be updated every day at approximately 3 a.m., and will include all teams missing stats for no more than two games.

    Statistical entry is required of all member schools, and those failing to meet the requirement to enter stats are subject to penalties from the Commissioner, including fines and other actions within the constraints of Bylaw 27. Member schools are solely responsible for submitting statistical information. If a school or individual is omitted, or information is not updated, that means the team in question did not update its statistics through the KHSAA’s online system prior to the deadline.

    Based upon recommendations from the Basketball Advisory Committee, the fine for schools not in compliance was doubled in 2017, as it creates a competitive imbalance for those that […]


    12/14/18 – Swimming & Diving Updates & Reminders

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    There are a variety of reminders and updates included below for Swimming & Diving Coaches and participants. The information below supersedes any previous communication/interpretation issued.

    Regular Season Schedule for Both Swimming and Diving
    The Association has been communicating with Invitational meet hosts in an attempt to update the KHSAA website listing. Please review and email Kara Howard ( with any details if you are hosting any type of swim meet, including a diving invitational. Please include details such as the use of electronic relay equipment, use of wedges and if diving is part of the meet. To report your meet, go to

    Diving Coach Designation
    Administrators, please make sure the information on your diving coach (name and email address) has been entered in the school personnel area through the KHSAA website to assist these coaches in getting proper communications from the office. Even if your swimming coach is also the diving coach, […]


    12/11/18 – New ACL Injury Prevention Course Available on NFHS Learning Center

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (December 11, 2018) — A new online education course regarding ACL injury prevention is now available on the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Learning Center, thanks to a partnership between the NFHS and Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS).

    The “ACL Injury Prevention” course is part of a sponsorship agreement between the NFHS and the NFHS Network, and HSS, the leading orthopedic hospital in the United States located in New York City. HSS is ranked No. 1 in orthopedics for the ninth consecutive year in 2018-19 by U.S. News & World Report. The course is available free of charge on the NFHS Learning Center at

    While the course is designed to help coaches reduce the risk of ACL injuries to their student-athletes, it can be beneficial for administrators, students, parents and others as well. The course deals with the causes of ACL injuries, how to identify and correct movement […]


    12/12/18 – Reminder about Stats Collection REQUIREMENT and Penalties for Noncompliance

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    Starting next week, the KHSAA will begin compiling daily statewide statistical leader reports for boys’ and girls’ basketball. The reports will be updated every day at approximately 3 a.m., allowing for more current and up-to-date information to be displayed at

    Statistical entry is required of all member schools, and those failing to meet the requirement to enter stats are subject to penalties from the Commissioner, including fines and other actions within the constraints of Bylaw 27. Based upon recommendations from the Basketball Advisory Committee in 2016, the fine for schools not in compliance was doubled, as it creates a competitive imbalance for those that do participate.

    The requirement to enter statistics, which has been in place for several years, was reiterated to coaches during the online rules clinic. Statistical entry has the benefit of allowing member schools to highlight and promote the accomplishment of their student-athletes, which should be a priority for all involved […]


    12/12/18 – KHSAA State Dance Championships This Saturday at Frederick Douglass HS

    2018-2019 News Releases

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 12, 2018

    The second KHSAA State Dance Championships will be held this Saturday at Frederick Douglass High School, starting at 9 a.m. with the Jazz Small, Hip Hop Large, Pom Large and Jazz Large divisions. Awards for the first session are tentatively scheduled for 11:30 a.m., with the second session (Hip Hop Small, Pom Small) set to begin at 1 p.m. The last performance of the afternoon session is slated for 4 p.m., with awards to begin at approximately 4:20 p.m.

    Advance tickets to the event are available for purchase online ( Fans that purchase tickets in advance through GoFan will be able to enter the gym before tickets go on sale to the general public at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning.

    The KHSAA State Dance Championships will be webcast live at for subscribers to the NFHS Network ( Subscription plans for the NFHS Network are available […]


    12/10/18- Early Season Basketball/Wrestling Interpretations

    Athletic Department Blog Updates

    This is being posted on the KHSAA basketball and wrestling web pages, as well as being distributed to all schools, basketball officials, and basketball assigners via email.

    As we begin the basketball and wrestling seasons, three issues have been consistently discussed with communication to and from the KHSAA offices and various association representatives.


    All receiving this communication are reminded that there is no appeal of a judgment call by an official, including ejection of a player or coach. Bylaw 21 is explicit in that not only may protests not be granted, but they may not even be considered. This is not to say that coaches and school representatives should not give feedback to the local assigning secretaries.

    As independent contractors, it is important that the assigners receive feedback as such not only helps the development of the officiating staff in that association but also helps the assigner determine future assignments. But this review […]


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